Bring Back Vince, or Someone Like Him


Occasional Pre-Show
Listen the WWE needs a heel in control I get that. But why can't you have someone who shows as much emotion as Vince. His reaction when he flips austin the double bird at saint valentines massacre is one of the reasons that match is so memorable. Aside from that his reactions were great as well.

When stone cold(or any other face) insulted him you saw a look of discust like he was about to explode, which made austin look great for being able to get in his head. Now look at JL, who shows no emotion regardless of what someone is saying to him, which weakens the impact of an insult or comment.

Did anyone see JL's face when he was about to get the GTS. He literally had no expression. It's not like he was knocked out from being put on Punk's shoulders, or was flailing around trying to get out of it, he just sat there waiting. Watch these highlights.

WWE needs someone that can put people over like McMahon. JL can't due that simply because he has no emotion.
Laurinitis has been out of the ring for quite a while now... Vince was training all the time, also the stunner is significantly easier to both sell and take compared to the GTS. if JL wriggled about too much there he could easily fuck it up and get injured. Watch everyone who takes the GTS. their head barely moves at all but they kick with their legs - plus I highly doubt JL will be about after next weeks raw anyway so what does it matter?
I disagree completely because all you have to do is look at the response Punk, Ryder & even Cena has been getting partially due to Big Johnny inserting himself into their business. JL doesn't try to act like Vince McMahon does and there's no reason why he should. Vince's over the top portrayal was great back in the day but a lot of people are kind of tired of it. The Mr. McMahon character just isn't fresh and that's been obvious from the last several times Vince has been on television in character for extended periods of time.

JL comes off as a scheming, heartless, insincere corporate drone that cares primarily about the authority that his character has rather than what's generally good for the welfare of the Raw stars. JL draws massive heat whenever he's on tv. Fans dislike his character, which causes them to rally behind the likes of Punk & Zack Ryder. Just coming up with someone who acts like Vince would be pure laziness on the part of WWE Creative.

Besides, Vince McMahon is getting pretty old. If I'm not mistaken, he turns 66 years old sometime this summer and there've been all sorts of reports floating around that Vince just simply isn't as vigorous as he used to be. He's not got as much energy as he once had and is might more prone to injury now. Time is taking its toll on him like it does to everyone at some point. I'm sure a macho minded guy like Vince hates the fact that he's officially an old man, but I also think he's come to accept it. It was his idea to stay off television as much as possible anyhow, partially due to him getting older and I think he also found that Mr. McMahon had become a bit stale.

Big Johnny is doing his own thing and it's working.
i think what hes trying to say is it would be nice to have an authoritative figure with some sense of charisma. Ace has not a charismatic bone in his body and i actually think the storyline suffers because of it. I actually saw the emotionless expression on his face as if he wasnt about to receive a wrestler's finisher smh....
Listen the WWE needs a heel in control I get that. But why can't you have someone who shows as much emotion as Vince. His reaction when he flips austin the double bird at saint valentines massacre is one of the reasons that match is so memorable. Aside from that his reactions were great as well.

When stone cold(or any other face) insulted him you saw a look of discust like he was about to explode, which made austin look great for being able to get in his head. Now look at JL, who shows no emotion regardless of what someone is saying to him, which weakens the impact of an insult or comment.

Did anyone see JL's face when he was about to get the GTS. He literally had no expression. It's not like he was knocked out from being put on Punk's shoulders, or was flailing around trying to get out of it, he just sat there waiting. Watch these highlights.

WWE needs someone that can put people over like McMahon. JL can't due that simply because he has no emotion.

WWE doesn't need a carbon copy Vince McMahon. Vince made his character over the years to be what it was. It was his feud with Austin that really developed the character. Plus Vince is the boss, so its easier for him to have that sense of disgust when his wrestlers challenge him or go against him. Even being the boss Vince isn't taken seriously by faces because, well...he is the heel boss. When Vince played the face role (rarely), heels didn't like him.

JL is playing is playing his character PERFECTLY! He is playing the character that IS NOT the boss but tries to be. Same basic formula with him and heels and faces. JL is the man that has been behind the scenes that was thrust into an authoritative position. He's being pushed around and disrespected by faces because that what they are supposed to do.

Yeah I noticed his face, but Punk was going to do something to him anyway, so it was either take the GTS or fight out of it and risk a kick to the head. JL had no help at the time to he was doomed no matter what.

JL's explosion last week on Mick was set to happen, they knew what they were doing. JL gets pushed around and disrespected until he cracks. While Vince always plays the BAD BOSS that stacks the deck against faces (sometimes heels), JL is playing the EVIL BOSS that just puts guys in positions where they cant win. Hence what he has done with Ryder lately. According to WWE ruling, Zack should've gotten the belt back because he was not cleared to wrestle. They did it with Teddy Long and Mark Henry. BUT, in order to separate JL as the heel GM he did nothing and then placed him in a position to get injured more.

Im glad JL isn't like Vince! As boring and annoying as he is, its his character and fits him great.

What they need now is to get Animal involved.
Leave Vince McMahon off TV, we don't need him back on a permanent basis. It's time for someone else to shine whether it be John Laurinitis or Triple H in his COO position. We keep wishing for old characters from before to come back and give us what they had before which is why we get so disappointed with what we have now because we are so focused on the staff that happened in the past. Let Mr.McMahon enjoy his semi-retirement and keep him off TV and maybe bring him back once a year for special appearances.
I said OR SOMEONE LIKE HIM...I'm not saying you have to bring back McMahon just someone who gets me excited for matches

Excited for matches... I'm most of that is down to the wrestlers in the ring rather than having some figure bigging it up.

Chances are JL will still but will have someone alongside him and play the face figure. With Foley about, it could be possible JL will remain on tv with some control and Foley will be the GM of Raw. Both try to out do each other and come up with different matches, different match types and so on. JL is doing a good job as being a figure of power without actually having that much power, it just needs a face authority to equal it up a bit.
I feel that you do have a point in that there needs to be some emotion with Johnny ace. However he did have two solid shows in a row first with Foley and now with Punk. Over all though there needs to be someone to truly make the superstars over.
Btw didn't McMahon no sell a stone cold stunner a few times?
Eric Bischoff also played a terrific role as an authority figure. He had just as much as charisma as Vince. I know Bischoff is in TNA but he played one hell of a role as Raw gm. JL is so bland and I cannot believe is interim raw gm. I hope HHH fires him next Monday. I will mark out. Seriously. Ive enjoyed every raw supershow this year but JL jus needs to leave the picture. I hope he has nothing to do with RTWM. JL reminds me of Vince Russo. Boring and bland on the mic. William Regal even has more charisma JL. The last great authority figure was Bischoff. All hail Eric.

Smackdown also needs a new Gm. Teddy has been doing business on and off since 2003 when Kurt Angle stepped down. I wouldnt mind if JL just go to smackdown and fued with Orton. I dont watch smackdown so that wouldnt bother me.
Bischoff? Did you really just say Bischoff? Do we need to go back to the year 2000 and look at what Bischoff is truly capable of? Maybe you need to read the book "The Death of WCW." As a wrestling character he was decent. Problem is, it wasn't just a character, he was in charge and ran it into the ground because he always made the show about his buddy Hogan and his "clique" aka the nWo. For the most part they had no talent and that's why WCW is dead.
There will NEVER and I repeat NEVER be another VKM you cant duplicate that character because vince was so good at playing himself x11. You cant expect JL or anyone else to be able to do that its impossible.
I just watched a bunch clips of Punk doing the GTS on various people. Not one of them moved their head, but they did wiggle, either kicking their legs trying to get out of it or like Regal did, was giving Punk elbows to the head. Johnny Ace just laid there like a dead fish, also I think the camera was too zoomed in on his face so everyone could see how he was just laying there. Alot of the videos I just checked out, the camera would be in various angles and it was kind of hard to really see any their faces. :)
Listen the WWE needs a heel in control I get that. But why can't you have someone who shows as much emotion as Vince. His reaction when he flips austin the double bird at saint valentines massacre is one of the reasons that match is so memorable. Aside from that his reactions were great as well.

When stone cold(or any other face) insulted him you saw a look of discust like he was about to explode, which made austin look great for being able to get in his head. Now look at JL, who shows no emotion regardless of what someone is saying to him, which weakens the impact of an insult or comment.

Did anyone see JL's face when he was about to get the GTS. He literally had no expression. It's not like he was knocked out from being put on Punk's shoulders, or was flailing around trying to get out of it, he just sat there waiting. Watch these highlights.

WWE needs someone that can put people over like McMahon. JL can't due that simply because he has no emotion.

I'm not excusing Johnny Ace's terrible selling job--because it was terrible--but did you see the first time Vince got the Stone Cold Stunner? He laid on the mat not moving with his eyes open wide unblinking--he looked like he was dead. It was some of the worst selling I ever saw in my life. Obviously--and thankfully--Vince got better at it as time went on.

Like Vince, JL needs some time to get adjusted to this role because he's not used to it. Johnny was a wrestler, but obviously not a good one and it was several years ago. Ace will never be McMahon--and I'm not against bringing someone else in for this role if the person is right--but Johnny's character is starting to get more interesting. We're only two RAWs removed from his best mic work yet; let's not totally give up on the guy now.

Unless he gets fired next week by Triple H. Then, oh well :)
Ok nobody has said this, Bring back JBL!!! One of the best heels, always got heat, people wanted to see him get beat up etc etc etc. What if he comes back and bullies faces, put matches on that make the fans hate him and he can have rivarlys with people who screwed him. Could also have a chip on his shoulder at the young guys gettin pushed early while he had to work hard for years before reaching the top. We know how much he hated Miz. Bring back JBL as GM
No one will ever be Vince McMahon. As others have stated, his heel character was so great because he was the boss. So easy to hate and so easy for the faces to embarrass or make fun of. But when he talked or when he did something, he meant business.

With all that said, I thought Vickie Guerrerro was great as the GM of Smackdown and I think she should be the GM of RAW. She gets a TON of heat and is an amazing heel. She will never be at Vince McMahon's level but she's the type of heel GM/Authority figure that fits the role perfectly. Laurinitis isn't terrible but he's not great either.
I think Laurinaitis is quite over. Sure he is dull as dishwater, but he is growing on people, imo. The Raw after Royal Rumble should clear things up. Hopefully we have a full time Raw GM announced, and the mystery Raw GM issue is sorted. Where HHH fits in to all of this will affect the outline of most of the main event matches at Wrestlemania. I expect Stephanie to return, have seen many online reports of her training and getting back into "television shape", I fully expect the person Laurinatis has been texting all these months is Stephanie. Whether she will be on the smae page as husband or opposing is the stickling point. If Jerrcho is talking about Steph as the "she", then that opens up a Jericho vs HHH feud. If Steph and HHH are on the same page and running the company again like in 2000, well then thats an automatic Punk vs HHH feud, which Labar IS banging on about. I just dont think 9 weeks out from Mnaia, Jericho vs Undertaker is the way to go. Jericho vs Punk is the logical WWE Championship match. Undertaker vs HHH has been talked about since Mania 27 and the promo HHH cut the other week at the Slammys basically said they will be feuding again to Mania 28. I guess a left field approach would be Undertaker, who is virtually finished as an active wrestler, was brought back to be the Mystery Raw GM, and Helmsley vs Taker, the tweo longest serving guys on the active roster, are fighting for control of the company post Mania 28................its all just guesswork at present, things WILLbe clearer after the RUMBLE.
Listen the WWE needs a heel in control I get that. But why can't you have someone who shows as much emotion as Vince. His reaction when he flips austin the double bird at saint valentines massacre is one of the reasons that match is so memorable. Aside from that his reactions were great as well.

When stone cold(or any other face) insulted him you saw a look of discust like he was about to explode, which made austin look great for being able to get in his head. Now look at JL, who shows no emotion regardless of what someone is saying to him, which weakens the impact of an insult or comment.

Did anyone see JL's face when he was about to get the GTS. He literally had no expression. It's not like he was knocked out from being put on Punk's shoulders, or was flailing around trying to get out of it, he just sat there waiting. Watch these highlights.

WWE needs someone that can put people over like McMahon. JL can't due that simply because he has no emotion.

Go watch the first time Austin gave Vince the stunner and see how horrible it looked. The GTS is a tough sell cuz it's almost all on who recieves it to make it look good.

Laurinitis is supposed to be a lame character. It's his gimmick to be boring. It works, he gets booed pretty good whenever he's on screen. Then when he did show emotion (last weeks Raw with Foley...seems you chose to ignore this), it made the current angle that much better. I think Ace is playing a damn good heel GM character. It took a while for me to get into him, but he's just fine.
Listen the WWE needs a heel in control I get that. But why can't you have someone who shows as much emotion as Vince. His reaction when he flips austin the double bird at saint valentines massacre is one of the reasons that match is so memorable. Aside from that his reactions were great as well.

When stone cold(or any other face) insulted him you saw a look of discust like he was about to explode, which made austin look great for being able to get in his head. Now look at JL, who shows no emotion regardless of what someone is saying to him, which weakens the impact of an insult or comment.

Did anyone see JL's face when he was about to get the GTS. He literally had no expression. It's not like he was knocked out from being put on Punk's shoulders, or was flailing around trying to get out of it, he just sat there waiting. Watch these highlights.

WWE needs someone that can put people over like McMahon. JL can't due that simply because he has no emotion.

JL showed emotions when Punk insulted him 2 weeks ago. So, he truly does have some emotions. Similarly, there is no one other like Vince McMahon. He is Vincent Kennedy McMahon! No one other can be like him just like no one can be Austin,HBK,Rock etc. I lol'd at JL when he got lifted. The face he made was priceless. He doesn't know how to sell would be a good statement rather than he has no emotion.

Just my 2 cents.
Vince was one of the greatest heel characters ever in the WWE. Its not easy to find someone like him.

I thought the last two weeks John Laurinites has done a nice job. I'm haven't been a big fan of the Punk vs Laurinites angle. Its just such a lame attempt at Vince vs Austin.

I do think that Michael Cole could make a great GM. His current character would be much better as a gm instead of an announcer.
Mr. John Laurinaitis' character is by far one of the better lead managerial characters we have had in the WWE in quite some time. Over the last couple of weeks, Johnny's character has really captured my attention. Before, he was boring, uninteresting, mind-numbing. A few weeks ago on Raw CM Punk got a hold of his character and forced out the best in Johnny. At that time, I fell in love with the character. We always read about people wanting the Steve Austin/Mr. McMahon storyline rehashed. While Punk/Laurinaitis isn't exactly the same, you can find the same type of chemistry there. Their promo’s together mock that of Austin and McMahon. The level of hate within the last few weeks mock the early stages of the Austin/McMahon feud. The chemistry is there.

As for Laurinaitis no selling the GTS, I don't think it's that big of a deal. It's the first time in nearly a decade Laurinaitis has had to sell any type of maneuver; give him a break. Over time, if John Laurinaitis is still Interim General Manager, he'll likely grow. Mr. McMahon wasn't the greatest at selling the Stunner for the first few weeks he received one. It takes time and his selling ability will mature. John Laurinaitis is super over right now; there's no getting around it. CM Punk, Zack Ryder, David Otunga, and even John Cena have been getting better reactions ever since they started having something to do with the antagonizing John Laurinaitis.

He's a phenomenal character; just give him time to grow. If he's already this good, imagine how he'll be in a year's time...
Judging by the hate he gets around here it seems like ole Johnny Ace is doing his job. I think he's doing a fine job in his current role and hope to see it continue. As for no-selling the GTS, he's traded blows with Misawa and Kobashi. There is nothing Punk can do to him that he can't take.
Yes he gets heat but it's not "good" heat. It's not something like Cena where people love to see him come out to hate him. If I was at an event I would boo because it was a waste of my time and I didn't want to see him period, not because I thought it would generate a good story. Either some people are beyond easily entertained or dillusional, because I have many friends who just watch wrestling casually, and JL on the screen=change channel to them.
It's impossible to bring back someone like Vince.....because there is no one like him, and never has been. It's also ironic, because for so long many people on this forum were complaining that Vince McMahon gave himself too much air time that took away from his other performers. The guy can't win, can he?

As it is, I think John Laurinaitis is doing a better job at drawing heat than I ever believed he would. Part of that is due to the good performances of guys like C.M. Punk and Mick Foley, who have helped John L's act by reacting to him so well. For sure, Punk has me convinced he's thoroughly disgusted with Laurinaitis. But the GM's understated performance has been more effective than the writers thought it would be.

Next, Triple H comes back to add fuel to the Laurinaitis fire. Either he supports John.... or winds up taking the authority back for himself. Either way, there will be a heel in charge.

Personally, I think Trips will be delivering a show of support for his replacement, keeping Laurinaitis in his current position. Where it goes from there is anyone's guess.
i think with a bit of sense and some decent writing we could have 2 gm feuds built up until survivor series for both raw and smackdown.jl thanks very much now head back to behind the scenes. gm battle at raw mick foley vs william regal - regal could promote the european angle or rest of world and smackdown jbl vs teddy long

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