Brock could win at Wrestlemania

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Do we really know for sure that Brock Lesnar will drop the WWE World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania? Might WWE want to keep the gold on Lesnar to make him their must-see attraction?

WWE will have to make Lesnar an offer he can't refuse in order to keep him. What could that entail? A boatload of millions, a multi-year title reign as the marquee star, 100% freedom to pursue non-WWE projects, and very limited dates.

What would this mean for the world title picture? Lesnar still wants his breaks, right? WWE could bring back the World Heavyweight Championship as their regularly defended belt.

This would allow the active roster to fight for a world title while letting Lesnar reign as the special attraction WWE Champion. This way Lesnar could hold on to the championship for multiple years, restoring mystique to both Brock Lesnar and the WWE Title.

Should WWE give Brock Lesnar a multi-year WWE Title reign? Would that be a good or poor long term strategy?
If rumours are to be believed, Brocks contract is up after Mania and he's looking to return to MMA. If this is true WWE have been rediculously stupid. They have let him break the streak and defeat Cena, in the process making Cena look weak at Summerslam.

IF he does quit WWE and make a return to MMA the only winner is whichever MMA orginisation signs him. Brock brought in over 1 million ppv buys for UFC which they haven't achieved since. Now with Brock having such a dominent reign in WWE he will be a huge attration to MMA fans again. Dana White must be smiling from ear to ear, I imagine he will pay top dollar to get Brock back if its what he decides to do. Dana white will then have Brock and Punk. Both of whom will generate huge PPV numbers.

WWE really have not looked at the long term with having Brock as champion. He didn't need the title to be a special attraction. He could have been used to put the full time roster over. He could have made stars out of the likes of Wyat, Ambrose and more importantly Reigns, since the WWE seem intent of making him there new #1 babayface.
Brock Lesnar seems to have it all being paid millions for only a handfull of appearances per year and still be their dominant world champion for most of the year who wouldn't want that kind of deal and would be hard to walk away from an equal new deal like that and I guess it all depends on what UFC would offer him though.
I think if he is leaving I don't think he will even retain the title past the Royal Rumble and he could still be used at Wrestlemania to put someone like Roman Reigns over just not for the world title.
It does seem mad the WWE have built him up as their top guy beating the Undertaker streak and completly dominating their previous top guy John Cena in their matches just to lose once to Roman Reigns then leave for the competition.
I don't really want the WWE title defended 4 times a year tbh... The WHC is NOT the WWE championship, it's basically a glorified WCW World Title and it doesn't have anywhere near the history in the WWE that the WWE title has. You'd basically have all your full time guys fighting for a B championship while Lesnar is allowed to sit on his ass with the A title, and do nothing... and you want this to happen for multiple years? Sorry man, but that's ludicrous imo.

Brock is not the attraction or the draw that he used to be, the RAW viewership for this week pretty much shows that. Also people are already fed up with the WWE title being gone for a few months, how do you think they would react if it were gone for years?

Just let Lesnar leave, he's worth nowhere near what they pay him.
Do we really know for sure that Brock Lesnar will drop the WWE World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania? Might WWE want to keep the gold on Lesnar to make him their must-see attraction?

WWE will have to make Lesnar an offer he can't refuse in order to keep him. What could that entail? A boatload of millions, a multi-year title reign as the marquee star, 100% freedom to pursue non-WWE projects, and very limited dates.

What would this mean for the world title picture? Lesnar still wants his breaks, right? WWE could bring back the World Heavyweight Championship as their regularly defended belt.

This would allow the active roster to fight for a world title while letting Lesnar reign as the special attraction WWE Champion. This way Lesnar could hold on to the championship for multiple years, restoring mystique to both Brock Lesnar and the WWE Title.

Should WWE give Brock Lesnar a multi-year WWE Title reign? Would that be a good or poor long term strategy?

It's poor strategy. Lesnar has held the title since Summerslam and we've seen him a total of about 3 times since, with one title defense in there. Stupid move by the WWE to put the strap on a part time wrestler, and I sincerely hope they don't do it again.

As stated by others, Lesnar isn't the draw he once was and we don't see enough of him to make it worth the WWE's time and money.

Doubtful they will bring back the WHC belt, they just unified them. If they did that then they would have to admit that this experiment was a failure. I think they'll take the strap off Lesnar before admitting that.

The WWE are idiots if they offer a part time talent, one who doesn't give a damm about this product millions of dollars to basically sit at home, again. Let Brock go back to UFC, let him work a few days a year for a big paycheck, and let us get back to normal.
I didn't read what everyone else said, but my opinion is that it should not happen. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion should be the focus of most, if not all WWE shows. Every time your flagship show goes on and the champion isn't apart of it, the value of the title declines. That theory of a multi-year reign would work if there wasn't a weekly show and a monthly PPV like in the days when Hogan was the champ. Lesnar seems to have the WWE by the balls and it's a shame because he's not as good as he used to be and he doesn't draw nearly as much either. The WWE will be much better once he's gone and there is someone to carry the strap that will represent the WWE, not just themselves.
Sometimes I find myself forgetting who the Champion is considering how little we've seen of him lately. I really hope they make him drop the title before or at WrestleMania. I honestly don't even really care who takes the title from him, as long as we get to see the Championship be defended. Lesnar's title reign has been the complete opposite of what it was supposed to be.
When WWE has no world champion on its major shows, the sense of "what are they fighting for?" creeps in.

Here's the problem: Vince McMahon has dug his heels into the Brock Lesnar mega-push. I suspect McMahon wants to keep Lesnar as champion for a long time. My problem is if WWE goes that route, they better give fans a reason to tune in every week. If it's not the reintroduction of an old world title, I don't know what the reason to watch would be.

I agree with some of the sentiments above. It will be easier if Lesnar just drops the belt.
If WWE were smart they would have him drop the Title before Mania so its not so predictable. Either a Cena clean win/Rollins cash in, etc....
If he has the title at Mania everyone will know he will lose....

He doesn't even need to be at WM...Reigns can fight rollins for the title
It will be a great card with or without Lesnar
If WWE were smart they would have him drop the Title before Mania so its not so predictable. Either a Cena clean win/Rollins cash in, etc....
If he has the title at Mania everyone will know he will lose....

He doesn't even need to be at WM...Reigns can fight rollins for the title
It will be a great card with or without Lesnar

I agree but you know WWE doesn't care about predictability unfortunately, they just care about money. Look at Rock vs. Cena II at WM 29.

The thing is WrestleMania has a unique audience than the other PPVs so having a big money fight is key. I don't think Reigns vs. Rollins is a WrestleMania main event caliber match.
I see Lesnar dropping the title at the Rumble due to Orton run in-interference causing Cena to win the title and enter Mania a 16 time champion. Lesnar vs Orton at Mania and Cena vs Reigns.
Reigns wins the Royal Rumble. Beats Brock at Wrestlemania 31. Heyman starts talking shit about Reigns, and introduces his newest client, Seth Rollins.
Yes, I suppose if the company has somehow gotten Brock to agree to an extension, there would be no reason to have him lose at WM31. This would mean continuing in the direction they've been going since Brock defeated Undertaker, casting Brock as an unbeatable monster who wrestles only once in a while.....a practice that didn't seem particularly inconvenient before he became world champion, but puts a big crimp in things since he did.

I believe many of us have been going on the presumption he's leaving after WM31, and therefore losing either at the Royal Rumble....or at WM31....or both. If this is so, the only questions are whether he's going out by losing to John Cena after humbling him twice, or putting over a young talent.....or even boosting Daniel Bryan's stock to the sky.

The biggest question is: Can WWE coax a new contract with more appearances by Brock.......and would they want to?
I don't know if Brock has definitely signed on with UFC but they have medically cleared him to return. Supposedly the WWE is expecting Brock to leave after WM but the only ones that really know are the two parties involved. If he has a signed contract with UFC then there is no way his WWE contract can be extended.
I hope Brock wins the Royal Rumble, as his super push has been wasted if he puts over Cena, who doesn't need that kind of victory- even if that does conclude their storyline. Rollins getting the pin would be better, but that would be undermined by the 3-way aspect.

I do hope Lesnar loses at Wrestlemania, as long as it's a meaningful loss. I'm tired of him as champion because he defends so little, but it would be a HUGE wrestlemania moment seeing him dethroned- whether it's against Reigns, Bryan or Ziggler.
If rumours are to be believed, Brocks contract is up after Mania and he's looking to return to MMA. If this is true WWE have been rediculously stupid. They have let him break the streak and defeat Cena, in the process making Cena look weak at Summerslam.

IF he does quit WWE and make a return to MMA the only winner is whichever MMA orginisation signs him. Brock brought in over 1 million ppv buys for UFC which they haven't achieved since. Now with Brock having such a dominent reign in WWE he will be a huge attration to MMA fans again. Dana White must be smiling from ear to ear, I imagine he will pay top dollar to get Brock back if its what he decides to do. Dana white will then have Brock and Punk. Both of whom will generate huge PPV numbers.

WWE really have not looked at the long term with having Brock as champion. He didn't need the title to be a special attraction. He could have been used to put the full time roster over. He could have made stars out of the likes of Wyat, Ambrose and more importantly Reigns, since the WWE seem intent of making him there new #1 babayface.

Utter nonsense.

Brock is the special attraction and having him put over full time members of the roster does absolutely zero for his credibility and absolute zero for WWE paying him top dollar.

Ending the streak, Beating Cena and holding the belt only gives Brock prestige and if he is leaving he will almost certainly go out on his back by putting someone over.

And if Brock leaves. He leaves. It doesn't matter if he goes to UFC, NFL or the NHL. WWE suffers regardless of where he goes. WWE and UFC are not in competition my friend. They are apples and oranges.
Do we really know for sure that Brock Lesnar will drop the WWE World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania? Might WWE want to keep the gold on Lesnar to make him their must-see attraction?

WWE will have to make Lesnar an offer he can't refuse in order to keep him. What could that entail? A boatload of millions, a multi-year title reign as the marquee star, 100% freedom to pursue non-WWE projects, and very limited dates.

What would this mean for the world title picture? Lesnar still wants his breaks, right? WWE could bring back the World Heavyweight Championship as their regularly defended belt.

This would allow the active roster to fight for a world title while letting Lesnar reign as the special attraction WWE Champion. This way Lesnar could hold on to the championship for multiple years, restoring mystique to both Brock Lesnar and the WWE Title.

Should WWE give Brock Lesnar a multi-year WWE Title reign? Would that be a good or poor long term strategy?

No. If Brock was to retain the title at WrestleMania, it definitely would throw everybody off.

I guess Brock would want more money if anything since he don't have that many dates he's had to work.

I don't think they'll bring back the WHC after what they did at TLC 2013.
I doubt it. Even Vince knows that there's only so long that he can pull off having a World Champion that often disappears for 3 or 4 months a time, comes back to wrestle once or twice in a 3 or 4 month period and disappear again. By WrestleMania XXXI, Brock Lesnar will have been WWE World Heavyweight Champion for 224 days and will have wrestled a total of 3 matches as champion, 4 if he wrestles at the Fast Lane ppv though I won't be surprised if he doesn't. Just to be on the safe side, let's that the triple threat match this Sunday will be his last until WrestleMania XXXI. If so, then Lesnar will have only wrestled 3 times as WWE World Heavyweight Champion in a total of 7.5 months. If Lesnar was wrestling in Japan or Mexico, this would be perfectly normal as it's not at all uncommon for a wrestler to have reigns ranging anywhere from 200 to 500 days with only a very small handful of defenses. However, this isn't Japan or Mexico and American fans are used to seeing the WWE World Champion more than 2 or 3 times every 3 or 4 months.

By WrestleMania XXXI, I don't see much of a reason for Lesnar to keep the title, even if he & WWE extend his current deal. I also don't think most fans will be all that excited about it either. If Vince thinks otherwise, then he genuinely is out of touch with fans because fans just won't kneel & bow before the greatness of Brock Lesnar gracing them with his presence a small handful of times a year just because Vince McMahon believes they should. That's not how it works anymore.
Brock signed a great contract that makes him champion, allows him to pick and chose when he appears TV and what PPV's to be on. The mistake that Vince made in keeping Brock out of sight to build up his character actually makes people less interested in him. Vince, the master businessman, was taken to school by Brock and his agent.
Even if Brock decides to stay I am not sure what there is left for him to do....

Beaten the authority figure = CHECK
Beaten the IWC darling = CHECK
Ended the streak = CHECK
Beaten the face of the WWE = CHECK
Won the WWE Championship = CHECK

He is probably going to go up against Reigns at Mania 31 so all that remains is a possible David vs Goliath clash with Daniel Bryan and possibly a Beast vs Animal clash with Batista. I do not see anyone else worthy of stepping in the ring with Lesnar.
The only way I would even consider Brock retaining the title at WM is if he is willing to wrestle at every ppv in his next contract. Then it might be worth it.

Asking Brock to wrestle once a month and maybe do 2 or 3 raw episode a month isn't a big workload. It's only 3 or 4 dates a month. Wrestling once a month is a lot easier on the body than going back to UFC. If I was Vince I would call his bluff.
Oh sweet dear baby Jesus no. Brock has been booked terribly since winning the strap. What I, and probably many others wanted to see, was him defending the belt every PPV against a big name. By this point Brock should have beaten Cena, beaten Orton, beaten Jericho, beaten Big Show [again] and at the Rumble beat another big name while turning back an impromptu challenge from the MITB holder. That's domination... but no...

Instead Brock beat Taker, then Cena, before nearly being beat by Cena in the rematch and losing via DQ... before going MIA from TV and all aspects of the company before showing up towards what is now "his road to dropping the belt."

I don't think it was ever WWE's intention to make Brock look dominant. He's been booked as a clear transitional champ ever since HIAC, and quite frankly I hope he loses the belt at the Rumble. And if he survives and defends at Mania, then I hope he gets squashed by Reigns or Bryan or whomever wins the Rumble. In no way should Brock retain at Mania. It would be totally pointless at this point due to his awful booking.
Brock is going down in weight to meet his weight class for MMA, he is not resigning with WWE. To answer your question he could still win his match and than say there is nothing left for me and walk away with the Title. Than on Monday they can start a Tournament for the vacant Title.

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