Bring Back The Legends Title


The King of Swing
Ok so the current version of this mid-card title is known as the "TNA TV Championship". since aj styles changed it from the global championship he has yet to defent the title on impact. ofcourse this makes no sense seeing as any former tv title was defended every week on said show (hint the fucking name!!!!!). now the global championship wasnt any better considering...well it was bullshit, plain and simple. incase you didnt know the original form of the title was known as the legends title created by booker-t.

now this title (in all its forms) has had essentially zero credibility behind it. hell the only talented person to hold it has been aj styles, and he's held it twice, maybe three im not sure. but i think i have an idea to make it...well not credibly but make it worth carrying about.

with all the old guys in tna and all the wrestlers "past their prime" a legends title actually makes sense.

now jeff jarrett, nash, sting, foley, flair, raven, rhino, dreamer, richards, rvd, and angle are all either over 40 or close to it. (yes rvd and angle are past their prime, not so much as the others mentioned but you have to admit they arent what they used to be)

so why not bring back the legends title and give these old men something to do. i mean come on ev2 is a joke, the jj/hulk v nash/sting thing sucks and doesnt make a whole lot of sense, and if/when rvd comes back and after angle gets his last world title run there wont be much left for them.

what do you thing?
Legend's title made no sense. It's like saying: "We have a bunch of old farts under contract, hanging around doing nothing, so let's create a wheelchair division!". Doesn't work that way and you can't promote it for tv, or ppv. The least TNA could do is stick with the current name and build the title some more. It's all about hype (not saying they're doing much there either), not defending it on every show.. The Global Championship was a fresh idea, but Rob Terry? What the Hell?!? The other problem was that noone could explain the difference between a World Title and a Global Title. Hope this means more air time for AJ. They always use him as a scapegoat when someone's or something's credibility has to be established.
To me that title has been doomed since the beginning. The name changes, weak champions, and lack of title defenses have lowered the credibility of the title in my opinion. A global title seemed useless already having a world title. Plus Rob Terry lowered the prestige of the title in my opinion.

I have no problem calling it a TV title if like a previous poster said gets defended on TV. Maybe not every week unless he's wrestling someone one on one. Then the title should be on the line. He was suppose to be the one to rebuild that title and make it prestigious, but he hasn't defended it on TV yet.]

Bringing back the Legends title is a bad idea in my opinion. Having a title were only older washed up guys can compete for would be horrible. TNA like WWE is trying to get young guys over. They're building guys for the future not catering to guys over 40.
I didn't have a problem with the Legends title. I thought the AJ/Nash and Nash/Foley feuds were quite decent. Also I thought the Legends title was a good way to have both the Legends on the tna roster and the younger guys be able to go for a title. A young guy on the TNA roster could translate winning the Legends Title as a stepping stone to becoming a legend in the business and being 1 step away from the TNA title. That is how they should've played it for non-legends going after the title and at the same time, a Legend could've clearly competed for the title. I saw this idea from another forum but I think TNA should just have the Legends/Global/TV title as an interchangeable title where a holder can choose to rename the belt but ONLY after a certain amount of defenses under the present name.

No matter what they name the title, it doesn't matter. The core problem with the big red TNA belt aka whatever you want to name it title is that they don't book it. It's just like with WWE's worthless tag division. I don't care how many times they unify the tag belts and change the design, the fact that the belt is barely defended is what makes it appear worthless.
How many times do we have to go through this?

The name of the title means NOTHING. It could be the Window Lickers A go-go Title and it would mean the same thing. The terms Legends and Television mean nothing at all. When it was the Legends Title you all bitched and moaned about how it's not defended enough but it would be if it was the TV Title! So they changed it to the TV Title and now you all say "Make it the Legends Title again since it's not defended now either!"

Are you getting the problem? The name means nothing since they don't want to defend the damn thing. The problem has never been with the name of the title but with the booking of the title and its owners. Now can we PLEASE drop this whole "It's all about the name" bullshit because it's really getting old.
Well, it "makes sense" to have a Legends title in the sense that it theoretically gives all the washed-up talent something to compete toward, but that is really a shitty reason to have a belt in circulation. I can remember watching Mick Foley wrestle Kevin Nash for the Legends belt some time in the fall of last year, and it was one of the most poorly worked matches I'd ever seen. The fact that they were competing for a Legends belt seemed to be an excuse to work slow and sloppy.

People seem to be forgetting that somehow Eric Young ended up winning the Legends belt and renaming it the Global title, with the stipulation that he would only defend it outside the U.S. Then, Rob Terry won the belt from EY at a fucking house show in Wales, just to pander to the hometown crowd. What the fuck kind of booking is that?

Ultimately, it doesn't matter what you call the belt or what kind of gimmick is associated with it, it won't mean shit unless backstage politics (how else to you explain EY getting one of the company's three singles belts) and awful booking don't continue to destroy all relevance the belt has. It's impossible not to sound like a broken record when posting in these TNA critique threads, but they are doing so many things wrong at the level of planning that it's impossible to suggest ways for improvement that don't involve a complete overhaul at the level of the company's creative department. For fuck's sake, they could at least look at ROH if they need an example for a company that regularly puts on not only great matches but structures them within compelling narratives and meaningful title situations.
Goddammit. There is just no fucking satisfaction for you people is there? TNA was already stupid enough to listen to your idea of changing the belt's name. Twice. Now you want it full circle and call it by its original name. AGAIN!!?? NO!! Why in the blue fuck would you the older guys people so vigorously criticize a belt to fight for? Its like if you "smarks" enjoy chasing after your own tails like a bunch of goofy little puppies. Enough with it. The belt stays with "TNA World Television Championship" as it's name. Unless TNA gives thumps up to "TNA Revolving Door For Names Championship".

Give it a damn rest.
PhD said:
Well, it "makes sense" to have a Legends title in the sense that it theoretically gives all the washed-up talent something to compete toward, but that is really a shitty reason to have a belt in circulation. I can remember watching Mick Foley wrestle Kevin Nash for the Legends belt some time in the fall of last year, and it was one of the most poorly worked matches I'd ever seen. The fact that they were competing for a Legends belt seemed to be an excuse to work slow and sloppy.

I beg to differ. I was very entertained watching Foley/Nash battle for the Legends title at Hard Justice last year. Those guys did their best to tell a story and it was just a good old school fashioned psychological brawl match.

People seem to be forgetting that somehow Eric Young ended up winning the Legends belt and renaming it the Global title, with the stipulation that he would only defend it outside the U.S. Then, Rob Terry won the belt from EY at a fucking house show in Wales, just to pander to the hometown crowd. What the fuck kind of booking is that?

PhD said:
For fuck's sake, they could at least look at ROH if they need an example for a company that regularly puts on not only great matches but structures them within compelling narratives and meaningful title situations.

ROH is a terrible example in this thread about the TV title because they have a tv title themselves that is rarely defended but I do get what you're saying.
The title is fine just the way it is. It doesn't need to undergo another name change. It doesn't need a big name face to hold the fucking title. The only thing I've noticed the title being good for is using it to get stables some gold. The British Invasion, Main Event Mafia, and now Fortune. For those complaining that it never gets defended? So what? It sure makes A.J. Styles look stylin' with that nice big gold belt around his waist now doesn't it?
PhD said:
Well, it "makes sense" to have a Legends title in the sense that it theoretically gives all the washed-up talent something to compete toward, but that is really a shitty reason to have a belt in circulation. I can remember watching Mick Foley wrestle Kevin Nash for the Legends belt some time in the fall of last year, and it was one of the most poorly worked matches I'd ever seen. The fact that they were competing for a Legends belt seemed to be an excuse to work slow and sloppy.

I beg to differ. I was very entertained watching Foley/Nash battle for the Legends title at Hard Justice last year. Those guys did their best to tell a story and it was just a good old school fashioned psychological brawl match.

People seem to be forgetting that somehow Eric Young ended up winning the Legends belt and renaming it the Global title, with the stipulation that he would only defend it outside the U.S. Then, Rob Terry won the belt from EY at a fucking house show in Wales, just to pander to the hometown crowd. What the fuck kind of booking is that?

PhD said:
For fuck's sake, they could at least look at ROH if they need an example for a company that regularly puts on not only great matches but structures them within compelling narratives and meaningful title situations.

ROH is a terrible example in this thread about the TV title because they have a tv title themselves that is rarely defended but I do get what you're saying.
How many times do we have to go through this?

The name of the title means NOTHING. It could be the Window Lickers A go-go Title and it would mean the same thing. The terms Legends and Television mean nothing at all. When it was the Legends Title you all bitched and moaned about how it's not defended enough but it would be if it was the TV Title! So they changed it to the TV Title and now you all say "Make it the Legends Title again since it's not defended now either!"

Are you getting the problem? The name means nothing since they don't want to defend the damn thing. The problem has never been with the name of the title but with the booking of the title and its owners. Now can we PLEASE drop this whole "It's all about the name" bullshit because it's really getting old.

Perfect. The name has meant nothing, doesn't mean anything, and never WILL mean anything if the title isn't credible. If you look at the title holders, besides giving AJ Styles the title of Grand Slam Champion, it's been useless for so many peoples' carreers. It was a way to give a meathead like Rob Terry ring time. It gave the ability for men way out of their prime, such as Nash and Foley, to hold a title, and Eric Young, a taste of TNA gold for once in a time. The most credible it has been was when it was unveiled by Booker T, and that only has to do with the MEM. It is completely useless to TNA, and won't be defended no matter what the name of it is.
The name is not the issue here. This title needs to be WANTED by someone. Titles mean nothing if they are not desired. For the longest time even the tag team division meant nothing because no one truly seemed to WANT it. All of a sudden, MCMG and Beer Money fight their asses off to win what they both coveted more than air itself and the tag team titles are once again beyond legit and people are marking out over the tag titles.

That said...why is the X division so depleted? Because it's been forever since anyone truly WANTED the title. It's been forever since two people whooped on each other and put their bodies on the line to win it. With no one wanting it, the title means nothing anymore.

The same now goes for the Television Title. Nobody is fighting for it. Even Dreamer who is the one currently feuding with AJ seems to not even notice that AJ has a title.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, titles mean nothing unless there are wrestlers who would give anything to win them.
The title doesnt need to be wanted by anyone. You know who is going to hold onto the title? Someone who needs it to make themselves look more credible than they already are. A.J. Styles needs something to make himself look credible. It's just the way he is. It makes Fortune look more legit with a title in their ranks too. The title is just a prop, and a damn useful one too.
The title doesnt need to be wanted by anyone. You know who is going to hold onto the title? Someone who needs it to make themselves look more credible than they already are. A.J. Styles needs something to make himself look credible. It's just the way he is. It makes Fortune look more legit with a title in their ranks too. The title is just a prop, and a damn useful one too.

That's just not true at all. No one respects that title at all. It's completely pointless to put it on a guy who's already completely legit like AJ. He doesn't need the frickin' television title that no one cares about to "make himself look credible." It is useless. Whether you want to admit it or not, titles do need to be wanted for them to mean something. That point is proven through looking at the X division title's credibility when people actually fought over it compared to it's zero credibility now despite being held by a great wrestler.

A title can be held by a great wrestler, but if no one wants it, it's useless. It's a damn useless prop...for now anyways.
I never understood the LEgends Title, Global Title, and now it the TV Title. When has any fucking title changed names like this? It's a fucking joke. TNA needs to pull their heads out of thier asses and get down to brass tacks. Cut the bullshit...literatly. Clean some house and walk into the next creative meeting with a 9mm and announce that any bullshit, or nonsense crapping story line will award the writer with a bullet to the fucking head. TNA could be so much better than what the currently are, this idiotic title situation is just another example
That's just not true at all. No one respects that title at all. It's completely pointless to put it on a guy who's already completely legit like AJ. He doesn't need the frickin' television title that no one cares about to "make himself look credible." It is useless. Whether you want to admit it or not, titles do need to be wanted for them to mean something. That point is proven through looking at the X division title's credibility when people actually fought over it compared to it's zero credibility now despite being held by a great wrestler.

A title can be held by a great wrestler, but if no one wants it, it's useless. It's a damn useless prop...for now anyways.

How is it not true? A.J. Styles isn't interesting unless he has something to make him interesting, but that's a case for another thread. Titles have always been props. Why does the TV title need to be respected? If it's defended all the time, and someone like A.J. never loses, people will call bullshit, and want someone else to take it, but if they hotshot the title around, the title is useless because it's had so many holders.

The T.V. title is around A.J. Styles waist right now to give Fortune some credibility. Which is also why Doug Williams is in Fortune now. Now when the Pope continues to struggle, and not get over. He will get the title, to make himself look more credible.
How is it not true? A.J. Styles isn't interesting unless he has something to make him interesting, but that's a case for another thread. Titles have always been props. Why does the TV title need to be respected? If it's defended all the time, and someone like A.J. never loses, people will call bullshit, and want someone else to take it, but if they hotshot the title around, the title is useless because it's had so many holders.

The T.V. title is around A.J. Styles waist right now to give Fortune some credibility. Which is also why Doug Williams is in Fortune now. Now when the Pope continues to struggle, and not get over. He will get the title, to make himself look more credible.

Really? If someone like AJ never loses people will call bullshit? is that really your argument? AJ had a LONG reign as TNA champ. He is ranked the #1 wrestler in the entire world. He is known as the face of TNA by most people. Why in the world would anyone call bullshit for him defending a title successfully on a consistent basis? That argument is completely irrational.

As for titles being used to give Fortune more credibility, the television title really just does not do that. Have you looked at any of the posts on this forum? Nobody respects that title so how can it provide more credibility to a guy who's already the face of the entire company????? It's a ridiculous statement to make.


If someone like AJ never loses people will call bullshit? is that really your argument? AJ had a LONG reign as TNA champ.

He lost the title to Rob Van Dam, on one of Van Dams first nights with the company. Seems to me Styles isn't as valuable as you may think.

He is ranked the #1 wrestler in the entire world. He is known as the face of TNA by most people.

He's known as the face by the IWC and the Impact Zone loyals. As far as normal fans are concerned, RVD, Sting, Jarrett, or anyone else could be seen as the face of TNA.

Why in the world would anyone call bullshit for him defending a title successfully on a consistent basis? That argument is completely irrational.

Because if he keeps defending it, and winning, you get what we over in WWE land call the Cena effect.

As for titles being used to give Fortune more credibility, the television title really just does not do that. Have you looked at any of the posts on this forum? Nobody respects that title so how can it provide more credibility to a guy who's already the face of the entire company????? It's a ridiculous statement to make.

Yeah, on this forum. Where everyone has an opinion that's usually the wrong one. Without the titles, Fortune just looks like a group of guys listening to Ric Flair. With titles, they look more legit. They look like threats to titles because they have them. It beefs up their presence more. I don't know how you don't understand that.
Legend's title made no sense. It's like saying: "We have a bunch of old farts under contract, hanging around doing nothing, so let's create a wheelchair division!". Doesn't work that way and you can't promote it for tv, or ppv. The least TNA could do is stick with the current name and build the title some more. It's all about hype (not saying they're doing much there either), not defending it on every show.. The Global Championship was a fresh idea, but Rob Terry? What the Hell?!? The other problem was that noone could explain the difference between a World Title and a Global Title. Hope this means more air time for AJ. They always use him as a scapegoat when someone's or something's credibility has to be established.

Your an idiot because that would be the point of it. Thats a good idea about the legends title being about the legends of the past. Global is just gay. Rob Terry is crap. Aj is the best agree with your there.
No matter what it's called everyone will just continue to bitch about it. If it were a legends title, people would bitch as soon as someone who is young and no where near legend status won it. If it was kept amongst older guys, people would complain TNA isn't pushing young talent. If it were the Global championship, people would gripe that TNA hardly goes overseas, so what sense does it make? Then they would throw in the fact that it's just an imitation of the WWE's European title. Now it's the TV title and I'm sure people want to gripe because it's "meaningless."

It's been said already, but the name really has nothing to do with the fact that the title is relatively lackluster right now. It's all been poor booking which started with changing the name....twice. They're essentially admitting it's been crap, so let's try this now and see where it goes. Couple that with some questionable holders (Terry, Young) and now we've got a title with little credibility.

What this title really needs is numerous defenses and a solid feud. Once TNA paints the picture that someone like The Pope is out to get that title, maybe then we will feel like the title is worth something.

Obviously TNA is trying to make it a more prestigious championship by putting it on only complaint is that it really hasn't been defended. Lastly, in my opinion, one way to help get AJ over as a heel and to make the title desirable is to have him retain it via time limit draws. If I'm not mistaken, Regal was the WCW TV champ and retained his title quite often this way. Two-three defenses this way and I'm sure the fans would be rabid for an actual finish AND to see if the heel gets his dues.

So, it has nothing to do with its name and everything to do with TNA's poor booking decisions.
The name means nothing. It's like being the million dollar champion. You could call the title anything you wanted and people still wouldn't give a damn about it since its hardly ever defended. If AJ Styles defended the Television title every week then maybe people will give a damn about it. I think TNA has too many titles right now. Naming a title The Legends title doesn't make it great, especially if it is never defended.
ROH is a terrible example in this thread about the TV title because they have a tv title themselves that is rarely defended but I do get what you're saying.


Hmmm, This title's creation was newsto me. Eitherway you can't really criticize when their has only been one champ and the title was just created in march. Plus there is the 30 day rule. 200 days ÷ 30 = less the 7 mandated defenses..
Kofi Orton said:
ofcourse this makes no sense seeing as any former tv title was defended every week on said sho
what the fucking fuck?! oKAY Randy Kingston you mind telling us which TV title your using as a referencing point? I don't recall the ECW title being defended on ever episode of Hardcore TV or the WCW TV title even in the Saturday Night flag ship days being defended every broadcast. In fact it doesn't have to be
with all the old guys in tna and all the wrestlers "past their prime" a legends title actually makes sense.

now jeff jarrett, nash, sting, foley, flair, raven, rhino, dreamer, richards, rvd, and angle are all either over 40 or close to it. (yes rvd and angle are past their prime, not so much as the others mentioned but you have to admit they arent what they used to be)

so why not bring back the legends title and give these old men something to do. i mean come on ev2 is a joke, the jj/hulk v nash/sting thing sucks and doesnt make a whole lot of sense, and if/when rvd comes back and after angle gets his last world title run there wont be much left for them.
What does being past forty in the sport of professional wrestling have to do with being a legend? Is Bruno Sammartino a WWE Hall of Famer because he is past 70? Was Michael Jordan an All Star because he was past 40 when he played for the Wizards? I guess Greg Valentine is an icon because he is about past 60..?

I think the whole plan was to get rid of the aging guys on the TNA pay roll not pander to them further by giving them a senior citizens' title in addition to the world title they already monopolize.:shrug:

We still don't even know what constitutes a legend. You numbers based logic has Double J in there hahaha. Your logic = Fail..

To me that title has been doomed since the beginning. The name changes, weak champions, and lack of title defenses have lowered the credibility of the title in my opinion. A global title seemed useless already having a world title. Plus Rob Terry lowered the prestige of the title in my opinion.
The title was not doomed untl creative got goofy and had TNA legitimize a vanity belt by giving it championship status. Mick , Nash, Book, AJ, wow those names are really weak.. If only this title's lineage included Greg Gagne, Dutch Mantel, the Brooklyn Brawler, and Vincent instead then maybe we could call its heritage rich, but those four guys i first mentioned oh no no credentials.

A ravioli addict, a guy named after a fuel, a jive talkin cat, and a good ol' boy, wow those four guys never really made it big.

And what is all this nonsense about Rob Terry? Hes got a great size, a fresh out look and he high lighted and tried to change a trend in which American federations kept their "World" titles very much national.

The Global title was a god idea because it represented a valid critique on bogarting and they tried to live up to their promise of having it defended far and wide. That was a good thing. Maybe TNA should have a GHC title instead of a World title?
LetEmKnow said:
Also I thought the Legends title was a good way to have both the Legends on the tna roster and the younger guys be able to go for a title. A young guy on the TNA roster could translate winning the Legends Title as a stepping stone to becoming a legend in the business and being 1 step away from the TNA title.
There are only about half a dozen "Legends" in TNA and thats subject to debate. The Knock outs division has a bigger pool.
If we are going beyond gender, weigh, geography, and number of opponents/team mates in the ring it would make more sense to have what one company coined its title, the Young Gunz Champion. A legends division is as silly as having a Men's World title in addition to the World title and in counterbalance to the Knock Outs' Division. Being one step away from the top title makes you the number one contender, a designation not requiring a belt at all.
I saw this idea from another forum but I think TNA should just have the Legends/Global/TV title as an interchangeable title where a holder can choose to rename the belt but ONLY after a certain amount of defenses under the present name.
Why?? Thats stupid. Thats likethe Undertaker looking down at the Undisputed title and pondering to himself "hmm should I call myself the WWF or WCW champ this night?" They arent even interchangeable. I can see a crusierweight calling himself a jr. heavyweight or a U.S. champ calling himself a national champ but i cant see a global champ declaring his title's more proper name to be the television title
PhD said:
Then, Rob Terry won the belt from EY at a fucking house show in Wales, just to pander to the hometown crowd.
Whats wrong with that? Its no worse or better a decision then Backlund dropping the WWF title to Antonio Inoki in Tokyo and its as smart or even better then Flair dropping the NWA World title to Victor Jovica... Terry is a foreigner, hes gonna be more passionate about the diverse lands decree then EY anyways.

P.S. to reiterate again on the redundancy issue that will inevitably be brought up, Global is no more ridiculous then international or intercontinental which all pretty much mean "world(wide)."

He lost the title to Rob Van Dam, on one of Van Dams first nights with the company. Seems to me Styles isn't as valuable as you may think.

He's known as the face by the IWC and the Impact Zone loyals. As far as normal fans are concerned, RVD, Sting, Jarrett, or anyone else could be seen as the face of TNA.

Because if he keeps defending it, and winning, you get what we over in WWE land call the Cena effect.

Yeah, on this forum. Where everyone has an opinion that's usually the wrong one. Without the titles, Fortune just looks like a group of guys listening to Ric Flair. With titles, they look more legit. They look like threats to titles because they have them. It beefs up their presence more. I don't know how you don't understand that.

Everything you've said in this thread has been so nonsensical that for me to continue to change your mind would be a waste of time because you're such a mark that you will refuse to admit that something as useless as the television title could be....well....useless. No matter how much logical reasoning I use to support my argument.
real deal are you blasting the TNA TV title, the lineage of the TNA TV title or television titles in wrestling out right?

Stone Cold, RVD, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Rick Steamboat, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Sting, Keji Mutoh, Scott Steiner, DDP, Lex Luger, Chris Benoit, Taz, Terry fUNK, And the late great Eddie Guerrero would not appreciate you blasting the division. :suspic:
real deal are you blasting the TNA TV title, the lineage of the TNA TV title or television titles in wrestling out right?

Stone Cold, RVD, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Rick Steamboat, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Sting, Keji Mutoh, Scott Steiner, DDP, Lex Luger, Chris Benoit, Taz, Terry fUNK, And the late great Eddie Guerrero would not appreciate you blasting the division. :suspic:

Don't compare the TNA television title to the TV title that those men held. It's not the same title. What I am saying is that this title, whether global or Television, no one has even cared to try to win it. The fact that everyone tries to come up with ideas to make the title legit should be enough to show that it's most definitely not the same title as those legends held. That's not to say that I think it's completely hopeless for TNA to make the Television title legit some time down the line. We'll just have to wait and see.

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