Box Office Results for WWE’s No One Lives


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i kinda knew that the new wwe movie would be a flop but.... even showing in 53 theaters it only made like 860 dollars per theater.. on opening weekend..

but yet its still grossing higher than the other wwe movies on opening weekend

{No One Lives, which opened in limited release for WWE and Anchor Bay this weekend, took in $45,900 for the weekend. The film opened in 53 theaters for an $866 per-theater average, which is low for an opening weekend but well above all WWE Studios limited release films following Legendary including The Day last year ($10,121 opening weekend), 2011′s That’s What I Am ($6,400), The Chaperone ($12,700) and 2010′s Knucklehead ($1,000).}

im kinda shocked that even in select movies that knuckleheads only brought in 1k dollars on opening weekend

why do you make these movies? i really dont get it
why do you make these movies? i really dont get it

Why? Because the cost of making it, and what they get back eventually, means they get quite a bit of exposure for their superstars/brand for very little buck.

However, I thought the Chaperone was quite good, for a film with HHH as the lead... In fact, i'd say it was not bad at all. Don't know about other WWE films, but my guess is, with half the crap on TV nowadays and even the B or C-movies on the likes of netflix, WWE has nothing to lose, and is outputting nothing more rubbish than other studios.
Maybe the success of "The Call" helped improve WWE Studios image a bit, when the preview of the movie aired I was sure it was going to be a flop.
I quite liked The Day, I don't live in America so I don't know how much exposure or advertising these movies got before their release but that would be my biggest guess as to the poor returns?
We don't know how much was spent on the movie, therefore we can't tell whether it's a success or not.

Usually if the movie makes at least double the money it took for its creation, it's considered profitable.

Personally, I doubt this one came anywhere near profitable but WWE has enough money not to worry about this. They dish out a lot more for RAW than for a movie I would guess, especially when they cast their own wrestlers.

Either way, this whole WWE Studios bullshit is a part of Vince's pipe dream of making wrestling a bigger deal than it already is. It's like the NFL making movies.

Get over yourself, Vince. Your company is shit, your movies are shit and wrestling will never be taken seriously. Why not try pleasing your own fans who have been loyal to decades instead of pandering to the ones who'll never give wrestling a chance? We're all you've got left and even those are melting away while you're too busy gently *********ing another sponsor.
Just my opinion....

I remember when Vince started the XFL. He wanted to do something different with football. He was really into the project and many were hyping and just as many were hating on the project. Then it flopped, folded after a year.

WWE has a film company, and have been making films for a while. The company's films aren't making money meaning the company isn't making money.

Why did I bring up XFL when talking about WWE films ? Because there are similarities. XFL wasn't a bad idea at all.

Problem 1:

XFL wasn't a bad idea at all. Just like WWE films isn't a bad idea. XFL was just poorly executed and not given time to build an audience. Just as WWE Films needs time to succeed and develop.

Problem 2:
With XFL, Vince tied it to professional wrestling shows (or so it seems) rather than putting out the effort to advertise to a broader audience that weren't just wrestling fans. The ads showed up around wrestling programs (or so it seemed to me). You need to advertise as many popular tv programs on as many networks as possible. Same thing with WWE Films.

Problem 3:
In order to succeed, with WWE films, they need to pay the costs associated with that. Action related films are fueling the industry right now, for better or for worse. So to make those films, (which tend to cost more) you must pay the cost, hire better actors, better writers, stunts, action coordinators etc. I'm not sure WWE wants to do that with the WWE film company and if you aren't willing to do so, you won't last.

If these box office numbers are accurate, WWE films won't last much longer.

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