Breast Feeding in public


Master of the Aussie kiss
I was having this conversation just the other day. Why is that frowned upon. It's a part of nature. in some place's there used to be Sign's stating you couldnt do it in certain places. If i had a dollar for everytime i heard someone say "look at that, Thats disgusting. she should do it in private.", i would be a multimillionare. Why is it a bother to anybody, like the old ad you wouldnt want to eat in a toilet why on earth should a parent choose to feed their own kid in a place like a public toilet. it's not like it's going to put anybody off there own food. and alway's remember YOU SHOULDNT BE WATCHING. If your on public transpot and your baby is hungry and you bottle feed it you give the baby a bottle then and there, so why is it such a crime to Breast Feed. what are your opinion's on breast feeding in public do you think it is ok? i think that is why there aint as many people that choose to breast feed anymore becouse they are to scared to get ridiculed.
The way I look at it, its another case of "its natural, but don't do it in public". Its not considered appropriate to spit in public, scratch your crotch in public, pick your nose in public, use a toothpick to get food out of your teeth, fart, why should breast feeding be any different?

Just because its something that occurs in nature doesn't mean its automatically ok. Tobacco is a natural plant, so does that make it ok to subject others to second-hand smoke? Sex is natural, but you're not allowed to start humping in the middle of the Toys R' Us parking lot, lol. If breast feeding was the only way infants could survive, then it would be different, just like how sneezing has become commonplace because typically you can't control it. However, when you have the option of feeding via bottle, you're not pushed into a corner where you have to choose between going out in public and not feeding your kid, or giving your kid nourishment and staying home.
Ok i can see what you mean but think about it. Next time your out shopping and you get hungry go sit in the public toilet and eat it. Why should A mother have to go sit in a small cramped room at the comfyest to feed her child. It doesnt make any sense. Smoking i wont get started on as i am a smoker but sex i can understand that, But sex is for reproduction not A source of food. She has a right to be able to feed her child wherever and whenever she wants.
The way I look at it, its another case of "its natural, but don't do it in public". Its not considered appropriate to spit in public, scratch your crotch in public, pick your nose in public, use a toothpick to get food out of your teeth, fart, why should breast feeding be any different?.

Well I enjoy it too much, and won't stop sucking teet just because someone's grossed out.
Firstly, it's delicious.
Secondly, You're probably just jealous I'm sucking your mom's teet, and you're not getting any. Grow up. It's natural.

It should be done in the corner of somewhere, out of the general publics view. Sure the baby needs feeding. But hanging a big ol' titty out will get people looking. They who's going to get angry when Grandpa Joe and the local hoodies start having a good old browse? Won't be the baby, it'll be the mother. She'll get pissed. Even though she's displaying her bosom in public. You can't expect people to not look.

Anyway, each and every supermarket should have a backy changing/feeding area. They should allow anybody inside with a baby, customer or not. Like rats, you're never more than 6 feet away from a supermarket. Specifically Tesco.
See, the problem is that babies are hungry when they're hungry. They're not going to wait around so the mother can get some privacy. They want milk and they want it now.

Have we all become such prudes that we can't accept the fact that babies need milk as nurishment and said milk comes from their mother's breast? If people have a problem with it, they should really just stop staring.
It should be done in the corner of somewhere, out of the general publics view. Sure the baby needs feeding. But hanging a big ol' titty out will get people looking.They who's going to get angry when Grandpa Joe and the local hoodies start having a good old browse?
I know you can't stop people from staring and in this case the mother could to a certain extent cover it up. If it has to be done somewhere away from public Why not make the place's more comftable. You can't excatly Get up and go to the rest room if you are on a bus or plane.
Won't be the baby, it'll be the mother. She'll get pissed. Even though she's displaying her bosom in public. You can't expect people to not look.
I admit this is the hardest part. Sex crazed teenager's and old creepy men will stop and gawk at it, But The mum can't say anything there. all i am saying is why do other people complain.
Anyway, each and every supermarket should have a backy changing/feeding area. They should allow anybody inside with a baby, customer or not. Like rats, you're never more than 6 feet away from a supermarket. Specifically Tesco.
Should beint the main word there, Most don't the shopping centre i work at doesnt have one at all. and as i said before, What about if they are on a public transport. Especially a Plane. There is only the toilet's to be able to do it in privacy on a plane. And the mother ank kid shouldn't have to sit in a toilet.
A baby isn't going to starve if it doesn't get fed as soon as it's hungry. You might have heard that you have to drop tools and start feeding the baby as soon as it's hungry. But that is not the case. You need to get a routine. 6 for breakfast, 12 for luch, 5 for tea, midnight feed and so on. If the baby cries you don't start feeding it if it's not a regular time. So waht it comes down to is that mothers should have a schedule that they stick to. And knowing what time they need to feed the baby, they should be in a suitable place to feed the child.
Ok i can see what you mean but think about it. Next time your out shopping and you get hungry go sit in the public toilet and eat it. Why should A mother have to go sit in a small cramped room at the comfyest to feed her child. It doesnt make any sense. Smoking i wont get started on as i am a smoker but sex i can understand that, But sex is for reproduction not A source of food. She has a right to be able to feed her child wherever and whenever she wants.

First off, if you know you're going out shopping and your child will get hungry while you're out, feed the kid beforehand. Secondly, you can't argue that second hand smoke is a good idea, as that's the same as saying you wouldn't mind someone else throwing their unwanted garbage on your lawn. If you want the garbage, keep it to yourself. Sex is for reproduction, and you don't need to do it or else you'll die, but its still a "natural" thing that a majority of people do (plus it continues the human race lol), so it rules out the "its natural" argument. And for the "she has the right" argument, not in this case, I'd argue. I have the right to take a piss when I have to, correct? Does that automatically mean I have the right to whip my dick out and take a piss in the middle of the escalator in the mall? No, because its exposing yourself. If there wasn't a rule about that, then yes, she'd have the right to plop a breast out for all to see. And if she doesn't like that she can't do that, she DOES have the alternative choice of bottling her breast milk and feeding it to her child that way. So the whole point is, "if it was the only way, then yeah, but its not, so no". When you have the choices of breast milk in a bottle, formula in a bottle, or not feeding the kid in public at all, you can't make the argument that its necessary.

Well I enjoy it too much, and won't stop sucking teet just because someone's grossed out.
Firstly, it's delicious.
Secondly, You're probably just jealous I'm sucking your mom's teet, and you're not getting any. Grow up. It's natural.


Yeah, the guy saying a typical "your mom" joke is the one telling me to grow up :laugh:

See, the problem is that babies are hungry when they're hungry. They're not going to wait around so the mother can get some privacy. They want milk and they want it now.

Have we all become such prudes that we can't accept the fact that babies need milk as nurishment and said milk comes from their mother's breast? If people have a problem with it, they should really just stop staring.

Like I've said already, you don't have the solitary choice of breast milk via "baby on the breast". You can bottle the breast milk or formula. That's 2 more "public-friendly" alternatives if you suddenly find yourself in a position where your child is hungry and you're out in public.
There are a range of products these days that pump out breast milk. The name you say? I'm guessing breast pump. If a mother wants to feed her child on mothers milk instead of formula, then they can do that.

Myself, I have no problem with breat feeding in public. I'm not somebody who would stare. And accidental glance maybe, but I'd turn straight away. But I really don't think there is any need for doing it in public anymore.
People need to get over stuff like this. It really pisses me off. If the kids hungry, she´s going to feed it and she should be able to do that. No restaurant should be able to kick a woman out, or ask her to stop breastfeeding because her baby is hungry. Most babies have routines, but they still often want feeding between regular "big" feeds. And no mother would let her child sit and scream because they were hungry.

What's annoying is, when mothers let their babies sit and cry because they won't breastfeed, they get bad looks from people due to having a crying baby, often thinking they can´t control it. Yet when they do breastfeed, people stare and complain then too. People piss me off.
Becca owns again.

People, seriously, its a fucking titty, get over it. Hopefully most of you have seen some in real life besides a woman breast feeding in public. who gives a shit. If you dont like, it hey novel idea, doooont look at it. SO what. On the same token, if a woman thinks she can just whip a tit out and not get glances, well, she can forget that shit too LOL. If you are gonna do that in a public place, perverts will be around, and have a look. not as if thats OK, but its whats going to happen. Its just another case of our world and society being overly sensitive, anyone to take issue with it.
Well I mean I certainly have to agree with Jake's last post. I don't personally care about it. I'm not perverted enough to stare, I'm not offended by it, but I've been defending the point of view of "its not right" because it seems the more logical position. For the people that say its natural, yes, but its not a natural thing in public, just like the analogies I made about urinating in public and such. For the people that say they have no alternative choices, they clearly do when there's the bottling route or the "feed the kid beforehand, or wait a while cause the kid won't starve to death, and do it at home" route, so you can't argue that its something involuntary with no other options. For the people that say "everyone should get over it", that's not much of an argument of any facts, its just "it doesn't offend me, so it shouldn't offend anybody else", you know? People say "I'm a fan of CM Punk and all those people complaining about him being WHC should just get over it"...that's not arguing a point, that's trying to say your opinion is fact and your word should just be the rules everyone follows lol. Now, like I said, I don't really care if someone is breast feeding, but I can see how some people do.

Its similar to the argument of "you have the right to free speech, but you're still not allowed to simply yell FIRE in the middle of a public area". Its disruptive. Women have the choice to be able to breast feed their child, guaranteed, but it IS socially disruptive, so they SHOULD go somewhere more private. I wouldn't want to be sitting in a crowded movie theatre and have the person next to me breast feeding their child (on top of taking the arm rest haha) would you? It would be uncomfortable, and I'd argue that more people would be uncomfortable in that position than perfectly fine, so what's more important: one mother and child, or the collective? Its not really polite to scratch your crotch in public, but its natural to scratch if you have an itch, right? Same sort of thing. You scratch your crotch outside of public view, so why can't a woman breast feed outside of the public view too? If you want to argue that "she shouldn't have to, because all people have the right to do whatever anywhere as long as its not a crime", then think about the following scenario: You're sitting on a bus, someone stands next to you, their ass right in your face. They keep farting. You'd be pissed, right? But hey, by that rationale, they have the right to do it anywhere without taking into account what the people around them might think. And as far as "if you don't like the breast feeding, don't look", then you could make the argument that "if you don't like him farting in your face, you can give up your seat and go on a different bus".

Overall, if I'm in a normal situation (and not in something like that movie theatre situation), then I personally don't give a shit if someone is breast feeding. But for the sake of the argument, I have to take the side of "don't do it", because every argument FOR it seems to be hypocritical if you examine the reference point (such as above with the farting scenario).
Women have the choice to be able to breast feed their child, guaranteed, but it IS socially disruptive, so they SHOULD go somewhere more private.
No they shouldnt. and if that is the case then why not make some Comftable private places?
I wouldn't want to be sitting in a crowded movie theatre and have the person next to me breast feeding their child (on top of taking the arm rest haha) would you?
It wouldnt phase me in the slightest its not like its disgusting and with what happens in movie theatres worldwide breastfeeding isnt the worst.
It would be uncomfortable,
Why would it make you uncomfortable? its an easy thing to ignore. Your there to watch the movie not to stare at the person sitting next to you.
Overall, if I'm in a normal situation (and not in something like that movie theatre situation), then I personally don't give a shit if someone is breast feeding. But for the sake of the argument, I have to take the side of "don't do it", because every argument FOR it seems to be hypocritical if you examine the reference point (such as above with the farting scenario).
How is that considered gross. Most people complaining about breast feeding in public Are jeoulas of the kid becouse of what they get to do, Or they are wierd or they Just jump on the band wagon, and instead of acting like a grown up they Carry on other something simple and trivial as breast feeding. Let me put it in a different way. There is an attractive looking Chick wearing a really skimpy top that barely covers her nipples in public. Is that ok? Are they allowed to do that. Fact is when a mother Breast feeds. She covers it up as much as possible and she covers it up more then what a Young Female would cover her breasts. with most people its not the fact that they are doing it its the fact that they have a child on the end of there breasts and not a skimpy see through top
As stated earlier, there are other things that people do all the time, but don't do it in public. I don't want to see a kid hanging off a teet, if I wanted to see it, I'd go to the zoo and watch a gorilla hanging off of it's mom.

Jake said, you don't spoil the baby the instant it starts to cry. You have to train the baby and get it on a routine. Too often in this society do people drop everything once a child is upset. Instead of teaching the child that ssomethings have to wait, we spoil the shit out of them doing things for instant gratification.

When in public, either get up, and go someplace private, or bottle feed. Hey, my girlfriend is having a real itching for oral, I guess it's okay to unzip my pants and let her have a go, since you know, we are all about instant gratification.
As stated earlier, there are other things that people do all the time, but don't do it in public. I don't want to see a kid hanging off a teet, if I wanted to see it, I'd go to the zoo and watch a gorilla hanging off of it's mom.

Don't want to see it? Don't look. It's as simple as that really. A baby needs to be fed when it needs to be fed. There's a lot I don't want to happen in the streets, still happens though.

Jake said, you don't spoil the baby the instant it starts to cry. You have to train the baby and get it on a routine. Too often in this society do people drop everything once a child is upset. Instead of teaching the child that ssomethings have to wait, we spoil the shit out of them doing things for instant gratification.

It's a baby. Who is hungry. As I said before, no mother will sit and let her child scream due to hunger. And then have everyone staring for having a crying child instead. Because that's what happens. A baby cried, and the mother does nothing, which attracts disapproving stares and tuts from everyone around. So either way, the mother is looked at badly.

When in public, either get up, and go someplace private, or bottle feed. Hey, my girlfriend is having a real itching for oral, I guess it's okay to unzip my pants and let her have a go, since you know, we are all about instant gratification.

It's obviously the same thing. These are stupid comaparisons on a logical basis. If a kids hungry, they don't understand inapproproiate timing, no place to feed etc. If a childs hungry, they're hungry.

If society made rooms for breastfeeding frequently around the streets, parks shops etc then yes, mothers would buse them. However until that happens if the child needs feeding the mother will do it.
And how exactly are you not supposed to look if someone at the next table or within eye shot is feeding there child in public. I'm at a restaurant, trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend, and a lady sitting behind her decides it's feeding time. Why should I sacrifice my time by either cranking my neck to the side and talking out of the side of my mouth, or having to look down at the table, simply to avoid something.

There are a reason laws are in place about people running around naked, I don't want to see it, and I don't want to see a baby feeding in public. As stated, you don't have to feed the child immediately. That's a big problem, people feel that when a child cries, you stick something in it's mouth to shut it up, and then we complain five years later when the child is obese.

I spend money at a restaurant as much as the next person, and I don't feel that I should have to inconvenience myself by turning away because someone is to inconvenient to have the modesty to either go to a restroom or bottle feed. It's something I don't want to see, and shouldn't have to see.
And how exactly are you not supposed to look if someone at the next table or within eye shot is feeding there child in public. I'm at a restaurant, trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend, and a lady sitting behind her decides it's feeding time.
Normally they cover themselfes up. I can understand if she was to take her top off and was to do it that was but if all you can see is a tiny piece of breast that isnt the nipple what is the harm? are you telling me that every lady in that restaurant has thier zipper done up to the neck?

There are a reason laws are in place about people running around naked, I don't want to see it, and I don't want to see a baby feeding in public. As stated, you don't have to feed the child immediately. That's a big problem, people feel that when a child cries, you stick something in it's mouth to shut it up, and then we complain five years later when the child is obese.
Right so if you was to go see Dinner and a show that was to go for Four hours Straight The baby would have to wait the Four hours and travel time without food when the whole time the baby can smell food?. The smell of food makes anybody that hasnt eatin in a while Hungry.

I spend money at a restaurant as much as the next person, and I don't feel that I should have to inconvenience myself by turning away because someone is to inconvenient to have the modesty to either go to a restroom or bottle feed. It's something I don't want to see, and shouldn't have to see.
And so does the parent. If it isnt against the Rules to breast feed in the Restaurant there is one of two things you can do. ignore it, Or simply leave. It isnt hurting anybody and she and the baby has just as much right there as you.
So is it hard to stop in a restroom between dinner and a movie for feeding time then? Chances are the baby is going to need changed. People aren't clearing the dinner table off for, again, another natural thing to clean the baby up. They have the modesty to go to the bathroom and take care of that at appropriate locations. There is plenty of time between dinner and a movie to take care of feeding the baby without whipping a tit out in public.

As I said, there is a reason we have laws like this. There are child friendly movie theatres and sections of stadiums I go to now. I stay out of them because I don't want to see it. I have the right to complain if there are designated areas for it and people are still doing it outside of those areas.

The simple solution is, don't take your new born babies to the movies and out to dinner with you. Find a babysitter or don't go out, or if you are going to feed, either do it with a bottle or go into a restroom to breast feed. I don't care if its an inconvenience to the mother, it's something that I, and less vocal others, don't want to see. People are afraid to speak up because they don't want to be the asshole in the situation, where I don't mind being the asshole.

If there are laws or rules that say that it is okay, then I'll deal with it by simply not giving that place of business any more of my money.
So is it hard to stop in a restroom between dinner and a movie for feeding time then? Chances are the baby is going to need changed. People aren't clearing the dinner table off for, again, another natural thing to clean the baby up. They have the modesty to go to the bathroom and take care of that at appropriate locations.
But why should they have to feed thier Child in a changeroom where Other people are being changed and using the toilets. there is a huge difference between Breast feeding and changing an Infants Nappy.
There is plenty of time between dinner and a movie to take care of feeding the baby without whipping a tit out in public.
But no where where the parent can feel comfortable feeding the Child she shouldnt be made feel like an outcast simply becouse she is choosing to bring her child up the old fashoined way.
As I said, there is a reason we have laws like this.
I knew there was Rules preventing it but LAWS? thats taking it to the extreme.
There are child friendly movie theatres and sections of stadiums I go to now. I stay out of them because I don't want to see it. I have the right to complain if there are designated areas for it and people are still doing it outside of those areas.
Here i agree with you. If there is a designated area where parents can sit and do it and they are the excact same standard as "normal" people then yes they should use it. But if the section is on the Highest part of the stadium, No they should be able to sit in the front row and do it.
The simple solution is, don't take your new born babies to the movies and out to dinner with you. Find a babysitter
Would you trust your Newborn baby with anyone? i know i wouldnt.
or don't go out
Again with the treating them like an outcast They have the Right to do things.
or if you are going to feed, either do it with a bottle or go into a restroom to breast feed. I don't care if its an inconvenience to the mother it's something that I, and less vocal others, don't want to see.
Just dont pay attention, Switch off to what is happening at the table next to you, Lock into conversation with the person your with. Its impolite to not look at the person your talking to.
People are afraid to speak up because they don't want to be the asshole in the situation, where I don't mind being the asshole.
AS i said once before If they have taken their top off, and are sitting there semi naked yes you have a right to complain. But if they are well covered and all you can see is a small piece of skin no you dont have the right to complain IMO

If there are laws or rules that say that it is okay, then I'll deal with it by simply not giving that place of business any more of my money.
I cant see Restaurants banning it just becouse a couple of people decide something they allow isnt right in a selected few peoples eyes.
Breastfeeding in public is not that big a deal. Most women cover up when they do it so you're not even seeing the full on breast to mouth connection. It's nature in it's simplest form. I mean if it caused guys to sit there and drool, rubbing their crotch, then I could see the problem with the public reaction.

Now you want to talk about something that IS gross that people do in public, let me tell you about something that I saw time and time again working the front of the house at restaurants and saw it time and time again. People who fucking shoot up their insulin at the table.

I'm sorry, I understand that some diabetics need to have insulin right after eating in order to keep their blood sugar in check, but the bathroom is not that far away! And in the bathroom, for any diabetics who do this and are reading this, has a biologicals container in there for the needle disposal and to where you can put your prickers that you use to test your blood sugar. Plus, by doing it at the able, which many people just sit the needled on the table, contaminates your area. I mean how would you feel if someone with gaping bloody woulds came in and sat next to you to eat. Well imagine how it feels to see someone lift their shirt, squeeze a roll on tier stomach and then stick a needle into it and then sit the dirty needle on the table, next to condiments and other things that either don't normally get wiped down or can't be wiped down.

Let me tell you a story.

There was this one fat, old, disgustingly wrinkled old woman who used to come into the buffet at the casino and would sit there and shovel as much food into her mouth as she could. Then she would sit back, and pull up her shirt to reveal her old nasty assed belly and damned near half her ragged assed bra, cup a big wad of fat from her belly, and then she would take out a needle and stick it in and sit back and let it start to sink into her system. The waitresses hated waiting on her because they knew she would eventually do this. It was truly uncalled for when the bathroom was not far away and has a proper set up for this.
You're right Sparky.

Breastfeeding IS natural, and what every mammal does. For the same reasons we scratch where something itches, so it is that females breastfeed babies. Disgusting to some or not, the job is not one that is on a schedule. Babies get hungry sporadically, and depending upon the age, they need different types of food. If the baby is still in the breastfeeding stage, and gets hungry, it would be a crime (literally), to deprive it of food. That baby doesn't care who is around or what it takes to get food to him, he's just hungry! When it comes to feeding babies, the sooner you get it done, the better off everyone is!

Besides, which would you rather have? A mother with a quiet child that is breastfeeding, or a ridiculously obnoxious baby crying and screaming for food? Personally, I'd take the feeding baby, but that's just me.
What comes natural to me is to walk around with no clothes on and kill wildebeest for food. But for the good of my fellow man I have evolved and I now know it's innapropriate. Just like breat feeding in public is. There's no need. You can get free breast pumps on the NHS from what I've heard.

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