Brian Kendrick


Occasional Pre-Show

About 9:40 in the video

I thought it was a pretty damn good promo, very odd but still effective.
The match with Abyss was impressive as well. I'm a huge Kendrick fan, so I'm glad he's being utilized and pushed.

My questions are:
How'd you like the promo?
Is he the best X-Division guy out there?
How far do you see this push going?
And how about that entrance music?
Brian Kendrick's Zen Master/Philosopher gimmick just isn't doing anything for me and it hasn't since it began. I'm glad that it looks as though he's finally stopped wearing the robe, especially in matches, because it just made it all the more difficult for me to take the guy seriously.

As far as the best "X-Division guy" I'd have to say no. Like a lot of guys in the X Division, Kendrick isn't all that much to speak of from an overall perspective. I thought Kazarian was and is a much more well rounded wrestler than Brian Kendrick. Kazarian, while not great on the mic, is someone that I think is at least tolerable. He has enough size to him that you don't have to roll your eyes at the thought of him having a competitive match with someone like Abyss. He's athletic and can be exciting to watch inside the ring. However, is Kendrick the best of the X Division guys that are currently part of his little faction, the answer is yes but that's not necessarily saying too much.

I don't see Kendrick's push really going much farther than it currently has. Brian Kendrick isn't someone that I can see or would easily buy as being the savior of the X Division. Kendrick & the other X Division guys that are currently in his kliq have all been handily, decisively and cleanly beaten over the course of the past couple of weeks. If the idea is to put some strength into the X Division, I think TNA has a better shot at it with bringing in other wrestlers. Last week, Amazing Red gets demolished by Samoa Joe in about 45 seconds, Matt Hardy single handedly defeats Generation Me but allows Eric Bischoff to get the pin to add insult to injury and Kendrick is beaten this past Thursday by Abyss in a match that nobody believed he had a chance to win in the first place.

About 9:40 in the video

I thought it was a pretty damn good promo, very odd but still effective.
The match with Abyss was impressive as well. I'm a huge Kendrick fan, so I'm glad he's being utilized and pushed.

My questions are:
How'd you like the promo?
Is he the best X-Division guy out there?
How far do you see this push going?
And how about that entrance music?

I liked the promo, it was good and sounded like he was on something ( maybe pot) but it was good. No he isn't the best X-Division guy out there, but he is one of the best in my opinion. He is getting a solid push in my opinion, i think he could be the one to beat Abyss ( with help of course). As for his entrance theme, meh its not bad but since Kendrick looks like Kurt Cobain ( a little) he should use a Nirvana song.
i loved Kendrick since he was THE Brian Kendrick with his crazy jacket. i like his promo style now because quality promos don't need to make sense all the time. and i dont know if he is the best in the x division, but he could carry the title and be incredible if they do give him a big push. his entrance music is alright and i like where he is going.
*but i would love to see him get a mega push in Impact,then go join JoMo and form an incredible stable*
Idk about Kendrick, when he first came to Impact I thought he would be great, but they booked him so badly I don't think I can ever take him serious again. The promo was pretty good; I like his gimmick where he doesn't really make since as he tries to teach others of self actualization. Trust me, he's not the best x division competitor, but he's better than the guys in his kliq. I don't see this push really going that far especially how Impact is being ran; don't get me wrong they're improving but all of us have to wait and see. Personally, I can see him going far with a cult leader gimmick (I know Punk has already done it), But with this philosopher gimmick I can see him leading some lower mid card guys to upper and maybe one to top tier like Raven used to do in ECW.
I loved the mystical words. It's making me think, if he used this gimmick like this in WWE, he could have been like Jeff Hardy was, but less drugs and stayed their :)
I Liked Brian kendrick for a long time... The promo was very good specially because there are not to many wrestlers good on the mic nowadays... I tuly belive he´s the best xdivision wrestlers and would loe to see this push go all the way to the world title ( but unfortunatly it's not going to last ) ... The entrance music i would change it,it does´nt make an impact!!!!!
Aye I've really been digging Kendrick since he showed up in TNA, he's one of the few with a solid gimmick and he's not three bad in the ring or on the mic.

As for the entrance music, it fits his character perfectly, it doesn't sound half as generic as most TNA entrance themes, hell it's one of the few tunes in TNA that I can actually put a face to before the end of the first bar!
How'd you like the promo?

I liked his promo and I am glad we are getting him on the mic. I like his character, the pot head genius, it fits his look well.

how about that entrance music?

Love it! For me it really adds to his character. It is a good change from a lot of the bland synth tracks that most have.

How far do you see this push going?

To be honest I don't really think it is a push, I just feel he is taking charge of the smaller X-Division guys as none of the others can talk at all on the mic. For me he needs to actually win some matches that will lead to something to consider it a push.

Is he the best X-Division guy out there?

Not a chance! In fact I would go as far to say he is one of the worst in ring X-Division guys in Impact Wrestling, only Robbie E is less entertaining in the ring. Kendrick only seems to do flying elbows, and single leg drop kicks at the moment, I struggle to see the difference between his finisher drop kick and the other 5 he does during a match. I swear he used to have a larger repertoire in WWE but I have yet to see it in Impact Wrestling, hopefully he will show more at some point.

For me Kazarian is the best the X-Division has to offer, even though his mic skills are boring he at least is entertaining in the ring. I personally hope we see a massive influx of new and returning X-Division guys at Destination X and some stick around for the long term otherwise I feel the X-Division will die for good.

I would like to see:

Jack Evans
Teddy Hart
Prince Devitt
Petey Williams
Davey Richards
La Sombra
How'd you like the promo?
He talks well...he makes little sense much of the time, but he has some charisma, and speaks like he believes in what he says.

Is he the best X-Division guy out there?
Not the best, but I have been a fan of his in-ring work for a while. I could see him getting a run with the X-Division title, and it looks like he's at least going to be a major player in the X-Division.

How far do you see this push going?
He should get a title run, the way he seems to be getting pushed.

And how about that entrance music?
You know, I have watched TNA from the beginning, and very, very few entrance themes stick out or make any kind of impact. Angle, Jarrett, TBP & Joe are about the only ones I can really respond to, or remember.
How far do you see this push going?
He should get a title run, the way he seems to be getting pushed.

And how about that entrance music?
You know, I have watched TNA from the beginning, and very, very few entrance themes stick out or make any kind of impact. Angle, Jarrett, TBP & Joe are about the only ones I can really respond to, or remember.

I totally see Kendrick as a viable X-Division champion, if booked properly he could really bring some respect to the belt, especially if you cast your mind back to the sit down interview promo thing he did not long after he arrived, the way he talked about elevating the X-Division Title and being a real fighting champion, if they stay true to that it could be great stuff.

As for memorable TNA themes, Daffney's has to be the best. Psychotic by Dale Oliver.
I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with the majority.
I think Kendrick is one of the most useless wrestlers I've ever seen.
his look is terrible. he's too short and too small. he is boring. he has no star power, nothing to make general wrestling fans want to watch him. when he talks all intellectual with big words, I bet there are a lot of general wrestling fans that find it incredibly boring and want to change the channel fast.

it doesn't surprise me to see wrestling fans see Kendrick as someone worth while since these types of fans put an emphasis on what one does in the ring and not much on anything else. no offence.
IMO there is a lot more than goes into making a good wrestler than just what they can do in the ring. a look is just as important as what one can do in the ring, especially when you consider you are putting on a TV show. I really don't pay much attention to the quality of wrestling Kendrick can do, but even if he would be considered a good in ring wrestler, I think he has very little else going for him.
a week ago this past Impact was the first time I ever thought he wasn't completely useless. he actually seemed normal and talked like a regular person. then this past Impact, back to acting all smart.

I really don't think Kendrick is someone TNA should be pushing to raise up the X division. if they wanted to raise the X division, they should be using better qualified wrestlers that more fans could get behind. Daniels, Kazarian, or even Styles are the guys who should be getting highlighted if TNA plans on raising the X division.
I like Kendrick, but it's more because of his character at the moment than his in ring ability, he's one of the few guys that when he has a microphone in his hand I actually stop and listen. His character is different and stands out and is entertaining.
I like Kendrick, but it's more because of his character at the moment than his in ring ability, he's one of the few guys that when he has a microphone in his hand I actually stop and listen. His character is different and stands out and is entertaining.

Maybe it's just the pseudo-intellectual prick in me, but I completely agree. I love Kendrick's mic work, the man's witty and astute and has a way with words and an interesting tone of delivery that really draws me in.
The only time I liked Brian Kendrick was when he was tag champs with Paul London on Smackdown. An epic run with the titles, they had these cool masks that they'd wear on the run down to the ring, and they worked well together.

I'm not a fan of his current gimmick or even him being in TNA. Not a hater, just apathetic. He's done little to impress me in his TNA career, though to be fair he hasn't exactly been given a main-event sustained push.
liking his gimmick and loving his promos against immortal.

but imo his in-ring work has been sloppy for a long time now. his offence is just shitty placed kicks that constantly miss the mark. hes an x-division guy now so he needs to go back to the kinda offense he was using when he tagged in the `E`
Don't like him as a single's guy. I really don't think he has the skills to be an x-division champ. I like Sabin, Shelly, Daniels, Kaz, Pope, and even Joe more in that role. I thought Jay Lethal put on a better match.

I think he's ok on the mic. I could see him as the mouth piece of a tag team. He could bring in a guy like Murphy as his body guard and form a team. Hell, maybe he could partner with Matt Hardy. Form a super team.

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