Bret Hart: The Owen Hart DVD is the shits!


Getting Noticed By Management

Damn Bret! say it like it is.. :icon_neutral: gotta respect a man that speaks his mind and pulls no punches.

"Sure there's an Owen Hart Dvd but it's the shits"
What? Bret upset with something?! No, that could never happen, he's the most happy positive guy in the whole wrestling world.:rolleyes:
Apparently the DVD is really limited as Martha Hart would only allow certain things to be included. No pictures from his childhood, no Stampede footage etc
I'll always appreciate Bret's honesty. No matter the question, you know he's going to answer it sincerely and with his true feelings on the matter. How this exactly equates to him being whiny, I don't know, but I just find it refreshing for a public figure like Bret to always be so candid in his thoughts and opinions.
Ah yes, respect a man who's turned into a whiny little bitch.. It's a shame that's what the world has turned into, thanks to the internet and other media outlets.
Ah yes, respect a man who's turned into a whiny little bitch.. It's a shame that's what the world has turned into, thanks to the internet and other media outlets.

That doesn't inherently mean he's wrong.

I mean, honestly, Martha isn't cooperating on this, and of course it won't be as good as it could be. Like, why is this something we should doubt? This DVD was done without her blessing, and it really comes off as a way to make money off his name, and frankly, his death.
I'll always appreciate Bret's honesty. No matter the question, you know he's going to answer it sincerely and with his true feelings on the matter. How this exactly equates to him being whiny, I don't know, but I just find it refreshing for a public figure like Bret to always be so candid in his thoughts and opinions.

That's all perfectly fine but there is some valid criticism to be meted out too as Bret also comes off as someone who doesn't like anything. "4/10" has become a meme for him for a reason. Nothing or no one is good enough. No one is/was as good as him.
I'll always appreciate Bret's honesty. No matter the question, you know he's going to answer it sincerely and with his true feelings on the matter. How this exactly equates to him being whiny, I don't know, but I just find it refreshing for a public figure like Bret to always be so candid in his thoughts and opinions.

Thank you. It's equally refreshing to read comments from people that don't take shots at Bret at every single opportunity.
Someone's propensity to complain says nothing of the veracity of what they are complaining about. Just because Bret has a history of complaining about a lot of things doesn't mean he's wrong about Martha wanting to erase (really censor) Owen's history in the business. Read the book she wrote on his death — it's clear as day she hated wrestling. She hated how often it took him away from her and their kids and she resented most of the family for defending his career choices.

So yeah, Bret's a whiner, but he's probably also right.
Барбоса;5285883 said:
That's all perfectly fine but there is some valid criticism to be meted out too as Bret also comes off as someone who doesn't like anything. "4/10" has become a meme for him for a reason. Nothing or no one is good enough. No one is/was as good as him.

To be fair, he does say that it's because Martha handcuffed them. And he said that WWE did their best with what they have, but because she put so much restraint on the project, that's why it will be bad.

Of course, there is something to be said about the fact that he's telling a widow how to grieve properly, but...
Барбоса;5285883 said:
That's all perfectly fine but there is some valid criticism to be meted out too as Bret also comes off as someone who doesn't like anything. "4/10" has become a meme for him for a reason.

If you watch the interview, you'd see how positively he speaks of CM Punk and his aspirations of becoming a UFC fighter towards the end of it.

The thing is, interviewers don't seek out positive information, they want the negative stuff because that's what will garner juicy headlines and will make people seek out the original content. So every time Bret does an interview, he will be asked certain questions that he will undoubtedly have a negative response, since the media knows he's such an open and honest person.

Also, the 4/10 thing was funny AND true. That Wrestlemania Brock/HHH match sucked (worst non-squash match Brock has had since returning, by far) and it's universally agreed upon that that feud lasted way too long and should have never happened past their Summerslam match.

Nothing or no one is good enough. No one is/was as good as him.

Well, to be fair to Bret, no one really is. The person to come closest or maybe even surpass him is Kurt Angle, but he ruined his career with this 10 year stint in TNA.

And with that said, Bret has been very complimentary towards a lot of pro wrestlers, let's not act like he disrespects everyone. But what headlines will it make when he has something nice to say about Punk, Bryan, Angle, Nash, Undertaker, etc.? That doesn't make headlines, but as soon as he opens his mouth with his true opinion on a shitty HHH/Brock match, it's on every single trashy wrestling site. Had he said the match was great, 10/10, would you have read about it? Most likely not. In that same interview he gave very high praise to the Punk/Taker match on that same card if I recall correctly, but no one remembers that, just him shitting on HHH vs. Brock (which, again, deserved to be shitted on).
Of course, there is something to be said about the fact that he's telling a widow how to grieve properly, but...

This I do agree with.

But, you know, the Hart family is so dysfunctional and been through so much tragedy that it's makes it easy to look past something like that. At the end of the day, Bret just wants the newest generation of wrestling fans and those in the future to experience the best Owen Hart tribute possible so they can realize just how good he was.

You're still right though. Even though Bret is Owen's big brother, it's still not his place to make judgments on how she reacts to certain things when it comes to her late husband.

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