Breaking news!!! :


My dog died yesterday.....the poor thing got hit by a car, did 4 backflips. The guy that hit him, got out LAUGHING about it...AFTER HE HAD 15 F'N FEET TO STOP HIS JEEP AND DIDNT EVEN HIT THE BREAKS. I hit him, hard, with a brick. He then called the law, I told them the story, and they left. Anyways, i miss my dog, really bad. He was the coolest little thing in the world. I remember he used to ball up and sleep in the indintion in my back. :'(
It got you to read it, didn't it? I can change it if you want tho, lol.

EDIT: Well, maybe I can't i tried, if that counts for anything? Not to mention, it is breaking news, to me anyways...
Well, it was my sisters dog, and I've been trying to get a new one. My mother always said "we have enough animals as it is" so, now, maybe i can get that huskie ive been wanting for about 2 years now. If it was my dog on the other hand, I would be crying like a 2 year old haha.
I do have to admit, that is fairly selfish. The good side of me, has been taking care of my sister hand and foot while shes moaped in her bed all day. Just to justify myself.
Alright then. Not like it's weird or anything to secretly wish for a dog to die. Carry on.
I never secretly wished for it to die T_T. I secretly wished for my demond cat die. That freak creeps me out, always watching and hissing at me. She tried to kill me the other night, seriously..i was asleep and she clawed my throat!!
:lmao: Too true man, too true. Whats that one TV show where he talks to animals, The Dog Whisperer? Or something like that. Anyone have his number?

So Harthan, I don't think weve ever met How are you? My names Alex.

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