Brett Favre Retires.... Again

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
According to ESPN Brett Favre has once again retired, this is now the third time he has done so. Everyone figured he would be back so this is somewhat shocking but the guy is 40 years old and although he didn't win it all last year he went out after a tremendous season.

So thoughts on his decision? Do you believe he really is retired for good? How does this affect the Vikings as a team moving forward?
I think it's legit because his ankle never healed properly. So the man is very tender. Besides isn't this the latest he's ever retired? I honestly think it's legit and now the Vikes are fucked and are probably regretting passing up a quarterback in the last draft. Tarvaris Jackson lead Vikes team really isn't that scary. Well not in my opinion. Unless he's been juicing in the offseason or some shit. But yeah, Favre is gone for good. Which is funny because a lot of Viking fans had a lot of false hope.
I'll believe it when Jackson or Rosenfels take the snaps for the first game of the season. We talked about this on my radio show today, sort of broke it to Chicago. Favre has done this before, talked about how he is done and is just going to retire. I mean fuck he cried on the podium in Green Bay. But then he comes back and says that he still has some in the tank and wants to play. So I'm one of the people who is "I'll believe it when I see it".

As far as the Vikings are concerned, their quarterback situation isn't very good. Jackson and Rosenfels are backups at best, so the Vikings are going to pray that Brett feels more in the tank. The offense will likely put an even higher emphasis on Adrian Peterson and give him the ball more. Now, the hope is that he can carry the ball and not fumble, which is huge, especially for Peterson. Losing Chester Taylor to the Bears is also a bigger factor now. The wide receivers won't have the same types of years they had last year.

The offense takes quite a big hit, Favre was the balancing point for them. Without him, it tilts more to the running game. The defense will likely be stellar again, and may take on some extra weight themselves without the sustained drives Favre could get to help rest them. But we will have to wait and see what happens the rest of the summer.
The Vikings obviously aren't as good minus Favre but I still think they will make the playoffs as a wild card. They have talented receivers and one of the best running backs in the league in AP. Toby Gerhardt was a good addition as well. Their defense is also very good.

I may be in the minority here but I actually like Tavaris Jackson. Remember in 2008, the year before Favre got there, Jackson actually had a good finish to the season. He struggled at first and was benched but an injury to Gus Frerotte allowed Jackson to come in and start the final 4 games and he played tremendous. The Vikings went 3-1, Jackson threw only 1 pick, and overall on the season he had a 95.4 qb rating. He has now had a whole year on the bench watching and learning and I actually think he will surprise some people this season.
Unless Brett or the Vikings say it publicly, I won't believe it. If I recall, the same exact thing happened last year. I think it's just ESPN trying to hype up Favre again.
As a Viking fan, honestly I'm not convinced. All they're really going off of is a text to teammates that said "this is it", which is pretty damn vague if ya ask me. Not to mention the fact that Favre did something similar last year by saying he wasn't going to play another season, two weeks later he was suited up for a preseason game. I don't see any reason why this is different. If anything it's going to scare the Vikings ownership to come to Favre and offer to increase his salary reportedly to $13 million this year. There's been no news from Brett regarding the retirement, Chilly has denied Favre's told him he's retired, nothing is set in stone yet.

As far as what we do if Favre indeed retires, well first of all I'm going to go bang my head against a wall because I screamed at the Vikes to draft Clausen when they had the chance but of course they wouldn't. They didn't trade for Mcnabb, or Campbell, or do fucking anything. Maybe Tjack will have progressed somewhat with a year of watching Favre, I'm not counting on it. Sage is fucking done. Which leaves the wild card Joe Webb. I don't expect Webb to be ready immediately but something about his skill set I like and could be a surprise at QB. Chilly is a fan of TJack so I got a feeling we're stuck with him unless we swing a trade for Vick or a different QB. Don't see that happening though.
I'll believe when TJack is taking the snaps come the seasons beginning. And I'm not sure I'm buying it. I want to hear it from Favre himself or from the team. The team hasn't said anything and Favre said last year around this time that he was staying retired, only to come back and play. But if it is legit, I will have nothing but good things to say about Favre, like I have his whole career. Last season was one of the best seasons I've watched from the Vikes and Favre was a main contributor to that.

I have and always will be a TJack supporter. I think the guy can be a decent QB and he has shown some promise. He is humble and I bet he picked up a few things by watching and learning under Favre for a year. I think the Vikes are still a playoff team without Favre, but it will be tougher than it would have been with Favre. AD and Gerhart will probably see the bulk of the offense, but Rice came into his own at WR and Harvin should continue to get better and Shank is one of the best TE around. Jackson has improved weapons and he should and hopefully will be the starter if Favre truly calls it quits.
I wouldn't doubt to see him come back 2 or 3 weeks from now. He "retired" about a week earlier than this last year, and it was only a matter of time before he came back. Maybe his ankle still isn't right, but like I said, I think we'll see him again.

The Vikings are definetly in some trouble without him though. The passing game takes a huge step down with Tavaris, who can be all over the place. With less of a passing game, teams will load up on AP, the defense is under more pressure, etc. Definetly a weaker team without him, but still have a shot at the playoffs.
Even if Brett has a press conference saying he's going to retire i still wont believe him (i wont believe it until he fills out his retirement papers or when Tavarais is under center against NO on Sept. 9th lol)

if Favre does retire though then obviously GB has to be pretty fuckin happy about this because now theyre the favorites to win the NFC North and even possibly the NFC (although now i think NO will repeat as NFC Champs lol)

MIN on the other hand will finish 2nd or 3rd in the North and win 7-9 gms this season missing the playoffs (my NFC seeds from 1 through 6 were NO, DAL, MIN, SF, GB, & ATL in that order assuming Favre was coming back but now instead of MIN making the playoffs maybe CHI or PHI will make it as one of the Wild Cards)
Well nobody knows if he's really retired this isn't the first time Favre said he's done. But this is a huge blow to the Vikings or is it really I say that because usually every time Favre has a good season his next season is average at best and it's been like that the past couple of years. Lets face it too people Favre wasn't gonna put up the same numbers this season that he did last season. I think a bigger issue for the Vikings is that they could of had Donovan Mcnabb as their QB and that fit could had possibly worked better than Favre. Again though it's Brett Favre and I won't believe until I see it.
What I find rather amazing is that Brett Fa-VrE had the best season of his career and peaked @ 40!!! That's just supernatural. I am not a Vikings fan to say the least, rewind back to Dallas-Minnesota last year in the playoffs for more insight on that. For me that is great news if he is gone as my Cowboys are something like the #3 pick in Las Vegas to win the Super Bowl this year. That just makes it a little easier as we don't have to face the Brett Fa-VrE powered Vikes. I swear, him being there was like a shot of HGH or something to that team and they played off the Earth for that guy. It was impressive to say the least. I am a Brett Fa-VrE fan so I wouldn't mind seeing him out there again, but I am getting tired of the "will he or will he not" stuff and the retiring and returning. Just make up your mind, play or don't play. It's not fair to the team, and it just leaves the fans frustrated.
Hard to believe that he's really done. This might be another trying to get out of training camp thing or something. I don't know, but I refuse to believe to it. He's done this flip flopping to many times to take him seriously.

As far as the Vikings go, they'll be 2nd in the division without him, but that's not saying much. The Bears and the Lions both won't be good this season, so they'll be there by default. But in no way do I see them making the playoffs. Jackson has not been a very good QB, and word is he isn't doing well in camp either. The Vikings will regret not taking a QB in the draft because without Farve they are going nowhere.
I'll believe it when another QB takes a snap for the Vikings in a regular season game. Favre doesn't want to go to camp and he never has. This is what, three years in a row now where he's retired and has come back in time to play? I'm not saying this isn't true, but I'll believe it when camp is over, preseason is over, and he's not on the field when the first snap is taken.
GULFPORT — A family source told the Sun Herald this afternoon that Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre has made no decision regarding a 20th season in the NFL.

“Brett has not made a commitment to play or a decision to return at this point,” the family source said.

Read more:

More drama here. A family source says Favre hasn't made a decision yet. This is Favre's local paper and he has reported to them in the past. So this will definitely be covered by ESPN until Favre ultimately makes the decision. I still believe he will be QBing for my Vikes come week one, but we shall see.
Not buying it.

I'll beleive Favre's retirement if he wins another Super Bowl or when he reaches his late 40's. Look, he proved he can still go last year, and he led the Vikings to an amazing season, and they were so close to reaching the Super Bowl. Favre loves playing football, and as we've all come to notice over the years, he has a hard time making up his mind. Favre will probably come back. The season hasn't started yet, so there's still time.
Favre has never "retired" this close to the season though. He usually retires in the spring and then comes back after the training camp. That's his thing. I think he'll come back if the Vikings make it back to the playoffs (kind of like what the Saints did with Deuce). If he doesn't come back this season, he will be back next year if this ankle injury doesn't keep him out.
Yea, his leg is whipped, and not well enough for him to roll out there and play right now. Will it get better in a month or so? Maybe. Its been pretty clear since the beginning, if he is healthy enough, he will play. But as of now, he isnt, so he cant. Dude is, y'know, old. His leg was fucked, so, thats how it goes. If it gets better, and the vikes want him, I wouldnt be shocked to see him out there, but for now, this is legit. I dont get were the uproar is though, its been the same story all off-season.

My leg is fucked. I cant walk so great. I want to play, but im old, and so I might not be healthy enough to do so.

Well, ends up, he didnt get better in time. Its all pretty straight forward in my opinion, its tough to see how people could be crying bullshit or have an issue with this
Favre has never "retired" this close to the season though. He usually retires in the spring and then comes back after the training camp. That's his thing. I think he'll come back if the Vikings make it back to the playoffs (kind of like what the Saints did with Deuce). If he doesn't come back this season, he will be back next year if this ankle injury doesn't keep him out.

Not true. Last season (end of July, early August) Favre told the Vikings he would stay retire and wouldn't be joining the team. Low and behold Favre didn't retire and joined the Vikings just a few weeks later. For now Favre is "retired", though it is just a story, we will see what is happening in a few weeks from now.
Not true. Last season (end of July, early August) Favre told the Vikings he would stay retire and wouldn't be joining the team. Low and behold Favre didn't retire and joined the Vikings just a few weeks later. For now Favre is "retired", though it is just a story, we will see what is happening in a few weeks from now.

You realized you are agreeing, not arguing, with what I said? I said he usually is out until after training camp (what he has done the past few years). This time his retirement just seems more legit since he has a fucked up leg.
I think Favre will play this season. Hurt or not, he is still one of the best in the league and can possibly lead the Vikes to the Superbowl. I just wish he'd retire so the Packers have a better chance.
Brett Favre is pathetic. Hes like an NFL player version of what ric flair would be. Retires the first time and leaves on a positive note like ric flair did at wrestlemania 24. Decides he wants more and tries to come back but the packers didnt want him like ric flair wanted to wrestle again but wwe didnt want him too, brett joins the competition that being the vikings, flair joins the "competition" TNA. So like its been said already in almost every post i will believe it when i see it
So I was just watching ESPN and they're saying Favre will play if healthy. Well looks like nothing new, he's retired, he's playing. This is beyond old and I don't plan on talking about Favre much anymore after this week. I just don't see how the guy can go from the Greatest Packer of All-Time to a sideshow. I still love Brett but he's being more of a diva than Owens was in Philly. I, as does most people just wishes he would just make up his mind and not string everyone along waiting for him to decide. I'm over it.
You know, I'm surprised someone hasn't been taken to task over these repeated reports you keep seeing flash up about Brett Favre like Herpes on a Hooker. We can all say what we wany about Brett Favre; that this is an ego trip, that he's pathetic (strong words there, mate), that he's a diva. I get that he has some culpability for how he's being portrayed in the media. But at what point is Brett not responsible, and at what point are the "journalists" who break these stories responsible?

Yes, I'm calling out all sports writers, and "journalists", as I suppose they like to be called. Whoever broke this story, obviously did so with very little information on the actual situation that came from the horses mouth. Text messages? We're getting our news reports from text messages? Doesn't anybody see a problem with this? With the fact that journalists went to rush this story, like a virgin rushes lo lose his virginity to a prostitute, and got burned. Instead of, "The News Reporter fucked up big time", now it's "Brett Favre can't decide", "Bret Favre is a diva", "Brett Favre is holding the Vikings hostage".

Guys, it's time we face who's truly culpable for the story panning out as it has. Sure, Brett has led us through the ringer before, but this time, we had a case of someone rushing to send a report out, which went by without confirming any credible source, and now Brett's being played off as a man who can't make the decision. The 24 hour News Cycle we live in is just as responsible for the situation we have now as Brett Favre is
We should all know by now when it comes to ESPN and their "Sources" that the majority of them are bullshit. Its like ESPN just making up stuff for people to tune in, especially this time of year when things are a little slow in the sports world. They probably have the top staff from Star magazine or National Enquirer for these stories.

Now according to ESPN, from Favre himself has said he plans on playing if healthy enough. The Vikings are set to give him a raise also from the 13 mill he was guaranteed to 16 mill with 4 more million in incentives, so thats 20 million he can make if he comes back. With that kinda money on the table I'm sure he will be healthy enough right around the end of the preseason. Favre has been doing the same thing he has been the past couple of years which is working with the high school not to far from his home. How awesome would it be to have someone like Brett Favre throwing you passes during your high school practices?

I truly believe that he will be back, the NFC is really the Vikings to lose. With no changes really to the team, except if Favre plays or not, they should have no problem being right back at the NFC championship game.

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