Bring back Paul Bearer to manage Team Hell No


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Now this may not go down well with everyone but I would love if wwe would bring back Paul Bearer role as manage team hell no, I would still have the comedy between Daniel Bryan and Kane but imagine if they through Paul Bearer into the mix. Imagine a conversation between Paul Bearer and Daniel Bryan? I think it would be gold and also keep the team fresh IMO.

Good idea or Bad Idea?
Your thoughts?
Completely pointless. When you have good chemistry between 2 people, you don't fuck it up by bringing someone of absolutely no value into the mix. 75% of the audience wouldn't even know who he is.
Yea, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I really like they're chemistry, and when enough teams start to show promise they'll split. Possibly in time for a Mania match.

I really like these two and adding Bearer to the mix would be too much.
I don't think this would be good. It wouldn't bring anything to the table. Team Hell No are doing fine right now, and they don't need Paul Bearer to help. Paul Bearer has run his course, and if they were going to bring him back, i think the only way to do it would be another kane and undertaker feud, which i dont think will happen.The tag division is looking so much better right now, so they should just keep doing what they are doing.
I agree with Nate! 80% of the audience has no idea who Paul Bearer is or was. Im not too sure if the audience knows their history like us. I would like it,but again no one would know who he is... Just be pointless and true enough saying if it aint broke dont fix it!
As already said, 75% don't knows who Paul Bearer is anymore. Hell, I bet none of the under 15 yr olds knew who Kane was when he returned with the mask a year ago.

I'd just leave it alone. This isn't something I want to last too much longer anyway, I want DB to be back in the main event.
At least come up with a story or reason for Bearer to return. Paul Bearer isn't Steve Austin or Sean Michaels, simply stating his return to manage Team Hell No isn't going to win over many people. Why is he returning? How does Bryan feel about this? Does he say 'Yes' or 'No' a lot? Does he help or hurt Team Hell No in matches? Would he have conflict with the their competitors?

Regardless, I don't think this works long term. It maybe makes for a funny sketch or two (Bryan has Kane and Bearer over to his house for a Father's Day vegan brunch).
Yea, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Oh yeah its just such a good bit that its drawing in huge numbers and tons of attention. I think that Paul Bearer could add to that storyline. I hate when WWE does scripted humor- its never funny and always cringe worthy. At least Paul Bearer is a funny personality - no matter how hard the writers try they can not take the charisma away from Paul.
Team Hell No!'s uniqueness lies in their dis-functionality as a tag team.The only logical manager for this team would be Dr. Shelby. Like George Steele's Barber said, having Paul Bearer as their manager wont work long term.
If Paul Bearer were ever gonna be brought back to manage a team, it should be The Ascension. They don't really need Paul or a manager at all, but it doesn't look like they will be doing much talking in terms of their gimmick, so they could use a mouthpiece. Paul wouldn't be my ideal candidate for that role, James Mitchell is, he's a much better talker than Paul is, but I don't see the WWE ever hiring Mitchell, so Paul would do. I've always thought a great way to bring The Ascension to RAW would be for them to feud with Team Hell No, mainly Kane though, where they would terrorize Kane for not being the monster he once was, and Paul could really add to that storyline if it ever happened. It could be revealed that Paul is the one behind the whole thing, that he recruited The Ascension to punish his son for turning away from the darkside, which infuriates Kane and brings the monster back out of him to get his revenge on Paul & Ascension. Would also be a good way for Kane to turn heel on Daniel Bryan and split their team up. Like I said though, they don't really need Paul, just an idea.
Absolutely not. I dont wish to see paul bearer again until Kane and Undertaker have a retirement match. And I wish that time to be the last time I see Bearer.
The main reason a team would need a manager would be if they are struggling to get over on their own. The antics of Kane and Daniel Bryan are more than enough to keep fans interested in Team Hell No. There are other teams who would benefit far more from having a manager than them, although I don't really see anyone on the roster who would need someone like Bearer managing them. Having him manage anyone other than Kane or Taker just wouldn't seem right. Plus, what would bringing Bearer in as Team Hell No's manager even accomplish?

If anyone should manage them it should be their therapist, not that they need a manager in the first place. They are a hilarious team by themselves and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the promos they have been doing. As for the aspect a manager plays in helping them win matches, they are two former World Champions in a tag team division full of teams of guys that are (within kayfabe) several tiers below them. It's not like they need a manager to help them win matches. While it's an interesting idea, Bearer should definitely not return for an angle of managing Team Hell No.
Maybe just maybe have him for a Father's Day skit or two but as a full time manager ummm Hell No. Kane and Daniel Bryan are over because of their The Odd Couple dynamic. Paul Bearer would just be a third wheel.
Nah, this idea doesn't hold any appeal to me. In the grand scheme of things, it'd be pretty pointless, in my opinion, for Bearer to be part of Team Hell No.

Bryan & Kane are both doing just fine right now without a manager. They're both extremely over right now, especially Bryan, and things seem to be working quite well for them. I see no need to add a third wheel to a perfectly functioning bicycle. Also, I think the addition of Bearer into this situation wouldn't add any comedic value to Team Hell No. If anything, I think it'd just ultimately drag things down.

If WWE were to give the team a manager, I'd personally like to see the Dr. Shelby character brought back for the purpose of helping to "guide" the team through their ongoing issues. Not that Team Hell No needs a manager as I said, but at least Dr. Shelby fits right in with the various dysfunctional issues that've helped make Team Hell No so much fun to watch. Shelby would at least make sense where as Paul Bearer wouldn't.
I would love to see this as a one-off where they play around with Bearer's trademark "Ooooh yes!" It could potentially be humorous. I don't think I'd like Bearer as their manager though. He just doesn't seem to fit with the team's current dynamic.

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