[Bound For Glory] Matt Morgan v. Samoa Joe v. Crimson [Triple Threat]

Who wins?

  • Samoa Joe

  • Crimson

  • Matt Morgan

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Bound For Glory 2011
Matt Morgan v. Samoa Joe v. Crimson
Triple Threat Match






All discussion here.​
I can see Matt Morgan pinning Samoa Joe, but keeping Crimson's streak saying that he didn't lose because he didn't get pinned.
I don't know about who is going to win this one as it seems TNA is trying to push all 3 of these guys. Joe could really use the win to come out strong since he is declaring himself the alpha male of TNA. Morgan in my eyes was the initial person to win the BFG series so a win for him could be huge and give him well needed momentum that he needs. Crimson, is the undefeated guy here and he could use the win to get his pay back for Joe taking him out.

Now, I see it as if Crimson was to win it is another win in his book to either further his feud with Joe or put him closer to the title. Crimson winning is something I don't really see. I see him not taking the pin fall to keep the streak going on.

Morgan is the guy who should be the Alpha Male in TNA as he is the blue print of TNA. He has improved much and this win would also be good for him to help him out by beating Joe and to continue the feud. But this would leave both him and Crimson having a feud with Joe so I see him being the one getting pinned.

Samoa Joe needs this win more than both of these guys. He has been buried and this win against these two other guys would be huge. I think he is going to pin Morgan, this will continue their feud and hopefully puts Joe back on top. I see Joe winning this one by making Morgan tap out.

Winner Samoa Joe
I voted for Matt Morgan, because he can benefit a lot by getting this win.
Crimson will not get pinned, there fore a part of his streak stays in tact.
I could see a win for Joe, because that will help support his bad azz character.
Joe needs to just loose his temper and start wrecking everything take out everybody down to the referee than h gets escorted out by security. later they will reveal joes frustrations saying crimson is a smaoe joe wanna be
Another filler match. It likely is to make Crimson look better when he gets the win. Joe and Morgan are both booked rathe poorly. Crimson needed something to do. So a match gets put together. I think it will be alright for a triple threat but nothing truly groundbreaking will happen. Crimson will probably win because he needs it more than Joe and Morgan put together.

Crimson will defeat Samoa Joe and Matt Morgan.
Samoa Joe's post match promo last night really sold me and got me interested in this match. I could see this match going anyway with any of them picking up. I think Crimson might need a win less then the other and I don't think he will be pinned or submitted in this match so that he can keep his undefeated streak alive, So for me it comes down to either Morgan or Joe picking up the win but I'm not sure who. I think that this will be a Good match and I'm looking forward to it.
Voted for Joe, cause I think Crimson and Morgan will be dying to destroy the Samoan in which both men will fight.Joe takes the opening and gets a win, Joe isn't some bum, he can turn it on when its time to do so in the Ring.
hmmm this is a tough one as it seems they wanna push all 3 but are having trouble doing it,it seems like tna always wants to push samoa joe but just doesnt knw what to do with him,matt morgan possibly needs the win here more then anybody else to get back on track but crimson is getting the undefeated push im gonna go with crimson winning the match and pinning morgan i could see them fueding maybe morgan turns heel and they fued for awhile but i wouldnt be surprised to see matt morgan or samoa joe win the match either but i hope joe doesnt win i never liked him and i dont think hes all that good

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