Bring the Old Kane Back!


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Since Kane removed the mask, he seemed to become a lot weaker.
I think they should have Kane be "destroyed", but have him come back two or three months later as the old Kane, with the mask, and being unstoppable.

Have Nexus gang up on Kane, throw him into like a dumpster, and set it on fire.
Have Kane come back, as the old Kane, being unstoppable, and have him destroy Nexus. (while Kane is out, have Nexus dominate SmackDown (using cheating tactics of course), holding ALL the titles that they can get). When Kane returns have him take Nexus apart in a fierce and monstrous manner, thus ending Nexus. Put the titles up for vacancy and have tournaments, battle royals, etc. to decide the new champions.

It was Glenn Jacobs choice that he didn't wear the mask anymore. He says it in any interview he does when questioned about the mask, that he felt it was uncomfortable and that he didn't see the need for it anymore.

So the mask won't be getting put back on. Wouldn't make sense if he did anyway.
He was probably the best World Champion in recent times (sorry Edge fans but yes Kane was better and more interesting as champion) plus he destroyed The Undertaker three times in a row and delivered the best match on Smackdown in a long time. The Undertaker character is now scared to face him.

So no, I don't consider him weaker without the mask but just as strong. I just hope he gets the title back or gets the IC title soon.
I've been watching a lot of old matches lately and to me Kane seemed to be more unstoppable with the mask on.
But in saying that I saw an interview where Glenn Jacobs said without the mask on he can use more facial expressions how ever I did see where he said he would love to give the mask one more run.
I'm a huge Kane fan and have followed him all through his career, I think the problem is the writers have trouble finding decent story lines for Kane.
Think the one with the Undertaker were good, but feel that the one with Edge was very weak and stupid.
I don't understand how they can make Kane so strong and beat the Undertaker in 3 PPV's in a row then to make him so weak against edge didnt make sense to me.
When the whole Taker story line started I was hoping for the reformation of the Brothers of Destruction.
Could you imagine the look of horror I had on my face when I saw this thread? It's froze that way and I don't know how on earth I will ever come right. I thought this dillema was over last year when the last thread of this died.

putting the mask back on Kane is not going to improve him, I fail to see how on earth it could. He don't need the fucking mask to improve his character, why would they go back to something they haven't done in years.

Putting the mask back on Kane isn't going to do anything other then hide his face. It's not going to make him unstoppable.
Could you imagine the look of horror I had on my face when I saw this thread? It's froze that way and I don't know how on earth I will ever come right. I thought this dillema was over last year when the last thread of this died.

putting the mask back on Kane is not going to improve him, I fail to see how on earth it could. He don't need the fucking mask to improve his character, why would they go back to something they haven't done in years.

Putting the mask back on Kane isn't going to do anything other then hide his face. It's not going to make him unstoppable.

This x1,000,000. Are people still going on about this? Seriously, why does it really matter that much to you. He's arguably had his best success without the damn mask, what with the 3-4 month reign as champion which was 3-4 months longer than his first run.

If you really look at him, wouldn't the mask just look silly on him now? I mean when he was wearing the mask he was still somewhat young and he was jacked up. Now, he's added some years and some pounds. He doesn't look quite as intimidating as he used to. I really see no reason to bring the mask back.
Every couple of months someone posts this idea thinking that they were the first genius that came up with it.

Newsflash: Putting the mask back on Kane is not suddenly going to make the crowd believe he is an unstoppable monster again.

First of all, the newer fans will have no recollection of masked Kane's dominance. Any fan that's 13 or younger will have no memory of Kane's time in a mask (a 13 year old would have been 5 in 2003) and therefore the mask will mean nothing to them.

Secondly, are we really supposed to believe the mask gives Kane some sort of power that allows him to be unstoppable? It didn't work for him when they brought back Paul Bearer, the mask will have just about as much success.

Thirdly, Kane is not in the same physical shape he was in ten plus years ago. He was fairly young and in good shape when he had the masked gimmick, but he has aged over the years and put on weight and he's simply not capable of wrestling that dominant style he used to utilize.

Finally, it would do nothing more than provide a shitty storyline that would last maybe three PPVs. He would put the mask on during a weekly show, he'd use one PPV to establish his new found dominance, one PPV to show that he's serious business, and one PPV for him to be defeated and thus revealed to be just as weak as ever. This would carry us for all of three months and it would do nothing but waste his time and the time of other wrestlers. This is time that would be better spent putting over a younger wrestler or building other wrestlers who aren't 43 years old.

Putting the mask on Kane would just be a stupid distraction from the WWE making progress. Kane is in the past, get over it. I have a feeling that he's going to be used to make younger faces look strong for the rest of his career.
When Kane lost his masked I was shocked, horrified, upset, and it took me a while to accept it, but the fact is this: Jacobs has a very expressive face.

There is an image burned in my mind of Kane: he was being mentally tortured and screwing up his face and looking really emotionally pained. It was haunting because my bipolar, medically psychotic housemate does exactly the same face when she's having a psychotic fit and trying to suppress it.

Exactly the same.

It made me care, it made me feel, and it would have been impossible with the mask on.
New kane is like New Coke. Diff formula, terrible reaction. For one last formidable run, give him the mask back:lmao:
jglass , when you said about can having a sudden power when putting the mask on wont work, it can as it can be like taker and the urn, back on topic. kane said he did want one more run with the mask but face it he wont,he just doesn't have that 'omfg its kane' feel anymore. undertaker wants a final run as the american bad ass and he could but thats another topic.
I'm afraid I have to side with those that would not have Kane re-masked. The reason is simple. Kane was a near unstoppable monster in the masked days, but that had nothing to do with the mask. It had everything to do with the kind of push that the WWF/E was giving him at the time. He's already had his time in the spotlight, his massive push, and is now working on putting over new talent. I have to say it, Glen Jacobs is, and always has been, one of the most selfless of the WWE's performers. He's taken the championship ball and run with it, and this was after his hay-day, and now he's building the next generation.

Furthermore, Kane may not be as dominant without the mask, but he's far more interesting. Glen Jacobs is a way better performer when it comes to promos than most of what the WWE has today and his "Who Jumped my Brother" story line is a prime example of this. The stuff he was laying out there was bonechilling. That's not something he would have been able to do as well by far when he was wearing the mask.
-if kane had his mask back that would be awesome!!!!
-in an interview back in late 2010, he dropped a hint that he may get his mask back at some point in the future by saying, quote *never say never in the wwe* (may not be word for word, but you know what i meen).
-perrsonally kane was much better with his mask, actually, when he first lost it, he was still looking good cause he was like a wrecking ball and was destroying people.
Could you imagine the look of horror I had on my face when I saw this thread? It's froze that way and I don't know how on earth I will ever come right. I thought this dillema was over last year when the last thread of this died.

putting the mask back on Kane is not going to improve him, I fail to see how on earth it could. He don't need the fucking mask to improve his character, why would they go back to something they haven't done in years.

Putting the mask back on Kane isn't going to do anything other then hide his face. It's not going to make him unstoppable.

Thank you man!!

I don't see peoples fixation with the damned mask. It was cool, but it's not like an urn. Remember when he first took it off in 2003? He was unstoppable until the Taker returned. It's not the mask, it's the fact that WWE has had a real-life monster under their roof for what, 14 years, and they just never knew what to do with him. Kane doesn''t need the freakin deacon mask. Last year, he was cutting by far, the best promos of the last decade...without the mask. Listen to RVD: "He does not need to hide behind that mask!"
Part of what made the mask cool was not knowing what he looked like, now to go back to the mask it wouldn't be near as interesting as it once was. There is really no reason to go back to the mask, maybe it looked like he was "unstoppable" with the mask because it was before he got older and a little doughy around the waistline. Plus as others have pointed out Kane wanted to get rid of it, wanted to get his face out there, also said it was tough to breathe at times.
Why?? Why?? Why put the mask back on? It won't make him the same monster again... Why throw him in a dumpster and set it on fire? It's not the attitude era anymore!

Kane had a great year last year, probably his best and did he have the mask?? NO!

Soo many threads like this.. The masked Kane died a long time ago! Let's be honest, it never gave him more strength, it just hid the scars etc..
The idea misses the point of the character's evolution. Since his history is intertwined with Taker's it makes perfect sense that his character would have to change too. This is what Kane has become, and like many posters mentioned he's very capable of using his expression to push the demented asects of his character and is the go to guy to put people over.

Unless he opts to close his career with mask on, things are what they need to be with Kane.
Kane with the mask would be a "OMG Moment" but it really doesnt matter anymore. Him being dominant would be pointless. Who would he fued with after fueding with Nexxus or the corre. Big show or khali? lmao . NO! He would eventually go back to the same jobber kane just with his mask back. If he wants anything back it should be his old theme music. Thats what really made it badass.
Enough already with the old Kane thing. KANE's a legend already IMO. The dudes is in his 40s now and has accomplished everything from a world champ to a jobber(or i would like to call it a stepping stone for young stars). He is near retirement right now n WWE needs younger stars not OLD KANE. He is perfect as it is. Dude can feud with Taker n look strong and also can lose to rey mysterio n look weak. Kane is the ultimate tool to enhance younger talent so the way i see it is kane is a perfect tweener. This is coming from a guy who is a huge mark of "OLD KANE" n still is of "WEAK KANE".
I am a huge Kane fan and have been since he debuted, However I dont see the point of remasking Kane, as a previous poster mentioned his charecter has changed and developed since, and being unmasked allows Glenn Jacobs to demonstrate his promo skills and led to his lengthy world title reign.
it really depends on HOW you want to bring the mask back. listen, if you want to bring the mask back on with no explanation (like someone mentioned with Taker and the urn), then it's going to be dead awful. you can't put the mask back on Kane and think "ok it's the old Kane!"

now, if you do an angle where someone burns his face, you can totally bring back the old feel with Kane. burn his face, have him go insane because he remembers the memories of his childhood where he thought he was burned and it makes him go totally bonkers and makes him become the monster he once was. they totally killed the Kane character already with the original story plus then adding Katie Vick (because well Bearer said he NEVER went out from the fire to his WWF debut), then saying he was never burned.

this could add credibility, i think it can be done, but it just depends on how you do it.

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