Breaking Point - Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler

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Dark Match Jobber

In recent months Rey Mysterio has narrowly defended his Intercontinental Title against Dolph Ziggler on two separate occasions. But the gregarious young Superstar is hoping the third time will be the charm as he challenges The Master of the 619 once again at WWE Breaking Point.
I wonder how the outcome of this match will be when Mr 619 is suspended for 30 days..
What are your thoughts on this match?
I'm guessing that Zigler wins and faces Matt Hardy or John Morrison at Breaking Point, so that one of the two can get the push they deserve

How the hell does Matt Hardy deserve a push? He's a waste. Never done anything half decent, and just when we think he's getting on a roll again, he gets injured.

It will be most presumably Ziggler taking the title, or Morrison, leaving them to face each other at the PPV. But ya know, R-Truth isnt doing anything these days.
How the hell does Matt Hardy deserve a push? He's a waste. Never done anything half decent, and just when we think he's getting on a roll again, he gets injured.

It will be most presumably Ziggler taking the title, or Morrison, leaving them to face each other at the PPV. But ya know, R-Truth isnt doing anything these days

I just think it's about time Matt Hardy did SOMETHING worth while. I'm tired of seeing him fail.

And I think Morrison will more or less be the one to feud with Ziggler.
Meanwhile, I'm not much of an R-Truth fan. I haven't been since he was wrestling under K-Kwik. He and Road Dogg were great together.
I'm guessing that Ziggler will somehow get the belt next week, and then probably have a 3-way with Khali and Kane at Breaking Point. Why? Because of the way this week's show ended, and it's the most logical choice. Well, more logical than randomly throwing someone else at him on short notice. It'd take some creative magic, but it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

As far as who would win...I'd take Rey if this were happening, and obviously Ziggler if it doesn't. They'll have one more match at Survivor Series before Ziggler moves on to his next feud, presumably with Morrison.
I think Morrison has about gotten to the point where he's above winning the I-C title. Looks like there could be a possible fued between him and matt hardy vs. The hart dynasty. And after that, well without edge or Jeff hardy, who's gonna challenge cm punk or the undertaker.

As for ziggler and the IC title, he'll either win it this Tuesday or mysterio will most likely get "injured" ( this way they have an excuse for him being gone) and ziggler will win a match against someone like finley or r-truth for the vacant title
I can see next week either they have a triple threat match for the vacant Intercontinental championship between Ziggler, Matt Hardy and Morrison after announcing that Rey is injured or Rey will cleanly drop the belt to Ziggler and the triple threat match will take place at Breaking Point.
Next Wednesday is when the suspension will take place. So Rey won't be appearing at Breaking Point. I'm actually glad that Rey is losing the title. Dolph Ziggler is a "perfect" choice to hold the IC title. Maybe he can pull off the Mr. Perfect character somewhat when he beats Rey next week. I mean he does remind me of Curt Henning is some ways.
I'm new here, and it seems like this is a great place for some good wrestling talk.

That being said, just like the previous poster, I, too, think that Ziggler reminds me of Mr. Perfect, my favorite wrestler of all time. I love Ziggler, and think after a couple more months, he will be ready for the IC Title.

Ziggler is doing great, and getting great heat, as well as a great push by the WWE, and I'm loving it. But as much as I love him, I don't think putting the belt on him legitimately right now is a good idea. Like others have said, maybe having him steal the belt after 'injuring' Mysterio, and having another 'face' get the title.

I like the idea of Ziggler injuring Rey, stealing the title, Long coming out at the end of the show and saying that next week there will be a IC Title tourney, Morrison winning, and defending against Ziggler at Breaking Point.

Then, when Mysterio comes back, he wins it back maybe at the next PPV in a Triple Threat match vs. Ziggler/Morrison, then at the NEXT PPV, Ziggler either wins, or at the NEXT one after that.

I'm just worried about him getting it too soon. I mean, if he gets it too soon, he pretty much plateaus, and that's it. Nothing else for him to do right now. And I think he could have some great matches with obviously Rey, but also Morrison. I would love to see Morrison/Ziggler.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I can't wait to see what happens in 4 days when I will inevitabley look at the spoilers for Smackdown.
I like the idea of Ziggler injuring Rey, but maybe they shouldn't rush into a new IC match for breaking point. Have Teddy Long come out and say he is punishing Ziggler for his actions by stripping him of his shot at the IC title. Maybe make him earn it back in quick little tournament starting that night and ending at Breaking Point. Put in Matt Hardy, John Morrison, Hart Dynasty, Kane, Khali, Ziggler, and R-Truth. Hardy and JoMo can each fight a member of the Hart Dynasty in the first round, Kane and Khali can continue their feud fighting eachother in that round, and Ziggler can beat a crowd favorite in R-Truth. Then Ziggler can beat Kane or Khali in some sneaky heel way, Tyson Kidd can beat Hardy with help from Natty or DH, and Hardy will save Morrison when they try the same thing on him so he will defeat D.H. Smith. Then Matt will be in his corner when he faces Tyson and Morrison will defeat him too, setting up John Morrison vs Dolph Ziggler at breaking point, Hart Dynasty costs Morrison the match helping Ziggler win. Ziggler can defeat Rey at "Hell In a Cell" Morrison and Hardy will face the Hart Dynasty in a tag cell match, possibly with the winners getting a tag title shot, which would set Hart Dynsaty up for their Tag Title feud and hopefully eventual run with the belts.
Unfortunately this match as we all know wont be takng place at Breaking Point. I think this is unfortunate because they both put on great matches at the past two ppvs. With this said it gives the WWE a lot of opportunities to do something cool with the strap. Zigglers choices for feuds are endless and an IC title tourney would be cool.

I personally think Ziggy should beat rey in the ring, clean next week on SD because thats what I thought the purpose of this feud was. If rey just gets injured or is announced injured than Ziggler might not be getting the full benefits from this feud
Couple of quick, Rey Mysterio will NOT be in Montreal performing at Breaking Point no matter what advertising you have or are seeing. Rey getting suspended by WWE is still so personally perplexing. I have no idea the circumstances nor have I discussed this matter with any one in WWE so all I know is that the rules were violated and the offender has been sent home without pay. The amount of money Rey will not earn as a result of this misstep and subsequent suspension is considerable and will likely be equal to the equivalent to an entire year's earnings for main event level talent back in the day.

there we have it, match isn't happening.
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