Bound for Glory V: Kurt Angle vs Matt Morgan

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History beckons the Macho Man!

I can't predict who they are going have win this match.

Matt Morgan has a ton on momentum heading into BFG V. They have been building him up alot over the last few months, and the win for Morgan would do alot for his career.

Then again he is facing Kurt Angle, pretty much the main guy in TNA. Would that make Anlge look bad if he lost to Morgan clean, or ruin his reputation of being "the best in the buisness"?

I'm looking foward to this match to see what happens. This will be a good match.

Who do you guys think will win this match at Bound for Glory V?
i honestly see Morgan Finally gettin the big push in this match and this could possibly be Kurts final match in tna and going back to the wwe.
Morgan will win this one, looking at it logically, this has been built for a long time and is the payoff to all the people who had faith that Angle was going to put over the young talent.

Morgan FTW
morgan will win this one. if kurt loses creditabillity in TNA then he would go to wwe like he wants to.
Power hungry Kurt may not lay down for Morgan no matter how much momentum the guy has. WWE really dropped the ball with Morgan and this guy is a damn freak! The guy has all the skills to become a top player in the biz. That said, I'd like to see Angle give Morgan the rub here, but with Sting passing the torch to Styles later in the night, I don't see it happening.
you must be joking matt morgan is terrible lol,his fake ass goldberg apron jump,unoriginality and now he has a dumb ass robe lol,hes garbage,hes just tall,he makes lance hoyt look good lol:lol:
Matt Morgan could use this win to gain the creditbility he needs. I think this will be a good match, and in the end I hopr The Blueprint wins, so he can get back into the world championship pitcure.
I'm looking forward to this match, because Morgan winning will knock Angle down a peg or two, and possibly end the MEM. He's riding too big of a wave to lose here, and Angle doesn't need the win to prove himself.

Where do they go from here though? Does Morgan go on to contend for the title? Does he continue to feud with Angle, even though he scored the one-on-one win? Does Angle stay on top of the MEM? Do they kick him out, disband, and go in their own direction? It'll be interesting.

This match might, and should, actually do more for the coming months of TNA than AJ going over Sting.
This feels old and outdated already. This fued had its go but ultimately shows that Angle needs to take some time off since hes lost his luster in the ring. With all the personal stuff he's been dealing with his quality of matches have been worse then a year ago and his promos have been stale. Honestly right now I would be more intrested in a Kip James vs Matt Morgan match on a ppv since Kip has nothing holding him back in the lines of being worn out or personal reasons because lets face it kips life is boring and hes never on tv which is the complete opposite of Angle.
The feud seems old? I think it has been paced awesomely, the build up has been going just right to build up both the sting aj match and this feud. I cannot fault TNA on this...I am looking forward to this PPV
I fully expct Angle to put Morgan over. Kurt has said in countless interviews the younger talent like AJ and Matt need to be put over and now he is putting in his own creative input with Jarrett out. I see him putting Morgan over as this is a night for the future of TNA.
I wonder where on the card this match will end up. On TNA's website it's listed as the first match, but that doesn't always indicate the order that the matches will take place on the PPV. I wouldn't be shocked to see these two open up the PPV though, it would be a good way to get the crowd into it early. Morgan has been growing on me in the past few weeks, and Angle can still go when he wants to, so hopefully we see something good here. Honestly I don't expect too much out of this match though, maybe a 10 minute match with the MEM helping Angle cheat to win.
I wonder where on the card this match will end up.

This has befuddled me as well. It could be MOTN, but you can't put it on right before the title match, or the fans will be drained, and you don't want that with Sting leaving. My guess is it ends up tossed somewhere in the middle. Not close to the Legends Title match (which I feel should open), but not sandwiched between Foley/Abyss and pretty much anything else. It's a stacked card, so it'll be interesting to see where any of them fall.
I think a loss would kill any momentum Morgan's built over the past few months, and Kurt has been very outspoken about building tomorrow's stars circa Jay lethal 2007 (Something very commedable, and something that some of his peers should learn).

Don't explain him to win so clean, though. Hell, who knows, maybe the return of Jarrett could possibly come at BFG, leaving Morgan with the win, and Angle & Jarrett doing a Edge-Hardy feud in TNA. (Come on, you all know you'd want to see this trainwreck.)
This could be a pretty good match. If TNA is serious about building Morgan into a true main eventer and world title competitor, then he needs to go over in this match. He's had a pretty good level of momentum going into it and TNA needs to keep it up.

As has been brought up, however, there's always the chance that Kurt Angle will refuse to do the job. He has a level of stroke with TNA management that he can pretty much do what he wants without any real fear of punishment.

If Angle does go over here, Morgan loses momentum. That's especially true if Angle were to get a clean win.
Morgan to win for sure. He's built up too much momentum to lose here, and this is the ppv where the Mafia crumbles, so I expect each member to lose.

This has potential to be MOTN. Morgan's a beast in the ring, and Kurt is, well, Kurt; which is awesome. I think Kurt is going to bring the best performance we've ever seen out of Morgan. As far as it's placement on the card, probably in the middle, more towards the end.
These two went out, and put on the match of the night in my opinion. Both men looked great throughout, with Angle building off the match Thursday, and Morgan giving it his all, trying to climb the next rung on the ladder. The ending wasn't done right though, but it wasn't "fucked up" either.

Angle shaking Morgan's hand after the match does a great job of putting him over, but he still should not have won. There was no reason for it. He just went to a draw with the champ, so we all know what's coming between them.

Morgan had his coming out party, and deserved the win...
Good match here, possibly match of the night. I loved how vocal the crowd was, they were REALLY into this match, cheering Angle and Morgan at different times and the booing them. Angle pulled out some good stuff for this match, including a great frog splash. Morgan also looked good, much better than he usually does in my opinion.

Good match. Not sure the logic behind having Angle win cleanly, but the handshake at the end of the match may have something to do with that.
Good match, match of the night for me. Both men looked great. Angle has he does when he comes to the party and Morgan has grown on me over the last few weeks and is looking very legit indeed.

Angle winning was pointless however, as I really think that Morgan needed the win to help solidfy himself in the Main Event scene. The handshake was all good and I do think Angle helped to put him over with another great match, I just think Morgan needs to break thru against Angle for that last big push.
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