Bringing Back Double-J; What Can They Do That Hasn't Already Been Done?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner

Jeff Jarrett has been gone from Impact Wrestling since June of 2011. At some point, you have to figure TNA will want to bring him back. He's 45, and still very much able to go in the ring. He's still a great mic worker, and his feud with Kurt Angle was one of my favorites of 2011. Many have speculated having him as the leader, or one of the leaders of Aces & Eights. Regardless of HOW it's done, he will inevitably come back at some point.

The question is, can TNA do something with him that hasn't been done in his last 2+ decades of professional wrestling? I'm not saying it has to be wholly original - everything is contrived of something, after all - but there's got to be some new feuds with all the ways the TNA roster has evolved in the last year or two.

Anybody have any thoughts on potential angles or feuds?

Jeff Hardy: It's been done. It's actually been done recently(ish), and with the idea that Hardy wants "one more chance" at life, and Jarrett was unwilling to give it to him. But if Hardy does manage to win the "big one" at Bound for Glory, his redemption will come full circle. I'd like to see Jeff Jarrett return to TNA as the vengeful heel who got kicked to the curb, while his one-time rival and former drug addict is carrying the proverbial ball as acting World Heavyweight Champion. It'd be good for a PPV or two anyways...

Rob Van Dam: To my knowledge, these two have never had a real feud. I remember them being in some sort of crazy match last year, but it was probably during some Immortal business or some such. I just wonder if RVD could carry his part in a real feud without having some sort of mouth piece. That's been TNA's problem with him for quite some time: he just can't cut a believable promo on his own. But Jarrett might be able to pull double weight and turn something good out of it.

Austin Aries: Jeff Jarrett left, and Aries was the X-Division Champion and just coming into his own following a failed attempt years ago. If he came back now, Aries is the World Champion who dethroned the longest raining Champ in TNA history. The feud writes itself.

James Storm: Two southern bad boys who both think they're the toughest guy in TNA. Imagine this match going down in Tennessee some time; both guys playing the face/heel side of the home field advantage. I remember them being on opposing sides of the Team Sting vs. Team Hogan Lethal Lockdown (and now I remember where RVD met Jarrett in TNA). Possibly some past history to draw on? I honestly just think they're both great talkers and both solid in-ring guys, and could put on one hell of an upper-card feud.

Bully Ray: Heel vs. Heel doesn't work, except that Bully Ray could pretty easily put over as the good guy in that feud. If both of these guys end up involved with Aces & Eights, this could be a good face turn point for the Bully. Or not. Whatever.
I would be interested in two feuds in particular.

The first being Double J vs. James Storm. Storm has been at the top of his game through out 2012. He is has a strong possibility of being the face of TNA. Who better for him to face than the founder. I believe these two have met from time to time. But, they have never had an interesting feud. And the matches these two could be on would be phenomenal.

The other one I would be really interested in seeing is Jarrett in is against Aries. That would be extremely interesting to watch.

And, of course I want to see Jarrett and Angle square up a time or two.
I'd be more interested in seeing him in a "COO" type role like HHH. I like Hogan and all, but he's boring as the head of TNA. Carter sucks on screen too. So why not give Jarrett a go at it? He had a REAL brief run as that sort of when foley was in charge, but nothing major. Besides, Jarrett as a in-ring competitor doesn't interest me anymore. Time for something new with the odd match here and there.
I am sure they could get one more big feud out of him against maybe Aries or RVD, but I would rather see him in a GM role or even higher than that where he is running everything. He could be a guy that wrestles a few times a year when the situation calls for it, and all the while be an on air authority figure. I don't think he has done anything like that yet.
I never really understood why some people loved JJ. Granted his ring work was always great, but his mic work was average at best and he was never a draw. I'd rather he just stay out of TNA. He hogged the spotlight for years and if her were still in charge he probably would have been a 20 time TNA world champion by now. He just isn't needed anymore.
Jeff Jarrett has always been a favorite of mine, simply because his in-ring work is so good and he is such a polarizing personality. Who else is like him? He's a unique kind of guy and TNA needs those types to stand out. Like him or not, he's earned respect and his place in the wrestling business throughout the years and he should return to TNA at some point.

As for how to bring him back, I hope it's a tasteful kind of way. It's a foregone conclusion that he has some association with Aces & Eights, although I don't suspect him as much as I might with Bully Ray. Bottom line, Double J is entertaining and fun to watch. What could we lose having him back?
What if TNA swerves everyone and brings in Jarrett as a face to "save" the company that he created? Would anyone take him serious as a face? I know a lot of guys become permanent faces from respect after years of service (triple h, taker, orton, edge, etc) would fans accept Jarrett the same? I'm not too sure that they would.
In my opinion the perfect time for him to come back would have been at Slammiversary, costing Sting the title against Roode with a sweet gitar shot to the head, doing this out of revenge because not only TNA did not invite JJ at Slammiversary but they entered Sting at the HOF before him, the founder.

Sure he could come back as an invader wanting to take his company back but people overall will be disappointed and he won't be able to sustain his character for long. Plus he doesn't fit with a bunch of bikers. Hell even if he wants to take his company back, he could have done the Sting guitar shot anyway for revenge first. Then take it up a notch by siding with Aces & 8s by deciding to destroy his former company(If I can't have it, I'll destroy it). By putting everything in one big reveal at BFG, it will fail because people are expecting him. Hell they've been expecting him being behind the attacks from the start. The real shock would have been at Slammiversary.
the obvious answer would be for him to come back with Aces and Eights but truth is, they don`t necessarily need him. personally, i would love to see him come back full face for one last run. Have Aces and Eights take out a bunch of talent and have Hogan call him up saying they need him. have him refuse saying that part of his career is over but then have Aces and Eights take out Hogan and Sting forcing JJ to return to run TNA and fight Aces and Eights. it makes sense - he is the founder of the company so he is fighting to ensure it survives even if he isn`t a big part of it. Jarrett hasn`t had a real good face run in years(if ever) so it would be something different and it gets Hogan and Sting off tv for a while to refresh them. simple and straightforward but effective. he doesn`t need to feud with anyone specific.
I don't want him back. All he did for 8 years was hog TV time, Hog the spotlight, and hog the title! I hope he stays gone.
Aces and 8's- They could have aces and eights dominating and destroying TNA cue the founder of the company returning to save it and align with Kurt Angle,Sting,Hulk Hogan and Bully Ray to do so before a heel turn months later or on the other hand have him return as the leaders of aces and eights trying to regain control of HIS company aligned with Bischoff Heel AJ Styles Devon and Kurt Angle
Why do they have to do anything that hasn't already been done before? Wrestling, by its very nature, is repetitive and cyclical. Look at the story lines from any organization, and over time, stories get recycled and repeated. Fans come and go, new fans come on board, so even if bringing back JJ turns out to be redundant, who cares? I think Jeff Jarrett can still bring a lot to the table. He's not old. He's in good shape. He's still more than capable in the ring (as long as they avoid any MMA storyline). I say bring him back in whatever capacity they see fit. If they can find something new and fresh for him, that's spectacular but even if not, bring him back and let him do what he's been doing successfully for years. Entertaining.

If worst comes to worst, have him be the leader of the rogue Aces and Eights faction. By default, that would have to be fresh and exciting. It's not like TNA has ever had an invading faction try to overtake the company before. :)
I don't want Jarrett to ever come back. The guy hogged the NWA title for practically the first 5 or 6 years of the companies existence. He has never been a draw and is only passable on the mic. Yes, he is a great ring worker, but TNA as dozens of great ring workers. TNA is currntly on the right rack pushing the new generation of stars that they have created. The only guys that are problems now (at least to me) are RVD, Hardy and Anderson. Those guys are never going to draw for TNA like they did for the WWE. So, why push them to the moon? There is no point in it. Just like there would be no point in bringing back Jarrett. He had his time and his time is over. I am thankful that he created TNA (even if a few years were unwatchable) but he is no longer needed as an onscreen presence. He would be good in a backstage capacity. Perhaps as an agent or a booker, but he is not needed on TV taking up valuable TV time that could be used to push younger and at this point more deserving talent.
I'd thought for the longest time Double J was the leader of A&8's, but as we get deeper into the story, I begin to lose sight of that theory.
I do like the ideas of RVD and AA feuds, but more RVD- both are good vets in the ring and I feel they'd have some solid chemistry.
I like the idea of JJ returning to lead TNA against Aces and Eights.

Don't put him in any title picture or anything, Just a senior figure who can go in the ring...
Don't bring him back at all? That's never been done before....

Continue the push of the youth and move on. Maybe bring him back one day as a manager (a role he'd be more than fine with) but I feel his wrestling days in TNA are over. Or they should be.

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