Bret Hart has signed a talent deal with WWE

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Courtesy of the Main Page

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Bret Hart has signed a short-term talent contract with WWE that will go into effect on January 1st, 2010, and expire a couple weeks after WrestleMania 26. This makes it very possible that he will be guest hosting the January 4th edition of WWE Raw when it goes head-to-head with TNA Impact. Additionally, Bret could feasibly make further appearances for WWE if his contract is in fact as long as the report indicates.

Feel free to give your thoughts on this. Is it a good or bad thing for WWE? What do you see coming out as a result of it? Can Bret Hart compete with Hogan when it comes to another potential ratings war?
Yes Bret can compete, at least in the area of old school fans and smarks. Bret is a god in wrestling and has been seen what, twice on TV in ten years? This could be a huge coup if done right.
My only question is... Are we to expect a solid push of Hart Dynasty, now that it's founder is back.

I would say definitely. And lest we forget DX are the Tag Champs.

The week he hosts RAW, I see the Hart Dynasty wrestling the aforementioned Shawn Michaels and Triple H for the tag team titles. Hart will come down to the ring, and screw DX out of the Tag belts.

Regarding the potential of Hart wrestling at Mania, I would expect the only possibility being a 6 man tag match between Hart Dynasty/Bret and DX/McMahon.
Yeah, I would be great to see some life put back into the Hart Dynasty. They've been going unnoticed for a while now. It's not there fault though. I blame WWE for having them wrestle Cyrme Tyme 10,000 times in a row.
The Anvil hasn't really been relevant for a while. I don't think it'll hurt WWE in any way if Bret mentions him.
God, I hope he hosts the January 4th RAW.

This is exciting. I can't wait to see what's going to happen!

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