Bret Hart- General Thread discussion

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Turd Ferguson


: This info was posted and merged into this thread by "The Headliner" (a poster on our forums)

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

According to a WWE source who would have full knowledge of the situation, Bret Hart has indeed signed a short-term talent contract with World Wrestling Entertainment,

The WWE Hall of Famer signed the this past week and it will cover the period from 1/1 to 4/10, or through WrestleMania and about two weeks after the 3/28 show at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, AZ.

Hart simply told a reliable source that he wasn't going to lie about anything and thus wasn't going to comment on this story.

It was said that Hart wanted his signing to be kept quiet and his return to be a surprise, but that WWE couldn't help itself but all but announced it publicly on the first RAW after the ink was dry.

From Meltzer via

According to Dave Meltzer there is talk of Bret Hart hosting the 1/4 Raw vs TNA iMPACT! and believe it or not Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon has been talked about as a match for Wrestlemania 26. Dave says he will have more on all of this later in the week so stay tuned to for more information.

Well, this was teased last night with Dennis Miller saying to Vince that he wanted Bret Hart to host Raw, and Vince acted shocked, grumbled something about "Bret Screwing Bret" and walked off the stage abruptly and angrily. I know Bret has said that he would never work as an on-air character again in the WWE, but they need something to really have a must-see advantage on TNA's January 4th episode, and this would be it if The Rock can't do it. All Vince would have to do to entice Bret to host Raw would be to give him a sack full of money and tell him that on the day after when the ratings came out, he'd be a bigger draw than Hogan. With the ego he has and the hatred he has for Hogan, Bret would at the very least consider it.

As far as a Wrestlemania 26 match goes, Bret wouldn't have to do much wrestling. If he and Vince kept it simple, it would be a very entertaining match, and it would be huge as it would bring a lot of closure to Bret and Vince once and for all. I'm sure Bret would also be allowed to induct Owen and the Bulldog into the Hall of Fame if this took place.

What do you guys think? Do you think this rumor has any credence, and if so, would you like to see Bret Hart in the ring one more time against Vince McMahon?
I'd love to see Bret Hart host Raw, as long as he had someone talking in his ear (stroke, anyone?)
Wrestling, on the other hand... naah. I think a confrontation between Vince and Bret would be better. While Vince has shown he can wrestle, and, stroke or no stroke, Bret could get a good match out of him, it just wouldnt feel right. Two old men fighting on the grandest stage of all. Sure, Ricky Steamboat was great last Wrestlemania. But he was up against Chris-friggin-Jericho. Imagine if Steamboat had faced Piper or Snuka?
And thats exactly what you're looking at. So, no thanks, I'll pass.
Not really. It looks good on paper, but Bret isn't in the best physical shape after his two strokes. Didn't Vince retire from being a in ring competitor anyways? I guess he could always change that, but do we want to see a 64 year old non wrestler take on a 52 year old stoke victim?

I guess if the money is right Bret will do it. It doesn't seem like something Bret would agree to though. We might see Bret on Raw, but I highly doubt we will see him actually wrestle a match. If he was a referee or a manager at WM26, that would be more realistic. I would like to see Bret involved in some capacity, but I don't think a censored brawl with a senior citizen is a good idea.
I just watched the re-broadcast of the segment with Miller and McMahon a couple of minutes ago, as I didn't see it last night because RAW was so lousy that I turned it off and went to bed. I commented earlier in the day about who I would rather see guest host RAW, especially on Jan 04, to which I replied Hart, without having seen this interaction.

Now having seen it, I feel more strongly than ever that we are all jumping the gun in terms of Bret returning to guest host any episode of RAW. I stand by my earlier hypothetical comments, but nothing in the segment with Vince and Dennis Miller "teased" a Hart return IMO. I think it was just Miller being a shit disturber, possibly knowing the acrimony between Hart and McMahon and the whole Screwjob thing, catching Vince off guard with an ad libbed comment. Vince to me looked mildly irritated, which he probably already was because Miller was so bad and the crowd was so poor, but I really think it's a stretch to think Hart in imminent in a WWE ring, Meltzer's comments notwithstanding.

Interesting perspective, though, in terms of Hart wanting to return to stick it to Hogan who apparently he does not like. And I agree with you, offer Bret enough money, 12 years after the end of his career, and it's got to be tempting. Plus I agree with you, Bret's health, strokes considered, would rule out a full-time return, but I'm sure he could struggle through one match with a 60 year old non-wrestler, I mean, he's not a total invalid or anything. The one real reason why I feel Bret won't appear is because of Owen. Money aside, Hogan aside, temptation and legacy aside, I feel the root of Hart's acrimony with Vince goes well beyond Montreal, to the circumstances regarding the tragic death of the Blue Blazer/Owen Hart. Even if offered enough money, the right circumstances, and the ability to stick it to Hogan, I still think that out of respect for Owen, he won't be back. And nothing in that segment left me with the impression that he would.

Selfishly, though, I'd love to see it. End his WWE on a true high note, burying the hatchet with Vince and HBK, putting the Screwjob to rest once and for all, and sticking it to Hogan (and possibly Flair) in the process.
I'm not trying to be a smart ass by saying this, but Bret would probably die in the ring if he wrestled another match. His body has been through way too much, and he's in no shape to get in the ring again.

But in theory, of course I would want to see this. Who wouldn't? Bret seeking revenge for Montreal....the IWC and wrestling fans around the world would go nuts for this. This probably would be one of the best storylines in a long time. You would have Vince, Triple H, and Shawn Michales all apart of this,seeing as how they all played a role in Montreal. I would love to see this, but there's a VERy slim chance it ever will.
I like the idea of Bret hosting Raw as just getting him on WWE TV could be a fun thing after all this time. With all the frequent returns of stars, he's the one who has stayed away. Him coming back is huge since he hasnt' been seen on WWE television since 1997. His return by sheer time away is bigger than any other subsequent return. With that said, I do not think he should wrestle again.

As much as the name value of Bret vs. Vince is huge as a match, seeing Bret Hart work a less technical match would just be sad. The guy was known as the "excellence of execution" and as such, his career was made on technically sound matches. He was forced to retire early due to injury, but that might have been a blessing in disguise, as there wasn't much to see in terms of a decline in his in-ring ability. Thus, no one has ever really seen a simplified Hart match. Given that his legacy is of one of, if not the best technical wrestler ever in the business, to see him come back and wrestle a less than stellar match would be akin to Michael Jordan coming back to the Wizards, except worse. Michael's return was only 2 years after retirement and he hadn't had a stroke. Bret's health should be important to him and risking that by getting back in the ring is a mistake. Let him, unlike so many others, be done with actual wrestling and just make a return, perhaps lock a sharpshooter on somebody, get some cheers, and ride off. He can still offer a ton without lacing up the boots and slipping on the pink tights.
I am intrigued with the idea. Will Brett Hart host the 1/4 Raw? I think so. Would he wrestle Vince at WM 26? No, not physically capable of it. I do think it will lead to a program though of some sorts. With it being in Toronto, I could see a McMahon guy versus Hart guy similar to what Vinny Mac and the Donald did. For instance, the obvious is having David Hart Smith represent Hart and Shawn Michaels or HHH represent Vince. With the Canadians being the fan favorite, it could push Smith to the level he deserves to be at with his skills. So not only do you put an end to the screwjob this way, but you also develop another new star with the rub from his uncle and and have a great match also. Just a thought that could work really well.
Bret hosting RAW is very possible sicne he made peace but fighting Vince? Can he even wrestle still? Can he get paraylzed for life? Just host RAW that night and beat down HHH, HBK and Vince for his revenge. He can rise into the sunset and everybody will be happy.
I'd be very pleased if Bret Hart hosted Raw. In spite of the awful show last night, Bret Hart showing up as the host would pretty much guarantee that I'll be watching Raw and not Impact on January 4th.

As for Bret vs. Vince at WM...ehhh doesn't really thrill me. I'd watch it like most others probably, but I've seen Vince get his ass kicked so many times in this type of situation that it's kind of lost its novelty.
Bret Hart hosting Raw would only have the IWC drooling. As far as the fans of today, many don't remember Bret Hart. And Vince would NEVER wrestle Hart in the squared circle. We don't even know if Hart can wrestle at all since his strokes and kick to the head from Goldberg. So there's no chance of seeing Vince and Hart at WM, but a good chance of seeing him host a Raw. If you want to draw ratings, you put The Rock up for the 4th, and not Hart.

But as far as Hart hosting a Raw? It's not above Vince to let by gones be by gones and let him host. I'd certainly love to see it.
Vince was able to bury the hacthet with Bret when he had him inducted into the HOF and vice versa for Bret. It said a lot on both men when that happened. Anything is possible. Bret hosting RAW is a great idea. I would give it the biggest build up with videos and more. Bret wrestling....NOT a good idea. Pretty sure the motorcycle accident/stroke/kick to the head took care of that. Bret, himself, stated at his induction at HOF that "you guys don't have to worry about me anymore." I also think Bret would love to stick it to Hogan. I'm all for the return of the Hitman!
Bret hosts and the Hart Dynasty take the tag titles from DX, it should involve Bret screwing over DX in a major style. It would give the fans of Canada some closure as well, leaving poor earl hebner with the "you screwed Bret" chant.
It would be a total gamble. If Bret could go out and surprise the world by having a great match (like Steamboat last year or HBK at Summerslam 02) I would be marking out for sure. BUT.. If he wasn't able to preform at close to that level I don't think it would be a match I would be interested in seeing.

Hell it couldn't be any worse than the wrestlemania match Bob Backlund could it?? Just kidding!!!

As far as people saying they should just pay him tons of money I think your going about it all wrong. I don't think Bret will respond to money as much as he will having his ego stroked. As we know the guy has a massive ego and is concerned with not being erased from WWE and fans not forgetting him and his legacy. I think this is what will be a major factor in getting him to come back..
It's not about having a "great" match. They could literally stare at each other for 15 minutes and it would come off great. The crowd would make the match watchable and perhaps a classic. Anyone remember Rock/Hogan, imagine that match with 20 people in a bingo hall, it would be hideous. The crowd would be insane for Hart/Mcmahon. Also, WM brings a lot of international fans to the arena, Bret is huge overseas. This match could possibly draw WM26 the highest worldwide buyrate ever for the WWE. I know this is a long shot but with the right build and the match planned perfectly this could be epic. It's been a long time since Bret's stroke, who knows? Maybe the Hitman feels comfortable enough to go throw a few punches, hit vince with a chair and throw his ass threw a could work. As far as people saying this will "never" happen, i wouldnt be so sure. If history has taught us anything, it is that ANYTHING can happen. I'm sure most people wouldnt have said last month the Sheamus would be WWE champion right now, but it happened. I look forward to how this unfolds. Of course Bret is by far IMO the greatest wrestler ever, so I may be a little more optomistic than others...
First off I'm a huge Hitman fan. Have been since the days of the Foundation. If someone asked who my all time favorite is, it'd be him.

Now I'm all for Hart coming in to do something with the WWE. But as long as it's not wrestling. I do not want my memories of all those amazing matches fucked up by an over-hyped shit show. I do not believe Hart is in ring condition, and I wish this wasn't the case. Had the stroke never happened I'd feel differently.
What pops into my head with y'all talking about Bret's revenge is that you'd have to turn HHH and HBK heel. Vince is always a heel no matter what the guy does or says. I feel the turns would be obvious and serve no purpose other than to do this one off with Bret. Not a good idea IMO.

Just to throw an idea out for shits n giggles....What if it was HBk and Hart teaming up against Vinnie Mac n Co? No really. HBK and Bret bury the hachet and come to realize that Vince used them both pitting them against one another for all these years. Vince could go on the "I'm the boss damn-it! And you'll both do as I say!!" tirade. Wouldn't work as HBK and Hart both have nothing to prove, are financially set, and are both amazing wrestlers and legends in the genre. Add in Vince's minnons of your choice and you got a feud. HBK and HHH could even carry the physical work load should Hart not be up to it.
I must have missed the memo from Brets doctor that all of you have apparently had the priveledge of viewing. How the hell does anyone know what his current condition is? Maybe he cant wrestle again, maybe he can. That would probably be between him and his doctor. As far as a match with vince, I would love to see it. The story would be enough to sell mania without them having to put on a 20 minute classic. Im sure Bret wouldnt do it if he didnt think he could still go. Time will tell, but I for 1 would love to see him back in any capacity.
It's not about having a "great" match. They could literally stare at each other for 15 minutes and it would come off great. The crowd would make the match watchable and perhaps a classic. Anyone remember Rock/Hogan, imagine that match with 20 people in a bingo hall, it would be hideous. The crowd would be insane for Hart/Mcmahon.

The difference is that Brets entire legacy is based off of his great skills in the ring. If Bret Hart can't perform at an acceptable level anymore its like seeing Michael Jackson not able to dance or BB King not able to play the guitar well... Bret was never exceptional outside the ring. And to me seeing a stroked victim struggling in the ring against a 60 something year old man is heartbreaking. Thats why I say I he feels he can really do it he should go for it.. But don't go out there and embarrass yourself.

If Bret did have one last match I wish there was a "real wrestler" aka not Vince that Bret could trust not to hurt him and could help him put on a top quality match. Like Jericho did for Steamboat or HHH did for HBK...

Of course Bret is by far IMO the greatest wrestler ever, so I may be a little more optomistic than others...

Brets my #3 best in ring performs of all time behind only Shawn Michaels and Dynamite Kid.. I would love to see one more great match but I definatley don't want Bret Hart to "Indiana Jones 4" me...
Okay, first of all, there is no "countering" TNA Impact. It's not a challenge to the WWE, never has been. I even read today someone say that Impact would beat Raw in the ratings if they didn't get a big host, which is complete and utter BULLSHIT! Now, as for Bret Hart, I think he WILL host the first Raw of the new year. Especially, and I don't for sure if this is true or not, if it's from Toronto. And as for whoever wrote that the younger viewers won't know who he is. Well, after last night, I received several calls and messages from people who don't even watch wrestling anymore, asking if it was true. Was Bret Hart coming back to the WWE? And even when I answered "Maybe, I didn't know" they said that they would definitely tune in for that. So him hosting would more than likely bring BACK a lot of fans, simply due to the controversy surrounding him and Vince McMahon.

This will be huge! And I guarantee right now, Hogan, Dixie, and Bischoff are nervous as hell because if it does so happen, they can kiss there three hour bullshit show goodbye. Now, will Bret wrestle Vince McMahon. I say never say never. Obviously, there's going to be a story that comes from this. Whether or not it's to start a Hart Dynasty/DX feud is up in the air right now. With HBK challenging The Undertaker right now, it doesn't seem that DX will be tag champs come the time Wrestlemania comes around. Or else they'll have them and they won't be defended, I don't really know. But I think the only one who knows if Bret can wrestle or not is Bret. It's not for us to speculate. But DAMN I would love to see him lock the sharpshooter on Vince McMahon if only once before I die.
The difference is that Brets entire legacy is based off of his great skills in the ring. If Bret Hart can't perform at an acceptable level anymore its like seeing Michael Jackson not able to dance or BB King not able to play the guitar well... Bret was never exceptional outside the ring. And to me seeing a stroked victim struggling in the ring against a 60 something year old man is heartbreaking.

I do agree with you somewhat, and I know what you're saying. But could anything he did in the ring at WM be more heartbreaking or embarrassing than the way he left the WWE? If you ask me, he has nothing to lose. This is of course if he feels he can go one more time. Also, I disagree with your assessment of Bret outside the ring, his 1997 heel run was gold...on the mic and in the ring. Few wrestlers ever got heat from a crowd as much as he did in 97'. I believe he was the most entertaining wrestler in the world during this period.
With Bret as host, DX are in the ring cutting a promo. Bret comes out and says that there's one thing that needs attending to and says that DX is defending their! Bret's in his ring attire, the single guitar chord sounds, he starts walking to the ring. The Hart Dynasty come in from the crowd...match starts.

DX is in control of the match, ref bump occurs. Shawn has Tedy or Tyson in the Sharpshooter, facing Bret...Bret looks pissed. Tyson is tapping....but no ref. Hunter goes under the ring, pulls out a ref shirt, puts it on, gets in the ring and either Pedigrees HBK or allows Bret to interfere and count the 3 for the new, Unified Tag Team Champions!
What everyone seems to be forgetting, is that Bret cashed in on his Lloyds Of London insurance deal in 2000, after he suffered the career ending kick to the head from Goldberg.

Bret Hart had a $40 000 (or more) a year insurance policy with Lloyds Of London. He purchased the insurance in the early 90's, along with others such as Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig and Ted DiBiase in case of career ending injury.

Once a policy is collected, and Bret collected a HUGE sum, he cannot under any circumstances wrestle in any way, shape or form.

Although, Not to discredit my own comment, Hennig did in fact find a loophole in his policy which allowed him to return.
Here's the latest from The Meltz. Bret is coming back and working through Wrestlemania. I don't know if he'll be wrestling at Wrestlemania, but he'll at the very least be a participant most likely feuding with Vince.

According to a WWE source who would have full knowledge of the situation, Hart, 52, signed a short-term talent contract with WWE this past week covering the period from 1/1 to 4/10, or through WrestleMania and about two weeks after the 3/28 show at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, AZ. Hart simply told us that he wasn’t going to lie about anything and thus wasn’t going to say anything on the story. It was said that Hart wanted his signing to be kept quiet and his return to be a surprise, but that WWE couldn’t help itself but all but announced it publicly on the first Raw after the ink was dry.

The Smackdown spoilers also indicate that DX could be getting involved with this too... they're setting up for it at the very least it seems. That's all I can really say without spoiling what they're going to run with on the Christmas show.

Either way, it should be really interesting to see what they run with. I know Bret wrestling is very improbable due to the stroke and the insurance policy that was taken out (that I had no idea about)... but maybe they can do something similar to what they did with Vince and Donald Trump where Bret and Vince have representatives wrestle on their respective behalf. Maybe a tag team match could take place between DX and The Hart Dynasty, with Bret as the special guest referee.

Either way, this is some of the biggest news the WWE has had in quite a while, and I'm very excited to see how things play out. I'm just shocked that Bret's going to be an on-screen character after adamantly stating he would never return in an on-air capacity again. Maybe his ego craves "being a bigger draw" than Vince and possibly Flair as well.
I think this will be huge if this happens. Fans have been waiting a long time for this to happen. This could be the closure that fans have been waiting for. Especially, if Shawn and Bret face each other as well.
He should be the host on January 4th, and that's it. He would easily be a bigger draw than Hogan because when he said he was going to step away from wrestling, he actually meant it. Hogan, on the other hand has made dozens of appearances since his various "retirements" and every time he appears, more and more people get sick of him. Hart is still beloved by everyone despite his various issues. So yeah, Hart would definately outdraw Hogan.

But, why can't you people get it into your head that Bret can't ever wrestle again. He's had strokes and horrible concussion issues caused by the infamous "kick heard around the world." If he gets even a bump on his head, it messes him up. That's how messed up his brain is. He's said it interviews, he would be able to take a punch or a bump without the risk of getting another concussion. While Vince vs Bret would be massive draw, it wouldn't work. Even if Vince was the safest worker in the world, which he's not, it wouldn't happen. The only way a Vince vs Bret match would work would be if it's a total squash match i.e. Bret punches Vince a few times, Vince takes a bump then the sharpshooter. But Vince wouldn't do that and it would piss off the audience. So it's simply not going to happen. Get over it.
If this is legitimate, then it could be a huge boon for the WWE. Based on the terms of the deal, Hart's deal begins on New Year's Day just in time for the Raw on January 4. I'm looking forward to this. I'm hoping that this could be the beginning of something much longer and more definite between the two.
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