[Bound For Glory] Rob Van Dam v. Zema Ion (c) [X Division Championship]

Who Would You Like To See Win?

  • Rob Van Dam

  • Zema Ion

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Lord And Master
Staff member

Just announced on Impact, the Pretty F'N Dangerous one said there was no one to challenge him. Enter the Whole F'N Show mad about not being in the card. These two are now set for Bound For Glory. Can Zema Ion beat cult icon RVD in a major upset? Or will Mr. Thursday Night win his second title in TNA?
I'm no fan of Zema Ion, so I'm going with RVD. Though I don't think he needs to have the X division title, I'm hard pressed to think Ion will take him out. Still this might be another filler match.
This has RVD, new X Division champion written all over it, but considering how behind ZzZzZema TNA has been, I'd imagine he'll sneak out of the match with a cheap victory to carry over a small feud with RVD while Sorensen continues to heal.

Really hoping to see RVD pick up the win because Ion blows. He's not effin' pretty, he's pretty effin' boring.
Hopefully RVD wins the belt here. He'd spark up some interest in the division again cause, boy, the current champ is a snoozefest, and we could see some potentially interesting feuds over the belt like RVD vs. Joey Ryan, and if Tara's 'hollywood' boyfriend turns out to be JoMo (hopefully), RVD vs. JoMo. As long as Zema is holding the belt and Jesse Sorensen is still out, the X-Title will always be booked as just a filler match on PPV, but in RVD's hands it would become relevant again. They could always give the belt back to Ion once Sorenson is back, but then again you don't really need the X-Division Title for Sorensen to settle the score with Ion, even though it would be a nice comeback story for him to win the belt & exact revenge at the same time, but still. Jesse could win the title after he's done with Ion and it would still make a nice comeback story.
RVD wins! GOOD, some honor will be brought back to the x division title. Ion has been a god awful champion. This would definitley revive the x division.
I can't see anything other than an RVD win here unless it is a dq win or count out. I can't see Ion even getting a cheap pin on RVD. This seems to be put together so RVD can win, and bring some attention to the X division again. While I don't hate Ion, his title run has been disappointing. I see RVD taking the title here.
Is it just me that thinks it's pathetic that a match for a major belt in your organisation at the biggest PPV in your organisation in the calendar year has been announced in a 5 minute segment 3 days before the PPV? But anyway....

I think Zema Ion will win by some underhanded tactic, I don't see why RVD would need this, and there is rumours his contract is nearly up. I can only see RVD winning this match for the reason TNA want to keep him so they give him the title to "persuade" him to stay (apparently what is also happening with Jeff Hardy). So I think Zema Ion will win.
Hmm this one is tough to call part of me thinks RVD takes the belt and rolls in the X Division for a little while which would be nice to see but I could also see Zema getting a cheap win by maybe spraying RVD in the eyes with the hairspray or something like that.

Not 100% sold on this but I think I will take Ion here.
In a normal scenario this would be a good chance for an up-and-coming talent that TNA have faith in to get a big win over a big name challenger who everyone believes will win the title....however Zema Ion does not feel to me like that guy. He hasn't done a great job with the title, noone realllly cares about him and I think an RVD title win would be a great move for TNA at their biggest show of the year.

RVD is like Jericho in WWE. He can easily be main event or mid-card depending on where they need him, and when he is motivated he can still put on a great match. I would like to think that he will be up for this match and give us what he is capable of, and I think Van Dam holding the X-Division title will give the division some credibility again, like Joe will do for the TV title.

Ion has held the belt a few months now and hasn't done anything special, so let Mr PPV have a run with it, give the title some name value

Winner: Rob Van Dam
I was hoping Zema Ion would so something with the X-Division title, but he's done bugger all since winning it.

RVD, while not in his prime can still put on a great match, so hopefully he can pull one out of Ion.

Ion winning would be interesting allowing for a fued with RVD but after that he'd probably disappear again. RVD winning would mean more tv time as it's RVD. Ion chasing the title would be far more interesting than the other way round.

RVD winning has far more options, so hopefully RVD wins.
I think RVD wins here. In my opinion, it would be a major step down for him, but would be a great way to clear him from any thought of being in the main event. Which in my opinion is needed. The other thing it can do is possibly give Ion a chance to have an actual feud. While, his run has been less than stellar, who has he had to feud with? No one. Kenny King was okay, but that felt rushed and didn't fit. Maybe, just maybe, losing to RVD and eventually winning it back from him will be a big step for Ion.

If not Ion, then RVD brings a instant feel of importance back to the x-division. He is a former World Champ. That is a big deal. In the past, guys like AJ have come back after world title reigns and competed for x-division titles. RVD seems like a good fit. Don't forget, also, that the x-division champ gets a shot at the world title at Destination X. In all seriousness, does anyone see Jesse Sorenson, Zema Ion, Sonjay Dutt, or any of the other people that have recently competed in the x-division headlining a PPV? NO WAY! So, TNA needs to move the title in the direction of making the title holder a realistic challenger. RVD could be that guy. Will he hold the belt that long? I doubt it, but you can instantly put him in a feud with someone who could be a challenger.

Even a guy like AJ could come out of the woodworks at the right time and jump back in the division. He certainly isn't getting a title shot any other way.
Agree. The x-division has been so boring since they gave Ion the belt. The only good thing bout Zema is his quote: "there's no champ without ion"
I'd like to see Ion hold on to the title. Going over RVD would be his biggest win to date and maybe earn him a little respect.
I'm not one of the people who is going to say Ion has done nothing in the division as champ because honestly what has he had to work with? That was the same problem Aries had as champ and people knew as soon as he left the division is was going to get stale. There just aren't many exciting wrestlers there now. That's TNA's fault not Ion's. Even if RVD wins the title there still isn't going to be exciting talent in the division outside maybe one or two guys. TNA needs to rebuild soon or people are going to lose interest in the X division if they haven't already. I think Ion says some interesting things if you take time to listen to him talk. None are "catch phrases" but saying things like "I'm more dangerous than bath salts" puts over his character as being just what he said. Dangerous.
Rob Van Dam vs. Zema Ion could be a very very good match. They both have extremely unique styles. They are more similar than different inside the ropes, but outside the ropes they are complete opposite. If this turns into a feud between the two, it could be pretty F'N interesting. As of now, its just a filler match to get the two on the card. Thats it.

The only thing that makes this match even slightly good on paper is RVD. He adds everything to the match. If Zema was against any of the X Division stars, no one would give two shits about the match. Title or not. Luckily, RVD came to save the day.

As for the winner, I pick RVD. It will give us a feel good moment at BFG. It will end the shit title reign of Zema Ion. And, Rob will provide a bit of light for the X Division.

Prediction- RVD
I'm hoping that RVD comes out with the title. Right now, I think the X Division needs RVD more than it needs Ion.

I can't say much about Ion, the guy's just an extremely dull spot monkey whose reign is every bit as mediocre as every other guy that's held the title the past several years, except for Austin Aries.

While I can't say I'm a huge fan of RVD, at least the guy is somewhat relevant and actually has some star power that he can lend to the X Division title and the X Division itself. Given the current state of the X Division, that's enough to make up for RVD's bland, stoner personality.
This will probably open the show. I hope to see RVD get the win. He would bring a feeling of importance back to the X Division Championship, which has been damaged by having such a terrible champion. I cannot stand Zema Ion, he sucks and does not bring anything to the table, let alone come off as championship material.

The match itself should be alright. RVD may be able to get a decent match out of Zema and hopefully he leaves with the title too. I would imagine they do this match early in the show if not first. It gets Zema Ion's appearance out of the way and gives RVD a chance to get the crowd excited for the rest of the matches. RVD wins and moves on to his next challenger while Zema hopefully fades into obscurity.

RVD will win the X Division Championship.
I think Zema gets way to much hate from a lot of people and I've arleady argued this in the LD so I won't go into that again by think Zema is a really solid character for the X-Divison and he's good in the ring I think two things have really hurt Zema's regin 1 is that he is following Austin Aries reign which was an excellent reign and he's not as good as Aries but very few in TNA are as good as Aries right now and the second thing I feel that hurt Zema is he hasn't been used very often since he won the title at Destination X and he hasn't been given a chance to shine and get mic time like Austin did.

As for this match I'm interested in seeing what these two can do together I think this could be a pretty solid match. I now a lot of people would like to see RVD win the title and I wouldn't be upset if he did because I like RVD but I would rather Zema get a win in any way and maybe actually have a feud with RVD and help soldify Zema Ion and make him look good I think this will be a good match and I hope to see Zema retain his belt
Keeping my fingers crossed for an RVD win, but I have a strong feeling Ion will walk away with the win here. TNA is probably waiting for a Jesse Sorensen return match. Sorensen returning to win the title from Ion should provide a joyous feel-good moment, but Ion is such a dull champion. Sorry, but Ion has the personality of a dried-up pile of dogshit, that's been left out in the sun for a week, surrounded by flies.

RVD winning the title could provide a tremendous boost for the title, and Van Dam's in-ring style is a perfect fit for the X-Division, but Ion might pick up the victory, unfortunately. Ion should emerge victorious, but both men could deliver an entertaining match.

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