Bring Back the old IC title

Mighty NorCal

Well yea, becuase the current IC title looks pathetic and stupid. Not ONLY that, but the old IC title is one of the sexiest, most good looking belts EVER.

Im on about the one that Bret Hart, Mr.Perfect, HBK, and Razor Ramon wore. If they are serious about pushing the IC title again, bring back one that looks half decent please.

What do you guys think?? Do you like the current belt, or would you like to see the old one return? Do you think it would make a difference?
FACT: My son has a replica of the original IC belt hanging on his wall.

I don't know why they would ever change it. There's so much history behind it, and it's always been known as THE stepping stone to the big time. Changing the way a belt looks, kills all of the history, and takes away all of it's worth. Look what happened when they changed the US Title, the WWE title, and the ECW title. They're nowhere near the level of what they were before the change.
The current belt is fine.

They've been using the current style for over a decade. If they do change. They won't change it to make it look like it used to.

When has the WWE ever changed the design of a belt to make it look like it once did???

If they do change it. It's gonna be a whole new design.

I don't have a problem with the way any belt looks in the WWE. With the exception of the Diva's title, but I'm not losing sleep over it.

People need to let stuff like this go.
I agree that the new belt looks shitty and the old one looks sweet but honestly the look of the title doesn't make the belt

On the Mr. Perfect DVD they said Mr. Perfect made the Intercontinental Championship, rather than the belt making him.

I agree with this statement because he was the best wrestler at the time. If they want to bring back prestige to the IC belt put it on people who are good workers and good wrestlers. WWE is so obsessed with making World Champions that the other belts don't mean anything.

I like MVP as the U.S. champ, he deserves it. Shelton Benjamin deserved that title too because he is a good wrestler. Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio are both good IC champs (even tho Rey annoys the shit out of me).

In order to make people care about the belt, you have to care about the champion and care about the storyline. WWE puts no effort into a storyline with a mid-card belt and I am still curious as to why that is. The IC title used to be the "workhorse" title, now it is just a filler title and that makes me sick.
The Classic I.C. is by far my favorite title. I do think it is the best looking belt they ever made. I just love the bold wide plate, the big blue globe in the center, and how different it was from the tag titles and the winged eagle, the rectangular plate was a good idea. As for bringing it back, of course you have to know that is never going to happen. Would I like it? Yeah, it would be cool to see it on t.v. again but there is no actual reason to do it, and the WWE will never regress designs. The current belt is actually pretty cool looking too, and you can tell where it's roots come from. I can definitely see the influence of the classic with the big ass globe, the ribbons on the belt, square side plates, and the elongated plate that is not real tall. As for the reasoning of trying to bring it back for it's prestige and the perceived lack there of with the current title, as stated previously, it is not the look of the belt that makes the belt, it is the wrestlers and the storylines they are involved in.
shawn michaels isn't doing anything right now let him put some cred to the intercontinental belt. have him call himself the real ic champ ala him and razor first ladder match. have him bring back the old one, saying thats the real intercontinental champ. by the way my all time favorite belts are original winged eagle, and this intercontinental belt.
This intercontinental belt isn't that bad tbh, and at least it doesn't have a lame gimmick like the WWE title, and hasn't been changed in a while. Changing it not would be pointless, especially as there's not much wrong with it. Seriously, if you want early 90's wrestling, just go watch some old tapes and stop acting as if the modern product should exactly mirror it.
First Of All, I Don't Know What A Shit Damn Shit Is Going On With The Current Wwe Title Belts Everyone Dislikes Them, Come On, The Ic Title Belt Is Beautiful, The Old One? It Looked Good, But The Current Is As Great As The Old One, And The Wwe Title Looks Good, And The Divas, All Belts Look Great Stop The Fucking Hatred About The Belt, If You Don't Like Them Well Retire And Don't Watch Wwe Period!!!!!!
If theres any title that needs changing, its the WWE TITLE! The once spinner belt Cena held is now one great toy for kids 3&up..they should bring back the old school Attitude Title back and replace it..add some prestige to it

The way I see it the Intercontential title has long all its prestige..and bringing the old title back now would be a huge slap across the face..things change..and its obvious the inter title is a belt of no importance right now...
I definitely like the classic title. It looks much better than the current one. But in all honestly? I'd say that people make way too big of a deal about the current one. We've had the new one for 10 friggin' years so if the belt is going to change it'll be to a completely new design.

I'd say a lot of it has to do when you grew up. I'm sure there are exceptions but it looks like fans prefer the design of belts the way they were when they were kids.

I also need someone to explain the logic to me of how changing the design back to the old one helps people take it more seriously. You know what helps me take a title seriously? Great champions, great challengers and great matches.
It would not make a difference what so ever. There is no chance in hell that Vince would bring back an old championship like the Intercontinental Championship to be used. If there was going to be a change in belt design, he would introduce something new.

WWE would want to move forward and by returning their championships to what they were in the past would be a bad move. Not just that, if they got rid of this belt for the older one it would make this belt seem not important and the reigns as well. They would essentially be saying "this belt isn't good enough". It's not what WWE should be doing.

As far as Shawn Michaels returning the old belt and saying he's the greatest Intercontinental Champion as mentioned somewhere above, he could essentially do that with the current belt anyway. Bringing back the old title is pointless.
Ecept for the World Heavyweight Championship, The IC title belt is the best looking in the company. It is sleek, And sexy, And still represent's the old belt very well. (unlike the WWE title belt)

If they want the IC title to be prestigous again, They need to have meaningful rivalries for the title. They were starting something with MVP vs Shelton over the U.S title, But that was blown out when he as traded.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't WWE change their belt designer when they switched 10 yrs. ago. The IC/WWE Title had new looks around the same time. I'm guessing for legal (contractual?) reasons they probably can't go back to a new design. I could be wrong.

I'm no longer against the current look like I used to be. It was my Savage/Steamboat/Perfect belt. But in time this became my Rock/Jericho/Angle/Benoit I'm good.

I wouldn't mind a newer look only because it's been a decade and with a new direction maybe a new look is needed. But with the way the Diva's and ECW belt look (ECW, not THAT bad)...I'm scared what they'll come up with so leave it as is.
I am going to have to go against the crowd and say the IC should stay as how it is. Ever since they changed it the title hasn't been what it was before the brand split correct? Well if we change it to it's original form would that even change anything? Would it make the title worthful again? No all it would do is make the old IC title look stupid. If they keep it how it is now then we can all look back and say "wow wasn't the old IC cool and actually meant something". That is what he should do, we should think about what happened in the past and think about how great those times were. Plus the new title looks way better anyways.
I will also say that the actual design of the title doesn't need a change. The design of the title isn't gonna determine whether it gets a worthy push or not. I think if anything the current design can let some of the old school fans just look back & say wow the Intercontinental Championship's design back in the day was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen on a title belt. In my opinion I love the current design alot better as that was the design of the belt during the era that I grew up in during the Attitude Era. The only thing that will give the title a push is if creative can get their heads out of their asses & book some feuds around it to make it worthy again.

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