Booking Next Week's RAW

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Next week's RAW takes place from Calgary Alberta and it just so happens that I will be going. Last time I went to a live show it happened to be Smackdown from Calgary so it will be cool to go to a RAW. Now I decided to take the liberty of "booking" next weeks RAW based upon what I think should happen and what will happen.

Opening Segment

John Cena enters the ring slowly and still appearing "injured" cuts a promo about how he'll never give up and at payback he will show Ryback what it is really like to mess with the Cenation. Cue Ryback on how Cena didn't win at Extreme and at Payback with "Ryback Rules Cena won't win again.

Darren Young vs Sheamus

Titus will try and interfere for Darren. I expect this to be shorter than the Titus-Sheamus match and much more outside interference. Totally expect Sheamus to win

Natalya vs AJ

This would give Natalya a hometown pop plus allow AJ to look good in the match. AJ wins a fast one ending the first hour.

1st Hour Event: Cena vs Cesaro

I don't know why but I see both Cena and Ryback having matches next Monday. I can see Cena facing Cesaro since neither one are involved with each other and Cena can win and look good.

Promo: Barett Calls Out Fandango

For ditching in their match Fandango comes out doesn't do anything but say catchphase and dance.

Tons of Funk+Khali vs Shield

I don't know why I see this match happening but I just do. However after the match the face team of Hell NO/Kingston challneges Shield at payback in a 3 man tag match for ALL titles.

Swagger/Colter Promo Conspiracy Promo followed by Match With Ziggler

Ziggler is advertised for the evnt still so I expect him to do something you'd think. I'd say have him face Swagger and have Alberto come out after he defeats Swagger and have a stare down.

2nd Hour Event: Heyman and Axel Promo and Squash

They give an update on Triple H. They build up Axel, they say that he will do the same to this opponent. My guess is it'll probably be Zack Ryder. The squash ends.

Randy Orton Promo

This show will have Ramdy on it I have a strong feeling. So I'm giving him promo time.

Main Event: Jericho vs Ryback

Give the Canadian a match and a large pop. Have Ryback snap halfway through and stary destroying Jericho. Cena will make the save. Cena "fights off Ryback." Cue the Shield to destroy Cena.
This is very realistic. A lot of people will hate on you for including Khali in anything, but he's usually on the show. Though he wasn't on last Raw. Just put into that blatantly ond-sided poll on who'd face Swagger.

A few things I'd change:

Barrett could call out Fandango, but given that they're both heels, I have a hard time believing either Miz or Jericho wouldn't get involved here. Given that you have Jericho in the main event, I'd put my money on Miz.

I'm not sure if Ziggler will have a match so soon. They've gone as far as to not even have him on TV the past few weeks, so putting him right into a match with Swagger again might be unlikely. A promo, or intereference on behalf of Big E, is likely.

And to add to your Randy Orton promo, I have a feeling they'll do something to set up his next feud/continue his feud with Big Show. Right now, there's no indication of what they have going on with him storyline wise.

Otherwise, well done.
This is very realistic.

I'm not sure if Ziggler will have a match so soon. They've gone as far as to not even have him on TV the past few weeks, so putting him right into a match with Swagger again might be unlikely. A promo, or intereference on behalf of Big E, is likely.
Otherwise, well done.

The only reason I included him in a short match is cause as of yesterday they announced him for the dark main event. But yah could end up most likely being changed.
All kidding aside it's good. I don't know how much I like Chris Jericho being John Cena's damsel-in-distress, but he fits the role.
All kidding aside it's good. I don't know how much I like Chris Jericho being John Cena's damsel-in-distress, but he fits the role.

I just felt like that a Candian being beaten up in front of a Canadian crowd would most likely accomplish getting Ryback heat, as well as make sure Cena got a face pop. Those Canadiens like their fellow Candians and their supporters.

This all being said by an American...
So apparently Jericho will be on Raw doing a Highlight Reel with Dirk Diggler. Oops, I mean Curt Axel. These porn names all sound alike. It looks like Jericho is ready to job for another newcomer. Seriously, these days, beating Jericho is about as hard as beating Ryder.
I'm pretty sure we'll see Bret Hart on the show next week. How can you have a RAW in Calgary, Alberta without Bret Hart?

My guess is Bret will confront Ryback or Ryback will confront Bret for a one-on-one promo, Ryback will threaten to beat him up, and Cena will come out for the save. As usual with most legends that guest star on the show. But anything to draw heat for Ryback and get a pop for Cena. Or considering Bret's history with his father, they could always use Bret to do something with Curt Axel. Or maybe Swagger & Colter can come out to insult the Canadians and Bret interrupts to defend his country, Jack then tries to attack Bret but someone that isn't Del Rio (maybe a returning Christian?) runs out to make the save, starting up a new feud between Swagger and that person.

EDIT: Yeah, I just read that it's Bret Hart Appreciation Night after next week's show goes off the air.
Not sure. In the LD they were talking about a fight or emergency. Something like that. I was wondering why they were dragging out that rest hold so long.
What was happening in the crowd during the main event match?

I don't know. I never made it to RAW yesterday. Had the tickets and wound up with a fever (still do but feeling slightly better) my girlfriend went still and what I heard was that there a brawl that broke out. I'm pissed that on the day of RAW I was too sick to get out of bed.
I hate that they wasted what could have been a great Punk return by annoucing a match against Jericho. I'm sure the match will be great, as they work well together, but it just seems like a throwaway, where so much more could have been done with his return.
Just for example, he could have surprise returned during the last fall of the title match, jumped Cena and Ryback from behind, beat them down and stuff both of them in the ambulance and cut a promo about how they are both undeserving and no one compares to the Best in the World, drop the mic and walk off.
Wait a brawl broke out in the crowd last night? But I thought Canadians were a peaceful people?

I've seen a couple compilation videos of Canadians fighting outside of bars. They're usually pretty brutal. And let's not forget Vancouver's meltdown after the Stanley Cup (which, in very Canadian fashion, they cleaned up as a community the next day). I think the thing about Canadian culture is that many of them let it out and then let it go, whereas here in the States many ruminate or let their problems stew until they get fed up and decide to shoot somebody. Generally speaking, of course.

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