Bottom 5 of 2012

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Well ladies and gentlemen, the year is at its close, and now it is time to look back on all that was terrible, boring, crappy, and dumb in wrestling this year. So here it is My bottom 5 in wrestling this year. Here are the rules: You can induct any match, feud, storyline, or moment that has happened in 2012. Please refrain from inducting overly general things such as, individual wrestlers (i.e. All things Brodus Clay), Entire promotions, or divisions (i.e. Womens Wrestling). Because I only follow TNA and WWE all of my choices will come from there, but you are free to include any and all other promotions (ROH, CZW, New Japan ect.) So on with the countdown.

5. John Cena vs Kane: Embrace the Hate- This feud was garbage. The worst part was it was a place holder feud, and we all knew it, except the WWE. This throwaway storyline was still advertised and the #1 thing on Raw over shadowing CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and everyone else. We all knew that Kane had no chance of beating Cena in their slow, boring matches. This feud seemed to take up all of time on WWE programming. But in the middle of it all they made sure to turn Eve heel, for no real reason, and bury Zack Ryder. It was not only a waist of time, but a waste of several main event slots on the card. Because of all this it hits number 5 on my count down.

4. The Return of Chris Jericho- Not sure what went wrong here...oh wait I know, EVERYTHING!! I have never seen a more poorly handled return in all my years watching wrestling. So lets bring back a heavily hyped wrestler. First off lets give out some cryptic video packages, like the last time we did this. And when he finally returns, lets have him wear a gay, light up jacket, and for his first promo he says...nothing...for WEEKS! It was a total waste of time, and it did not even have a proper payoff. The first thing he says the Raw before the Royal Rumble echos his cryptic promos, "The end of the of the world as you know it" Except it wasn't. His first match backs he gets booted by Sheamus, killing all of his momentum. And while he did feud with CM Punk it was clear he was never going to win. And while he ended his run more glamorously winning at Summerslam and putting over Dolph Ziggler, but his poorly handled return puts him at number 4 on this list.

3. HHH vs Brock Lesnar- Did anyone care about these two relics facing each other at Summerslam. Taking up more time than the Cena/Kane feud this feud was developing for MONTHS towards summer slam. Initially Brock was not keen of facing Hunter, but after Steph slaps Heyman the match is on...I don't get it either. This match had no business being in the main event. This was the first match these guys had in MONTHS and it showed. The match had a grand total of 2 pin attempts one after a HHH pedigree and one cradle from Brock Lesnar, in the middle of the match, for no reason. This match was 75% kimura locks, 15% right hands, 5% shoulder blocks, and 5% actual wrestling moves. It was so boring, and after HHH gets his arm "broken" the crowd sympathetically chants "You tapped out." Oh and if you were hoping for Brock to stay, the following Monday, he bails on the WWE...yeah definitely number 3.

2. AJ Lee and John Cena- I would like to but AJ Lee in general but I will just pick her crappiest moment. This recent story with Cena is easily the worst part of her bad tenure. So after being replaced as a bad manager by an even worse Vicky Guerrero, the Cougar brings up allegations that AJ and Cena had a inappropriate relationship. In incredibly tiresome and long segment more and more evidence continued to waste our time. Cena vehemently denied the allegations, and in return, AJ had awkward make out sessions with him...only to act all batshit insane, turn on him and join forces with Dolph Ziggler. Its a stupid soap opera story that never belonged, landing it Number 2 on my list.

Now this may seem like I Favor TNA and bash the WWE, but do not jump to conclusions too quickly. Now while I feel that TNA on average has been better than the WWE, they are not without their faults. WWE has a lot of little crap, but when TNA fucks up, they fuck up royal.

1. The AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Dixie Carter, Claire Lynch Clusterfuck- This was a piece of shit...and a big one at that. Christopher Daniels accuses AJ of having an affair with TNA owner Dixie Carter. Kaz is working with him. Evidence is brought forth and AJ denies. Now if it would have ended here this would only have reached #3 or so on my list, but oh nooooo. In order to vindicate themselves this pregnant woman apears and testifies for AJ, seemingly closing the case. Except when she accuses AJ for fathering her child, week after week this bipolar, bad acting woman goes from despising AJ to loving him. After weeks and weeks of drudging through crap Claire's attorney calls the whole thing off and mercifully we are relived of this nightmare, 3 months to late. This was the never ending nightmare. and more than handily takes the title for worst thing in wrestling.

This is my list, whats yours. Feel free to post.
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