BOTH Jeff and Karen Jarrett Fired From IMPACT Wrestling!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
For those of you who didn't see, last night's match between Jeff Hardy and Jeff Jarrett was given a last-minute stipulation that stated that if Hardy in fact won, not only would he get the shot at the World Heavyweight Championship, but that one of Karen or Jeff Jarrett would be fired on the following iMPACT! as a result.

With Hardy obviously picking up the win, one of Karen or Jeff will now be served a pink slip this week on iMPACT!, so the question is, who stays and who goes (and why)?

My honest guess is that Jarrett is the one to go for three reasons:

1. Karen is still in the midst of being in charge of the Knockouts and doing a very good job there. Her run hasn't reached an end just yet and it needs to come full circle before she's removed IMO.

2. Jarrett has been a thorn in Hardy's side for months now and basically won't leave him be which makes this feud never-ending if he's not "fired".

3. Jeff is reportedly going to be the point-man for the TNA India project (as well as the All Wheels Wrestling business, too), so I could easily see him written out to give him the time he needs to get his grip on both.​

You bring up good points, IDR. Although I can see Karen being let go due to the backstage segment with her, Gail, and Traci Brooks on Impact. I'm sure that Sting is aware of the shenanigans that Karen is putting the other KOs theough sans Gail. But at the same time there are unresolved issues with Karen and Velvet and possibly Tara. Chances are it will be Jeff. Besides the Hardy feud he's just been stagnant with Immortal and such.
Call me pessimistic or whatever but I'd cringe if Jeff and Karen found some sort of loophole and this was drawn out into another match between the two competitors. Unfortunately, that's how I see this ending.

Like IDR said, Karen is way too involved in the Knockouts division right now to go anywhere. Jeff seems to be the only one without a storyline tying him to television any longer. But he's been known to manipulate the system in his favor in the past.

I will say this: If TNA tries to "swerve" this angle like they did with the end of the AJ/Roode match, they are just going to continue to dig their grave deeper and deeper.
I think and hope that it will be Jeff J. that gets fired. and I have a couple reasons I think this as well.

1. Jeff if the heavyweight champion in AAA down in mexico..gotta be about time to have to defend it.

2. Jeff was the one who Pie faced the female from direct auto insurance into the pole on the cruise over the weekend.

3. maybe we will get lucky and something will happen between now and filming and they decide to fire both of them.

that is all for now.
Without a doubt, Jeff is the one getting (kayfabe) fired. Karen is currently too involved in the Knockouts situation, and goodness knows, TNA won't abruptly shift gears in the middle of an unresolved storyline. She has too many unresolved issues to disappear at this stage of the game.

Unlike Jeff, who with the end of the angle with Hardy upon us, has nothing prominent on the go at the moment. He can easily be fired and his absence will be both logical and non-disruptive to current storylines.

Of course, in the end, Jeff Jarrett will be back. There will be some loophole, or some shenanigans, or whatever which will bring him back to the company. But for now, he'll be the one on the shelf, and Karen can continue on grating on my last nerve with that annoying shrieking voice of hers.
I gotta go with Jeff Jarret getting fired on screen.

Karren did try and change the ending during the match unlocking herself and all. But she is way to involved on screen.

Jeff is staying with the company, but he will work more behind the scenes, which is where Double J needs to be right now.
Plus, He will have a bigger impact when he returns.
my guess is its gonna be Jeff getting fired karens still in the KO divison as its GM and for it to end without reason really wouldnt make sense plus shes got problems with velvet sky still and jeff...well hes got nothing to do and if he leaves it further kills Immortal leaving only Bully Ray (who should enter into the tv title picture) and Scott Steiner (who should retire or help a young guy get over like he did with crimson) i know someone else said jarretts found ways to trick the system but wouldnt that not be a possiblity now sense sting is in charge not hogan & bischoff? :shrug:
I will go against the majority and say that Karen will be going. I think there will be some kind of debacle between Karen and Double J and Jeff will conclude that he is the more important member of the Jarrett family and therefore should stay in TNA, this goes against the norm as Karen has been portrayed as the one wearing the trousers up until now.

I get the argument that Karen is still involved in a storyline but I just do not think TNA knows where that particular storyline is going. By sacking Karen this ends this nightmare storyline without actually having to come up with a decent ending, much like the laptop Raw GM just ended. Also once she is sacked the knockouts could all come down and tear her clothes off leaving her standing in her underwear in the middle of the ring, this would add further insult and revenge from the knockouts.

There is the possiblity that it could just be in aid of Jeff Jarrett who probably has to wrestle a few matches with his Mexican title along with going to india to film his new wrestling show.......actually thinking about it Jeff is going. Bollocks!
My hope is that it's Karen Jarrett. Think about it??? that makes more sense because they dont have to fire her from TNA, they just have to fire her as VP of the Knockouts, with Jeff though, you know he will be back and i dont like these loopholes, but for Karen, it makes more sense because she can still be Jeff's valet and feud with Traci Brooks and i think a good feud would be Kaz and Traci vs. The Jarretts. we were hinted that, but not given it, what better way to kickstart that feud than have Karen fired as Knockouts VP then have traci start attacking her??
Jeff Jarrett is fired.
Jarrett then begins to invade as an outsider and that leads to an invasion of the AAA, led by Jarrett, and an interpromotional feud.
I think it's gonna be Karen for one simple reason. Jeff and Karen have how many kids at home? TNA has stated that there will be more road shows beginning in 2012 which means more time away from home. The scedule now allows her to fly to florida, film a few tapings or film all the tapings at one time and go home. With TNA on the road more often that's more time away from the kids. Yea they have money and can hire a nanny or live in sitter, but if she is any kind of mom she should want to be home with them. All of you bring up good points about who should go, but if one person should go it's Karen and she should go for the good of her family, plain and simple.
Without a doubt, Jeff is the one getting (kayfabe) fired. Karen is currently too involved in the Knockouts situation, and goodness knows, TNA won't abruptly shift gears in the middle of an unresolved storyline. She has too many unresolved issues to disappear at this stage of the game.

Unlike Jeff, who with the end of the angle with Hardy upon us, has nothing prominent on the go at the moment. He can easily be fired and his absence will be both logical and non-disruptive to current storylines.

Of course, in the end, Jeff Jarrett will be back. There will be some loophole, or some shenanigans, or whatever which will bring him back to the company. But for now, he'll be the one on the shelf, and Karen can continue on grating on my last nerve with that annoying shrieking voice of hers.

I find it irritating when people use kayfabe..We all know it is and if you don't know then you should not be posting here..

TNA can survive without Jeff Jarrett as an on-screen performer, but Karen leaving would cost the Knockouts a lot of momentum they've built since Karen assumed "command".
Well since Karen is working with the Knouckouts, it would be pointless for her to be fired. So the only possible choice is Jeff which means he will help out with the new TNA project. So this is a smart way to get him written off TV for awhile.
best case scenario. Jeff gets fired, and Karen decides to leave with him as well. so they both end up being gone.
Jeff as a heel has been good. feuding with the returning Hardy has helped Hardy. but now that Hardy is moving on to bigger and better things, Jeff isn't needed anymore.
he wont be gone for good, and everyone knows that. the same way he had to leave TNA after losing to Kurt Angle in the fight in the parking lot. he still returned a while later. same thing will happen again.

IMO Karen is useless. TNA could lose her no problem. Traci could easily take over the Knockouts. she is so annoying it's hard to watch the Knockouts. the heels have had a run for awhile now, time for Traci to take over get things going for some faces.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if only Jeff leaves and Karen is left still running the Knockouts, but even then I think it's only a matter os a short time period before Karen is gone anyway. Karen and Traci have been going back and forth. figure there will come a time when some how some way Traci over takes Karen for control of the knockouts. so even if Karen isn't gone now, she will be soon enough. at least that is what should happen, incredibly annoying to watch on TV. the Knockouts always get high ratings, but I doubt that's because of one Karen Jarrett.

personally I'm surprised authority figure Sting hasn't stripped Karen of her duty as running the Knockouts anyway. Karen got the job from Bischoff, when it was Traci who was expected to get that job anyway. Traci could do just as good or better job IMO.
It'll be Jeff that's fired. I mean, if Karen wasn't fired the day after BFG (aka the LOGICAL time for her to be fired since that is when Hogoff lost power so company-wide changes were made.........except for that), then she isn't gettin fired now.

Then again, I'm using logic when talking about a TNA angle, how silly of me! (J/k to those who take comments like those too seriously!)

Seriously though, Jeff is doing fine in his role, but the feud between him and Hardy is over as he's not going to ever beat him, nor does he need another match when he's gotten pinned FOUR TIMES, so he needs to go. Karen does too as she's a channel changer for me (so no, not the good kind of heel heat, the bad kind where she's unwatchable), but in this case, her husband will be gone.
It'll be Jeff that's fired. I mean, if Karen wasn't fired the day after BFG (aka the LOGICAL time for her to be fired since that is when Hogoff lost power so company-wide changes were made.........except for that), then she isn't gettin fired now.

Then again, I'm using logic when talking about a TNA angle, how silly of me! (J/k to those who take comments like those too seriously!)

Seriously though, Jeff is doing fine in his role, but the feud between him and Hardy is over as he's not going to ever beat him, nor does he need another match when he's gotten pinned FOUR TIMES, so he needs to go. Karen does too as she's a channel changer for me (so no, not the good kind of heel heat, the bad kind where she's unwatchable), but in this case, her husband will be gone.
Given Jeff's involvements in TNA spreading it's wings to new projects and collaborations, I'd have to think his on screen role will be removed for a period and that Karen will remain. Karen's role as KO tormentor / Gail Kim protector has not run it's course and I'd be amazed for it being binned so abruptly.

We know that Jeff will be back (he has left a couple times before:rolleyes:), this is a simple and effective reason for his absence.

As a side note, a possible reason that Karen is still in charge of the KOs, after BFG Bischoff stated that he'd made alterations to Immortal contracts as a contingency in case Hogan lost - it's plausible that Karen's position might be protected.
incredible news!!
both Jeff and Karen got fired!
I'm so happy, this is great news for TNA.
no more of the most annoying bitch in TNA, good bye Karen!!
Couldn't they have resumed their feuds with Kaz and Traci, at least? Now these two look like dumb morons for having being treated like crap for months. They should have had at least a match between Kaz and Jeff, the loser is fired, the winner get to run the Knockouts.
ok the jarrets, yes plural jarrets, r gone. this is great for tna. out with the old. its what wrestling companies need to do to stay relevant. now on another note, am i the only one who sees that tna is trying to establish sting as the vince mcmahon of the company? i mean yeah vince is heel n sting is definitely a face but they both have the same powers to run the company as they see fit. dont get me wrong i dont think this is bad even though they r copying off the wwe. i think this is what tna needs to do to stick around n eventually compete with wwe. think of it this way compare the wwe n tna as chess opponents. the queen is the most powereful piece in the game. the wwe has theirs in vince n now tna is establishing their queen as sting. i think its absolutely great for tna n great for the wrestling business. if u say its not great for the business think about this. when did the wwe become the biggest? when it had wcw as legit competition. ok im done spitting out my opinions. just had to get it out there n off my mind. yea the thread was about karen n jeffs firing but i had to include the vince/sting thing since wrestlezone wont let me start new threads yet n it was all in the same show segment that this was noticed.

PS: Stng says YOU'RE FIRED! FIRED, FIRED, FIRED FIRED! HAHAHAHA! FIRED! (seeing n hearing sting do that made me feel giddy n hopeful for the future.)
I think that having both of them (kayfabe) fired was a great idea. It's likely not going to be a permanent thing, there will be some type of swerve coming. TNA always has swerves. Given their complicated booking in the past, I can see the potential likelihood of BOTH Jarretts returning despite their kayfabe'd firing because it would keep the angle going longer and lead to a couple of potential matches in the process. I would have picked just Karen to send away myself. Jeff Jarrett is the founder of the company. You can't have TNA without Jeff Jarrett. Like the man or not, it's his federation. He'll find some type of loophole to end up back onscreen. Karen is much more likely to leave for good than he is. I'm interested in seeing where this goes, but hope they don't do anything too weird with it.
First and foremost, the promos leading up to Jeff and Karen getting fired was perhaps the most awesome segments in the history of TNA. It was just a beautiful case of TNA allowing the cowardly, foolish heels to be just that. That said, how many fired or retirements angles has TNA run in the last two years? Fuck, wasn't Jeff sent to Mexico after his last feud with Kurt Angle? Wasn't that a few months ago. This is TNA, and really wrestling's big problem with stipulations; they mean nothing two months down the line. Why pay fifty bucks for a stipulation that will mean nothing in two
Months? Don't get me wrong, this is an issue in WWE too, but it's really an issue in TNA. Short term, it was great tv. Long term, eh, not a huge fan
Jeff Jarrett getting fired seemed the obvious choice with him being the AAA Champion and the other projects he's got going on. But why fire Karen as well? She actually brought some interest to the Knockouts and was making their segments worth watching. Replacing her with Madison Rayne has sort of softened the blow though, because this girl almost has me crying with laughter. Her performance on iMPACT was classic and she seems tailor made for a role like VP of the Knockouts. With Karen 'signing' the Knockouts over to Madison, it leaves the door open for Karen to return when she's ready, which is good news as she's a great character IMO.

As for Jeff, I'm not really sure what he could be doing in TNA right now, so perhaps some time away is the best thing for him. Jarrett is the founder of TNA so I have no doubts he'll be back some day, it wouldn't be right for him not to have some sort of role.

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