Boy In Balloon

Mrs Sexy

Occasional Pre-Show
This is on, it's showing news about a 6 year old boy stuck in a family made balloon. They are broadcasting now that the balloon has landed in a field....but...without the boy. One news broadcast said people are speculating that the family is doing this for attention and that the boy wasn't really in the balloon, but all the other broadcasts are saying he was in the balloon but once it landed he wasn't there.

I think that if this is a prank from the family, it's a pretty horrible thing to do. But if it's not, I have a bad feeling the little boy fell out at some point and was badly hurt if not killed. I hope that he's truly ok though.

What are everyone else's thoughts on this news?
I am wondering how the hell this happened. What kind of parents lose track of their 6 year old for long enough to allow him to get into a balloon and fly off. It's just ridiculous. I seriously doubt this is a prank, if it is, this family will be hated a whole lot.

Apparently they were "storm chasers" or something, so I guess that's why they had the balloon. Still, I don't know how a little kid could've gotten in it and flown away. Just doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, for the child and the family's sake, I hope he's found safely soon.
Along the lines of the parents, why was the little boy out of their supervision? Even as a 6 year old, they still should have been supervising him. Plus if he was in the balloon and did fall out, the whole thing was televised pretty much and they were keeping track on where all the balloon how can they NOT find him. I would go and retrace where the balloon had flown.
Fox News had reports that "someone says they saw something fall from the balloon as it went over his house" don't know if that's true, I hope not.

It is easy to lose a kid when your busy doing something else and you think he's off playing somewhere. It would have only taken a few seconds for the kid to get into the balloon and nobody notice. The brother said he saw the kid get in the balloon. I think/hope it is a hoax.

Must have been a pretty strong balloon to be able to carry a kid inside, it didn't look that big.
Apparently the boy was found....BUT at home! So tell me how you can lose your child for 2 plus hours?! In your own home none the less. So this seems like a hoax to me.
This is just ridiculous. How did the parents not look in the house in the first place? This couldn't have been a legit scare, I guess the family just wanted attention, or something. I'm sure a lot of people will be angry about this. Can't wait to see how this is explained by the family, I should get a good laugh out of it.
Well, it's a simple occurrence.

The parents are building the balloon, and got it finished. They have it set up somewhere, and got busy with other stuff. They suddenly see their balloon flying away, and they can't find one of their children. Holy shit, they quickly jump to the assumption that their child is in the balloon. So they get help. And with a gigantic balloon flying in the sky, the news organizations got involved.

Then, when the parents got their wits about them, they finally found him in a box in their garage or something like that. Scared and hiding, which is quite the predictable response from a little kid. He's scared, he's hiding, and he's not coming out.

This is what happens when people jump to assumptions. Don't do that, or you'll have the nation yelling at you for losing track of your child, which parents do every day.
Now comes the point where the media puts the family under a microscope, finds a couple of flaws (as no one is going to look good under that kind of scrutiny) and we all decide they're horrible people that should have their kids taken away and put in a foster home.

As far as I can tell, these are just normal people who were confronted with an abnormal situation and reacted just like any of us would. Hopefully they lock up their doors, unplug their phones, and wait this out. Give it a week and no one will remember it happened.
I think you're being a little harsh when about how they 'lost' their child. At the age of 6, and with older siblings around, I think most parents would be okay for the child to play while you had your back turned for a few minutes, which is really all the scenario would have taken.

I'm glad the little boy is okay, I was watching this live with a lot of interest (Did you know you get Fox News in the UK?). The family are, as has been said, going to be scrutinised completely for this, which I think is slightly unfair. Hopefully everything will cool down and the family will be able to move on quickly from this horrible situation.
I really don't get the big deal here. You'd think Obama's children were in the balloon with the way the media has covered this story. Seriously, a parent lost their child. Wow. That happens every single fucking day, and more often than not that child isn't found, unlike in this story. I know it's got the whole "bizarre" factor with the balloon and everything, but why the fuck is this being covered? One American kid might be flying away in a balloon and everyone is up in arms, yet hundreds of African children get murdered in Darfur every day and it's no big deal, maybe the news will give it a 20 second mention at 4 AM. Fucking ridiculous, really.
Apparently the boy was found....BUT at home! So tell me how you can lose your child for 2 plus hours?! In your own home none the less. So this seems like a hoax to me.

I don't buy the police explanation that "the boy was scared". This has all the makings of a prank gone wrong between the boy and his older brother, and stating that "the boy was scared" was the explanation given to the media to prevent the onslaught of vile that would be heading the family's way if it was reported that it was a prank from the kids. All that manpower and resources wasted on a prank, and I can understand how everyone would be frustrated and want to take their anger out on the family.

I have a feeling the little brother and the boy conjured up this plot and the little boy was told to hide under the box to see how long they could get away with it.
I have a feeling the little brother and the boy conjured up this plot and the little boy was told to hide under the box to see how long they could get away with it.

Actually, I think it's pretty much guaranteed that this was all a publicity stunt, made by the media ****e parents, who obviously just want to be the next Jon and Kate, or whatever the name of that worthless couple is who gets all the unnecessary news coverage 24/7.

This video, in my eyes anyway, pretty much proves it.

Was this honestly a big enough deal to receive the media coverage it has received? Yes, they thought the little kid was lost and it was probably a scary situation for the parents if they really thought he was lost, but they honestly shouldn’t have received as much coverage as they did. There are many more worse things happening in the world right now that you’d those networks would focus on and inform people about. But no, instead they cover this story that most people probably don’t care about. I’m not trying to sound harsh, but like X said, little kids get lost all of the time and in this case he was found.

Now, I don’t know if the parents thought their kid was really lost or if it was a prank, but I hope that they aren’t sick enough to pretend their kid got lost in an air balloon just to gain media attention. If they are sick enough to do that, then whatever, they didn’t deserve the media attention they got either ways.
Actually, I think it's pretty much guaranteed that this was all a publicity stunt, made by the media ****e parents, who obviously just want to be the next Jon and Kate, or whatever the name of that worthless couple is who gets all the unnecessary news coverage 24/7.

This video, in my eyes anyway, pretty much proves it.

I was just coming back to the thread to post this interview as I just found it on YouTube a couple minutes ago and sent it around to a couple people I know.

However, I see you already posted it here and are on top of things.

The sheriff obviously has a lot of questions to answer since he said he "had no reason to expect fraud or a prank". He has no business being in law enforcement if that's what he really thinks.

I want to see these parents busted and brought up on charges for wasting resources to try and find this child.

But actually, this clip is a little better, as it shows the continued portion of the interview where Wolf begins grilling the father on what the boy meant. Take a look at the father squirming:

Yeah, this is totally a hoax by the parents. Not only does the interview that JMT poster prove that they just wanted some type of media attention and possibly a show, but I was watching the news earlier and it appears that the third call they made was to 911. I don’t remember what the first and second call were, I think it was the dad calling to do some interviews or something like that. So instead of calling 911 immediately he called two other places. Yeah…this totally isn’t a hoax :rolleyes:. The saddest part is that they are getting their children involved in their lies.

Like Lord Sidious said, I hope that they are charged for this if it was indeed a hoax. And if it was, then I hope they don’t get the show they want. Unfortunately though, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do end up getting a show even though they don’t deserve it.
Yeah, it's a hoax. So what. You know what would be better? If instead of spending the next two fucking weeks obsessing over this story and jacking off to every little odd quirk and quink in every little dinkaroo-dink, WE MOVED THE FUCK ON! Seriously, why are they interviewing the dad? Seriously, who gives a shit? I mean, some loser tried to get his ugly mug on camera for 10 minutes by exploiting his children and being a terrible father, he's been caught in that lie, and yet more news coverage still is given to this story.

You'd be surprised at how much ratings matter to the news stations. You'd also be surprised at how hard it was for to make this post in the current mental state I am in. Viva la punk rock!
Wow, that was quicker than I expected.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that the lynch mob would eventually come for this family but I have to admit, I figured it'd take at least a day or two longer. Looks like it's already started. No one has any idea what the kid meant by his "we did this for a show" comment... could have meant he and his brother planned it. Could have been talking about the fact that they were on Wifeswap. We don't know. Doesn't matter though, does it? It's a lot more fun to draw conclusions and start shitting on the parents.

That also answers the question of why this was such a big deal to begin with. Media sensationalism. We all fall for it.

Wow, that was quicker than I expected.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that the lynch mob would eventually come for this family but I have to admit, I figured it'd take at least a day or two longer. Looks like it's already started. No one has any idea what the kid meant by his "we did this for a show" comment... could have meant he and his brother planned it. Could have been talking about the fact that they were on Wifeswap. We don't know. Doesn't matter though, does it? It's a lot more fun to draw conclusions and start shitting on the parents.

That also answers the question of why this was such a big deal to begin with. Media sensationalism. We all fall for it.

The father's and mother's reaction is a dead giveaway that they were involved in this.

Furthermore, they go on a news show and expect us to believe that they hadn't ironed out all the details with their son when he was hiding? The father and mother seemed to act surprised when the son said "I could hear you calling, but didn't come out". Two normal parents would have actually known exactly what happened before rushing and propping their entire family in front of TV cameras.

Then, the dead silence and then "Wow" from the Father, followed by the "No" from the mother pretty much seals the deal. The father's "outrage" once Wolf starts asking what the boy meant by "You said do it for the show" pretty much is all icing on the cake.

And not to mention that the family placed 3 calls once their son had gone missing. Was the first one to 911? No. Was the second one to 911? No. Finally, the third call they made was to 911. Care to guess where the first two calls were placed two? Two News Organizations.

You stated an opinion earlier taking the side of the family before this interview was shown. Now, the interview was shown, and you were wrong. Big deal. No need to continue defending this group of deadbeats.

Not to mention, I also noticed on You Tube that the three boys did a music video and were talking about "throwing rocks at ******s" in the music video. Again, real nice parenting, and after these incidents, you can tell the kind of white trash we are seeing.

Here is the nice, wholesome video I was referring to:

I'm gonna go ahead and pull the age-old, argument stopping cop-out on you... if you haven't had kids, you're not going to understand. It's a time-honored retort because, quite frankly, it's true. People without kids seem to have this attitude that parents should have a constant 24/7 vigil over them and control their every action, and you just can't.

So the kids made a stupid video. It says nothing about the parents. Kids are far more influenced by their friends than their parents. That's true of my daughter at 4 years old, so I know it's going to be true of older kids as their parents have less and less influence. Kinda reminds me of all the anger at the parents of the kids who shot up Columbine. You get a whole new perspective when you hear it from the parents point of view. When it happened, their parents were absolutely convinced they were among the victims. They had no indication that their sons would become mass murderers, nor could they have.

I'm really not sure where this notion that parents should be clairvoyant and omnipresent comes from, but it's just wrong. As for the notion that you're somehow a master of facial expression and body language and can interpret reaction from an interview - that's just hilarious. Show me your degree in psychology or shut up. You don't know anymore than anyone else does, you're just diving feet-first into the media circus like the rest of the world.
I'm gonna go ahead and pull the age-old, argument stopping cop-out on you... if you haven't had kids, you're not going to understand.

You don't have to have kids to tell when someone is lying.

So the kids made a stupid video. It says nothing about the parents.

Sure it does. Who made the video? And secondly, surely the parents have heard their kids saying the word "******" and "*****fied" at some point. If not, this has got to be some of the worst parents I have ever seen. But the video is just the icing on the cake. Let's keep the focus on the CNN interview with Wolf Blitzer.

Kids are far more influenced by their friends than their parents. That's true of my daughter at 4 years old, so I know it's going to be true of older kids as their parents have less and less influence. Kinda reminds me of all the anger at the parents of the kids who shot up Columbine. You get a whole new perspective when you hear it from the parents point of view. When it happened, their parents were absolutely convinced they were among the victims. They had no indication that their sons would become mass murderers, nor could they have.

Yeah, yeah.

I can look at the video and see that the kid has some sort of problem with him. I am not sure if it is Autism, ADHD, or what, but the way he is so fidgity and squirming around like that, waving his hands in his father's face, going nuts in front of the camera, etc. suggests that there is some sort of problem with him. Even the Police Chief commented in an interview how hyperactive the child was when responding to a question on whether or not he thought the thing was a hoax.

Obviously, the parents just couldn't wait to put him on TV, though.

I'm really not sure where this notion that parents should be clairvoyant and omnipresent comes from, but it's just wrong. As for the notion that you're somehow a master of facial expression and body language and can interpret reaction from an interview - that's just hilarious. Show me your degree in psychology or shut up. You don't know anymore than anyone else does, you're just diving feet-first into the media circus like the rest of the world.

You can watch your Fucking mouth in telling me to "Shut Up". I don't know who the Hell you think you're talking to, but I am not some snot-nosed punk.

Even in debates, I believe in maintaining civility, unless the other person likes to drop the rules of etiquette, at which point the gloves come off. But you aren't going to see me going around and telling people to "shut up" regardless.

However, if you want to tell everyone who thinks this family is a fraud to "shut up" you better get started. Thousands and Thousands of You Tube users all across these videos are issuing the "Guilty verdict" on these parents as anyone with a set of eyes and ears can plainly see. After the boy says that "you said to do it for the show", the father is just completely deflated for the rest of the interview and has a look on his face like "it's over".

Furthermore, when Wolf asked if the boy could clarify what the boy meant when he said "do it for the show", why was the father so hesitant to let the boy answer and provide simple clarification on what he meant if there was nothing to hide? It's clear that the father was not going to allow his son to answer that question, and therefore went off on a tirade against Blitzer, further sealing his fate.

When the boy said "You said to do it for the show", why did the father respond "Man ..." and look like he knew the world was about to end ... while the mother responded "No"? The father was awfully quiet and had a disappointed look on his face after that, instead of doing what any normal parent would have done and asked his son what he meant by that.

Now, if you want to continue discussing the Wolf Blitzer video and provide a counter to any of the things raised from that video, please feel free to do so. Otherwise, you can dispense with the bloviating.
Well, the sheriff confirmed that it was a prank.

There's a lot of stuff in there including possible spousal and child abuse, not looking good for that guy. They also said they planned it for 2 weeks, obviously they are pretty stupid if they got caught this quickly. Hopefully this is the last we have to hear of this, but I have a feeling we'll have more than a few appearances on entertainment shows and Dr. Phil before this is all said and done.
So much for innocent until proven guilty, right? Lets just hold a big press conference and tell the whole world they faked it, provide no proof whatsoever other than "well the kid said something about a show on tv" and then further trash them in front of the world by mentioning domestic violence when there's absolutely NO indication that it's taken place and have child services stick their noses into it.

Case and point, and I'm not criticizing you here GD, I'm just pointing out what you said... "The sheriff confirmed it was a prank." See the implication there? No trial, no evidence presented, no public discourse, no anything. The sheriff just says it, without even pressing any charges yet mind you, and that somehow "confirmed it." That's not how things work in this country, guys. They still have to be charged, then indicted, then tried, then convicted, then sentenced if found guilty. We're... not even at the beginning of that process yet. Lets put away the torches and pitchforks, shall we?
So much for innocent until proven guilty, right? Lets just hold a big press conference and tell the whole world they faked it, provide no proof whatsoever other than "well the kid said something about a show on tv" and then further trash them in front of the world by mentioning domestic violence when there's absolutely NO indication that it's taken place and have child services stick their noses into it.

Case and point, and I'm not criticizing you here GD, I'm just pointing out what you said... "The sheriff confirmed it was a prank." See the implication there? No trial, no evidence presented, no public discourse, no anything. The sheriff just says it, without even pressing any charges yet mind you, and that somehow "confirmed it." That's not how things work in this country, guys. They still have to be charged, then indicted, then tried, then convicted, then sentenced if found guilty. We're... not even at the beginning of that process yet. Lets put away the torches and pitchforks, shall we?

I know there's no "proof", but it's not looking good. From the sounds of it, the dad is pretty crazy. The whole story sounds fishy, the balloon was really flimsy, and apparently the are "documents" proving that it was all a setup. Plus, that video.

I think the abuse claims are a little far, but I think it is quite obvious that the family wasn't telling the truth the whole time. He shouldn't be put in jail or anything, just pay for all of the money used toward the search effort and it'll all be over.

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