Boss Battles That Nearly Drove You To Insanity


City Dweller, Successful Fella
In this thread I propose the question on which boss battles that have always troubled you to the point of shouting, giving up, and all that those other angry gamer stereotypes. Well since I'm starting this here thread I might as well go ahead and start myself.

The bosses I have alway had trouble with are in the first Kingdom Hearts game. When you are nearly at the end of completing the Deep Jungle world Clayton gets the help of a giant Heartless lizard. Now you have to defeat this huge beast that shoots lasers at you while Clayton gets his odd gun shot at you. This would be all fine dandy, but you are so poorly equipped at this stage in the game. You wield your weakest weapon, have no good magic, and your party members suffer the same issues. It still is a battle I have a very difficult time winning, and at times it makes me want to pull my hair from it's roots

Another boss battle from that game I despise would be Chernabog. That creature that guards a volcano in the final world. The odds are truly stacked against you in that one, and believe me you have to follow his attack pattern to perfection or else you're going to fry in wall of fire. The final battles of Ansem are some of I always hated as well as the Malificent Dragon in Hollow Bastion. The Riku battle afterwards use to annoy me with a passion until I figured out you just have to equip the right abilities to turn the tables on him.

All in all the most annoying bosses I have faced all came from this one game. If you have any situations similar to this, then feel free to post in this thread. I will now look forward to reading some of your stressful struggles.
Well thanks for mentioning my pick Spood. I have to go with the final battle against Riku in KH. I just couldn't beat him no matter what strategy I used. I actually quit playing my favorite game of all time for almost a month b/c of that battle. I eventually started playing again and went through a lot of training to level up in order to beat him.

Here's the battle that made me sick:

(It would have been better if I had the party members to fight with me and that move he does at 5:30 almost kills me everytime)

Even still when I play the game, I can never beat him in at least 5 tries. Another two that I want to mention is Sephiroth in KH and KH2. I like that you can fight him in both games but he's truly annoying to beat.

How anybody can say different baffles the hell out of me. Fighting this mother fucker did drive me to insanity in both FF7, and Kingdom Hearts. You needed to be so specific while fighting him, and one mistake and your completely fucked. That being said that is why he is my favorite video game antagonist in history. Just a badass soft spoken mother fucker who was as close to impossible that a final boss could be.

Seriously Holy One? Riku?!?! Fucking Ursula was more difficult than him. No bosses in any KH games were remotely close to the difficulty of Sephiroth.
Seriously Holy One? Riku?!?! Fucking Ursula was more difficult than him. No bosses in any KH games were remotely close to the difficulty of Sephiroth.

He may not have been hard to you but dammit if he didn't piss me off. I just couldn't beat him at all and Sephiroth is almost invicible too I agree with you but Riku was just flat out unbeatable to me.

I don't want this post just to be a response though so I'll point out another boss battle that had me greatly annoyed. It's the Nebilim secret boss battle on Tales of the Abyss. If time amount is a characteristic for determining how hard a boss battle is, then this one would be at the top of the list. It took me two days with numerous pauses to beat her and that's after a lot of fail attempts. I would post a video of it but the only videos I can find is split into 7 or 8 parts.
lol the Brute Chief in Halo 2 on Single Player legendary... Keep in mind, for some reason, this game wants to put you up against this guy with a mere energy sword while he has the original gravity hammer of destruction.

Even with all of the extra marines and elites pouring out of the wood works, I can not find myself getting anywhere near the guy to kill him. Like literally, the first time that I beat him was two weeks before Halo 3 came out, and I've had the game since its release.

And then, there's always Frieza in damn near any DBZ game. For some reason, the guy seems to tear my ass up for like hours and hours, days and days and throws my poor Goku around like he's a cockroach, and when i finally defeat him I actually feel like I accomplished something... this was especially the case in Sagas when my dumbass little brother was playing with me and he was Vegeta and he kept dying -.-

After that, I'm going to say that it's tough because I could never really remember any boss that was able to get me really frustrated. There were parts in a game that did, but it was more so about what i had to do than it was who i had to beat. Like something like "Collect all these items to advance" and you can't find the last one.
The Brute Chief on legendary mentioned above was one for me, but i didn't beat it on single player, it was on co-op. That was hard enough i can't even imagine on single player. He fell off the platform once and we thought we had beat them, but then my friend fell off with him for some unknown reason and we lost, straight pissed me off. Then he fell off again another run through and both of us were safe, but then outta nowhere he just jumps back on the platform!! Crazy.

But the boss battle that nearly killed me was the Sniper boss from Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater. My God i couldn't stand it. It was pretty much hide and seek with this dude, and he had this camo that just blended in with the forest. It was the hardest battle ever. He spotted me out of nowhere, but i just couldn't see him, and the only lead i had on him was the sound and direction from which his bullet came from. My blood pressure rose so bad i thought i was going to have to go to the doctor. But once i beat him, the rest of the game felt like a cake walk. Wish i would've known the cheat to beating him though, didn't find that out until i beat the game.
Ugh, I was ready to kill myself when I had to face the final boss of "Megaman Battle Network 4." The boss's name was Duo, and he drove me to insanity.


That big guy on the right, was the vein of my existence when it came to Megaman games. It wasnt the fact that he was impossibly hard, its the fact that if you wanted to beat the whole game, you had to fight him a total of three times. Each time he would increase in health and difficulty. Even when I faced him for the first time, it still took me a good 10+ tries to beat him. When I did, I would usually barely beat him. Having maybe 100 HP left.

Thats another thing, his attacks were repetitive, and strong. You would have about 3 seconds between each attack, and only about 1 second to dodge the attack. Needless to say, it got annoying.

But in a nutshell, all three battles against Duo were long and tedious, and nearly drove me to insanity.
In Kingdom Hearts, I absolutely despised fighting the Dragon. It was arguably the hardest boss fight up until that point in the game. It was a hassle especially since my party members kept dying. Adopting a hit and run retreat in that fight was really difficult especially since there was almost no escape from the Dragon's attacks. Fighting Ansem also gave me grief. The worst of all though had to be the fight with Sephiroth. Even at level 100, I was still having some trouble and it didn't really help that you wouldn't be able to survive most of his attacks unless you only had 1 HP left.

In Pokemon HeartGold, I hated battling Lance. Fighting three Dragonites is no easy task. Just taking down one of his high leveled Dragonites (around level 50) with a party in the level late 30s - early 40s range was hard and made me want to throw my DS. When I pulled it off, HUGE sigh of relief. The same held true when I beat the final boss Red and his level 88 Pikachu.
The Dark Cloud in Final Fantasy 3's DS remake. It was a lot easier in the original because all it ever did was Particle Beam every single round. 3 Ninjas attacking while a Sage uses Cure 4 every round took care of that.... but that was no longer the case in the remake. I was levelled up to around 75 or so (the levelling took forever in that game and I never did max out). It was less about the Dark Cloud battle itself and moreso an issue of having to re-do SO much stuff if you died.

You had to go up to the top floor of the tower, fight Zande, view the cut-scene where your friends help you, defeat Dark Cloud's 4 minions, and then view one last cut-scene

THEN the battle began. Having 4 Ribbons helped. However, the Sages were not as broken as in the original. They could not use the ultimate summons, and I believe they could not use ultimate levels of black or white magic either.... I don't remember, it's been about 3 years. Anyways.... I really struggled in that battle PLUS every time I died I had half a dozen things that had to be redone AGAIN just to even attempt the boss one more time. The battle drove me to say some very explicit things that I won't repeat on here, because of having to re-do so much every time I died.... added to the fact that the battle was MUCH tougher than the original NES version. The irony though is that the game overall was a lot easier, compared to its NES counterpart which boredered on unfair in terms of difficulty at some points (for its time).
Pretty much any boss fight or fight in general from any Ninja Gaiden game. God those games took me hours and hours and made me more frusterated then any other game I have ever played. I also had quite a few kingdom hearts battles where I almost gave up. But thats when I like games the most. When I keep losing to the same guy and get pissed off. I love when it makes me figure out the right strategy to win it makes me feel good about it when I actually do beat them by finding my own way instead of just looking at a strategy guide or online

Definantly this. You have no party members with you and Riku is twice as hard as the first battle was. The most painful part of this was having to watch the same ten minute cut scene over and over again. Overall it was probably THE hardest boss battle in the game due to you not being ready in comparison to the arsenal Riku had.

Sephiroth in the second one was pretty hard aswell. In the first Kingdom Hearts game he was easy when you find out his attack pattern but the spells he uses on you and himself are unpredictable which makes for a harder fight.

Honourable mentions: ANY boss in Demon Souls.
The hardest boss I can remember facing was Final Ultimecia in FFXIII.

It took me so long to beat this bitch. I must have tried over twenty times, then just gave up. I would go back every once in a while and try to beat her but just couldn't. Took me two years before I took this bitch down.

I think it was because I was 8 or 9 years old at the time and this was my first real experience with an RPG. Because I played the game recently and beat her pretty easily. But I was 8 years old and ran from most of the regular battles later in the game so I was not prepared at that age. There were harder and more complex bosses I'd face later but none took me two years to fucking beat.
The hardest boss I can remember facing was Final Ultimecia in FFXIII.

:icon_neutral: One of the easiest boss battles in FF memory. I assume you didn't kill the Ultima or Omega weapon then? Because if you had trouble with Ultimecia you were nowhere near ready for them.

One of the most difficult boss battles for me was in FFVII. No not Sephiroth. It was actually the Demon Gate in the Temple of The Ancients. Having whizzed through the opening of the game I realised how difficult this game was about to get when I got to the TOTA. I had just gotten Bahumut so equiped him and went to fight. first thing he did was drop a rock on Clouds head which killed him as I was trying to revive Cloud the others were picked off. I spent 3 days of my life Levelling up so I could fight that Boss. I'd come home from School play for a few hours, then out with friends, then back to it, then bed. It was crazy. Now I can whoop its ass in moments but back then all kinds of trouble.

A note about Final Fantasy bosses do not read if you dont want them to be spoiled.
Has anybody noticed that the final bosses in Final Fantasy games seem to be really easy. Sephiroth in 7 was extremely easy if you had a decent levelled team (IE HP above 6500) same with Ultimecia, Kuja and Jecht from 8, 9 and 10. Vayne/Venat in 12 was a small challenge but nothing a well levelled party couldn't handle and Orphan in 13 was ridiculously easy. GIVE US HARDER BOSSES SQUARE
Two immediately comes to mind for different reasons:

Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 at the very end. Mainly because it was my first time playing the game and I used mah f'n save crystal thing as soon as the party landed on the mountain. DUMB DUMB DUMB. Oh, and that lil' attack in which you see all the planets align to kill your ass. :banghead:

I don't remember the guy's name, but he was the member of Organization 13 in Kingdom Hearts 2. He was the bastard with the cards closer to the end of the game. Sure, I thought most of Organization 13 members fought were pains in the ass, but this guy took the cake for me.

And semi-related note.. About 99.9% of boss battles in Final Fantasy 12 were annoying because the party members you don't control, even with properly set Gambits, are stupid.
The Dahaka in Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within. This was the second (and proper) ending to the game.

The guy was just ridiciously hard, he'd take of about half my health before he was hanging off the platform and no matter how much I took off when he was hanging on he'd regenerate most of it when he climbed back up. This drove me insane for days because I could not do it. I then decided to try and use slow-mo to try and beat him, that didn't work, but it made me try using my other sand powers. They didn't work until I tried the last one which sped the Prince's attacks up and also slowed time around him. After that I beat the Dahaka in about a minute and I was finally like 'Fuck you game I just beat you' It's quite funny how hard I found him but how easy he was to beat in the end.
Off the top of my head:

Sephiroth-Final Fantasy VII: this fight made me want to commit suicide as a kid. He was incredibly hard and his hour-long, solar-system destroying attack drove me crazy; because of it's length and because I knew I was fucked. Even when I replayed the game a couple of years ago he was still a beast.

The End- Metal Gear Solid 3: The End himself wasn't hard per se, but I generally don't like sniper battles in games and that's all this was. It took forever to beat him and I just wanted to move on. Plus it was terrifying whenever he would sneak up on you out of nowhere.

Seth-Street Fighter IV: When it's a struggle to beat someone with Ryu and Ken, you know you're tough. This guy was insane. His moves took away so much damage, he would counter/negate almost anything you did, and he'd grapple you out of nowhere (He grabbed me while I was on the GROUND?) It was especially rough trying to beat him with characters I didn't generally use like Dhalsim and Vega.

Wily in almost every Mega Man game ever Mega Man's a tough game in general, but Wily is usually the final FU on top of the frustration cake. Though his difficulty varies in games, the two that come to mind are his fights in Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 9.

He used to piss the shit out me as that was the first Mega Man game I'd ever played and the difficulty was just crazy for me as a kid. 9 was the first old-school one I'd played in years and his fight at the end was insane. However, when you finally do beat this asshole, you're on top of the fucking world.
Man oh man as someone said earlier riku was a beast of a guy to take down on KH2. You had no party members and he was one tough cookie, dunno how I took him down really. Sephiroth was very hard too on KH2. Why is it that FF and KH have the hardest bosses :S
Pretty much any boss fight or fight in general from any Ninja Gaiden game.
although I agree with this as well.
Dear God, am I the ONLY old-schooler on the forums? Am I the only one who's never played Final Fantasy or any of these new games?

We're goin' old school baby!

Mike Tyson's Punch Out - Super Macho Man

Dear God, this fucker was harder than Tyson. If he hit the Super-Spin puunch, most likely you were going down. It was near impossible to dodge the spin every time, and covering up still caused you to take a great deal of damage, so it was just a matter of time. At least with Tyson where were tells.

Link's Shadow / Dark Link

Okay, Thunderbird was tricky but beatable. Fuck it all if the battle with Link's shadow wasn't tough. And God forbid you not have enough magic to keep using "heal." Stupid princess - Link was a hero, he couldn't go find another chick to bang?

Jason Voorhees / Jason's Mom - Friday the 13th

I was like 8 when I bought this game. Between the difficulty of the game itself and the fear of being attacked by Jason (complete with green mask andpurple jumpsuit!?), I finally stopped playing it.
Let's start my list off with:

Alma (The first go around) (Ninja Gaiden)

Good God, I broke controllers over trying to defeat her. Actually I broke controllers playing Ninja Gaiden itself. Hell throw the whole damn game on here and even regular enemies would make my list. Alright back on to Alma, the first time you face her in the cathedral, it's just plain ridiculous. She's strong, fast as hell, and flies. How the fuck are you supposed to combat that when your skills are just starting to get somewhat decent? Needless to say she whipped me like the dominatrix she is. The second time facing her way later in the game is a piece of cake considering how buffed up your stats are.

Sephiroth (FFVII)

If the first transformation wasn't difficult enough, the second one is a migraine rolled up into a video game. Multiple tries, different strategies, different characters, and about a month of attempts later he was finally defeated. Even going back later and for the lulz using a GameShark and codes to see how easy he would be defeated, and I'm talking Lv. 99, ultimate limit breaks and ultimate weapons, I still took multiple attempts to defeat him. Easily one of the most difficult bosses.

Baal/Diablo on Hell Difficulty(Diablo 2)

Mephisto? Not a problem a level 78 sorceress with Firewall can blank him out by herself. Diablo and Baal? Prepare to get dominated by the variations of the Devil. Diablo isn't quite as bad as Baal but both are punishing. Baal on the other hand multiplies and uses massive mana drains to keep you from doing anything attack wise that can remotely put a dent in him. I've spent many hours alongside friends battling Baal over and over again. Not only is Baal tough but facing the minions he summons on top of that just makes it a clusterfuck of a boss battle.

I think that's good for now, and work is over anyways. If I think of more I'll post them up.
This week I've found a new battle that has me losing it b/c of how ridiculously hard it is. It's the Vanitas Lingering Sentiment secret boss fight on Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. I just can't beat him no matter what strategy I use or how high my level is. I just don't know how I can beat him. Here's an example of his unbelievable difficulty,


That guy got lucky.
:icon_neutral: One of the easiest boss battles in FF memory. I assume you didn't kill the Ultima or Omega weapon then? Because if you had trouble with Ultimecia you were nowhere near ready for them.

The first time I played this I was about 7,8 or 9 cant remember and it was my first experience with an RPG. I've gone back and beaten Ultimecia easily recently (as I said in my original post).
I dont even remember the Sephiroth battle in FF7.....I might have to look up the video on YouTube and watch someone else try to beat it.
For me, the main one that stood out was Gruntila from Banjo-Kazooie. She was just one tough witch to beat, from avoiding fireballs to pecking to flying and bomb blasting (that was hard) on top of trying to fill up the egg holes when you have got some slopping aiming in that game. Granted when I returned to it for the first time in erm, a good 8 years, I went back and tried to prepare properly with getting honeycombs and notes so I was ready. She went down with ease.
I honestly thought that most of the KH bosses were pretty easy you just needed to have the right items with you and know how to dodge attacks.

The boss or should I say bosses that have drove me nuts were convicts on Dead Rising in the park. You kill these mother fuckers and you go inside then the next time you go outside THEY ARE THERE AGAIN.They have a Car and a fucking turret and it's the start of you game so you have jack shit. This frustrated me to no end. When you try to escourt someone and those convicts are there one of them will probably die. This really made me so mad and has resulted in me rage quitting the game on several occasion.

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