[Bound For Glory] Bully Ray v. Mr. Anderson [Falls Count Anywhere Match]

Who wins?

  • Bully Ray

  • Mr. Anderson

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Bound For Glory 2011
Bully Ray v. Mr. Anderson
Challenge Match






All discussion here.​
I'm gonna go with bully ray on this one. Not only is BFG in Philly (so the crowd will probably be heavily in rays corner), but I also feel that TNA isn't sold on anderson as a main eventer after his lackluster runs as champion (which I don't feel are necessarily his fault, but thats for another thread...)

I think that this is the match that legitimizes bully ray as a top guy. I hope this leads to him getting his first world title shot against bobby roode, which I feel will be the perfect feud to elevate both roode and ray and solidify their roles in the main event scene.
I think a lot of people would overlook this match and just think ehh.. Bubba Dudley vs Mr. Kennedy.

But if you follow wrestling at all with an unbiased opinion towards Impact Wrestling, you know this one is going to be a straight up fight. Anderson and Ray fought on PPV a month or two ago and it proved to be on the same intensity level as Aj Styles/Bully Ray's match from earlier this year was.

Bully Ray will guarantee a good match because if it wasn't he'd probably end up kicking the shit out of Anderson legitly. He ain't going to drop the ball in Philadelphia on the biggest PPV in TNA's... HISTORY.

However, I do think Anderson is going to sneak out with the victory here. Crushing a heel in his hometown... I think Impact Wrestling just can't help but try and get Anderson over off of Ray's heel heat.
Yeah.... I just don't care. Anderson's been suffering from a case of the bad booking that often plagues TNA. Ray would actually benefit more from the win at this point. This will probably be the least interesting match on the card. That brings me to the bigger question.... When I stop by the fridge for a snack during this match should I go for the regular Peperoni Pizza style Hot Pocket or the Mexican style one with Jalapenos and Fajita steak in it? I might have to flip a coin. What? Oh, right. The match. Honestly, I don't care who wins. It is filler. I'll go with Bully Ray I guess because he could always use something else to brag about when trying to get heel heat.

Bully Ray will defeat Mr Anderson.
Another match I'm looking forward to, between two of TNA's top guys. Both these guys are great on the mic and have made for a really enjoyable feud, one I don't want to see end just yet. But this should be a pretty physical match and I'm hoping we see all sorts of things used as weapons. Perhaps even a flaming table?

IMO this feud should culminate in a number 1 contenders match but this might prove to be one anyway. Whoever wins this could go on to face the World Champion after BFG. With Bull Ray getting the better of Anderson in their previous matches, it kind of seems like Anderson is due a win? Personally I'd like to see Mr Anderson get back in the Title hunt, but Bully Ray deserves a Title shot more than anyone. This is another hard match to predict but I'm going to say Bully Ray wins and then goes on to win the World Title.
I imagine for course Bully Ray will have the crowd behind him and it gets nuts when the crowd is behind him.Anderson needs to win though, as he's starting to get buried, and a win helps him become relevant in TNA.
should be a good match bully ray has more then come into his own as a top heel and anderson has a grudge to settle also ray won their last match so im gonna go with anderson i think there gonna end the fued here which brings up the question...without immortal and without a fued with mr.anderson will bully ray be able to remain as a top heel? :shrug: i hope so but i get the feeling i might be wrong
I'm pretty intrigued by this match for multiple reasons, 1. Is Bully Ray I feel that he has been a Great heel since he has adopted this "Bully" character in my eyes he has become one of the top heels in all of wrestling. 2 The crowd I think that Bully Ray will work this crowd and get a TON of Heat even though this is in Philly all Ray has to do is come out in a Yankee jeresey and cut a promo and the crowd will boo him. The crowd will be very into this match and I think it will help the quality of this match. These two had a match a couple PPV's ago and it was pretty good brawling type match and I'm expecting the same. Not really sure who wins this match but I'll go with Anderson to pick up the win in a pretty good match.

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