Books to Movies/TV Shows


It's goin' down forreal!
I was just wondering since now books have been becoming movies/tv shows, what are other books you think will make great movies/tv shows? I have absolutely no idea, hence me asking this question.

We've seen the end of Harry Potter, Twilight, etc while others such as Homeland, Hunger Games, and The Walking Dead have their turn to shine.

So yeah, answers please. Maybe if you wanna throw in who you'd like to see as the main character would make for some good discussion as well. :p
One series of books I've always had a soft spot for and would be more suited as a mini-series rather than a film, would be The Rats trilogy by James Herbert.

The first book centres on a young teacher in a troubled area of London in the 70s. A student of his is bitten by a large rat one day but this is only one incident of these new giant rats attacking people, where one bite or scratch is enough to kill a person within hours, if the rats don't devour the people first.
There is one sequence in particular which would be quite spectacular to see, where the rats descend upon London zoo and cause utter mayhem. The chapter begins with the big cat keeper making sure they are all settled for the night and spends a lot of time talking to one particular inhabitant, I think it's a jaguar.
So anyway, the rats attack and the keeper, having received several bites already, frees the big cats from their cages to give them a fighting chance...
Except his beloved jaguar attacks him instead. Bugger.

The second book, Lair, is a bit more meandering and less focussed, with the action displacing to the London suburbs. Not only are the giant rats back, some of them can also fly too! Probably the kind of thing to be left out to be honest.

The final installment, Dominion, has a magnificent opening as the authour jumps round several characters just before a massive nuclear bomb goes off. The remaining inhabitants are sheltered in the tube system underneath the vast city where they must share their new home with some incredibly large and noisy neighbour rodents.
Truth be told, the rats seldomly appear in Dominion, instead being discussed as an imminent threat and causing the survivors to struggle with containing their fear and so lash out at each other.

It's not a series I would ever expect to see near the top of anyone's 'must-read' list but there is a decent enough premise to be worth expanding upon one day.
The Bible? Lol.

Anyone else have any suggestions? I'm real interested to know about these. And because I've been doing some reading lately. Would like to know what other books could be good for television or the big screen.
Having only seen the trailer for it, I still believe that World War Z would have been better as a TV series.

Also, 100 Bullets NEEDS to be made as a series.
Having only seen the trailer for it, I still believe that World War Z would have been better as a TV series.

I never thought about a TV series, but that is actually a really sweet idea. The trailer makes it look like a terrible adaptation, though potentially a good movie.

I would love to see a Redwall series, but mostly for Lord Brocktree. That was a fun book I read when I was younger and it still gets my imagination going when I read it now. Come on, who wouldn't want to see a badger and a wildcat fight to the death with swords, spears, and shit like that?
My friend's dad wrote a book that has been talked about off and on about having a movie based on it. It's called Erebus. It's by Sam Saladino.

A lot of books I like have already been turned into movies. I don't know any current books.
I never thought about a TV series, but that is actually a really sweet idea. The trailer makes it look like a terrible adaptation, though potentially a good movie.

I think the material lends itself more to an episodic approach rather than a single or even tri-festa of films. The fact that its written AFTER the events and as a series of interviews with survivors just made me that much more annoyed when the trailer hit and it was Brad and family running from the zombies.

Being a fun of epic fantasy/SF

Wheel of Time- Robert Jordan Would never be finished as book or TV series because there are too many books but worth of try. :)

Hyperion - Dan Simmons If done properly would make an epic SF movie or series. :)
I wouldn't mind a remake of Dune.

Dune is easily David Lynch's worst film. What a piece of shit, lol.

Anyway, it's The Rules of Attraction for me. I saw the movie first, loved it (still a top 5 favorite of mine) so much so that I sought out the book, and loved that just as much. So much so I've read the author's other work, and my 2nd answer would have to be American Psycho by the same guy. I love Mary Harron's adaptation of it and Christian Bale's portrayal of Patrick Bateman. I'm very disappointed in fact that they're making another movie about the book.

My favorite book of all time, by the same author of TROA and American Psycho is Glamorama, which still hasn't been made into a film, unfortunately. The director/writer of TROA, Roger Avary, has had the script written for years now and just hasn't gotten financing for it. Earlier last year Bret Easton Ellis (the author) started a rumor that it was finally off the ground, but now Avary is doing another of BEE's work, Lunar Park, which I'm sure will be fantastic (especially if Tom Cruise gets the lead role). Hopefully that ends up being a huge success and Glamorama will finally get made after that.
I think the material lends itself more to an episodic approach rather than a single or even tri-festa of films. The fact that its written AFTER the events and as a series of interviews with survivors just made me that much more annoyed when the trailer hit and it was Brad and family running from the zombies.


Agreed. Like I said, probably a terrible adaptation, and likely only using the name for the sake of it. The more I think about it, a tv series would be cool to see, and likely better overall.
The Bible.

I'd watch it. I have watched some of it actually. Prince of Egypt, Passion of the Christ, some Christian Arab local films about certain time-periods in the Old Testament...

Would love to see an animated version of Revelations though. Would be epic.

Being a fun of epic fantasy/SF

Wheel of Time- Robert Jordan Would never be finished as book or TV series because there are too many books but worth of try. :)
Would require some extensive editing though, to deal with the multiple main characters (Rand/Mat/Perrin/Egwene/Nynaeve/Elayne), and the fact that practically every female character in the books is a complete bitch of epic proportions.

I'd love to see Legend (David Gemell) on the big screen sooner or later. It's got a lot of merit to stand on it's one as a "last stand" film, considering a lot of the themes in it were based on Gemell's cancer struggles.
Would require some extensive editing though, to deal with the multiple main characters (Rand/Mat/Perrin/Egwene/Nynaeve/Elayne), and the fact that practically every female character in the books is a complete bitch of epic proportions.
Well, almost every female character in the book is "Aes Sedai witch" after all. :)

I know, thats why I think that it could never be done properly. Too much material from the books and it would require some serious editing and cutting of some material from the books. Was encouraged when I saw one of my favorite "A Song of Ice and Fire" being brought to the screen but its too much material for the screen. I mean 14 books is just too much.

I heard long ago Universal bought the rights to do the movies but as I say, I highly doubt it would be done...

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