Bret Hart on HBK.

Scott Free

The man of a thousand rest holds.
I've just read the newsbit right on this site. Interesting stuff, here's a link if ya need it.
Seems to me that HBK's mention of wanting Bret to induct him in the HOF didn't fall on deaf ears, Bret initially refused, but from what I read here, he's been thinking about it, and reconsidering his feelings for HBK, I could be wrong, but he does sound a lot more appreciative of Shawn's work and seems to regret not having parted ways in a better manner. I would love nothing better than to see these two finally forgive and forget the past.
I think Bret is ready to finally forgive Shawn and put this behind him although I'm sure he'll never forget. He and Vince are back on good terms but after 12 years of not forgiving Shawn I think Bret's finally ready to bury the hatchet. HBK extended an olive branch so to speak to Bret with his comments about wanting Bret to induct him in the HOF. So I'm almost positive that this will happen in the near future and what a great sight it would be for fans of both men. Truly a classic moment in wrestling history that's waiting to happen.
Shawn Michaels has said publically that he's appologized for the screw job and all of that. The only thing though that Bret has ever said he wanted, was a phone call from Michaels. That's it. Hopefully these two could work something off, because it would be epic for Bret Hart to put Shawn Michaels into the Hall of Fame, a moment that surely wouldn't be forgotten in wrestling history. There is no doubt about the abilities of Shawn Michaels in the ring, as Bret has always said how much he enjoyed working with him, it was always Michaels attitude problem that rubbed Bret the wrong way.
I really hope that they can put this behind them it would be huge for wrestling. I was actually suprised that bret said before he left wrestling he could have passed the torch so to speak to HBK thats something I never thought I would hear, It's cool though.
That would be cool to see at the HOF next year or in a couple years. Mostly it would be awesome to see Brett Hart back on WWE. Is it too soon to start asking for HBK's last match to be a gainst the Hitman? Let's demand this!
Is it too soon to start asking for HBK's last match to be a gainst the Hitman? Let's demand this!

Shame they couldn't have done this at WM 25....then Hart could've pulled of a Texas Screwjob!! :D

That aside, I would be thrilled if the whole Montreal Screwjob business finally went away. It's been years, and Montrealer's STILL chant "you screwed Bret". As for Hart inducting Michael's into the HoF, I think that would bring everything full circle, and allow both men (and the fans) to move on.
That would be cool to see at the HOF next year or in a couple years. Mostly it would be awesome to see Brett Hart back on WWE. Is it too soon to start asking for HBK's last match to be a gainst the Hitman? Let's demand this!

Bret Hart is physically unable to compete. He looks terrible now. It's sad to see the effects on life after a long career in wrestling. One could only wish they could have/'ve had a fued after the Screwjob, it would have been classic, possesing the obvious fuel, and the fact that the two could work and carry fueds with the best of anyone.
It all just moves closer to the rumours Bret Hart could induct Shawn Michaels into the Hall of Fame. It's something I'd love to see if Shawn really wanted it to happen. I wouldn't want it to happen because both men thought they had to do it - but if they could really put their differences aside to celebrate Shawn's career and the amazing matches they had together, it would truely be a great night. Hart has praised Shawn's in ring work, his problems always being with Shawn's attitude. This is something Shawn himself has now said he was wrong about, and has worked to change it. Hopefully, that means he and Hart could work something out, as it'd be a night no wrestling fan would forget.
I think with the direction both men are going in this is highly likely.As for one last match between the two i don't really know.Wasn't Hart's health really bad? I knew he had suffered the severe concussion at the hands(well foot to be exact) of Goldberg and after that had a serious traffic accident so last i heard his health wasn't so good.If it would jeopardize his well being then no i would not wanna see them two fight just that same as if one last Austin match could cost him a serious injury.It's not really worth it just for one possible "dream" match to see a wrestler who did so much for the business risk it all when they may not be in the best of shape.

It would have kicked ass when it was possible to have a similar story line with Hart and Michaels where Michaels is inducted bye Hart the night before his last match then screwed over by Hart to kind of seal the history of the two but like its already been said.Maybe Bret will one day induct Shawn but a match between the two though would be very interesting(only if they both can still give 100% and not risk seriously injuring either one of them)much like Austin i think the time frame for any said return match involving Bret Hart has long since past.

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