Brad Maddox: Punch, Kick, Push?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Things Brad Maddox does have:
  • Great hair
  • Wrestling gear with words printed on it
  • A nice smile

Thing Brad Maddox doesn't have:
  • A million dollars
  • A WWE contract
  • A thread (until now)

Here's a video which should bring you up to date:


And here's a picture of Brad Maddox:


I like him. I want to ruffle his hair and pinch his cheeks. He's plenty charismatic and, get this, seems to understand intonation. I even like the words he has on his clothes. I know you're all looking forward to Ryback versus Braddox II.
From what I have seen of him, he is already miles ahead of Garret Bischoff. I cannot say that I like Brad Maddox but he has potential to be a somebody in the WWE. This just means that the WWE has to get behind him and give him a steady push. Hopefully Brad can amount to someone in the WWE and if he doesn't, at least he tried and didn't stink up the place like Garret Bischoff, Gunner and Crimson.
I think he has potential, but a feud with Ryback makes no sense. There is no coming back from the massively one-sided ass beating he caught last week.

Have him feud with R-Truth or Santino or Ryder. That's more Maddox's speed. Plus, with the rumored injuries he's supposedly had, feuds with the bros I listed above wouldn't require him to take massive bumps all that much, if at all.
I haven't seen much of Brad Maddox, but just by looking at him he looks like he could play a nice cocky, brash heel. I was impressed by his promo on RAW two weeks ago and even though he was just a punching bag in his match with Ryback, he sold his beating very well. He has potential, but I'd like to see more of what he can do in the ring before any kind of push happens.
I like him. I kinda hoped he would do the impossible and beat Ryback Monday. How cool would it be if he just pulled an amazing set of moves out of no where and be like really good. Or, I at least wanted him to have a good showing, not just a complete squash. I hope Maddox comes back shortly. He is actually pretty good from what I have seen. His promos just need a little shining up, but they are fairly solid. I haven't watched much of his in ring work, but who knows, maybe Brad Maddox is the next big thing?
Really? Am I the only one who didn't stay awake on Raw two weeks ago? The guy's an absolute joke and has no business being in WWE. Instead of wasting time on him, couldn't they have brought ANYBODY else up from development? Hell, Kruger is just waiting to debut as the next power house, and could probably even be a gateway for getting Justin Gabriel back on TV...

Of all the people WWE could focus on, they choose this hack. And all I have to ask is Why?
I really like this kid- he has some serious potential to play a great heel. After that Ryback ass-kicking, though, who knows? I really don't see him debuting in WWE with any kind of credibility, because Ryback ruins that- not saying they can't build him back up, but it will take a long ass time. Right now it's best not to worry about it and work with the development boys in NXT and what-not.
From what I have seen of him, he is already miles ahead of Garret Bischoff. I cannot say that I like Brad Maddox but he has potential to be a somebody in the WWE. This just means that the WWE has to get behind him and give him a steady push. Hopefully Brad can amount to someone in the WWE and if he doesn't, at least he tried and didn't stink up the place like Garret Bischoff, Gunner and Crimson.

The fact that you're using Garrett Bischoff as a barometer shows how little you think of Maddox. Maddox sucks and showed nothing but the fact that he has nice inring gear and knows how to do forced promos. He's Garrett Bischoff 2.0.
I'll give him his due, he does look like a really handsome man in that picture you've posted, but thats the only thing I've seen of him as videos wont really play on my PC. So based on the only thing I can judge him on, his looks, I'd say he has a really bright future.
I understand the arguments on both sides, for and against Brad Maddox. The people against him for the most part feel that their are better options for TV time than some crooked referee turned wrestler that nobodies ever heard of. Guys like Seth Rollins, Leo Kruger, and of course Dean Ambrose.

The people that like Brad Maddox are the people that focus on what HE could offer. Forget about how great Rollins is and how much he deserves that step up to the big leauges and just judge Maddox for what he is. A 28 year old wrestler that the casual fans and even some diehard fans didnt know about. He's already made a name for himself and for those thinking he's nothing but a crooked ref, he was the last FCW 15 Champion (a belt Damien Sandow and Seth Rolins both held)

He's got a good look and could end up being something. I think we'll see him at Survivor Series helping Punk and then who knows?
I had a similar style Members Only jacket back in the 5th grade (that's grade 5 to all our Canadian viewers). Maddox is a giant Ziggler like flopper with flopper hair. Other than this we don't know much about him. He kind of sucks but we certainly need more time before he reaches official suck on the suck scale. He definitely doesn't have the look of someone that could be a big star.

And I still think he looks like one of the dudes from Step by Step or maybe it was Full House. Glad we had this talk.
Here's what I know, my girlfriend thinks he's hot & he does have a look. Counter that with a horrible promo & a beating by Ryback where do you go from here. He is in the WWE because they like his look. They say this is HHH's guy but I bet Stephanie had something to do with it as well. The best finishers in the WWE are done by bigger guys so his signature move will probably be as dull as the cobra (just not as entertaining) The other problem with him is in fact his look. Pretty boys don't do well normally in the wrestling business. Soft features = soft man. Other than Ryder, Santino & a handful of others who can this guy beat? The reason why Takers streak is still intact is because they keep bringing up guys like Maddox who are 100% not believable. Barrett & Sheamus are the only ones, maybe Punk who could sell beating taker.
Maddox is a giant Ziggler like flopper with flopper hair.

I'm surprised you'd say that. I'm not a fan of Ziggler myself - great seller, average at almost everything else - and from the matches of Maddox I've seen, all from Florida, the dude doesn't sell one-third of what Ziggler does. Really he was just thrown around the ring by Ryback and maybe it came off that way, I personally thought he sucked at selling; why was his head coming up when Ryback grabbed the stretcher? Hes after being Powerbombed three times, taken a Lariat and then Ryback's finishing maneuver, he shouldn't be moving his head.

Maddox has a great look, issue is he has it. Main page has an article up saying that whenever WWE tell him to improve an aspect of himself he does it, I can tell you now that's bullshit. Hes the same performer now as he was two years ago. I don't know what they'll do with him nor do I care, but if they push him based off anything it should be that he looks good, cause asides from that the guy is gonna flounder in a pool of mediocrity.
I could see Maddox having a 'Dashing Cody Rhodes' gimmick at first, with his looks and cockiness. To do this he would definitely need a YouTube show titled "How To Look As Good As Me" or something along the lines. He will also need to ditch the trunks, for either a better looking pair of trunks or tights, they looked terrible. He also needs to get rid of 'Brad Maddox' on the back of his jacket, it looks cheap and like it comes from a tourist store in Vegas.

He should just wrestle until the new year, slowly being built up and then have him in a match (possibly tag) against Antonio Cesaro, or whoever is US Champ, even if Cesaro is still heel. During the match Cesaro will break Maddox's nose and knock him out.

Next week on Raw Maddox cuts a promo about his looks (with a black eye) and absolutely destroys Cesaro after he mocks him. This will build up to a match at WrestleMania for the US Championship. Maddox will win cleanly and be extremely arrogant (not in a YES! Daniel Bryan way, but in a 'I'm better than you way', refusing to wrestle anyone because he claims that he is better than them. He will wear a suit/waistcoat etc. and continue with a long title reign of at least 6 months.

When he drops it will be by forfeit, continuing with his 'I'm better than you' gimmick. Starting a huge feud that will last for at least 3 PPVs. He will win the Royal Rumble or MITB, depending on when it is and chase after WHC.
Quite funny how people are judging him because he's a "pretty boy" and he "looks soft". Seriously? The dude would kick your asses in the street I bet, it's the same criticism the Miz gets. The same people who said "If I was the fan who CM Punk hit I'd knock him out" would you fuck!

Stop acting the big man over the internet it doesn't do anything as you're trying to impress people you don't even know. Also, I'd bet most of you are jealous of his looks, hell I bet he gets laid a lot!
Quite funny how people are judging him because he's a "pretty boy" and he "looks soft". Seriously? The dude would kick your asses in the street I bet, it's the same criticism the Miz gets. The same people who said "If I was the fan who CM Punk hit I'd knock him out" would you fuck!

Stop acting the big man over the internet it doesn't do anything as you're trying to impress people you don't even know. Also, I'd bet most of you are jealous of his looks, hell I bet he gets laid a lot!
Haha I assume you're mainly talking about my comment. So he can kick the WWE universe fanbase asses but how about Ryback, HHH, Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Sheamus, Barrett, & the list goes on... And that's the point I'm making. What's funny is you also assume he is better looking than me or anyone else who doesn't like him... Another assumption that you made is that I was judging him out of context when I wasn't. I didn't tweet the guy nor harass the man in person. I simply followed suit and gave my opinion. He has a weak look. A cowardly look that's good for the lower mid card & never higher. It's all physiological reasoning & understanding. The normal person doesn't see him as a badass & that is all I was saying.
I'm surprised you'd say that.

Because every time you answer, I've already changed the questions. ;)

I'm not a fan of Ziggler myself - great seller, average at almost everything else - and from the matches of Maddox I've seen, all from Florida, the dude doesn't sell one-third of what Ziggler does. Really he was just thrown around the ring by Ryback and maybe it came off that way, I personally thought he sucked at selling; why was his head coming up when Ryback grabbed the stretcher? Hes after being Powerbombed three times, taken a Lariat and then Ryback's finishing maneuver, he shouldn't be moving his head.

Not to make this about Ziggler but here goes. While I think Ziggler is a decent ring performer, I frequently roll my eyes at his flopping and as much as I hate to use the term "overselling" certain moves. He gets thrown around like a 175 pounder. Instead of making the other guy look good, he makes the moves more about himself and he does it too often.

This is what I saw in Members Only jacket guy in his one match. He looked like he was trying too hard to make Ryback look strong by flopping around instead of just staying down. We know Ryback is strong.

One match does not make a guy great or shitty but based on the one match sample size that most of us have to go on this is what I saw. I doubt he acts like that all the time but I'm not about to search Youtube for videos on Brad Maddox.
Haha I assume you're mainly talking about my comment. So he can kick the WWE universe fanbase asses but how about Ryback, HHH, Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Sheamus, Barrett, & the list goes on... And that's the point I'm making.

Do The Miz or CM Punk even Chris Jericho look like they can kick their asses? Really? As i said before it isn't about how you look and your size that determines if someone could kick another person's 'ass', if that was true the Big Show would win every match....

What's funny is you also assume he is better looking than me or anyone else who doesn't like him...

No, I don't assume, I know he is. When you're criticizing him for being a pretty boy, of course you hold something against him and your girlfriend thinks he's hot it says it all...

Another assumption that you made is that I was judging him out of context when I wasn't. I didn't tweet the guy nor harass the man in person. I simply followed suit and gave my opinion. He has a weak look. A cowardly look that's good for the lower mid card & never higher. It's all physiological reasoning & understanding. The normal person doesn't see him as a badass & that is all I was saying.

The normal person doesn't see him as badass yes, but that's basically the same point you made above. It doesn't matter how someone looks, in a proper fight or fake wrestling, I have seen guys beat up other guys who by looks you would think they'd get destroyed in any fight they had, but they haven't
He reminds me a little of the Miz. I am not going to trash him and say he needs to go. At least give the guy a shot. The WWE has done far worse and will do far worse again. I am not saying the feud with Ryback is or was a good choice. I guess they needed Ryback to dominate someone considering he couldn’t even pick up Paul Haymen and be botched Tensi. Anyway back to Maddox what if he can wrestle and entertaining. Just saying we should at least give him a shot.
Fouldsy has a man crush I think, Just because I called him a pretty boy doesn't mean anything. Maybe I look better but like a man as well (And I'd like to think I do) The fact is he just doesn't look like a wrestler he looks more like a backstreet boy. He even said it in his promo that he is not a freak like the others which I do like they threw that in there because of the way I feel. We will have to agree to disagree & leave you with that...

Back to the topic: I do have to say I am interested nonetheless to see where / how they book him from here on out. Maybe have him replace Cody Rhodes at Survivor Series. I know they want Fandango to be in that match but he will be fine without it. We know Maddox story as he told it poorly on Raw. He can only get better & I know that from watching guys like Austin, Rock & Orton. Anyone see Ortons promos in FCW. FAIL! Anyway time will only tell. But for the ones who like him already, know there is a big chance he is a flop. For those who hate him know that he is HHH's guy so brace yourselves...
Fouldsy has a man crush I think, Just because I called him a pretty boy doesn't mean anything.

Never said I had a man crush I just said the jealousy coming out of you it was obvious you were insecure. You put you're girlfriend said he was hot then go on a rant about him. You were the one who said he was a "pretty boy" and I said I know he'll be better looking than you, if you want to prove that you're better looking or more of a "man" (by the way appearance doesn't make anyone more of a man) then please prove it.
First off, let me preface by saying I am only basing my opinion on his work in WWE & the short clip of him & Ryback in FCW. I have read some stuff but have not seen him wrestle or perform outside of that clip & WWE.

Now personally I don't see anything special. I like how he has had a different story & debut, & I think if they wanted to use him as a pretty-boy, midcard, jobber type constantly getting beatin up & trying to earn a contract, I think that could be entertaining & I think he plays his current role pretty well.

But beyond that I don't see him having "it". His promo was boring, his ring work didn't stand out to me, & I don't like him as a referee.

So him as the young, reckless, prettyboy & gaining a bodyguard or something while hoaning his craft, maybe he could become pretty entertaining. I just can't see him ever being any World Champion or anything though.
The way I can see them salvaging Brad Maddox is by having him appear on RAW tomorrow night demanding to Vince that he gets a second shot at Ryback. Even says that he doesn't want the million dollars. He just wants to be a WWE Superstar. And then let Ryback beat the living crap out of him, but he just doesn't quit. Even let him kick out of Ryback's finisher. Eventually, have the ref stop the match claiming he's too badly hurt. His passion would win over some of the fans. Despite getting destroyed by Ryback, McMahon could say he admires Maddox's will and gives him a contract.

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