Brian Kendrick is a fucktard


Getting Noticed By Management
After quickly being eliminated in last night’s Royal Rumble match, two people in WWE say that The Brian Kendrick has heat on him and is in some kind of trouble. The fact that Kendrick has failed multiple marijuana tests after being asked to slow it down isn’t helping him either. One of the sources say that Kendrick just has a hard time listening to those in authority and doesn’t really care about certain things he should. Kendrick started getting a pretty nice push last year but that has obviously been taken down a few notches.

Screw Brian, If he's that big of a moron he doesnt deserve a push. I was a big TBK fan until I read this shit.
After quickly being eliminated in last night’s Royal Rumble match, two people in WWE say that The Brian Kendrick has heat on him and is in some kind of trouble. The fact that Kendrick has failed multiple marijuana tests after being asked to slow it down isn’t helping him either. One of the sources say that Kendrick just has a hard time listening to those in authority and doesn’t really care about certain things he should. Kendrick started getting a pretty nice push last year but that has obviously been taken down a few notches.

He's showing more and more similiarities to Shawn Michaels circa 1990's.

I LOVE how none of those smarks that think he's the greatest thing to walk the earth didn't mention this. But they will diss Jeff Hardy for the same reason.
I LOVE how none of those smarks that think he's the greatest thing to walk the earth didn't mention this. But they will diss Jeff Hardy for the same reason.

Well, firstly, TBK's marajuana use isn't as well-known and documented as Jeff Hardy's drug use.

Secondly, there's quite a difference between smoking pot (which gets you a fine) and heroin (which gets you minimum a suspension).
Bottom line - both are idiots for doing it. But at least Jeff has put it behind him now, at least it seems that way.

Admit it smarks, Kendrick is unreliable.
I LOVE how none of those smarks that think he's the greatest thing to walk the earth didn't mention this. But they will diss Jeff Hardy for the same reason.

You do realize that you are, in fact, a smark yourself right?

a portmanteau of "smart mark", a phrase coined by Internet wrestling fans to describe a fan who enjoys pro wrestling despite or because they know that it is staged, as well as generally knowing the "ins-and-outs" of the company and knowing many things about the industry or wrestlers collected by sources and are posted online. "Smarks" are generally looked down on by wrestlers as well as other wrestling fans for supposed inability to suspend their disbelief. Smarks may also be criticised for believing they know more than they do in reality about the workings of the wrestling industry. (compare "mark"). The term was also the name of an on-line pro-wrestling related comic strip created by Al Isaacs and Terry Taylor.
Naa by my book, smarks are the people that respect the heels and don't respect the faces.

And don't change the subject. You know Kendrick is in the wrong here.
I didn't deny that. But nobody wants to admit that Kendrick did something wrong here. Seriously, can't you all just admit that he did something wrong for once? The guy could literally kill Barack Obama and he'd get away with it on Wrestlezone Forums.
I didn't deny that. But nobody wants to admit that Kendrick did something wrong here. Seriously, can't you all just admit that he did something wrong for once? The guy could literally kill Barack Obama and he'd get away with it on Wrestlezone Forums.
Naa by my book, smarks are the people that respect the heels and don't respect the faces.

And who gave you the power to change the definition of a fucking word?, admit it you're a smark

And don't change the subject. You know Kendrick is in the wrong here.

I didn't say he was, point out one place where I said he didn't deserve to be punished?
I didn't deny that. But nobody wants to admit that Kendrick did something wrong here. Seriously, can't you all just admit that he did something wrong for once? The guy could literally kill Barack Obama and he'd get away with it on Wrestlezone Forums.

Dude, have you even read the fucking thread?!?
And who gave you the power to change the definition of a fucking word?, admit it you're a smark

It's my definition of the word. And you probably got that other definition off Wikipedia.

I didn't say he was, point out one place where I said he didn't deserve to be punished?

Well you brought up Jeff Hardy for taking drugs. And you hate him mainly because of that, so how come you don't hate Brian Kendrick. Oh because he's a heel, he gets away with it right?

Dude, have you even read the fucking thread?!?

Only *sigh* CCS was smart enough to point out that Kendrick isn't innocent.
It's my definition of the word. And you probably got that other definition off Wikipedia.

Well your definition is wrong

Well you brought up Jeff Hardy for taking drugs. And you hate him mainly because of that, so how come you don't hate Brian Kendrick. Oh because he's a heel, he gets away with it right?

Umm I don't like Kendrick, never fucking even implied that I did, my post just implied that WWE is a bit hypocritical, cause Jeff does the same thing and gets pushed to the moon, Kendrick does it and gets jobbed like worse the the Brooklyn Brawler, but I guess it's ok to push Hardy cause you like him right

Only *sigh* CCS was smart enough to point out that Kendrick isn't innocent.

aswell as others, no one has said he should be let off the hook, as you seem to think
Well your definition is wrong

In your opinion it's wrong, I think otherwise.

Umm I don't like Kendrick, never fucking even implied that I did, my post just implied that WWE is a bit hypocritical, cause Jeff does the same thing and gets pushed to the moon, Kendrick does it and gets jobbed like worse the the Brooklyn Brawler, but I guess it's ok to push Hardy cause you like him right

Umm, well Jeff did get suspended for 60 days, Kendrick hasn't. And Jeff Hardy is actually over with the crowd, and Kendrick barely gets a reaction from the fans AKA the fans don't give a shit about him. That's the difference between Jeff Hardy's situation and Kendrick's.

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck - see, swearing is SOOOO cool ;)
It's my definition of the word. And you probably got that other definition off Wikipedia.

Wiki articles are usually you know....annotated by sources....and it is in this case as well by PW Torch. So your point is moot.

Your laughable attempt at labeling others as 'smarks' is nothing but defensive strawman rhetoric. You fail at discrediting any argument against your own because it doesn't even exist on that level in the first place lol.

You. Are. A. Smark. Too.


As for Kendrick. Meh. If they are only fining him then obviously its not as bad as whatever Jeff was doing. Fact remains that he's still not abiding by the rules so his slowed push is warranted.
As for Kendrick. Meh. If they are only fining him then obviously its not as bad as whatever Jeff was doing. Fact remains that he's still not abiding by the rules so his slowed push is warranted.

Hell, he's lucky. He still gets a gimmick and entrance attire. If he loses those and they split him from Zeke, then you KNOW he's in the shit.
I too often modify the definitions of the words I use. For instance, I am currently mopping up the intersandwich.

The moral of the story... you can't have your own definition of a word. That's just smark.

It's not illegal is it? Unlike what Brian Kendrick is apparently doing.
Hell, he's lucky. He still gets a gimmick and entrance attire. If he loses those and they split him from Zeke, then you KNOW he's in the shit.

Honastly I have always felt Kendrick is nothing more than a vehicle to help push Zeke, they're just having him play Kendrick body guard until they feel he's ready to break free and go on his own, which could be very soon, personally I would have liked to see it happen at the Rumble, have Kendrick get thrown out, but Zeke catch him, and instead of throwing him back in the ring, he just looks down at him for a second, and says fuck it, drops Kendrick, and walks away
That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You want to change the definition of the word "smark", simply because you don't want to admit that you are one.

FACT: Everyone on this forum is a smark to some degree.

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