BREAKING NEWS! *See This Thread*

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
The WWE has been bought out by wealthy businessman, "Mr. Alex Crossing". The McMahons are no longer in business existence, but the Company is. Mr. Crossing will be making announcements about the Roster a bit later on, but first, here is a Press Release, made earlier on by the new owner himself.

Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. I am Alex Crossing, the new owner of the WWE. I have some changes that I would like to make and some things that I would like to keep the same, albeit very few. I will be drawing up a Roster for our weekly show, "WWE Carnage", which will air every Monday Night. We will hold Pay Per Views on a Sunday and I will also be drawing a list of them later on as well. On a Thursday Night, exclusively on the "WWE.Com" Website, we will be airing an exclusive show we like to call "Rush". Whereas Carnage will run for 3 Hours, Rush will only run for one, where we showcase some high talent in a short amount of time for our Web viewers. When I bought out the McMahons, I decided that I wanted to make the WWE more "interactive" with its fans, so I have decided this. Every now & then, on the WWE.Com website, I will pose a question to the WWE Universe, or as I would love to call them, the "Carnage Kids", which they can answer and it will be through their influence that I will base the decisions. This will allow everything to be a lot more interesting in the long term, as multiple decisions are out of my hands. As I have said, there will be a Roster Draw, consisting of the Wrestlers who will appear on Carnage, along with Commentators, Ring Announcers, the GM etc.

I will get to drawing that up now, thank you for your time and I hope you will tune in to WWE Carnage every Monday Night and log in to every Thursday, for some Rush! I have been Alex Crossing, welcome to MY WWE.

-Taken exclusively from

So, what lies in store for the WWE now? Only you can find out by tuning into "Monday Night Carnage" next week!

(Note: I will now post TWO Threads in the Lounge. One will be a Carnage.wz Thread, where I will post bulletins, releases, match updates etc. There will also be a voting Thread, solely used so that I can pose a question, which you can all answer. I really hope that my first true BT goes down well, wish me luck!

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