Bound for Glory Build-Up

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Bound for Glory is in a few weeks and I know that TNA want it to become their equivalent to Wrestlemania, but does it feel any different than any other TNA PPV? Other than the fact that it's being held outside the Impact zone and the tease of it possibly being Stings last match, it just kind of feels the same.

Should TNA go the way of the early Wrestlemanias and bring in a few celebrities or have a concert to help get some publicity and to make it feel more like an event, like their Super Bowl.
I agree... There has been very little build up... That's TNA's biggest problem advertising...

They really should find someone to promote for them... More commercials during highly rated shows (Like the Kimbo fight on Spike) would be great for their ratings... And You're right, it feels nothing like the biggest TNA PPV of the year...
I dont ever recall being excited for a TNA PPV since the very first King of the Mountain match, and everyone knew who was going to win that anyways. I agree, they do have a major problem in advertising.

But, I think they really need to work on thier ability to draw people in, make people "care" about whats coming up and the potential "fallout".
The built up for the ppv is pretty decent so far I mean its not better then last year. But it is good enough so you can get interested in at least one or two of there storyline/feuds.
I always though that Slammvarsy was there Wrestlemania since its always gets over hyped and really feels like a big ppv. Also some of the wrestling industry past and present stars wrestled on it and never wrestled on Bound for Glory and a lot of Current and former tna talent made the in ring debut there like Jeff hardy and Samoa joe
Bound For Glory is definitely the big PPV, and every fan and wrestler knows that. I think the lack of build-up falls solely on the hands o the writers. Kurt Angle v. Matt Morgan could be the match of the night, and do big things for TNA down the line, but it got mentioned as part of a small promo by Kurt Angle following No Surrender.

I like how they're building Sting v. AJ, and I like how some of the other matches are coming together, but they need to notice where the money lies on the card, and push those as the big ones. I didn't even know Lashley v. Joe was a match until looking at the main page, and that's something that should've have been announced on Impact, and made out as a big deal.
Well celebrities coming to the event? Probably those attention **or*s of reality TV because A listers nowadays wouldn't even go to Wrestlemania. As for advertisement for the event, that is Spikes fault, they seem to not see that they can have 2 ratings powerhouses on their network instead of just one, they ignore TNA, they are lucky to have gotten as far as they have without much help. As for announcing matches on the website instead of waiting before the show, I see that they probably want to start advertising ASAP. But to me they should stick to what they do best great fast-paced matches, regardless of the shows importance, if anyone decides that it should be the fans.
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