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Brian Kendrick is the *NEW* TNA X Division Champion


At last night's Destination X ppv, Brian Kendrick defeated Abyss to become the new X Division Champion.

While nobody was very thrilled with Abyss winning the title in the first place, I definitely hope that Kendrick is a transitional champion. Throughout his feud with Abyss, he's generally been booked to look weak and as someone that just can't hang with someone like Abyss as Kendrick has been decimated in virtually every encounter. They went with the David vs. Goliath theme last night, had lots of interference from Immortal and other X Division guys and ultimately allowed Kendrick to score a quick roll up win.

Personally, I'm just not into Kendrick at the moment. Aside from how generally one sided his feud with Abyss has been, I just can't take the guy seriously with this philosophical gibberish he spouts whenever he gets on the mic. I just don't think he's the guy to be the face of the X Division.
Totally agree.

This feud has done very little to catapult Kendrick to the face of the X-Division and the match with Abyss was very crappy. Compare this match with the match Abyss had with Kazarian when he won the title and it is possible to put on a good x-division match with a man over 350 lbs.

I don't like Brian all that much either. He rambles in his promo's and im hoping Shelley takes the title very very soon, which will then get Aries into title contentions. The whole celebrations afterwards were pretty over the top also.
I agree as well.

Don't get me wrong, I love Kendrick. I think he's a loveable character, decent on the mic and in the ring. I loved this storyline. I knew from day one that it would culminate into what happened at Destionation X, but I wasn't always big on the idea of having Kendrick be the savior of the X-Division.

Like I said, I like him, but I feel like someone such as Alex Shelley would've been a more fitting choice. Alex has been in the X-Division a lot longer than Kendrick. Shelley's charismatic, over with the fans due to being one half of The Guns, great in the ring and a hoot on the mic (when he's given the chance). I think the roles should've been reversed here between Kendrick and Shelley.

Kendrick's great in the ring but nowhere near as unique as some of his other X-Division buddies. Plus, like JackHammer said, the spiritual hogwash he's spewing is pretty silly. I get that it's a part of his gimmick, but how are we as fans supposed to get behind this line ...

"You are the reptillians drinking from my spiritual well of bravery and courage."

What? Can any of us live vicariously through that sentence? Can you associate with that? I'm a young guy and for the life of me I can't remember even one time when a reptillian was drinking from my spiritual well of bravery and courage. He needs to tone it down and just cut passionate promos in ENGLISH. He's good at that. And get elbow pads too.

Either way, it was a great match, told a great story, very emotional in the end and didn't disappoint. Great for Kendrick, let's see where he goes with it.
Don't you guys remember that Brian Kendrick was one half of one of the best high-flying tag teams in wrestling history, Londrick, in WWE? They were awesome.If I remember, they were WWE tag team champions for a really long time.Their reign never became stale either, like a majority of WWE championship reigns.I didn't see the match, but maybe Brian Kendrick is more suitable for being a tag team wrestler.From what I've read, Brian Kendrick & Paul London are/were far from friends, but maybe things have changed between them.If I read the rumors incorrectly, which on the internet, there are plenty of false rumors, maybe they are still best friends, maybe TNA would be more than happy of signing Paul London.& people, it may just be Brian Kendrick's gimmick, not his amazing high-flying wrestling skills.
Kind of strange that Kendrick was put in this position at all. Maybe because he looked like the quitessential X division wrestler weak and small? Who knows. But he also has not been with TNA enough to be the emblem of the X Division. If they really wanted an underdog that represent the X Division Amazing Red would have been better. If they wanted someone that represent the X division the most, that can also beat Abyss on his own, they should have either chosen AJ or Joe.
I love Kendrick...wait. I loved Kendrick.

The way hes been booked in this fued has not done him justice and his character - while getting better recently - is annoying.

Its really frustrating to because hes done NOTHING for the past year and when hes finally doing something he comes off looking weak and pitiful. I liked the way he won the title, when this fued started I always knew it was going to end with the entire X Division comming out and helping destroy Abyss, but he was just thrown around like a ragdoll.

I look forward to seeing him up against Alex Shelly but I really hope they put the belt one someone else. Ultimately...Austin Aries needs that belt.
I think the only reason Kendrick was selected to be the X-Division wrestler standing up to Abyss is that he looks so small and unthreatening when up against a monster like Abyss.

With someone like Daniels, Styles and especially Joe, they look like they COULD beat Abyss, and have the CV to prove it. With someone like Kendrick, he is so small and weedy looking, I think TNA just wanted to emphasise how small and "vanilla midget" like the X-Division can be. The option they could have gone with is Amazing Red who is even smaller, but Kendrick can talk better than Red, so I reckon that is why he got chosen.

However, Kendrick is pretty decent in the ring, and I am glad he has finally been pushed by TNA as the guy seems to be ignored wherever he goes, so its nice that he is in the spotlight now. I can't see his title reign being anything spectacular, but the matches should be quite entertaining. I would like to see Austin Aries end up taking the belt from him, or Alex Shelley. Perhaps even Jack Evans if he gets a contract, which I really hope he does.

I just pray Abyss doesnt get a rematch and with Immortal's help, just squash Kendrick again, giving Abyss the belt back and making a mockery of the X-Division yet again. The fans like seeing the X-Division getting some attention, they want to see it succeed, so I hope TNA listen.

I dont think Kendrick will ever be the man to save the X-Division, but maybe he can give it the kiss of life and all the guys as a whole can work together to make it mean something again. The PPV was a good start, but TNA need to continue focusing on the division to raise it back to the heights it used to be.
We'll just have to wait and see how Kendrick vs Shelly does. They both seem like two heelish little tricksters. It will be a matter of finding out who's heel, who's face and how it plays out.

So far the new regime has not shown they knew what to do with the X division, especially how to write and book to relatively two midcard wrestlers in a feud. There was that time when Doug Williams was wagging a war against X wrestlers but again it wasn't just just two guys going at it: it was a anti-X guy wanting to beat X guy, it wasn't just two guys going at it. After that Kaz won the belt but he was mainly carrying it as part of Fortune and not many attention was put into it.
I'm just waiting for Impact to have Kendrick say he "re-christens" the belt as the X-Division belt after Abyss "re-named" it as the Xtreme Championship.

Seeing as how the entire TNA world forgot that the X-Division was named in reference to the X-Games, and how the X-Games originally stood for in 1995 as Xtreme Games or Extreme Games before being shortened to X-Games, Abyss's re-christening meant nothing. This is probably why it was downplayed a lot...although mentioned once again at the PPV.
I love Kendrick and I'm a big fan of his work so last night when he won the I Marked out/ I thought the way they booked the ending was PERFECT and it made for Very Good fell good moment. Now that Kendrick is champ and Shelley is the new #1 contender I'm really looking forward to the matches that these two could have I think it could make for an EXCELLENT title feud.
I fell asleep during this match, I was pretty tired don't get me wrong. But, I fell asleep.

Anyways, I rewatched it and didn't mind it. Kendrick is billed weak vs Amazing Red, let alone Abyss. You wanna build him, make him look better.

My X Division idea.....

Shelley cashes in the X, gets to the point of victory...a huge move, kendrick down, Alex crawls toward him, crowd going nuts, the title is in his finger tips. Then Daniels runs down and pulls the ref out. Daniels loses his shit, beats everyone's ass. Daniels gets his shot and takes the title. Then runs through the X DIvision, puts on great matches and destroys everyone until we get to the question of who can take him out? Joe. Heel Daniels calling himself the best in the X Division vs Joe. We can get a great match with a story.

This could go the same way with a Heel Joe, beating everyones ass until AJ steps in.
I think that this would have happened anyway, even if he was in WWE still.

My theory: United States/Intercontinental Championship=X Division Championship

I think that Kendrick should have jobbed to Abyss, let Shelley take the title, Kendrick challenges Shelley, wins the title, has a Dolph Ziggler reign as champion, then lose it to Daniels. TNA is known for bad booking, so this isn't really a surprise to me that this didn't already happen.
Kendrick is ok; I haven't been to0 fond of him in this program with Abyss. Like many of you said, he looked very weak. I personally don't think he should've won; I hated the ending to this match; I would've rather a stronger x division wrestler win the title later down the line. I love Shelly but I couldn't see him beating Abyss either in a clean win. Since Impact has been going the route of having Immortal battle with originals from time to time I would've like seeing Samoa Joe get it back even though his ring work has slowed it would get him back into a meaningful program, or Chris Daniels, he's really lost in the shuffle and needs something to do badly. Having Daniels become champion would be a whole lot better than a Kendrick title reign, but maybe Kendrick will surprise us.
I agree as well.

Don't get me wrong, I love Kendrick. I think he's a loveable character, decent on the mic and in the ring. I loved this storyline. I knew from day one that it would culminate into what happened at Destionation X, but I wasn't always big on the idea of having Kendrick be the savior of the X-Division.

Like I said, I like him, but I feel like someone such as Alex Shelley would've been a more fitting choice. Alex has been in the X-Division a lot longer than Kendrick. Shelley's charismatic, over with the fans due to being one half of The Guns, great in the ring and a hoot on the mic (when he's given the chance). I think the roles should've been reversed here between Kendrick and Shelley.

Kendrick's great in the ring but nowhere near as unique as some of his other X-Division buddies. Plus, like JackHammer said, the spiritual hogwash he's spewing is pretty silly. I get that it's a part of his gimmick, but how are we as fans supposed to get behind this line ...

"You are the reptillians drinking from my spiritual well of bravery and courage."

What? Can any of us live vicariously through that sentence? Can you associate with that? I'm a young guy and for the life of me I can't remember even one time when a reptillian was drinking from my spiritual well of bravery and courage. He needs to tone it down and just cut passionate promos in ENGLISH. He's good at that. And get elbow pads too.

Either way, it was a great match, told a great story, very emotional in the end and didn't disappoint. Great for Kendrick, let's see where he goes with it.

You get, do you not, that with professional wrestling, you are supposed to suspend disbelief right? I mean, so he cuts some goofy promos? So what? Who doesn't?

Flair looks like he's going to have a massive heart attack. Sting is being made to look like "The Joker". Abyss is spouting gibberish allegedly from The Art of War. RVD is showing signs of hitting the bong too much. Bischoff STILL thinks it's WCW Nitro, and Hogan. Well..he's just Hogan. Self important, self indulgent, and irrelevant.

So a mid-carder like Kendrick cutting an odd promo actually does more to enhance his character than hurt it.
I fell asleep during this match, I was pretty tired don't get me wrong. But, I fell asleep.

Anyways, I rewatched it and didn't mind it. Kendrick is billed weak vs Amazing Red, let alone Abyss. You wanna build him, make him look better.

My X Division idea.....

Shelley cashes in the X, gets to the point of victory...a huge move, kendrick down, Alex crawls toward him, crowd going nuts, the title is in his finger tips. Then Daniels runs down and pulls the ref out. Daniels loses his shit, beats everyone's ass. Daniels gets his shot and takes the title. Then runs through the X DIvision, puts on great matches and destroys everyone until we get to the question of who can take him out? Joe. Heel Daniels calling himself the best in the X Division vs Joe. We can get a great match with a story.

This could go the same way with a Heel Joe, beating everyones ass until AJ steps in.

You my hero!

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