bringing some former Knockouts to wwe


Dark Match Jobber
Now i know that some of the women that work for TNA may not look or want to work for wwe ways for womens wrestling and being called a "diva" but i would like to see if they would bring some women from TNA that were release to wwe to help bring back from the era of lita, trish, victoria, and molly. here are some women that i feel can help and work well in wwe.

Alissa Flash---she has worked a match on wwe and she has good ring style. i like her look and can fit in wwe since there is beth, natalya, tamina, and serena that her unique but beautiful.

Victoria----bring her back and give the girl a good run but i know that wwe wont since she did part ways with the company in a bad way but wwe are forgiving. i hope if wwe brings her back they dont use her as a joke.

Sojo Bolt---wwe needs more black female wrestlers and with sojo she is good, sexy and has attitude to match with the divas in the wwe.

Tracy Brooks---she is hot as hell and can be a good addition to the roster but i feel she may have a Jillian type of role as a joke and may not be used right.

Roxxi---she can be one bad ass girl in wwe. i feel more for roxxi to be in the role of serena but serena is doing a great job at it. but roxxi can be a good addition to the roster.

anyone agree?, disagree?, or maybe have another former knockout to say well let her voice be heard.
Totally agree on most of these wrestlers and you should include Kong, the WWE really need a female wrestler situation like what they had with Chyna. A powerhouse like Kong in the WWE would put all the divas in WWE on notice and increase the competition and level of excitement for the divas.
I like the idea of a Knockout or two heading over to WWE and making an actual impression in the Women's division, I really do, but it's most likely not happening.

WWE uses models. That's pretty much been the thing since practically the brands split, except it dwindled to less masculine women to lingerie models and whatnot. I'm not saying TNA Knockouts aren't sexy; I would tune into TNA just to see a women's bout. But WWE has its standards and since rumor was Mickie James (perhaps the most imposing woman in wrestling) was getting a little bit thick for 'E's liking, odds are they aren't going to hire someone like Awesome Kong anytime soon.

Victoria was there and in the end barely made an appearance upon her dismissal and had unnoticeable feuds. The rest might stand a chance though
Now i know that some of the women that work for

Victoria----bring her back and give the girl a good run but i know that wwe wont since she did part ways with the company in a bad way but wwe are forgiving. i hope if wwe brings her back they dont use her as a joke.

WWE are only forgiving if it means they can make money and Victoria isn't exactly a Bret Hart. The only former knockout that I think can make any kind of impact in WWE is Awesome Kong.
Awesome Kong would be great to see, but it won't happen. The Glamazon is about as big as the "E" is gonna get with its Divas anymore. The KO I would love to see is Roxxi though. She is gorgeous, has a great body, and can wrestle a hell of a match. I could see her as another SES member, perhaps fueding with Serena for C.M. Punk's attention.

And with ODB gone from TNA, I would love to see her also, she is just damn entertaining. But, alas, tig ol' bitties, a chick mullet, and a flask... not in the "E".

And there you have it.
I'm torn on this one. I'm not entirely sure who or if I would like this move. It would greatly depend on how whomever were used I guess. ODB is a big powerful chick so I could see her being a menace in WWE. Roxxi is one of the better female wrestlers from TNA so I wouldn't mind seeing her in there. She is also decent enough looking with potential and in good enough shape to measure up with the WWE Divas. I don't think I agree with Traci Brooks, she never seemed like a very great wrestler and that is what I would be looking for from any girl from TNA if I'm going to take them, wrestling ability. Victoria's knees are shot, she doesn't have much left which is why her TNA run was actually a big deal to her, don't expect the WWE to be blowing up HER phone. Sojo Bolt, can hardly remember her, next person. Alisha Flash, not too familiar with her either, next. Oh yeah, Awesome Kong. As much as I like AK, I don't think that is someone I'd care to see in WWE. I don't think they'd use her right, and I wouldn't want to watch Kong lose to someone like Leyla, Michelle McCool, Kelly Kelly, etc... pretty girls with less ability.
Highly unlikely the WWE will be signing any former TNA KO's, with the list you have created. They already have some girls in FCW ready to go and be brought up the main rosters (such as AJ Lee). The WWE does not perceive their woman's division as an important entity like these girls do and use girls like fitness models and such to launch their careers. It's much easier to get a pretty person to wrestle than it is to get a female wrestler to become pretty.

Awesome Kong has very little chances. The matches between her and most of the other diva's will not look credible considering the size differences. TNA pulled it off due to the fact that they had wrestlers who knew how to wrestle with a girl her size. She could wrestle amongst the men, but that's besides the initial point. Alissa Flash has potential too, but she left TNA because she didn't feel as if she could perform on the mainstream circuit (aka personal choices). ODB used to be on a contract in OVW and she can definitely feud with the characters on the current roster like LayCool and Maryse. She has to use her gimmick to get a WWE contract but the initials in the name would directly clash with the PG era, unless they change the name. Then again, I could see the WWE watering her down if she did get called up and that's not a thing ODB would want.

Other than that, I don't see anyone else getting a contract with the WWE.
Man I would LOOOOOVEEE to see Tracy Brooks in the WWE, that girl is fkin gorgeous!!! I could see her being used as a manager but not actually wrestling to be honest.

Kong would be great too, but I agree with an earlier poster in saying that she is probably too big for Vince to consider, which sucks.

ODB is cool, but probably not a WWE style character, and doesnt have the look Vince loves, so thats probably a no-go

Tara/Victoria- shes stunningly sexy, a great wrestler and should definately be re-signed, this is one I CAN see happening, she needs to be back in the 'E thats for sure
There is one problem with bringing in TNA's women. WWE does not care about women's wrestling. The only reason why any of the recently released "Knockouts" would sign with the WWE is for a paycheck. A paycheck does not equal good matches.
odb? could take the female version of stone cold as a hellraiser. play it off like shes related to steve
kong only if they were looking at a fued with phoenix after having kong destroy everybody
victoria? not sure how that would play out unless she "mentored or masterminded" some other thing
roxxi? the next mickie james
flash? the closest thing you will get to lita. maybe bring her in as a love interest hor hardy to recreate the team extreme feel
I would like to see some of the former knockouts in wwe, let the diva's see what wrestling looks like. Let's be honest, with the exception of Gail Kim(who gets buried) and Beth Phoenix( Injured) the diva's are nothing more then filler and eye candy. Imo it appears that the knockouts are headed the same direction since Bischoff and Hogan came in. The women that can wrestle disappear and the ones that can't do much more then shake their ass like a stripper, get the title runs. ODB, Alisha Flash, Roxxi and Awesome Kong woulkd be a shot in the arm to a joke Diva division. Therefore I'd like to see some of the knockouts in wwe, although I'd love to see Roxxi next to me when I wake up in the morning.
Totally agree on most of these wrestlers and you should include Kong, the WWE really need a female wrestler situation like what they had with Chyna. A powerhouse like Kong in the WWE would put all the divas in WWE on notice and increase the competition and level of excitement for the divas.

They are using Beth Pheonix as the new Chyna.

I actually find the Knockouts entertaining, even the Beatiful People are entertaining.
I think that if the WWE could have their pick at any TNA Knockout, past and present, they'd want Velvet Sky. She's signed to the roster, but like I said, if WWE could just kind of cherry pick from the TNA roster, they'd have to look at Velvet. She isn't the best wrestler on the TNA roster but I guarantee you she'd become one OF the best wrestlers on the WWE roster. Plus she's hot as FUCK.

If we're strictly saying "Who could the WWE sign RIGHT NOW who USED to be a knockout" though, I definitely think it'd have to be Roxxi. Roxxi has a huge following here on the IWC, is a definite draw, is a sexy chick, and above all else she can actually wrestle very well. Not as hot as Velvet, but significantly better wrestling ability and much more personality to use in storylines as both a heel and a babyface character.
The only 1 that can make a big impact would be Awesome Kong..she could dominate the divas in wwe and think of the match: Beth Pheonix vs that could be huge... She could help bring real storylines back in the wwe for the divas...
What is with everyone saying Awesome Kong should do the big E?? Do you guys really think Vince McMahon is going to sign on a plus size woman to feud with his strippers/fitness models/playmates? If Kong comes in she is going to be nothing but more big people comedy and probably start an on-air relationship with Khali or some shit.

TNA Knockouts need nothing to do with WWE Divas, because the majority just aren't 'E material. Sure there is Victoria, but she isn't a good draw either and quite frankly sucked on her last limbs of Smackdown. Velvet Sky and those that have more looks than talent could make it in WWE it's true, hell most divas now are nothing but eye candy. Lacy Von Erich would fit right in.

But those saying Kong should get in need to look at how Vince does business a little bit more.
Out of the possible choices. Flash just seems like the ideal choice. She's just too good to pass up in terms of wrestling ability. Plus she's still incredibly hot and unlike Gail Kim who has pretty much become a jobber in the Diva's division (Like they need any more than they have right now), She looks like she could have a chance in the WWE.

Roxxi seems alright as well, but seeing her in the WWE and I'm gonna think of Braden Walker's illustrious career. I don't think she'd last that long on that global of a scale. If she can't decide whether or not to stay in TNA, the WWE would probably have a field day with her firing.
Well, in my opinion:

1) TBP are hot and they have the coolest entrance music.

2) I agree with you GUN......I can see comedy nonsense all over the place with Vinny's current writing crew if they got a hold of Kong.

3) But I also agree with you RKO.....Kong would be awesome in "E" and bring some credibility back to the division.
Seriously you guys, you have to remember, Mickie James got fired partly due to her being overweight. I never saw it, and tbh I thought she had a great body, but the WWE saw her as being overweight. Alissa Flash is built almost exactly the same as Mickie. It wouldn't work. That's why I'm saying Velvet Sky would be ideal with Roxxi being the more realistic ideal.
The thing is the reason the former Knockouts were Knockouts was because WWE were/are unlikely to give them contracts. People mention how Kong would be a great addition to the Divas, while she would WWE has been in the 'model' Divas mindset for so long that it would be difficult for larger women to be taken seriously, heck Natalya isn't being used as she could and they had the whole 'Piggy James' angle so could you really see someone like Kong making an impact on WWE tv and not be reduced to jobber status???
Alissa flash would be the best addition for WWE atm. They need someone as a powerhouse (not as big as chyna) to replace Beth Phoenix and she is really great. As for roxxi she isn't WWE material. While victoria and traci brooks could have decent heel runs but not a big one like alissa flash could get.
The thing with signing former knockouts is that you really have to have a certain look to be a WWE diva, and I know that's what frustrates people about the WWE, but that's just the way it is. If you're not pleasant to look at, they're not going to sign you, plain and simple. Honestly, I think Victoria/Tara has more of a chance to be signed again than any other former knockout does, simply because of her history with them and the fact that even despite her age, she still has an attractive body. Her wrestling skills aren't what they once were, but that's never what WWE's emphasis has been on, and she could give a lot of their new up-and-coming divas a good veteran to work with and help them to improve their skills.
What's the point, really? WWE took TNA's best female (Kim) and she's done nothing of note at all in the year or so since she's returned to the company. If the best TNA Knockout who had previous experience with the WWE can't do anything, why should we expect anything different from the other chicks you listed, most of which are garbage. Sojo Bolt? Traci Brooks? Seriously?

This isn't going to happen as none of the remaining Knockouts (of which there are about 6) really fit the WWE mold. Just not happening.
I could care less about the Divas anymore, All they have become is eye candy, Not saying i think they are but they dont wrestling that well anymore, most the time its just to get the male attention. I take female wrestlers VERY seriously. And i think if they keep Divas just for that, then it sucks. Vince wouldnt want Awesome Kong, hell they had a problem with Mickies weight, imagine what they would say about hers. Divas need some story line these days you dont see the classic female manager betrays male wrestler anymore. Except for Zack Rydar but that didnt go anywhere
I think WWE should hire a bunch of these Divas. I highly doubt hiring a bunch of Divas would do any real damage to there bank account plus it would make a division worth watching. They have to take some of there pretty divas they have now who are wrestling and make them...MANAGERS. What ever happen to managers! The only manager I can think of is Natalya who most likely can wrestle. We can still have are eye candy and have a good women division.
There are a few. Roxxi, definitely would be great to see her in the WWE. Alyssa Flash, thats another one, I think she could be successful as well.
The only others that come to mind are Taylor Wild and Sarita, I have seen them on Impact recently, but where the hell have they been? TNA needs to drop the knockout tag titles as there is just not enough knockouts to continue with it. WWE should recruit some more and then make the Co-Women's champions tag team titles.

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