Boy convicted for goth murder

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Hardcore Legend

I know this is all over thew news, but I cannot help but feel sad for the poor lass who died looking after her boyfriend. All because she was a goth.

I really hope the chav invloved gets sent to prison where he is gangraped by hairy backed armed robbers to be honest.

I was brought up to never hit a girl and never kick a man when he is down, rules which seem to be lacking in todays society.

Where has it all gone wrong? Im only 22, but it seems teenagers nowadays do not give a shit about anything.
people like that deserve to never be released. i'm sorry, but killing someone because they dress differently or support a different team from you is below racism.
It's sad. But this shit happens. Whenever I go out on a Friday night there will always be a group of lads drinking. If somebody different walks past they always get given a bit of shit. Nobody get's kicked to death, but I'm sure it's still pretty intimidating.

I get a little anxious walking past large groups of youths. And I'm a pretty big guy. Nobody can defend themselves against a gang. Not even Bruce Lee. If a group of 5 want to kick the shit out of you, they will.

I know this is all over thew news, but I cannot help but feel sad for the poor lass who died looking after her boyfriend. All because she was a goth.

I really hope the chav invloved gets sent to prison where he is gangraped by hairy backed armed robbers to be honest.

I was brought up to never hit a girl and never kick a man when he is down, rules which seem to be lacking in todays society.

Where has it all gone wrong? Im only 22, but it seems teenagers nowadays do not give a shit about anything.

also the parents aparently laughed about it with there kids, in my opinion convict them and send them to the chair a life for a life, you cant allow people to do that and with todays back end society we are letting kids scare us off the streets and do what they please its utter crap if you ask me
It's sad. But this shit happens. Whenever I go out on a Friday night there will always be a group of lads drinking. If somebody different walks past they always get given a bit of shit. Nobody get's kicked to death, but I'm sure it's still pretty intimidating.

I get a little anxious walking past large groups of youths. And I'm a pretty big guy. Nobody can defend themselves against a gang. Not even Bruce Lee. If a group of 5 want to kick the shit out of you, they will.

Exactly, and if a guy like you who is pretty big gets a little anxious imagine what a skinny Emo kid who walks by next will feel like? I mean I'm fairly confident I can take care of myself in a one on one situation but your completely right no-one stands a chance against a group. I once got kicked in by a group of chavs when I was about 15, there must have been at least 8-10 of them it was for no other reason than I wouldn't let them go through my bag to see if I had any cigarettes.

This crime in itself is representative of how British society is going... stuff like this seems to be in the paper every day and it's really sick. The government really need to start taking steps to prevent things like this happening. Also why the hell cant they be named? Because it's quite possible that a group of people will take offense and kick the little shit to death? So the law now protects remorseless little fucks who commit what can only be described as hate crimes (is attacking someone for the way they dress really any different from attacking them because of the colour of their skin or their sexual orientation?). Seriously this kid will probably be out in like 5 years, where is the justice in that? Surely life in prison is the most logical sentence? But no, this is Britain we have the most fucked up justice system on the planet.
Life should mean life. I could kill somebody today and I'd be out in 10 years or so. It's bullshit. When I was 15 I didn't cause fights. I didn't stamp on anybodys head. Could I? Easily. But I've always been big and I could do it without the aid of friends. But I didn't do it because it's wrong and I'm not that way inclined. Being 15 is no excuse. You can be immature at that age. But you know right from wrong.
Oh my gosh! What kind of A-hole would TAKE A LIFE just because the person is different? I can't believe some people! This really pisses me off! I wonder what was going through his head? I hate some people. Ugh thats just disgusting.
When you take someone's life, yours should be taken in return. I don't mean kill them but keep them locked up forever and let them suffer and live with it.

I have been attacked/harrased because I tend to dress differently to most people. Hairstyles, clothes, music everything about me usually gets me the wrong kind of attention and I can't help but feel sorry for the parents of the people who were killed. I hate to see crimes like this where people get attacked/harrased/killed just because of the way they dress. The way you dress should not be used as a reason for anything like this. I don't ever harrass anyone, even if they dress differently to me because dressing a certain way is someone's choice which shouldn't be judged.

The killers involved should be locked up forever.
My God... While I know that historically and even currently people have done/are doing far worse to one another it's the utter pointlessness and malignancy of the attacks that sickens me the most about this truly awful tragedy. Upon clicking the link and taking a look at the attackers you could almost see how callously vicious those two bastards are.
While I could debate nature vs. nurture all day -and on either side of the argument mind you- I believe you can just see it in a person's face when they are of such thoroughly odious character. The rare times I have encountered such people I've done my damnedest to put as much physical distance between myself and them as humanely possible.
I'm all for equality of the sexes but barring some truly uncharacteristic occasions men are naturally more powerful -physically of course- than women. That said, and for a myriad of reasons that I at least thought were well known enough to be common sense, it's despicable for a man to strike a woman, let alone to have a group of them stomp one to death...
I remember this story and was disgusted about it, but the sad thing is its always happening, maybe not this extreme but if you are alternative than you HAVE to expect shit when you go out these days.

Overall i hate going out because i stand out, im a big guy and people would most likely call me a goth (i wouldnt but i am into metal and wear only black) and i get stuff said to me or laughed at a lot.

I think the best example was during the 1st England game last world cup me and my gf were round her mums in New Addington (Fucking hate that shit hole place!!!!) and we went to the shops just round the corner and we had to pass a pub! First i had things said to me as we went in then when we came out one of them threw some type of food at me so obviously i was pissed but my gf stopped me from doing anything.

Now this was just around 3/4 of them and i knew i could knock them all the fuck out but the problem was there were around 30 others the other side of the pub and as we tried to carry on walking back the first few started telling them all to get us so they all turned round and started giving us abuse and trying to step up to us, then my gf went to go after one of them (she can handle herself too :) ) so i had to pull her back and we just walked off with them all shouting stuff at us. We called the police when we got back they didnt do fuck all.

All of this because we look a bit different to them, and i mean its not like we go all out and wear make up or overly goth clothes or anything, we just have a tendancy to wear a lot of black.

Something needs to be done because it should be treated as a hate crime but it isnt. These type of people are attacking others just because of the choices they make and how they look, if thats not a hate crime i dont know what is. But will this happen, most likely not due to the fact Alternative people dont have some sort of group to protest their rights like gay/minorities/religious people do so for the moment nothing is going to change and we are pretty much fucked!
It's sad. But this shit happens. Whenever I go out on a Friday night there will always be a group of lads drinking. If somebody different walks past they always get given a bit of shit. Nobody get's kicked to death, but I'm sure it's still pretty intimidating.

I get a little anxious walking past large groups of youths. And I'm a pretty big guy. Nobody can defend themselves against a gang. Not even Bruce Lee. If a group of 5 want to kick the shit out of you, they will.

I couldn't agree more. This happen quite a bit in my neighborhood not to the extent of death obviously. A little bit of alcohol is all it takes for shit like this to go down. I myself have had my fair share of run in's not because of how i look as far as im aware of but as jake said you can be built train self defense it wont matter if a group of 5 or more wanna get you they will.

But this case is just sick and disgusting. First off just because someone looks different you shouldn't harm them but to the point of death? its ridiculous the shit goes on around the world sometimes. I really do hope these 2 get life and hopefully not supposed life and get out in 10 years.
This is just sick. I'm 15 now, I couldn't even think of doing it. If I did do it, I would probably lock myself up. I know right from wrong, and i'm not stupid enough to get drunk. If people want to be goths, then let them. They have no quarrel with me. Killing someone just because they have different thoughts and ideas as me is wrong, and unless you have a proper reason or there is no way you can refuse, it shouldn't happen. People should be allowed to think what they want freely without fear.

But unfortunately, that's not going to happen. There's always a bunch of teens down the end of my street on Friday and Saturday nights that are drunk, I just avoid them if I want to go down that way. There are always ging to be the stupid drunk teens that attack people, its just part of society. The government should be cracking down on this, but there are always more important issues, and they have to attend to those ones first.

They deserve life imprisonment, proper life imprisonment, not some piss-weak 10 year sentence. They know the consequences of doing something like this, however they decide to go ahead and do it anyway, which sickens me. There is no proper justification for attacking another human in this way, it's just barbaric. I hope that the people responsible rot away in jail for te rest of their life, it's all they deserve.
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