BREAKING NEWS! Kelly Kelly Released!

Wow, this one's out of the blue. How long until someone makes the "Kelly Kelly to TNA?" thread?

One of two things happened. Either she's looking to make the transition out of wrestling that other performers have made; like Maria and Trish Stratus; or something pretty severe happened backstage. I'm leaning towards the former, but who knows. The suddenness of it is what's surprising; Kelly Kelly has been one of the most popular divas. You'd almost expect a 'loser leaves' match, or something to explain it publicly. Instead she'll just vanish into the ether, and that, in and of itself, is somewhat suspicious.
Kelly has had one match on Raw in five months. She kept taking time off and had been trying to get bookings for non wrestling stuff under her real name. At the end of the day, this really doesn't surprise me and it really doesn't make a big difference at all. There will be another big chested blonde in barely there shorts on Raw within a month and no one will remember Kelly by the end of the year. She was everything that was wrong with female wrestlers in the eyes of traditionalists and girls like her are a dime a dozen. Nothing surprising or bad here.
Put more thought into your threads. We have a spam section for threads with the opening posts reading "Thoughts?"

Overall, meh. Everything is still the same since she's left, so it isn't that big a deal. I'd insert a clip of the TMZ narrator saying "Breaking news!" in a ridiculous fashion but couldn't find one.
How long until someone makes the "Kelly Kelly to TNA?" thread.

It will come, but why she'd want to take considerably less money to do in TNA what she already does in WWE is beyond me. She isn't Beth, Gail or Tara; the gals who can truly wrestle and want to do more on the mat than parade around in nightgown matches. Kelly is a model who learned a few moves in the ring and had about as much interest in being a technical wrestler as Paul Heyman.

Maybe Kelly will be like Lilian Garcia. If she can't make a living some other way, she'll decide she loves WWE, can't live without it and will make a triumphant return.
Maybe she really wanted to do that playboy spread Vince said she couldn't do while in WWE.... Who knows, not a big deal IMO
It will come, but why she'd want to take considerably less money to do in TNA what she already does in WWE is beyond me.

Ehh because she can make some money only working 1-2 days a week instead of 5 days a week which would give her more time for the other things she is interesting in doing. Look at Christy Hemme and Taryn Terrell/Tiffany.

One of two things happened. Either she's looking to make the transition out of wrestling that other performers have made; like Maria and Trish Stratus; or something pretty severe happened backstage. I'm leaning towards the former, but who knows. The suddenness of it is what's surprising; Kelly Kelly has been one of the most popular divas. You'd almost expect a 'loser leaves' match, or something to explain it publicly. Instead she'll just vanish into the ether, and that, in and of itself, is somewhat suspicious.

You are aware that Maria is currently in ROH right? As for the giving her an exiting storyline, with her not being used but once since Wrestlemania. No reason to bring her back just to explain why she's not there. The fans have already forgotten about her. It shows the impact she had on WWE.

The fact is she realized she can make a LOT more money doing modeling and TV gigs than she can participating in bikini battle royales. The only thing is she will HAVE to get a better stage name. Barbie Blank makes me think of some bikini bimbo in California still saying "like totally" after every sentence. However Kelly Kelly was also a horrible name. Regardless I never once heard a bad thing said about her so I respect that she's doing what she can to make the most money while she still has the looks to make the money.
She was never all that good in the ring, but it isn't surprising she was let go. Many women wrestlers have voiced their displeasure over the years with the division and if she wasn't let go, I'm sure she would have left eventually. They all do.

While this is a good move, the fact that Kharma and Beth Phoenix are gone means the division is lacking more than ever before. Then you have Natalyia who is probably the beset female wrestler left currently on the roster and they aren't doing a damn thing. It's a complete mess right now. They did sign that very talented wreslter Sara Raye is it? The problem is that if you put her in, who does she face? Now if you had Khamra, Beth, Natalyia and then brought in Sara, that is a very good division with talent. It's dwindled a lot. Perhaps they have a plan, IDK. We shall see.
Eh, can't say I care that much.

Yes, Kelly did have a solid reign as Divas Champion last year, and yeah, she was over with the fans. Kelly Kelly could bring a noticeable reaction out of live crowds, but in the grand scheme of things, she IS replaceable. WWE will find another hot blonde with nice tits and a bubbly personality; it's not that hard. Kelly Kelly wasn't a rare and "once in a lifetime" talent, and we'll see plenty more Kelly Kelly Divas in the future.

I was a fan of Kelly, but her loss won't hurt WWE, and we'll all forget about her in the coming months.
Amazing she has been with the WWE for 6 years.. She still couldn't even run the damn ropes properly.

They already have Summer Rae lined up as her replacement.

She is just one of the latest divas that is trying to use wrestling as a stepping stone for her career. Most of them dont amount to much after the WWE.
Kelly has barely been seen in months & is awful at everything besides being hot.

She should just go back to modeling or join Chyna for a day on the set.

I've said for a long time, while I admire WWE's efforts to form a Divas division that is composed of both solid female wrestlers & beautiful models, it just doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong, the female talent can be attractive as well, but they should focus on their in-ring ability & mic skills FIRST!

And Kelly Kelly just didn't have any of thee above, besides looks. She has some fame now & will probably make decent money outside WWE. Good luck to her.
This is hardly shocking or "out of nowhere", Kelly Kelly has been talking about wanting to get away from WWE for awhile now to pursue a modeling/acting career, & has been taking tons of time off recently, & hasn't wrestled, or even appeared on TV more than, I think, once in the last several months. She's done about all that should could ever hope to do in WWE (short of having a good match), & really doesn't have much else left to prove. I wouldn't be shocked if she tries to come back in a year or two when she's broke, & needs the big payday WWE provides again.
She's probably a great gal when you get to know her, but I hated her in the pro wrestling world.

She was a ditz who giggled compulsively and went a year doing a "should I show my tits?" angle. Great for bachelor parties, not so great for pro wrestling.

I'm not saying things will improve with her leaving, the women's division is only slightly more stagnant than the tag team division.

Best of luck to her in her future (stereotype blonde) endeavors.

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I'm not really going to miss her. She improved a lot during her WWE career and even got to hold the Divas Championship. Kelly had been with WWE for around 6 years or so, and was one of the more popular divas. The problem is she didn't bring anything to the table that no one else will be able to. There are many other pretty blondes who will be able to fill the void she has left. They have more talented ladies on the roster who can wrestle better than her and cut more convincing promos. She accomplished what she could and is moving on to other things, one can't really be upset about that. I hope everything works out for her in whatever she decides to do next. Nothing signficant will change within the divas division without her though. Absolutely nothing when it comes to anything that matters, anyway.
I've seen this coming for a while. When you think about it, the writing's been on the wall for much of this year. Kelly's been absent from Raw a lot, she's had maybe 1 or 2 matches on Raw in 6 months. There's been report of some friction between Kelly & WWE officials as she was left off of the 1,000th episode of Raw. There's been no major heat though as far as I'm aware of.

Personally, I'd say that Kelly Kelly is looking to transition out of wrestling and maybe try to get back into modeling or trying her hand at being an actress. Unless the WWE ever does an overhaul of women's wrestling as a whole, which probably won't happen as long as Vince is still running things, Kelly Kelly has long since gone as far as she can.

As for Kelly going to TNA, I wouldn't be surprised if offers were made. If Kelly went to TNA, I think the reaction would surprise some of us. A lot of wrestling fans, including TNA fans, have ripped Kelly Kelly over the years as the epitome of what's wrong with women's wrestling in WWE. A lot of those same fans would change their opinion of Kelly Kelly if she joined TNA just because of the simple fact that she'd come to TNA.
I for one never saw the appeal of Kelly Kelly in the first place. She's nothing special physically, just another generic blonde who doesn't even have a nice shape or an overly pretty face. She certainly can't wrestle, and after 6 years being in the WWE and being at the level she is in the ring, that's pretty pathetic. I thought she had nothing to offer the WWE from the start, so they really lose absolutely nothing with her being gone.

Not to mention the WWE, under Triple H, seems to want to get away from hiring models and strictly focus on females who can actually wrestle and have a passion for the business.. so Kelly Kelly being gone now is a perfect transition into that and a greata beginning. Hopefully it continues with the rest of the Divas who have nothing to offer.

As for Kelly Kelly going off to try to be a model and actor? She might get some work as a model, but she'll be a complete failure as an actor. She was absolutely horrible on the mic and in backstage segments in the WWE all of these years. Absolutely horrible! So, there's no bright future for her in Hollywood, that's for sure.
This doesn't change the state of the Diva's Division, All that will happen is, that she will be replaced and the Divas will continue on being horrible. Until Vince cares about the Divas Division and sees it more than just eye-candy it won't change, even if Kelly Kelly is gone.
This doesn't change the state of the Diva's Division, All that will happen is, that she will be replaced and the Divas will continue on being horrible. Until Vince cares about the Divas Division and sees it more than just eye-candy it won't change, even if Kelly Kelly is gone.

You're completely right. Her release means nothing, especially since it appears she wanted to leave anyway.

Beth was released just recently as well, which should immediately squash any hopes that anybody is holding for an improvement in the women's division. Well, for the minority of us who care.

As for Kelly herself, I think she wanted to leave because she wants to move on to just modeling/acting/whatever. That's what happens when you hire underwear models who don't care about wrestling. They use wrestling as a stage to get (semi)famous and then leave. IMO she shouldn't have been around as long as she was. She was never really good at anything.

I stand by my theory that they should have kept Cherry over Kelly/Maria/etc back when Deuce N Domino broke up. Oh well. Goodbye Kelly.
She was nice to look at. That was about it. The excessive spinning on the head scissors was ridicules. She would have been better as a manager for the eye piece. Well at least she gave the wrestlers some enjoyment backstage. Good for her.
She improved over time and her feud with Beth during her last title reign was memorable in a good way, but I'd rather listen to Vicki Guerrero shout "excuse me!" for ten minutes that K2's in-match screaming.
She was a pretty face with a great bod. She had improved I think she did some great things with Beth but tbh, I wouldn't put her in the same league as Lita, Trish or Victoria. Her huricanrana (I might have spelt it wrong, forgive me) just kept going way to long, she screamed all the time and some of her moves looked weak as shit. She was one of those models who did the wrestling thing for while till something else better came to her as a result of exposure from WWE.

Beth and Kelly Kelly are both gone, so now what ? The division has Natalya, and a few otherswho are ok to superb ring workers, but the question is, going forward, are they (WWE) going to work on getting more competent workers irregardless of their look or is it still going to be about the model era in WWE's diva division ?
Again I loved Kelly and she could wrestle to an extent (to counter what some people are trying to say). Was she Chris benoit in the ring ? Of course not - but nobody expected her to be. But she could have a wrestling match and she was over - that is fact, and THAT'S ALL THAT'S NEEDED FROM HER. Still, she oculdn't run the ropes properly though :)

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