Bottom Five

We've got our Fav Five, how about your least Favorite Five

Daniel Bryan - I still don't believe the hype, hes boring

John Morrison - a bucket of yuck

Air-Boom - I'm sick of Kingston, and sick of Bourne

Ted DiBiase Jr. - what a complete turd he's turned out to be
Sin Cara - It's not his fault that his HIAC match was poorly hyped. It is his fault that the match wasn't the massively exciting display it could of been, not to mention the sheer amount of moves he still manages to muck up.

Ted DiBiase Jr.

John laurinaitis - I know he's not strictly a competitior but he's just that bad. Would help I suppose if he didn't sound like he'd started smoking in the womb. Perhaps instead of a bottle, his parents just stuck the nearest object in his mouth to stop him crying when he was born, and it just happened to be a cigarette.

Mark Henry - Those who don't watch through rose-tinted glasses can clearly see he's no better than he's ever been. He still wades through matches. He still makes you wince when he talks. Yes he delivers good promos, but he delivers them poorly. Those who've managed to convince themselves that this push and title reign are anything other than the hard work of the bookers and production crew should go into hypnotherapy.

Kelly Kelly - I'm glad that that title has been removed from her forceably but not so happy about how long it took. I just think that it would be such a shame as somebody with very limited ability and talent to boot could be the poster-child for female wrestlers. Sure she's over now, but how long did that take. If you are presenting your champion as somebody who can barely scrape through a match to retain their championship, someone who has to rely on flukes and roll-ups, it's obvious you don't have much faith in their wrestling abilities to carry them over. There are women much more talented and much better suited to filling her position, here's hoping she's taken out of the title picture but I know I'll probably be dissapointed.
I'm assuming we're excluding jobbers...

Diva Division - Use the hot ones as valets. Release everyone else. Kill it with fire.

John Laurinitus - Huge mistake from the beginning. Couldn't do a promo while he was a wrestler, why is he doing them now? How hard would it have been to hire some actor to be the VP of Talent Relations? Most fans wouldn't know the difference anyways.

Undertaker - We get it. You're a legend. WrestleMania undefeated streak. Unliving man. Et cetera. I've watched Taker's progression from Brother Love apprentice to where he is now and to be quite frank, I dont care about part-time wrestlers. End the streak, sell him to TNA and be done with it.

HHH - I never liked him. From blue blood to DX to son-in-law to now. Hated him. I'll admit that I like his persona more now, as COO, I really don't care for the guy. I appreciate his importance to this convoluted conspiracy storyline, but I really don't need to see him in multiple segments week in and week out.

Matt Striker - Thankfully he's not a color commentator any more. I put Smackdown on mute because of him. I have zero interest in him.

Honourable Mention, John Morrison - Learn to talk, learn to cut a promo. If he can't do this, leave him as a mid-carder and stop wasting valuable time pushing him.
John Morrison: The dude sucks. John Morrison is this decades Jeff Hardy, and that's not a compliment.

Evan Bourne: Quite possibly the most boring human being alive. I see him come out, and want to slap that stupid smile off his face. How can a guy that does so many damn flippies be that boring?

Kelly Kelly: Simply terrible.

Sin Cara 1 and Sin Cara 2: This project is just a failure. Sin Cara was bad enough, so instead of addressing this failure, Triple H decides that we need two people doing flippies. Hopefully they just pull the plug on this, and let Mistico go back to Mexico.
What's with all the Kelly hate? I don't like her either but I'm curious to know.
More than perhaps any other diva I can remember, it's becoming increasingly obvious that she's being pushed solely because of her looks. She should be better in the ring by now than she is, and she's a pretty bad actress.
More than perhaps any other diva I can remember, it's becoming increasingly obvious that she's being pushed solely because of her looks. She should be better in the ring by now than she is, and she's a pretty bad actress.

I'm not sure how she's getting pushed by her looks either. I've been pretty vocal in the past about how she isn't remotely attractive, and doesn't have a cute face but I wont go into to details again, she all around stinks. Give the girls with talent the spotlight not the blonde bimbos
1. The Miz- Never liked him and hes not doing a good job at winning me over.

2. Heath Slater-Ugh...Where do I even begin.

3. Zack Ryder-Not a fan, I'm also very serious bro.

4. Booker T-I flat out don't enjoy his commentary work, he just annoys me.

5. Kofi Kingston-I just want to toss a brick at him every time I seem him coming down to the ring,bouncing everywhere with that stupid smile plastered all over his face.
Michael Cole
Just a horrible human being.

Ezekiel Jackson
I can't believe he's on no one else's list. I'm assuming you all forgot he existed.

Kelly Kelly
She has absolutely nothing going for her. She's hot, but not my type.

Heath Slater
I'm a Slater hater. He is not interesting in any way whatsoever.

The Great Khali
1. The Great Khali

- not great. SHIT

2. Big Show

-Gets fatter and worse every year

3. Michael Cole

-Terrible commentator, constantly gives away the ending of matches with his "and this is over" calls. We know its not over when he says that

4. John Laurinatious

-Awful, just awful. Get this man off TV...PLEASE

5. Santino Marella

-The joke is old now. Not in the slightest bit entertaining.

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