Bray Wyatt's Hologram: Was It The Undertaker?


King Of The Ring

Alright, so it seems like everybody has forgotten about the hologram that appeared during the Dean Ambrose/ Seth Rollins match at TLC, myself included, but after watching the Ambrose/Wyatt hype video I became intrigued again. What intrigued me really, was the fact that for a second I could have sworn that it was The Undertaker. Call me crazy, but the hologram in my opinion, seems to feature a large man with a hat and a cloak and it really peaked my interest, so I began to search around for other opinions or hints as to who the image featured and if it will be brought up again before Mania.

I found a few quotes, all saying basically the same thing, so here's one from the main page a while back where Wyatt says:

“One thing and I want to get this out there so no one’s misconstrued, that was not Abigail. I don’t think anyone has looked closely enough. I think everyone skipped over that part and chocked it up to being some fancy illusion or something. I don’t ever do something just to be doing it. There’s always a point behind everything."

Now we've heard a few things like this before from Bray, but few actually have come to fruition so far. I also found it extremely odd last night, that Wyatt really emphasized the phrase "He's already dead", and mentioned "owning souls". I don't think I've ever heard that sort of stuff in a Wyatt promo before and it is very Taker-esque.

So, simple questions:

Will we ever hear about this hologram again?

Was it The Undertaker?

If not, who do you think it was?
So, simple questions:

Will we ever hear about this hologram again?

Was it The Undertaker?

If not, who do you think it was?

Knowing the WWE (and their track record) I wouldn't be surprised if we never hear about this again. I hope that's not the case but it has happened in the past...

I like the idea of it, but I can't see it being 'Taker. Personally when first seeing the hologram, I just assumed that it was a projection of Bray Wyatt himself. But if it's definitely not Sister Abigail and it's not Wyatt, then maybe it's another member of the Family? That would certainly be interesting, someone we haven't heard or seen yet.

Or maybe it will turn out to be his dog, or a year later they'll reveal it was hornswoggle.

I think the gif. should give a better idea, but I'd say from looking at it, that it was most likely just Bray Wyatt. Tho, I have seen a pic that sort of resembles a teenaged boy with just pants on :shrug:
It's an interesting possibility but I personally don't think we'll ever even hear about the hologram from WWE again. They sometimes paint Bray Wyatt as a supernatural character and other times don't... I'm still scratching my head with how they handled Dean Ambrose "breaking Sister Abigail's rocking chair" out of nowhere. They had a lot of potential to do something with that. There has been talk of Wyatt vs. Undertaker at Mania so who knows though.

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