Bret Hart's best match ever


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Quite simple actually. He had one hell of a career and magnificent title reigns. But if you had to chose which of his classic matches would you pick as your all-time favourite Bret Hart match, which would it be?

Yes any match of Bret Hart which is your favourite, WWF/E and WCW included.

For me it would have to be SummerSlam 1992.

His first main event match ever for the "E", and who better than to wrestle than his brother-in-law, the late Davey Boy Smith. He even dropped the Intercontinental title to him at his home-town (England) in an amazing match that went on for 25 minutes at Wembley Stadium filled with 80,000 fans. Let's not forget Lennox Lewis by Davey Boy's side

This match kept him in the main event picture and got him challenging for his first WWE champion.

To top it off, the ending of the match where Davey Boy won, I saw IMO, the biggest pop from the crowd ever in Wrestling History.

So what's your favourite Bret Hart Match??
Lots to choose from. Bret vs. Perfect at SummerSlam 91' and Bret vs. Bulldog at SummerSlam 92' are great as are his matches with Shawn and Owen. But for me it's one match and one match only:

Austin vs. Bret at WrestleMania 13. There match at Survivor Series was a sign of things to come. It did so much and was an utter war. This was the match that elevated Austin from the guy with so much potentiel to being there. This match re-invented Bret's character. This match gave us all this and so much more. It's my favourite match of all time. Rather than butcher it with my words just watch this video:
There really are so many to choose from which shows how awesome Bret really was. It's so hard to pick just one, but if I have to I'll go with WrestleMania X against Owen. That match was as close to perfect as you can get. It had a great build and the wrestling was flawless. The pace of the match was perfect as they told a great story. The surprise win made Owen a star. I feel bad picking only one, but I guess only one can be the best.
Hard to choose just one. Also, he wrestled for almost 25 years, so a lot of his best matches have never been shown on television/ppv. I loved his match at Summerslam 91 with Hennig. Great technical stuff, even though Perfect was in a lot of pain. Summerslam 92 was great as well, in London against Davey Boy. Other great matches were against Diesel at KOTR 94, vs. Bob Backlund at Survivor Series 94, vs. Shawn Michaels at Mania 12, and against the Undertaker at Royal Rumble 96 (a hugely underrated match, IMO).

But my favorite would have to be Austin vs. Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 13. This is my favorite Steve Austin match as well. This was huge. This rivarly was so personal, you really thought these two wanted to kill one another. It lasted over 20 minutes, and the submission stip only added to the violent nature of the feud. Austin brought out a much more aggresive side in Bret Hart, and this was really the start of Bret turning heel.

This match had it all. Brawling, technical wrestling, aggression. Just about everything I like in a match. Bret looked like the better wrestler, and Austin looked like the "tough guy." But the great thing about this match was the fact that it turned those assumptions upside down. After this match, you realized Austin had a lot of technical ability, and that Bret was one tough S.O.B.

Austin passing out in his own blood is one of the most unforgettable sites I have ever seen on a wrestling ppv. This was a war, and I will never forget it. These two guys are my favorite pro wrestlers to ever walk the planet, and watching them square off in this epic clash, at Wrestlemania no less, has to be my fondest memory of professional wrestling.
This is a no brainer, WrestleMania 13, Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold Submission Match. This was one of the reasons why the attitude era was getting picked up. Not only Bret Harts best match, but the greatest match to enter into the ring of WrestleMania, and all of wrestling possibly
I know I will be in the minority here but my favorite Bret Hart match is Wrestlemania 8 vs. Roddy Piper for the Intercontinental Title. It was a great match that told a perfect story of how far would Piper go to keep the title and they were both good guys. The promo before the match was hilarious and it was a Mania' classic.
This is a really tough one. There's so many classics. Mr. Perfect at Summerslam 1991, British Bulldog Summerslam 1992, Owen Wrestlemania 10, Shawn Wrestlemania 12, Austin Wrestlemania 13. There's also a few that flew under the radar such as vs. Perfect at King of the Ring 1993, vs. Diesel at Survivor Series 1995, vs. Michaels at Survivor Series 1992, vs. Hakushi, and a few other matches during his 1994 reign and his late 1995/early 1996 reign.
I know I will be in the minority here but my favorite Bret Hart match is Wrestlemania 8 vs. Roddy Piper for the Intercontinental Title. It was a great match that told a perfect story of how far would Piper go to keep the title and they were both good guys. The promo before the match was hilarious and it was a Mania' classic.

i loved that match although it wasnt my favorite Hart match my favorite bret match was between hart and hennig in anchorage alaska i dont have a link to it or anything but i saw it once and it blew there other two matches out of the water thats my first so him and piper would be my second and owen at wrestlemania x would be number 3 ohh shit almost forgot about the owen hart memorial vs benoit
My favorite Tag Bret match is The Hart Foundation vs The Brain Busters from SummerSlam '89. My favorite singles match would have to be vs 1-2-3 Kid on Raw in 1994. I know it may not be the best match, but I was on the edge of my seat and the pace of the match was very entertaining.
It's hard to choose one, but I have to say Summerslam '92 vs British Bulldog.It had a great build up to the match, and the match it's self didn't disappoint. The fact that I've now know after reading in Bret's book. That Davey was on a crack bing the week leading up to the match, and still so out of it he had to carry that whole match. To me that makes his performance even greater proving he could have a great match with anyone.

A close second would be vs Austin at Wrestlemania 13. He and Austin get a ton of credit for that match. He by all minds didn't have to carry Austin. However no one else could of pulled that off. In regards to how he turned heel and Austin turning face.
Hart vs. Hart at WrestleMania X. They say the best rival is your relative and this was no exception. I love that Owen got the win in this match, but none the less Bret and Owen put up their best efforts to make this one of the greatest WrestleMania matches of all time.
This is really hard lol because i can't really say I have a favorite so ill just give my top 3.

Bret V. Austin
I remember sitting there watching with my dad at the time and as it was going on my pops actually started getting into it lol. It had it all little tech. wrestling with some brawling and some unexpecting blood with Austin hitting his head which when you think about it if it wasn't for the accident, him passing out would have had the same effect IMHO.

Bret V. Piper
This match was just a great WRESTLING match. very good pace good moments without a doubt one of my favorite finishes to a match when bret pulled out the vitory with his roll while still in the sleeper hold. Shame this was there only match.

Bret V. HBK(ladder match)
Guess a lot of people never saw this but this is the match that made me a Hart fan. I brought it on the Home Video VHS back in the day and it was the main event on the tape.This match IMHO is better then Razor/HBK great spots, beginning of a decade long fued, great pace for it's day and just an overall great match that could easily take place now and have the crowd leaving the areana pleased. <--part 1 <--part 2
My choice is SummerSlam '91,

Two 2nd gen. stars performing at the top of their game!!

Sad to say that was a rivalry that should've played out a few more matches,those 2 brought their "A" game that night!!
Three favorites...

Mr. Perfect... Great technical match...

HBK... WM 12... Awesome and innovative match for its time...

Owen... WM 10... Another great match and I was also really happy Owen got the win, its a shame that he didn't get much of a push after that huge win and great match....

Austin gets an honarable mention...
I'm going to go with Bret Hart vs British Bulldog at In Your House 5. It was great back and forth action and Bret getting busted open only added to the drama of the match.
I SO want to say Bret v Bulldog... as it is my favourite match ever... I was 4th row at Wembley... met both guys that day... but it wasn't quite Bret's best... Davey was not spaced out i'll add... Austin v Bret was awesome for the innovation... a WM match had never gone into the crowd... the ring post figure four had never been seen, nor that finish... but...

It was Bret v Owen at Mania 10... that match was YEARS in the making... they'd planned every second of it over their lives... if they ever got the chance they knew the exact moves, the finish... all of it... and it showed... Imagine the road trips where they'd talk about if they ever got to work a Mania against each other? Probably a favourite topic to pass some miles... Bret was never going over that night... it was his honor and their childhood dream to put owen over that night... that makes it all the better in my eyes... like Savage/Steamboat before it it was rehearsed to death... but you never realised unless you got that these were two brothers living their dream match... its like the girl you marry will always have rehearsed the wedding in her head since she was 5....
Davey was not spaced out i'll add...

I do think it was kind of a cheap shot for Bret to say he had to carry the entire match by himself now that Davey is not around to defend himself..

As far as Brets best match I'll have to say Bret vs Owen at WMX. It was just brilliantly done (except for Owen saying "Thats why I kicked your leg outta your...leg!!" lol).. the buildup was well done going all the way back to Survivor Series.. Owen with the surprise win made this special too. I feel this gets slightly underrated simply because later on in the night their match got outshined by the ladder match but its always been my favorite Bret match.

Honorable mentions... vs HBK WM12... vs Bulldog SS 92... vs Austin WM13.. sorry these are so predictable but they are what they are
Like many people have said, I agree it's pretty damn hard to just choose one, but I must admit I've always had a soft spot for Wrestlemania 12 vs Shawn Michaels.

The build-up for it was pretty well handled, and the match in it self was just amazing, while it had a slow pace at first, it started to pick up, and it had a lot of pure wrestling, a lot of brawling, great match in my opinion, and if I had to choose just one, this would be the one.

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