Breaking Bad: Season 4 (Spoilers for seasons 1-3)


Mid-Card Championship Winner

That's right, ladies (ha!) and germs: We're a cunt hair away from the fourth season of one of the best shows on television. This Sunday, Walt and Jessy are back. After guilt over the events of season two caused Walt to put his Heisenberg alter-ego and lust for power on ice, Walt ended season three by pulling out the full Heisenberg in order to save Jesse's life. Now with himself also in Gus' cross-hairs, one can only assume there's no turning back. Heisenberg seems to be here to stay. The question is just how Bad Walt is going to Break and how far down he'll drag everyone around him.

Who here is pumped for the new season? Any predictions? Is this the season Walt finally becomes Scarface?
Very pumped for Season 4, AMC just keeps kicking goals with their line up. Mad Men, Breaking Bad and Walking Dead are the best shows on tv..

I wondering if we'll get a showdown between Walt and his brother in law this season??

My prediction is that will be season 5 with season 4 being how Walt becomes a kingpin by taking over Gus' operations!
July 17 will be some night. First, the Money in the Bank PPV (God I hope Punk wins), then the return of my favorite show currently on television. That big cliffhanger from last season's finale has me craving new episodes. I mean, how will Walt and Jesse get out of the horribly crappy situation they got theirselves into? I'm sure some crazy shit is about to go down, and I cannot wait to see it myself.
My prediction is that will be season 5 with season 4 being how Walt becomes a kingpin by taking over Gus' operations!

No, Vince Gilligan (the show's creator) has pretty much made it clear that season 5 will be the last season of Breaking Bad. This isn't the type of show that will find any excuse to keep going... it needs a conclusion, at least for Walt it does.

Anyways, so fucking stoked for Sunday. Jesse crossed that line for Walt and I can't wait to see how it all turns out. Rolling Stone's review of the season premiere pretty much indicates this will be one of the most shocking episodes in the show's history... which says a fucking lot. I can't wait to see it.
I've also heard good things for the premiere. While trying to spoil as little as possible on their podcast, Sepinwall and Feinberg of say it's some of the most tense television they've ever seen while commending how the show changed their perception of it over the course of it's run, from dark-comic character study to a great piece of suspenseful storytelling with a pace most show-runners would never dare attempt. Of course those guys love to gush over Breaking Bad, but at the same time I share much of their taste. So fingers and toes crossed that they're right on target with their assessment.
I am ecstatic waiting for this. The fiancée and I caught Season's 1-3 on Netflix over the last year and just recently finished Season 3 completely.

The real question that's standing out for me now is whether or not Jesse really shot Gale or not, as the scene wasn't as clear as you'd think considering the angle of the final shot, or worse yet, if he did, whether he actually killed him or not.

Gale's life is the only thing keeping Walt alive at the moment.

Premiere is likely to be some intense, intense programming.
Mixed feelings about the premiere tonight.

First of all, let me get it out of the way... the scenes with Walt, Jesse, Gus, Mike, and Victor were flat out awesome. Walt running his mouth to Gus about why he needs to keep him and Jesse alive was so fucking great. And it was the first time I think Jesse heard Walt express out loud just how much he looks out for him and cares for him, so that was nice. I really liked Walt putting his foot down saying that without Jesse, you're going to have to kill me.

Gus killing Victor was predictable, but that didn't make it any less awesome. Gus looked so fucking bad ass throughout this entire episode. I've never seen a show or even movie pull off the "calm before the storm" approach in the manner Breaking Bad did tonight. Gus' mannerisms and quietness single handily made him into one of the baddest motherfuckers in television history.

Now, the down part of the episode, which drove me fucking nuts, was having to watch that bitch Skyler search for Walt. Those scenes seemed to exist just to kill time, because nothing happened in them. They could have gotten the point across that Sky was worried in 1 minute, but including commercials, they spent pretty much 15 minutes on Skyler doing nothing but running around. It was dreadful to sit through. I just cannot stand that woman, or the sight of her.

Besides that though, the whole Walt/Jess/Gus conclusion lived up to expectations, no doubt, and I can't wait to see where they go from here, specifically Jesse's character. He's completely unpredictable at this point.
Finally watched the season premiere this afternoon and absolutely loved it. Unlike JMT I didn't even mind the parts involving Skylar as it actually seemed like her character was coming to terms with the life her husband lives and understands her role in protecting him and that lifestyle so they can continue to pay for Hank's medical bills and provide for their children. She didn't seem whiny or anything like usual so whatever, I actually liked that she came up with that big creative lie to that landlord dude so he'd let her into Walt's apartment.

Totally agree with JMT as well on the character of Gus in this episode. We've always known he was an unapologetic badass of the highest order, but tonight was some of the best work I've ever seen the actor put into the role...

When he just slit their associates throat like that after Walt had been pleading for his life and getting more and more frantic in his tone of voice I just dropped my jaw. He just killed the guy so callously, like he was stepping on an insect with his shoe or something and it was nothing more than a casual nuisance. Crazy stuff.

Awesome premiere episode tonight, unabashedly dark and disturbing in spades. Can't wait to see how this season unfolds, especially from the short sneak preview of next week's episode. So glad this show is back on the air again.
Unlike JMT I didn't even mind the parts involving Skylar as it actually seemed like her character was coming to terms with the life her husband lives and understands her role in protecting him and that lifestyle so they can continue to pay for Hank's medical bills and provide for their children. She didn't seem whiny or anything like usual so whatever, I actually liked that she came up with that big creative lie to that landlord dude so he'd let her into Walt's apartment.

Lol... well, since you DVRed it, you didn't have to put up with commercials like I did!

I was just so fucking antsy for them to get back to lab. I became spoiled watching the first 3 seasons on DVD, that now watching them with commercials is gut wrenching. The anticipation of this show is unreal, which obviously is one of the many things that makes this such a great fucking show.

But yeah... I'll admit I overreacted to that in my little review, lol.

Anyways, Coco and I are in a PM discussion about what the future holds for Jesse. At this point I have to say that Jesse's story is more intriguing than Walt's. Jesse is now the most unpredictable character on the show, and there are so many directions his character can go in that it's unreal. I'm definitely most looking forward to seeing where he's headed more so than anything else going on with the show right now.
Pretty good episode overall. The Skyler stuff did drag a bit, but everything that happened in the lab was excellent. I'm really interested to see how Walt, Jesse, and Gus's relationship moves from here. One sticky situation was cleared up for now, but there's definitely still loads of tension between all of them. I also want to know just how much Jesse's changed after killing Gale. He seems like a totally different person now. No mouthing off, no bragging; it's kind of weird, actually. I'm just wondering where his mind is at now. Seeing Hank as helpless as he is now is heartbreaking. He was someone you could call a man's man, now he needs help going to the bathroom. I hope he can recover eventually. Anyway, this coming episode should be more greatness.
I don't want to sound as if I've been trapped under a rock or anything, but can someone please explain what this show is about? I'm not from the US so I'm not up to date with tv shows or anything. I usually just hear about shows and if it sounds interesting to me then I'll download it or watch it online, so I'm kinda lookin for a new show to get hooked on.
Thank you in advance
I don't want to sound as if I've been trapped under a rock or anything, but can someone please explain what this show is about? I'm not from the US so I'm not up to date with tv shows or anything. I usually just hear about shows and if it sounds interesting to me then I'll download it or watch it online, so I'm kinda lookin for a new show to get hooked on.
Thank you in advance

Here's a quick premise of the entire series:

A high school chemistry teacher finds out he has lung cancer, so he starts making and distributing Meth with a former student to raise money to pay for his medical treatment and also for there to be money for his family when he passes away.

And that's all you really need to know. That's all I needed to know to check the show out... and I didn't regret it. I'm sure you won't regret it, either. The show is filled with compelling drama, heart racing suspense, genuine emotion, and great humor. It's easily, EASILY been one the best shows on television for the past 5 years, and when it concludes I'm positive it will go down as a contender for the greatest television series of all time. I can't recommend it enough to you, man.
Here's a quick premise of the entire series:

A high school chemistry teacher finds out he has lung cancer, so he starts making and distributing Meth with a former student to raise money to pay for his medical treatment and also for there to be money for his family when he passes away.

And that's all you really need to know. That's all I needed to know to check the show out... and I didn't regret it. I'm sure you won't regret it, either. The show is filled with compelling drama, heart racing suspense, genuine emotion, and great humor. It's easily, EASILY been one the best shows on television for the past 5 years, and when it concludes I'm positive it will go down as a contender for the greatest television series of all time. I can't recommend it enough to you, man.

Thanks man. If its anything like Weeds then Imma enjoy it. Hell, I already that Im gonna enjoy this even more.
No, Vince Gilligan (the show's creator) has pretty much made it clear that season 5 will be the last season of Breaking Bad. This isn't the type of show that will find any excuse to keep going... it needs a conclusion, at least for Walt it does.

When Gilligan says those things he almost always includes a disclaimer that says that will depend on where he is in a year. He wouldn't be the first show runner to say "I think we'll have this many seasons" only to be lured into keeping the show going. Gilligan doesn't really plot out the seasons the way David Chase did with the Sopranos where Chase had his end in mind and set it up with foreshadowing for several seasons, as they are more let each season take them where it takes them writers.

I feel like the season has to end with some form of showdown between Walt and Gus. I don't think Walt will take over Gus's business over this season, but Walt is certainly positioning himself in the same business model with the car wash idea. No matter how it goes I'm sure it will be interesting. The first episode put me in a position of being terrified of Gus, which isn't something that actor should pull off as naturally as he does.
Another fantastic episode this week and as a big fan of the character of Jesse, it was everything I was hoping for. This episode did alot to get across just how far Jesse has fallen and just how lost he is feeling at this point, to the point where he tries to just keep a party going for days and cranks music so loud that he can't think in an effort to block out the serious pain he's clearly in emotionally. The closing shot of the episode with Jesse sitting in front of his speaker nearly in tears as he just lets the music pound away as loud as possible into his brain was absolutely brilliant.

I like the developments in the Walt/Gus/Mike saga too. I can see Mike joining forces with Walt eventually to get rid of Gus, but at the same time this is a show that thrives on throwing curveballs at you, so I can't say anything will happen with any degree of certainty. Walt needs to stop being so reckless though, going to Gus's house at night like that was stupid and he could have gotten himself killed. That scene was brilliant too, the way they had everything so silent and then just cranked up this really moody little music with violins and shit to heighten the tension. I also loved the scene with Walt and Mike in the bar, having a drink together.

I love, love, loved this episode. They could just make this show entirely about Jesse and I'd still watch religiously, so this was a big treat for me. I loved the party scenes, especially the crazy conversation they were having comparing zombie video games while they were doing some meth, it was intense and reminded me very much of just the kind of crazed conversations you get into when doing drugs like those.

Just yeah, great episode in all. Skylar is the only thing that I don't like on this show, and she was barely in this episode, so it's all gravy. I cannot wait for next week already.
Yeah, I agree with Xfear... fantastic episode.

I thought for sure we were going to witness a hard ass Jesse for a few weeks before catching a glimpse of how much he's suffering with the fact he's killed someone. But they dived right it into this week and it was fantastic.

Jesse has such a fucking heart of gold, it's impossible not to love the guy. It's sad to him in so much pain and heartache, over something that was completely out of his hands. I mean, let's face it... if he hadn't killed Gale, he'd be in much worse shape in feeling guilty over Walt's death and also having to live pretty much the rest of his life in complete paranoia.

Anyways, all of Jesse's scenes tonight were great. It's always fun to see him interact with his friends. And his scene with Andrea was just more proof what a good dude Jesse is at heart. I was glad to see he looked out for her and her son, when he absolutely did not have to. I agree with Jesse that I hope Andrea does right by her son and uses that money to help give herself and her son a better life.

As far as Walt... so awesome seeing him try to convert himself into a bad ass. It's done in a way too that you've never seen. Like, in films and television, I guarantee you've never seem someone dedicate themselves to learn how to properly pull a gun from their hip. Shit, unless you have actual experience, you wouldn't think it would be that hard, but obviously it can be complicated as shown by Breaking Bad tonight.

And the scene with Mike... fuck Mike. You can tell deep down he wants to side with Walt. I think Mike has always saw some of himself in Walt being a middle-aged white family man himself, but as much of a bad motherfucker Mike has shown himself to be in past episodes, tonight just reassured what I've thought all along, and that's that he's nothing more than Gus' bitch. While it's possible Mike might soon align himself with Walt, I won't be surprised if Mike remains to be a loyal puppy dog to Gus until his fate is met by the hands of Walter White.
Great emphasis on Jesse this episode. You can really feel that there's a big change in his personality happening right now, but I wonder if it'll be for the better. He does need to eventually deal with what he did to get over it in time. Killing a man is hardly something a person can just ignore or forget. His need to be around people all the time is clearly his way of avoiding dealing with it.

Walt really wants to take Gus down, but he needs to pace himself or he might get killed. Mike is loyal to Gus, as this episode showed that, and he won't let Walt get away with anything he knows Walt's planning or about to do. Trying to get Mike on his side was a bad move, so hopefully he can learn from it.

Skyler didn't do much this episode other than deal with that asshole with the big eyebrows. I understand why he's angry, but he shouldn't let that get in the way of making some good money. I do wonder how Skyler will go about coercing him into selling for a reasonable price. Meanwhile, Hank and Marie's marriage seems to be in trouble. I guess Hank doesn't feel Marie is being all that supportive for him now. Oh, and ten bucks says she bangs that black guy.

Overall a very good, character-driven episode that sets up plenty of big moments down the line.
BUMP. How has this shit fallen to page 2? For shame. Anyways, I put off watching this past Sunday's episode until today mainly because a few people told me it wasn't a very good episode, but honestly, I enjoyed it quite a bit. It wasn't on par with the first two episodes, no, but we had some seriously great development in all of the main five characters in the show in this episode. We see Walt continuing to do his thing and still making the small mistakes like splurging for an expensive bottle of wine to celebrate the buying of the car wash when they're supposed to be "broke" in all outward appearances, and we see Skyler seeing him do this and actually kind of appreciating it in a small way while still reminding him that he needs to be more careful. Just based on the way they were talking to each other throughout most of this episode I've come to the conclusion that it's only a matter of time before Walt and Skyler wind up having crazy make-up sex some night, probably in this season I think. I thought we might even go there at the end of this episode, but as is usual they were just hinting at it and will build slowly to it like they do with everything on this show.

We saw Jesse continue down his downward spiral, and at this point it's just getting frightening seeing the depths that he's gone to, where he's basically running a crack house out of his home just so he can have people as miserable and hopeless as himself around him and so he can throw money at them and feel powerful over them, because otherwise it's obvious that Jesse is about a hair away from putting a gun in his mouth and just offing himself he's so distraught and emotionally crushed at this point. He's never been able to truly deal with Jane's death and everything about his life has been heading down the tubes since her death. It's only a matter of time before something huge happens to Jesse, he still somehow has a rock bottom to hit I think.

Then we've got Hank and Marie, and their development over the last few episodes has been some of the best. We see an otherwise good man turn into a complete asshole because of the devastation that his paralysis has caused him, and we see the effect it has on his wife and the breakdown of their marriage. Seeing Marie go around to open houses and make up stories and lie about who she is seemed like the logical place to go with her character to try and deal with the terrible reality that her husband is crippled and miserable and that their marriage is falling apart because they can't deal with it together. Who wouldn't want to make up some fantasy life for a day to get away from her reality? We saw her kleptomania return too in this episode which was a nice touch. I also loved the development we saw in Hank, with him still putting on his false bravado in front of his old colleague and acting like looking at the drug case for him was a nuisance to him when in reality you know damn well that this is just the thing that he's really been waiting for and what's been driving him so crazy. I mean the guy spent his life living his job almost 24/7 and he just had it all ripped away from him since the accident, so seeing him be able to help out on a drug case again should be great for his character and will hopefully help Hank to try and move on with his life as it is now.

One of those episodes where not a lot happens, but alot of character development took place and that's one of the best things about this show is how they try to flesh out every character and make you empathize with them (fuck I'm even starting to empathize with Skyler this season and I HATED her guts and was atop the FUCK SKYLER bandwagon since day one). Good stuff, but I can see how it would be disappointing to people looking for the more explosive, edge-of-your-seat kind of episode that Breaking Bad has come to be known for.
Another week, another outstanding episode of Breaking Bad that leaves me wanting more. The ending to this week's episode was one of the best cliffhangers yet, and I had a knot in my throat by the time the end credits rolled and was PISSED that I wasn't going to find out what happened to Jesse. Oh well, atleast I only have to wait 3 days now for the next episode. Whole lots of good stuff in this week's episode from Gale's hilarious karaoke version of "Major Tom" to the awesome opening scene this was just typical excellent shit from Gilligan and the boys. Can't wait to see where this season goes, and I'm genuinely scared for Jesse's life at this point. He's by far my favorite character.

AMC announced today that Breaking Bad, the Emmy Award-winning and critically lauded drama series from acclaimed writer-producer-director Vince Gilligan has been renewed for a 16 episode order that will conclude the series. Production on all episodes of the final order will commence in early 2012. The roll-out of the episodes and premiere date schedule has yet to be determined by the network. The announcement was made by Charlie Collier, president of AMC.

Breaking Bad's fourth season premiered on Sun., Jul. 18 to the highest ratings ever for the series. Household ratings are 30% stronger than Season 3 and Season 4 is delivering 28% more total viewers and over 45% more adults 18-34 than last season. The series was recognized as "...the most complete and extraordinary show on TV" by Entertainment Weekly while Daily Variety called it "the most addictive show on the air."

"From the day we heard Vince Gilligan's completely original vision for Breaking Bad, it has been a complete joy to be involved with this show. Watching this story evolve into the complex, compelling, and intense roller coaster ride that it has become has been an incredible creative experience for everyone at AMC. Beyond that, working with Vince, his brilliant cast and crew, and our wonderful partners at Sony has been remarkable in every way. While it is sad to even contemplate the end of this series, we are so happy to have had the chance to go on this ride, and truly look forward to presenting the rest of this amazing story," said Collier.


Fantastic news! I figured this season wouldn't have enough episodes left to really conclude the series well enough without feeling rushed, and one more season is always welcome!
That sounds good at first, but the rumor going around is that AMC is going to split the season up and air them out through a couple of years. Hopefully it's just a rumor, because if they pull that shit I will be EXTREMELY pissed.

Anyways, another great episode last night. I love what they're doing with Jesse. And the perfect example to show what makes Breaking Bad so brilliant is how Gus has such little screen time, yet his character is still more diabolical and genius as ever. For him to come up for last night's little plan to start to get Jesse out of his funk, so Jesse can be the one to take over the meth cooking once Walt is gone, like I said, is fucking brilliant. He knows now he needs Jesse, so he's making Jesse a hero in his own mind, so he can get over killing Gale and get his shit together. When have you ever seen anything like that on television or in film? You haven't, yet it make such perfect sense.

And Walt... Goddamn, Walt. That man is really unbelievable. He just cannot hold down his liquor for shit; it's hilarious, yet it's heartbreaking because you know he's being so self-destructive whenever he opens his mouth when he's drunk or high. That scene was great though. The whole time you're just sitting there telling him, "Shut the fuck up, Walt!" Yet, he just keeps running his mouth in a drunken stupor, burying himself completely.
Great news on another season. Gilligan has said that he only wants the show to go 5 seasons, and both parties setting their dispute over how long the show will stay on is a good thing. I hope they don't split up the run of episodes as it could break the flow of things.

Anyway, last night's episode was very good. Walt and Skyler seem to be back together, though it seems Walt is hesitant about setting back in at home. Hank seems legitimately motivated in solving the case. Jesse's fine, for now at least, and may have earned Mike's respect. The scene near the end, where Gus and Mike talk about Jesse made me think that Gus may want Jesse to take over for Walt after his plan with Gale failed. The question is whether Jesse would stay loyal to Walt like Walt has to him.
My review of last week's episode:

To go along with the good news that Breaking Bad has been renewed for another season to start filming in 2012 (instead of ending after this season as had been the original plan), I bring to the fine readers of 411 one humble fan's take on this week's episode. I've watched this show religiously from the very day it debuted on AMC and have been delighted by all of the success the great Vince Gilligan and others have achieved on this show (I was always a big X-Files fan beforehand so Gilligan's name was already very familiar to me) as well as the incredible quality of writing, acting, and direction this show has shown in all of it's episodes. People throw around "best show on TV" alot, but with shows like The Sopranos, The Wire, Lost, and others gone from the airwaves I think it's safe to say that right now at this present time in the summer of 2011, the best show on television is undoubtedly Breaking Bad.

The way they patiently build suspense on this show is simply incredible, and we saw another great example of that in the early stages of this episode through the sheer power of the conversations Jesse and Mike were having and the impact every word they say could have on their lives. The entire drive out to the desert with Mike was filmed beautifully as usual and the use of high-speed frame-rates helped to put over how tedious the work was in Jesse's eyes. It was great to see impatient and immature Jesse again as a reprieve from the dark and suicidal character he's become as of late.

I had fully expected Walt and Skyler to sleep together again considering how close they had become since this car-wash deal came into play, but I was totally not expecting it at the moment it did take place. I thought her reaction upon hearing the frenzied message on her answering machine from Walt where he ominously wanted to just tell her and the kids that he loved them would be one of shock and anger that Walt was keeping something from her again, as otherwise why would you just call and leave a message like that? The one idea that always flashes through most people's head when pondering the idea of their eventual death is that you'd like to be able to get out one last declaration of love to those that mattered the most to you in your life before it's all taken away, and that's what I heard the message as. But Skyler went the exact opposite reaction that I was expecting, and jumped on Walter like a horny college student! She must have seen it as another step in this quasi "rehab" in her eyes of making their lives somewhat normal and open now that they know and understand that Walt needs to keep cooking in order to pay for the mounting hospital bills of his brother-in-law. Whether Walter will actually be completely open with her going forward as she had requested right before hearing that message will be decided later, but you could see the hesitancy just in his eyes when he heard the message that he thought he had been caught again and was ready to start some elaborate explanation for the message. I was even more shocked that Walt didn't jump at the moment Skyler sort of asked him if he'd like to move back in, he seemed put off by that but I guess he had come to terms with their separation finally, and then this happens.

Seeing Jesse hop into action upon seeing those two random guys with guns looking to rip him and Mike off was great as well, as we further saw that indeed Jesse does in fact still care about his life a little bit and he does want to live. The fact that he turned around to pick up Mike afterwards was also pleasantly surprising, and so was Mike's reaction of letting Jesse have a cigarette almost like a reward as he had been preventing him from smoking in his car all day long. What this tells me is that Mike may be coming to realize that Jesse, while an addict and a general fuck-up, is more responsible and honest than Walter is, and that maybe Walter is the guy that needs to go in the equation and not Jesse as he had previously thought all along. Just a thought, but knowing this show's tendency to let ideas like this pester and stew for weeks at a time, I do believe we saw the seeds being sowed for just that on tonight's show.

The discovery towards the end of the episode that Gus had set up the apparent robbery all along to see how Jesse would respond to the situation was just the icing on the cake. Gus is already thinking ahead of how he can eliminate Walter from the picture altogether, and he realizes the best way to do that right now is to see if they can turn Jesse onto their side and perhaps stab Walter in the back. Jesse's in such a crazy state emotionally these days that it's not that unfeasible.

The ending scene of Walt, Skyler, their baby daughter, Walter Jr., Hank and Marie all together as a family just having a good time, laughing and enjoying dinner and wine was perfect and reminded me a bit of the spirit of The Sopranos in that although the motives were mixed and what they did to earn their living was always morally ambiguous at best, it was all done out of a desire to nourish and provide for the family unit because of those strong bonds.Seeing Walt drown his sorrows a bit in the red wine was a bit strange, and I'm actually perplexed as to what Walter's feelings and thoughts are these days about how his life is starting to regain some kind of normalcy again. He's still clearly troubled by Gale's death as well, as seen by the look on his face as Hank described how smart Gale was to Walter Jr. Seeing Walt blubber on drunkenly about how Gale's work wasn't that great and how he was probably just copying someone else's work was shocking, as Walt had gone to all that trouble earlier to convince Hank that Gale was the "Heisenberg" character and to end his investigation into the blue meth altogether, but saying something like that is only going to get Hank involved again and could possibly lead to the eventual downfall of Walt's whole life and scheme in the end. Hank indeed went ahead and got some more files from the case from his DEA buddy at the end of the episode and Hank having that renewed sense of purpose seemed to spark some of that old familiar normalcy between Hank and Marie for the first time in a while as well, so perhaps their relationship could be on the upswing with the closer Hank gets to discovering Walt (which of course would be the downfall of Walt's relationship with his entire family). Ending the episode with Hank wondering out loud why a self-proclaimed vegan (Gale) would have a flyer from a fried chicken restaurant with Gus's number on it. Oh yes, Hank is on the trail again ladies and gentlemen.

An excellent episode that saw intense development in most of the over-arching plots of our story and the show overall. A superb chapter in our on-going story.

Damn, that cliffhanger ending this week got me. I'll have a hard time waiting for the next episode. It looks like we're at that point in the season where the tension really builds up and explodes in one incredible scene, like with Hank and the twins last season. Hank's getting so close to figuring this whole thing out. I can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out Walt is Heisenberg. It seems Jesse might actually start the process of coping with what he's done. He still seems hesitant to side with Walt now and I expect him to change loyalties to Gus soon. Not much else I can think of from this episode. Another great one.
Breaking Bad is by far and away my favorite television show[narrowly beating Supernatural over on the CW]. The plots in the show are genius and the characters are well-written and defined so that you love each of them and care about what happens to them throughout the seasons. Which is a tough thing to accomplish these days. Breaking Bad pulls it off in grand style and good sequences that make you want to watch it all day.

It's a real shame that Breaking Bad will probably end in the 5th season, but, I suppose it's better than dragging on 10 seasons just going through the motions. Still, television will pretty much such and AMC's only great show once BB is gone will be The Walking Dead.

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