BREAKING NEWS: Braun Strowman to take on Kalisto in a DUMPSTER match on Raw!

Randy Orton's Head Blood

Swinging with Cesaro...

Last week, while laying waste to several Raw Superstars — and eventually the ring itself — Braun Strowman threw Kalisto into a dumpster filled with trash. Not one to take the assault laying down, the masked Superstar has challenged his attacker to a Dumpster Match. has learned, via Twitter, that Raw General Manager Kurt Angle has made the match official and that that showdown will take place this Monday night at 8/7 C! But, can Kalisto possible trash The Monster Among Men’s brutal scourge? Or will he once again be treated like garbage.

Well, this is certainly interesting. We all know how it's going to go though...Braun's going to pick up a win over somebody a third of his size. Kalisto really has drawn the short straw since he debuted back on Monday Night Raw;

"So guys, am I gonna be doing good...lucha things?"


As sorry as I do feel for Kalisto, this could be a little bit more entertaining than it sounds if Braun just ragdolls Kalisto all over the arena before picking up the inevitable win.

This could be very, very entertaining. Obviously Kalisto is not Roman Reigns or even Big Show, but depending on how they book this, this could be the third week in a row that Braun Strowman really steals the show with something special. A major beat down could be epic and after the positive reception the backstage brawl got with Strowman and Reigns, there is no surprise that WWE would want to try something similar again.

Plus, a Dumpster Match is certainly very different. It will be no disqualification for the most part, but they're trying something different that has only been done an odd time before. It's fresh so why not?

Also, it could be funny as hell for Reigns to be waiting in the dumpster and jump out and attack Strowman. I'd rather he stay out to sell the injuries but that could be funny. Something must surely go down though. I hardly expect no one to interfere.
Okay I'll watch and see what happens, but seriously is Kalisto the best they can get for Strowman. RAW is a headscratcher at times.

There is another thread here asking if Balor should move to 205 Live? The perfect person for 205 Live is Kalisto. Why they haven't moved him over there yet where he could be gold is beyond reason. Instead they put him in trash dumpsters and against someone like Strowman.

This is too reminiscent of the Great Khali/Mysterio match up for me. It was garbage then, no pun intended and I'm afraid it will be the same now.
People crying over Kalisto being thrown into a dumpster. Now out of it he's going to be doing something more important than his entire run on Smackdown. He even kind of botched his little promo on twitter, but he still has more prominent eyes on him than he did in months. Also continuing to book Braun well consistently like they have for months. Kalisto got praise with Baron for trying to step up in their chairs match. He also got credit for that insane ladder spot with The Usos & New Day forever ago. Could benefit him a bit for him to step up here.
This match serves multiple purposes.

For one, it'll allow Strowman to essentially ragdoll Kalisto all over the arena. Vince has an almost perverse fascination in watching men who're outweighed by their opponents by a good 150 pounds or more get tossed around like a 10 pound sack o' 'taters. And, to be honest, a lot of fans will get a kick out of it as well because the sight of watching a grown man, even if he's only 160 lbs. launched through the air like something out of a comic book movie. So yeah, I can practically see Vince cackling to himself while possibly rubbing one out at the same time.

Secondly, I'd say there'll be tons of interference both as a measure of revenge and to help out Kalisto. Look for the Golden Truth to attempt to interfere, probably the Big Show as well and finally Roman Reigns if all else fails. Once Strowman has been sufficiently weakened, they'll all toss him into the dumpster, giving Kalisto a win and getting a taste of vengeance.

That's usually how things work out, though I think it'd be kind of cool if Strowman weathered the storm and still managed to toss Kalisto into the dumpster.
Doesn't really matter. i'm afraid the build up of Stroman is all for not anyway, since they are just going to feed him to Reigns anyway.

Similar to what they did a few years back with Ryback, how they made him an unstoppable force just to feed him to CM Punk.
This is WWE and all signs point to a Kalisto win. It would be perfect if Kalisto gets destroyed for 5 minutes all over the arena and Strowman launches him into the dumpster while tipping it over afterward. Nope. There is going to be interference from everyone and their mother and Kalisto is going to pick up the win. Bear in mind this is all after Strowman came within murdering Reigns a few weeks back but WWE doesn't believe in momentum so lets just squash that here so we can make him look like a goon that gets thrown in a dumpster.

Let's make it even better! Have Reigns show up looking fresh as a daisy after being beaten within an inch of his life and cost Strowman the match. WWE already fucked up Braun once by having Reigns pin him clean lets just fuck it up again and start over next time. It's worked wonders for Bray the last 4 years.
Yeah Reigns is probably gonna be hiding in the dumpster. Oh no wait he is going to putStrowman in there and then throw it off the stage. Either way it's a recipe for a Reigns interference. One week of tv is better than none I guess.

As for the match, while there is only so much you can do, it is a cool little unique thing that can be enjoyed every now and then. The best outcome for this match is that it's an average match and even then that's probably wishful thinking but it's something different and I like that.
I think Braun is going to win and he is going to flip the dumpster from the stage onto the floor (New Age outlaws to Mick Foley style).
It could be great.
Roman Reigns is going to be back and might even cost Braun Strowman this match against Kalisto.

Nonetheless, I'm most interested in Braun Strowman. Apart from that dumb loss against Roman Reigns, he has been booked quite good. Loving him even more after Wrestlemania 33.

Kalisto is going to the ultimate thrill ride. ;)
My guess, like many others, would be that Strowman will beat Kalisto all over the arena and in the end Reigns will come out and spear Strowman into the dumpster and then push it off the stage all the while looking like the beat down he took 2 weeks ago was nothing. This in turn will give Kalisto the win when he probably won't know it happened
The dumpster will be right on the side off the stage. Reigns comes in and spears Strowman into the dumpster. Kalisto closes the lid and wins the match.

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