Breaking News: William Regal is suspended for 60 days



In accordance with its Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy, WWE has suspended Darren Matthews (William Regal) for 60 days for his second violation of the company’s policy.

So that explains alot from last night's Raw. Too bad, I liked him in his role.
I can't see it on But if it's true then it's a shame. He was great in his role. This would pretty much destroy any sort of push he might have recieved. But if he's violating the wellness program then he needs to be suspended. Although I thought he was well connected. If Triple H can get away with that physique, then I'm pretty sure they can let Regal get away with a a couple of pain pills or whatever. I'd let it slide personally. It's not like WWE drug testing means anything.
WOW Man! you are quick...

funny stuff: here is the link to the news... (yes, is the one that talks about regal)

All I have to say is Stupid Regal!!! he was in line to get the push of his life!!! Now we may see a face manager on Raw (Teddy Long), I don't remember the last time this brand had a face manager... maybe Foley or Stone Cold but that was a long time ago...

Well... maybe a lot of people could benefit from this... or at least we see storylines like Raw vs SD! / ECW... because of the Vickie / Teddy issues...

Now that there will be a new GM we could expect a Draft (hopefuly)

Regal will go down hill to job again on ECW or SD!, and now he will really get the lame king gimmick...

and maybe Kennedy gets another feud... but thinking that with just one week to ONS, he might be off the card again...
Wow. Regal was in line for a main event push and maybe even a future title run. This pretty much ruins any chance of that. He was great at playing his role and it was so much fun to hate him.

This could also screw over Mr. Kennedy, again. This could have been his feud to go to the next level, but something got in his way again. But him beating Regal last night could maybe push him a bit higher into the lower main event ranks.
Unbelievable. WWE gets Jeff Hardy back just in time to lose it's other rising star. You know what, we all tend to be REALLY hard on the WWE creative team, but think about this - how many curve balls are they going to deal with? I mean, the firestorm with Hayes is one thing, but so much top talent who are written into storylines having to be taken out, half of what they write has to be on the fly anyway!

Ironically, the man who benefitted from this screw up was Kennedy. Usually the screw ups are his doing and he screws himself. This time, he came out looking pretty good, because he got a clean win over a hot Regal.
this blows i was one of the people actually hopein for regal to get a push and when he does he ruins it i doubt its roids though regal isnt exactly that fit but really does it matter if its anything besides roids no it doesnt who cares if jeff smokes pot my sister does and shes fine who cares if you take pain killers these guy are getting beat up day in and day out marijuana whoopdidoo what does all this stuff have to do with wrestling i know alot of people wont agree but they should really only care about steroids
wow. i had a weird feeling this morning about regal possibly getting the 60-day banhammer when thinking about everything that went down on raw last night. i think we can all say that we all thought it was extremely weird that his entire push came to a crashing, abrupt halt last night -- in a manner that would have made it hard (or impossible) to work into a storyline, since McMahon was the one who made the "You're Fired" stipulation.

needless to say: the stupidity of people continues. I thought people would have gotten it through their heads to stop this stupid shit when Jeff Hardy was abruptly suspended for 2 months during the biggest push of his career -- I mean, the man was 3 seconds (getting an RKO) away from being the Champ, FFS -- and then he gets suspended. Why would anybody not correlate that into a mentality of "it could happen to me, too..." whether you're tight with Triple H (wasn't Hardy in Triple H's good graces, too?) or not.

Sad. I was starting to really enjoy the storyline, and really enjoy where it was going
STAMFORD, Conn., May 20, 2008 - In accordance with its Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy, WWE® has suspended Darren Matthews (William Regal) for 60 days for his second violation of the company’s policy.

Looks like this is the reason William Regal did the job to Kennedy and lost his GM spot. Bad timing for the KOTR winner as he looked set to receive a major push on RAW.
What will happen to the Naughty one when he returns from this suspension and does it ruin any hopes he had at a push
WWE issued the following this morning on their corporate website:

World Wrestling Entertainment® Suspends Performer

STAMFORD, Conn., May 20, 2008 - In accordance with its Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy, WWE® has suspended Darren Matthews (William Regal) for 60 days for his second violation of the company’s policy.

Well it's looks like another superstar fucked up their own push. Regal was in the start of what could have been a great push, he was greating massive amounts of heat from the crowd, and it looked like he was going to get a world title fued with Triple H. Do you think that this suspension will affect his push, or do you think he can come back like Hardy, and pick up where he left off.
I must say that, even though Regal was on his way to a big push as a heel character, this is not that big of a loss. While losing a main event wrestlers would have surely crippled storylines, the WWE does keep their options pretty well stocked when it comes to the GM-type characters.

As we saw with Ted Debiase's appearance, they have enough backstage agents who would be able to step into the role. Of course, having Debiase would make for a great angle where he gets his son on board. But the suspension of Regal blends well with Teddy Long recently leaving Smackdown. And even if not Long, they still have Foley, Rhodes, Singh, and a host of other viable options.

Regal's act with the lights was becoming so stale that Vickie (I can barely hold a mic) Guerrerro had become a bigger heel character. Hopefully with a draft and a new character or two, Regal will be able to slink back and move right into the assistant role on Smackdown along side Guerrerro. Her heat should transfer some, making him a strong heel once again. It's just a shame that it had to happen like this.
This really does blow. Not just for Regal, but for Burchill and katie Lea too, who were getting more TV time because of their relationship with Regal. Plus, he's such a great heel! It will be interesting to see how they re-arrange their storylines to cope with this now. What a waste.
This upsets me quite a bit. Both Hardy and Regal have had their issues with substance abuse int he past, they get probably the biggest pushes in their careers, and they mess up. What's interesting to me is that when this happened to Hardy, he was slammed, but Regal it's mainly wrestling related issues that people seem to have with it. It's a shame that he slipped up again, but maybe this will snap him out of it finally. He was written out fairly well last night, as it pushed Kennedy very well, while at the same time it gives Regal a reason to leave quietly.
I hadn't thought about Birchill & Nikita. I hope this doesn't mean they'll stop what little push they're recieving. If Teddy Long is Regals replacment (terrible choice) then they should have The Birchills trying to suck up to him while Regal is away. T.Lo doesn't need to listen to them, as I assume he'll be a face, but he can stop them having handicap matches at least.

Bold prediction: Regal's push, unlike Jeff Hardys, is over now. Shame, Hardy sucks, Regal rules.
Yeah, this sucks big time for all parties involved. The heat regal was getting from crowds was more than I've heard in a long time and he was playing the role beautifully. It's quite clear that this is going to cost regal the push he's spent a long time waiting for.

I don't see WWE taking the Hardy route with Regal and I envision he'll return jobbing very quickly. As for Burchill, hopefully the buildup they have been receiving won't suffer as a consequence of Regal's actions and they'll keep going with his buildup
Is it just me or are some of the suspensions comming at way to a convient time to make them seem harsh. and as if wwe is really putting an effort into it to make them seem stronger. and most when there about to feud with a certain someone

Regal - on the verge of a feud with Tripple H
Hardy - on the verge of a feud with Tripple H
Kennedy - on the verge of a feud with Tripple H
Morison when hes ECW champion

and others
Damn it, Kennedy is just not meant to receive a push, is he? Lol. Every time he's in line for it, something happens.

I was thinking that they rushed the "fired" angle a bit too quickly, but now we see why. I just hope that this means Kennedy can move on to feud with Randy Orton or Edge (if he moves during the draft coming up) as opposed to being relegated back down to squashing Snitsky and Murdoch and such. They'll probably do something ******ed though and make him be the one to feud with Lance Cade, ruining all his momentum.

Poor Regal, but then again, he brought it on himself. Nobody to blame but Hardy when he got suspended, nobody to blame but Masters when he got fired, nobody to blame but Chavo and Morrison on their suspensions, so Regal's the same in my point of view. Sixty days is a long time, though, but at least they have a worthwhile method of him being gone instead of just not having him show up for 60 days. When he comes back, maybe they can duct tape the situation and repair it.

EDIT: I see a lot of people bringing up Burchill and Katie Lea's screen time. I hadn't thought of that. Maybe they can salvage things by having Burchill "do the bidding" of Regal while he's away and feud with Kennedy? That keeps the storyline going.
Well FUCK!!!

Totally ruins my favorite WWE storyline in ages. Kennedy is fucked. Burchill is fucked. WE are fucked, becuase now we will have to suffer through a Trips Vs JBL feud most likely. Regal was arguably the best heel in WWE right with Edge and Orton. Heat-wise, he may have been even hotter. Now everything is all fucked up. I really have to wonder what the hell they are gonna do with this.
Is it just me or are some of the suspensions comming at way to a convient time to make them seem harsh. and as if wwe is really putting an effort into it to make them seem stronger. and most when there about to feud with a certain someone

Regal - on the verge of a feud with Tripple H
Hardy - on the verge of a feud with Tripple H
Kennedy - on the verge of a feud with Tripple H
Morison when hes ECW champion

and others

I knew someone would yell conspiracy eventually, funny thing is, it could be true. The KOTR is randomly brought back and used to take Regal from GM/Jobber to Main Heel in two weeks. Then they hint at him going after HHH when all the sudden, he's suspended. Did WWE push him knowing that he would fail a drug test to make it look like they suspened a top star? They called up DH Smith after he failed and then suspended him.

Either way, this sucks. Regal was a great heel and was the only thing on RAW that was leading to new segments and matches. It was an oppurtunity to push Burchill and himself which would lead to new main event and midcard feuds. What a waste.
This may very well be the biggest fuck-up this year, even BIGGER than Jeff Hardy's suspension. There were plenty of top faces on RAW, with HHH, HBK, Y2J, Cena, Jeff Hardy was hardly even missed. Wrestling in general is lacking from great top heels. RAW had Orton and JBL, with Umaga in an upper mid-card role and Santino in the mid-card. But Regal was HUGE over as a heel. He was a part of the best storyline in wrestling right now, one of the best fueds, and now it's RUINED!! What is with people fucking up right when they're on a role? And this completely fucks up Kennedy's push. Who does he have to fued with now? Maybe Burchill? Waste of time. Same with Lance Cade. Best case scenario, they hot-shot the HHH-Kennedy fued and we get Kennedy vs. Triple H at Summerslam. The only problem with that however, is that Kennedy may not be ready for the strap by August, Triple H retains, and then that leaves Kennedy no-where again, or possibly fueding with Regal once again, after he gets back from his suspension.

One more question: How can someone with no real impressive physique whatsoever get busted for violating the Wellness Policy... TWICE?! Man, Regal's gotta start buying some better steroids. If you're gonna bother taking roids, you might as well look good doing it.
This may very well be the biggest fuck-up this year, even BIGGER than Jeff Hardy's suspension. There were plenty of top faces on RAW, with HHH, HBK, Y2J, Cena, Jeff Hardy was hardly even missed. Wrestling in general is lacking from great top heels. RAW had Orton and JBL, with Umaga in an upper mid-card role and Santino in the mid-card. But Regal was HUGE over as a heel. He was a part of the best storyline in wrestling right now, one of the best fueds, and now it's RUINED!! What is with people fucking up right when they're on a role? And this completely fucks up Kennedy's push. Who does he have to fued with now? Maybe Burchill? Waste of time. Same with Lance Cade. Best case scenario, they hot-shot the HHH-Kennedy fued and we get Kennedy vs. Triple H at Summerslam. The only problem with that however, is that Kennedy may not be ready for the strap by August, Triple H retains, and then that leaves Kennedy no-where again, or possibly fueding with Regal once again, after he gets back from his suspension.

One more question: How can someone with no real impressive physique whatsoever get busted for violating the Wellness Policy... TWICE?! Man, Regal's gotta start buying some better steroids. If you're gonna bother taking roids, you might as well look good doing it.

Regal has had problems with pain killers since his WCW days. Thats probably what this suspension is for.

I love how most people are bringing up that this messes up Kennedy's push. Its really not, HHH was stealing that feud from Kennedy and it was becoming pretty obvious. Kennedy interupted Regal on Raw followed by HHH and from there it seemed to be all Hunter. At Judgement Day Regal was shown watching over HHH and Kenndy was nowhere to be found. The Kennedy Regal feud was probably a plan, then when Regal was getting massive heat, it was decided to put him against HHH. Kennedy will probably keep facing the likes of Snitsky and Cade until they find something better to do.
In my opinion i think either WWE knew about the failure of the wellness policy by last tuesday (the smackdown tapings) or they were planning regal to fall as GM this week on raw anyway.

It seems too convenient to me that Teddy Long got his biggest push in months by showing some power and initiative on Smackdown, and ends up as possible Raw GM the next week. This signals that he was getting ready for something bigtime, like a possible spot as Raw GM.

So i think either WWE knew that regal failed his test by last Tuesday by preparing Teddy Long for this spot, or they were planning for Kennedy to topple him to add more fuel to the fire of their feud. Of course now their feud doesnt matter much. Its a shame as regal was bound to be meeting HHH at a pay per view within the next 6 months for the title.
Jeeze, another star suspended right in the middle of a huge push.

Poor Kennedy, it's clear that the wrestling gods don't want him to ever receive a push.

I was kinda hoping that DiBiase would be the new GM but it seems that they're alluding to Teddy Long as the new Raw GM. There goes my dreams of Vickie being replaced on Smackdown...
DiBiase is too busy with his job to go GM i think at the minute. As for Kennedy, well while Regal is technically suspended, they can keep him on TV, just not pay him, so I suppose he could come back next week and get destroyed to create an angle to put him out for, say, 2months or so? That way Kennedy looks as though he's still strong and can move on from the angle for a while to someone different
When I found out that Regal and Kennedy were having a "Loser is Fired" match, I though Kennedy was going to lose and be sent to Smackdown. It would have given Regal a super heal push and given Kennedy a chance to shine without the shadow that HHH casts on RAW looming over his push. But the very second Kennedy won that match, I knew INSTANTLY that Regal was suspended. They would put so much time and effort into a real quick push only to end it as soon as it starts.

Heres an idea to WWE. If your going to give someone a big push, test them beforehand. If Regal already failed once, they should have tested him before they put a crown on his head. Now look at the mess left on RAW.
WHAT THE FUCK?! Dammit, Regal you flippin' moron. I can't believe he Kennedy'd himself. Well, I guess that ends that push. No way Regal returns to the same effect that Hardy did. Hardy was over to begin with, Regal was just beginning to get over.

You know, the truly pathetic thing to this whole situation.. Mr. Kennedy's victory on Raw, was A COMPLETE FLUKE! I just took shit from Kennedy marks over how he got the victory over Regal, when the fucking match likely wouldn't of even happened had Regal not screwed up with the Wellness policy.

So where will Mr. Kennedy go from here though? Back to being heel? Its apparent Regal will either be canned completely, or return to being nothing but a jobber or strictly in an assistant G.M. role. I doubt highly that he'll return to the Main Event push he was receiving.

Meanwhile, Kennedy has noone left to feud with unless they give us the best treat of all. Kennedy v. M.V.P. or Kennedy against Randy Orton.

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