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Booker T returns???


Getting Noticed By Management
James Straton sent word that former WCW and WWE World champion Booker T just came out to challenge Rob Van Dam for the TNA championship at the TNA house show in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Van Dam was scheduled to face AJ Styles, who did not appear.

Austin sent the following details:

The main event was supposed to be RVD vs AJ Styles. They said that AJ was running late cuz his flight was detoured to Houston. They did the big 10 count and at 9 Booker T came out to face RVD.

okay so what I posted above is from another site, apparently aj missed a house show and booker showed up in place. This excites me seeing as I'm from houston and there is a house show here today. practically lost my voice at victory road 08 when he was here facing joe for the title. One has to wonder though, is this an actual return or did they just find away to manage the situation how WWE tends to do with their in-ring announcer and lillian garcia. I would love to see him come back as I love his heel character but i doubt this is a return. what do you think about it? would you be against a return?
Personally, I've never been all that wild about Booker T. He's certainly not the worst worker I've ever seen, but I've never really seen anything all that fantastic about him either. The only time I've ever really given a crap about him was when he was King Booker in the WWE, and even then it was mostly to do with the goofy gimmick rather than anything else.

Right now, it's being said that TNA is going to release anywhere from 15-20 wrestlers as part of budget cutbacks. I don't know if that many will be released, it's just what's been said in reports I've read. Could be less, could be more for all I know right now. TNA has a bloated roster right now and they've spent tons of money bringing in these big names and Booker T would just be another huge paycheck to write out. If he does make a return, I wonder how many other wrestlers TNA will let go just so they'll be able to pay Booker.
I hope not. Booker is overrated. Period. He had perhaps the most forgettable WWE Title reign ever and had 5 WCW reigns that are completely forgettable. He's just not a guy I really care about seeing anymore. He's 45 years old and his best years are by far behind him. He made more or less no splash when he was in TNA the first time and he wouldn't do anything here. Hope he's not brought back full time, but it's possible I guess. I wouldn't be furious over it, but I would likely roll my eyes.
I'd like it. Booker is actually, you know, entertaining. He wouldn't have to wrestle much, just be all charismatic and whatnot. Stick him in the Band intstead of that little fucker EY, and you'd have yourself something interesting. If guys like Kaz and Jesse Neal can get significant TV time/storylines, there's sure as hell enough room for Booker.
I'd like it. Booker is actually, you know, entertaining. He wouldn't have to wrestle much, just be all charismatic and whatnot. Stick him in the Band intstead of that little fucker EY, and you'd have yourself something interesting. If guys like Kaz and Jesse Neal can get significant TV time/storylines, there's sure as hell enough room for Booker.

Not really though. They have to squeeze everything into the show already and a ton of stuff is missing even with all the cramming they do. They cut off intros last week to buy themselves more time and it was still crowded. bringing in a guy like Booker who will get a lot of TV time is just not going to work. He's still a big name but he's not a big name that should be around. Sometimes there just isn't a need to bring people in. If there's a need for another top heel, elevate someone on their roster. Save the salary and TV time.
Booker would be an awesome addition to the Band. I don't think Booker was in the NWO with Stevie Ray, but being that he's from WCW and former MEM he has history with Hall and Nash. Given the abundance of tag teams in TNA, he would also be able to get some kind of singles push which I think was his issue to begin concerning TNA I believe.
in my opinion, booker's feuds in tna weren't that great except for one. It had nothing to do with mem or joe, it was agianst robert eoode, if they can have another fued like that then bring booker back
I wouldn't call it a return just yet. He was probably a last second replacement for AJ and it's only a one-time shot due to Booker being from around the area. And I'm on the same boat as far as Booker T being vastly overrated. He was just bland to me. His best work was when he was King Bookah!! People couldn't stand him and his Queen Sharmell.

He did his job as a heel, but as far as a champion, he wasn't someone I'd put the belt on for a long period of time. I mean, he's paid his dues, but he's not worthy of a long title run nor ever was really.

But don't look too much into this. It's a one-shot deal in all likelihood.
I think it's probably a one shot deal. They didn't say that he resigned and if he had I'm sure that someone somewhere would have le the news out. Wonder how the match was. I'm with most people in saying he was good, very good in fact but not great enough for them to rehire him, especially after he ran his mouth day after day about TNA.
Definately a one time deal, he's from the area, im sure he is still on good terms with TNA so they thought why not surprise the crowd..it would have been more surprising if it was on iMPACT even though it would be one time deal..As for himcoming back full-time, i don't see that happening...not back in TNA, i would see him him back in wwe fulltime before thinking about him in tna again.
This was most likely just a one time thing because Booker is from Houston. He wasn't happy with his last TNA run so I don't think he'd go back this soon.

However, to all the people saying Booker is overrated you couldn't be any more wrong. In fact the man is vastly underrated. Great on the mic, great in the ring, and just an overall entertaining wrestler. If the WWE just would have put the belt on him at Mania 19 he would have shown that he had all the capabilities of being a great superstar.
This was most likely a one-off deal. As others said, he was in the area, and they called on him at the last second to appear at the show. They probably gave him a good portion of $$$ from attendance. I know some people think he is overrated, but I've thought Booker was a very good entertainer with somewhat moderate in-ring skills.

I think Booker could still be utilized even as a personality rather than a wrestler. He did a great job working with Goldust on the comedy sketches, and as King Book-ah, I thought he was hilarious in how he used the accent and had his own court. "All Hail King Book-ah!" If TNA brought him back, they need to give him a set of headphones and let him commentate every once and a while. The Chet Lemon and Black Snow stuff was pretty funny.

I'm not saying I'm heartbroken that Booker T hasn't been on TV lately. To be honest, I haven't really missed him all that much since he left in October. However, I do see some benefits in having the guy around a wrestling organization. Guys like Booker help round out a roster and give promoters multiple roads to run with their talent.
As sad as it is, and we rarely see eye to eye, I have to agree with Klunder. But not for the same reasons. While Booker can probably still work a match and still pull in a few fans, his best years are behind him and his gimmicks are outdated. he lacks the appeal to pull off a new gimmick and it would be the equivalent of when The Macho Man came back to WCW with the whole "What Up Mach" gimmick of slicked back hair, tight leather, and a new entourage. I swear that I could practically hear the channels changing the first time he took the mic.

So no, this would not be a good move by TNA management. Over the years, Booker T has become more and more of a locker room cancer as his career has dwindled. In WWE, he got ticked off because WWE chose FCW as a developmental over his TWA and by the fact that he was moved to RAW to be wrangled in by Triple H after running roughshot over on Smackdown. Sure he came into TNA with a fresh frame of mind, but them his political ambitions took over and he started bringing to moral down backstage. And if TNA is about to make cuts to save money, why would you bring in someone who is still probably going to demand top dollar to sign? If they need him for a local house show or two, then good. But not for tv and not for the long run. If TNA needs athletes of color, they need to use the ones they have instead of bringing in washed up names like Booker and Lashley.
I hope not. Booker is overrated. Period. He had perhaps the most forgettable WWE Title reign ever and had 5 WCW reigns that are completely forgettable. He's just not a guy I really care about seeing anymore. He's 45 years old and his best years are by far behind him. He made more or less no splash when he was in TNA the first time and he wouldn't do anything here. Hope he's not brought back full time, but it's possible I guess. I wouldn't be furious over it, but I would likely roll my eyes.

Forgettable... WTF ! I beg to differ. You must not have been watching the same WCW before the invasion angle. Booker T put on some amazing matches. He was at his best there and his Harlem Heat Tag Run was truly worthy of a mention as one of the best tag teams in the last 10 years especially for a black team.

I do agree that TNA Booker was Boring and the KING Booker was pathetic but he was amazing in WCW.
Forgettable... WTF ! I beg to differ. You must not have been watching the same WCW before the invasion angle. Booker T put on some amazing matches. He was at his best there and his Harlem Heat Tag Run was truly worthy of a mention as one of the best tag teams in the last 10 years especially for a black team.

I do agree that TNA Booker was Boring and the KING Booker was pathetic but he was amazing in WCW.

Great tag team wrestler. That puts him in league with Billy Gunn, Chuck Palumbo, Stevie Ray and Mr. Fuji. Tag titles mean nothing and never have.

As for his "great matches", they were good at best. Booker was a guy that got a lot of credit for being a good wrestler in a terrible company. He's never been anything beyond above average. Just a glorified upper midcarder that was overrated because of a big resume in WCW.
I hope it's nothing more then a one time thing... Although I'd rather see Booker in the Band over Eric Young, I still dispise him. I always have. How can you say he's good on the mic? The last run he had in TNA, I could never understand what he was saying, and he always looked like a joke in the ring. I think his wrestling skills are sub-par, and his mic skills are non-exsistant.

TNA is trying to cut down on the Payroll, and Booker is going to ask for too much money, especially for his talent. I'd rather keep 4 or 5 mid carders who can have a shot at going ME, then having Booker on my TV every night.
I was a big fan of Booker T in the day, and if he ever did make an appearance on television again I'm going to mark out. But business-wise adding him back is not a good idea.

1. I doubt he will draw as many nostalgic fans as Rob Van Dam and Hulk Hogan have.
2. His gimmick was campy at best as a heel. Face however I will disagree with a few people- I found him entertaining as a showman when he had the crowd by his side.
3. Budget cuts, Booker's pay-rate, etc. There was talk of Batista possibly going over to TNA but it has already been disputed that they won't be able to afford him. I'm thinking the same thing of The Book-Man.
4. Travel. They were in Houston, so Booker T was not exactly forgotten by the wrestling fans. He showed up, gave the crowd their money's worth, and left. Just because he made a special appearance doesn't mean he is signed. But hell who knows when it comes to TNA; they like hiring big names and Booker T isn't what I call obsolete just yet.
Man WTFs up with all this Booker T hate? I'll be at the house show in Houston too and I hope i get to see him. I wouldn't say I mark for Book but he holds it down. If you hate the King Bookah gimmick, BLAME THE E! You know Vince don't like black people. Now seeing him back full time wouldn't help out TNA as much, but its good to see that they let him fill in.
I like Booker T, but I don't think a return to TNA would be a good idea. The TNA roster is stacked enough as it is, and all of the young talent need as much TV time as they can possibly get. If Booker T returns, then I would have to believe he will get a significant amount of TV time(wrestling,promos,backstage segments) and more time for Booker would not help TNA.

Booker's run in TNA was very forgettable. His feud with Joe was sub-par, his time as Legends champion wasn't really memorable, and the tag title run with Steiner was mediocre at best. I like Booker, but TNA really doesn't need him.
Man WTFs up with all this Booker T hate? I'll be at the house show in Houston too and I hope i get to see him. I wouldn't say I mark for Book but he holds it down. If you hate the King Bookah gimmick, BLAME THE E! You know Vince don't like black people. Now seeing him back full time wouldn't help out TNA as much, but its good to see that they let him fill in.

Dude, I'm thinking about taking a "I'm an asshole" sign lol. I hope we get the chants started. Back to booker, tonight since it will really be in his hometown, I hope he shows up...I doubt he will but will be excited if he does. He I don't think would be great for tna but could be okay I guess I mean...put him in a feud with eric young for his spot in the band. make it maybe a 2 to 3 month feud with ey goin over and getting the heel win to end the feud. If that feud would be anything like booker's feud was with robert roode, then it'd be a success in my view
I like Booker T, he's got all the qualities I like in wrestlers, good mic skills, good in-ring skills, but more importantly than any of that, a unique character that people like enough to cheer or hate enough to boo.

I wouldnt mind if he came back to TNA, he's still got plenty to offer as a guy with credibility who can enhance the younger talent and still be believable enough to pose a title threat. Provided he doesnt charge an astranomical sum to come on board, as then he might not be worth the money.

If he were to come back I'd hope he'd bring Scott Steiner with him, to go back to being a tag team again, those two were probably the best part about TNA for a while, certainly the funniest.
I think that Styles not making the show, TNA needed a suprise. Booker's from Houston Texas, where the show was. I think Dixie asked him to do one show for them. As much as i'd like him back in TNA, I think it was a 1 time deal
I always thought Booker was solid. Nothing spectacular, but solid. He did everything from tag wrestling, to mid-card, to main event. And he was never someone I didn't want to watch. Did I think he was anything special outside of the tag scene? No. But he was decent in just about everything he did.

But we can argue about that all day, and it still means nothing, seeing Hogan will sign anyone he thinks can draw any amount of money. Hogan wants big name guys. And whether you love him or hate him, he is a big name. Do I think he can draw in TNA? No. But Hogan is probably pretty desperate. I mean, he thought the Nasty Boys were going to be some kind of draw...

I guess I won't be upset if Booker makes a full-time return. But I won't be jumping for joy either. I think he is far, far past his prime, and I just don't see where he fits in with TNA right now.
first off, i don't think booker should return to tna, because they have no clue what to do with him. he's a fantastic talent, and they couldn't use him well before, and i don't see that as having changed since the new regime has been in place.

second, due to a free pair of passes, and a friday without a booking, i was at the lake charles show. i was glad to see him. but everyone i talked to backstage was under the impression that this was a one-time deal.

thus speaks the prophet!

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