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Booker T Returning to the WWE


HBK's Left Hand Man!
So it seems Booker T is leaving TNA when his contract runs out in November and looks like he's returning to the WWE. I'm assuming he left on at least decent terms, so I want to know where he would go. What brand is good for him when he returns. What does he have to offer at this point at his career?

Raw- If Booker T went back to Raw, he'd be buried with the upper mid card and never have a real chance of winning top gold again with Triple H there. Him being there would also prevent guys like MVP, Swagger and Kofi from breaking through. Even if Cena goes to SmackDown, Booker will be held back for a bit since he went to TNA. Booker can help polish and put over the younger guys as they make the move to the main event scene. I think he'd work really well with MVP and Kofi for sure. As long as he doesn't face Triple H again since he's 0 for 2 against him and has been squashed both times.

SmackDown- Considering what SmackDown has done so far with their mid card talent, this would be an ideal for him. Booker vs John Morrison would be great or Dolph Ziggler as well. Matt Hardy and Mike Knox would also benefit from feuding with him. If he had a partner, he could face The Hart Dynasty or Cryme Tyme. Chris Jericho would be a great opponent as they would be 2 of the few final WCW competitors left. He could also face off against Batista or Undertaker again and starts those feuds again.

ECW- Booker had a nice feud with Christian back in 2003 I think over the Intercontinental Championship and them facing off again would be great for the ECW Championship and bring some prestige to it. Not a long feud so the young talent won't have to wait long to go after it again. Booker could also help put over Yoshi Tatsu, Sheamus and Zack Rhyder. Also he could team up with an old friend...GOLDUST!!! They were a funny team in 01/02 and it'd be great to see them back together again! Also he could face William Regal and the past 2 King of the Ring winners facing off would be interesting to see.

There's pros and cons for each brand, but where should he go? Debate!!!
If Booker T. comes back to the WWE, the first place I would like him to be is on ECW. He could team up with Regal as the “Kings of the Ring” and refer to their history together as a team. Of course, Goldust could then revert back to Dustin Rhodes and join them as well. They could feud with and put over the new talent. I also like the idea of a feud with Christian. After a year or so, move him to the Red or Blue show and it’s whatever from there.
This is what they should do with Booker. Put him in the tag team spotlight teaming with Shelton Ben as the new Heat or reform a new Nation of Domination with MVP, Mark Henry, BOOKER, Shelton, and bring Ron Simmons back to be the manager. This is a force that’s needed in the WWE cause Legacy are a punch of wusses. The only one in that group that is tough is R.Orton.
i could see booker t working well on any brand really. as long as he does not mind being used to push the new talent. maybe give him a quick world title to get his credibility up but i'd vote for him going to smackdown, mainly because raw is shit and i think he is a great wrestler if used correctly
I'm not really bothered which brand he ends up on, just as long as we get the old Booker T back, and not Booker T in King Booker mode. That gimmick was just shockingly bad, and a total rip off of numerous things before.
Booker T is one of those guys like Chris Jericho. He is great at what he does, and he fits in at any slot on the card. His run with TNA was a good one because he was able to find a new character and really be himself. I would like for him to bring that character to the WWE because I find it very entertaining.

I think it would be best for him to come to ECW as that show is really lacking star power. Booker can come there and feud with Christian over the strap. While Regal is doing a great job there, we can honestly say there are MUCH better options in the WWE than Regal. The ECW Title will also give him some credibility coming back into a PG WWE.
I hoep he comes back as a face and if he does, i'm guessing he'll take over Christian's spot as the 'veteran face' of ECW, perhaps feud with Christian for a bit before Christian is drafted (we don't know if TNA have a no compete clause like WWE talent so we don't know when he could re-debut). I see this as being 'punishment' for leaving the company in the first place, as that's why Christian is there.

As for the other two brands, i'ld edge Smackdown as the better place for him to go. WWE ain't gonna push him as a main eventer as the main event is pretty crowded as it is so i see him being upper-mid card. Feuds with John Morrison, Ziggler, Mysterio sound very appealing and he can then go and feud with others like Y2J and CM Punk. I get the feeling that if he goes to Raw as a face, he'll be playing third fiddle to DX and John Cena but he could help out with guys like Jack Swagger and The Miz.

But overall, i would like to see him on SD! just because i think he's above ECW IMO. Of course it would be god for him to work with young talent like Yoshi, Ryder and Sheamus but there's a reason they're on ECW... they're not developed enough to be feuding with guys like Booker whereas Ziggler, JOMO and others are and both can benefit from the feud, whereas only the younger ECW talent benefit from feuding with Booker.
I do not care where he goes as long as he picks an accent, gimmick, entrance walk and sticks with it.... the way he changes the way he talks ghetto, kingly, etc then walks to the ring differently once in a while taking a golf sqing??? why must he keep messing around and changing himself he is Booker T a five time five time five time five time five time wcw champion ( or whatever that line was he used) and stick to what he does best wrestle and entertain. oh and bring back the spinaronni
Since this is kind of a rehash thread, I'm cutting and pasting my old posts.

Booker to ECW to punish him?

I disagree. ECW already has Christian, Regal, Goldust and Dreamer as "old hands" to show the youngin's the ropes and elevate the Zach Ryders and Ezekiel Jacksons and Vlad Koslovs and Seamuses and Yoshi Tatsus and whoever else developmental sends up.

I see fun-loving face Booker on RAW working with The Miz and then Jack Swagger and then maybe teaming up with Kofi (taking a fun-loving black fan favorite under his wing) and tag-teaming for a while as "Kingston and the King".

I think Christian is on ECW to give him a run with a belt and to have him work with the young stars to build them up. Next draft, Christian will be on Raw or Smackdown if not sooner. I don't know that he'll be making a run at a world title, but he won't stay in developmental.

If Vince wants to punish Booker for the way he left WWE, he can let Booker sit at home in Houston. Having Booker mix it up with Christian and Regal would be pointless, and would defeat the point of having ECW.

Aren't you just teaming Booker and Kofi because they're black?

I think a Booker T-Kofi Kingston team makes sense. Yes, partially because they are black. I'm not going to deny that. But I don't think that a Booker-Benjamin or Booker-Ezekiel JAckson or Booker-MVP program would make as much sense as a Booker-Kofi pairing, to go through the list of black up-and-comers that you would nominate to work with a veteran and climb the ladder.

But there are enough similarities between Spinaroonie Booker and Boom Boom Boom Kofi that I think the team could work to help Kofi develop. Both are fan-friendly, all-about-fun guys who mix dancing in with their wrestling. R-Truth has some of that too, but I think he's too old to invest much in developing him.

The contrast is key and what makes the tag-team: Booker is a multiple time World Champion, a proven worker and a guy who can get the crowd behind his character. Kofi is (Kayfabe) a talented athlete who has all the physical tools to be a star, but who hasn't figured out how to get the audience (and Creative) to pay attention to him and make him a star. Booker sees a protege, Kofi sees a mentor.


The storyline point of the team is for Booker to mentor Kofi and pass on that knowledge. Since this is WWE, it will end with a feud where Booker can make Kofi look good and solidify him.

But what about Booker's classic team with Goldust?

Booker and Goldust has been done, was good, could be good for a while but I think that WWE would rather do a program that builds someone that could be a World Champion in five years when Undertaker, Michaels, Edge, Batista, Big Show, Jericho, Kane, and maybe HHH and Mysterio are gone or are working amped-up Legends schedules.
Put him in the tag team spotlight teaming with Shelton Ben as the new Heat or reform a new Nation of Domination with MVP, Mark Henry, BOOKER, Shelton, and bring Ron Simmons back to be the manager.

Gee, stereotype much? Do you have any creative talent or ambition? What a stupid, stupid, STUPID STUPID idea!

If Booker was smart, he should retire from wrestling to avoid looking like a jobber at the end of his career. Jobbing to people like The Miz is not a wise career move. Nor is holding back emerging stars a positive direction for the wrestling business in general. I can understand the whole mentality that people have about wanting to stay on top. And why is it always guys like Booker who always say they have to help out and sacrifice to the younger talent? What about Triple H, HBK, Batista or The Undertaker? And since when did that phrase enter into the WWE lexicon? Wasn't that a WCW thing?

If there was some sort of Wrestler's Guild where everybody contributes to a pension or retirement fund to take care of those who aren't able to earn and who gave their lives to the business, then there wouldn't be this situation.

Already established stars would gladly invest their time or step away to in create new stars as that'll keep the revenues flowing and more stars investing their earning power into the pension fund. The established guys can then retire with dignity and without fear of permanent injury and give up their spots without having to worry about their financial future.

Why can't wrestlers organize a union? Are they that stupid to recognize it's in their own individual best interests? What's Vince or TNA going to do? Fire them all and try to maintain their fortunes by hiring scabs?
Booker T coming or going - to any promotion he's an exciting asset all together. Although I would like to see him feuding for the world title on SD! - It'd be alot better seeing him compete in ECW - he'd bring major starpower to the show. Alot of you were saying a feud with Christian for the title and wow I can see them pulling off some brutal battles. I'm telling ya - people like Booker T, R-Truth, Great Khali and Masters could bring some new light to the ECW title divison. I think the ECW title needs more than one contender at a time. A feud between a unit of guys. It'd be nuts to see 3 or 4 guys going the distance for this world title. Giving it more prestige in the process.

Booker T would definitely be top dog if he went to ECW.
Why can't wrestlers organize a union? Are they that stupid to recognize it's in their own individual best interests? What's Vince or TNA going to do? Fire them all and try to maintain their fortunes by hiring scabs?

Pretty much. Even if you got the whole WWE, and TNA locker room, including developmental to sign on, here's a list of free agents under 40 years old with TV experience. I'm not including World Champions, as they probably could afford to say "No" when Vince calls offering a job on his shows. (Some might be working in Mexico or Japan.)

From TNA, Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams, MAtt Bentley, Monty Brown, Johnny Devine, Tyson Tomko, Andy Douglas, Chase Stevens, Chris Harris, Jimmy Rave. 10 guys right there.

From Spirit Squad, Kenny, Johnny, Nick, and Mike. Kevin Thorn/Mordecai could be their enforcer. That's 15.

From WCW's Power Plant, Johnny Stamboli, Chuck Palumbo, Mark Jindrak and David Flair are still out there. Oh, put Shannon Moore in this group, he had a WCW run. That's 20.

Get me Snitsky, Maven, Sean Morley, Justin Credible and Viscera. 25. Orlando Jordan, Nick Dinsmore, the guy who played Muhammad Hassan, Doug and Danny Basham. 30. Find the Heartbreakers/Heartthrobs, London and Kendrick, the Highlanders, Deuce and Domino, Rob Conway and Rene Dupree. That's 40, with a tag-team division.

WWE could scrape by for a while with half of those guys, plus a dozen indy wrestlers, plus a half-dozen guys who are over the hill but have some name value.

This roster would, of course, suck, and ratings would be very, very bad. I don't know if WWE would have the balls to run a full PPV schedule. But WWE has cash on hand, and would survive long enough to break the union the way the NFL did in the 1980's with replacement players.
I think Booker would get buried on Raw. Smackdown is a better option for him. I like the potential feuds that he can have with alot of the young lions and a few of the vets too.

Harlem Heat is one of my all time favorite teams, but I don't want Booker to reform Harlem Heat with anybody. Its done and he's passed that stage of his career. Booker T himself has admitted to never being from Harlem to start with, so it just doesn't make sense. However Booker forming a faction (not the NOD) w/ Cryme Time would be awesome. He can be their mentor, while playing up his decorated history as a great tag team wrestler. Make them a face faction since there aren't any outside of DX.

More than likely Booker is just coming back to job at a higher paygrade/profile. I hope this isn't true but really kind of feel that he should just hang up the boots before losing any more credibility. If I'm wrong (and I hope I am) theres are ways to make his return successful for all parties. I just hope he doesn't get punished for too long (BECAUSE I GUARANTEE YOU THAT HE WILL BE PUNISHED FOR LEAVING) because he doesn't have loads of time left.
The whole time I was reading the first post all I could think is WHY? Why would Vince want him except to bury him (and TNA as he is a "Main Event Mafia?") Why would Booker want back except for the money. Lets face some facts his only GREAT matches was the best of 7 series with Benoit way back when both those guys were struggling for attention on the WCW mid card. Those matches put them both on the 'main event map' and stole the show on many Monday Nights.

The Christian feud was good but the matches had fallen off. That was SIX years ago. He hasn't gotten any better. He is also going to want Sharmell with him and thats a liability too.

This just does not make sense for so many reasons....
Thats is a pretty good idea, Its obvious Black wrestler do not get a fair shake, so teaming all the bl;ack wrestler in some what of a nation of domination type of cliq would add something different to the wwe scene right now. guys like kofi and MVP are over with the fans but wont be a world champ anytime soon could play the role of guys who dont want to join the group but eventually turns there backs on the fans and joins.

That wont happen though the WWE is not going to chance any type of racially driven storylines, but Book is a big name and his King Booker Character is a Big Hit, Ecw with a Feud with Regal as a face then a jump to smackdown Via trade and an eventual heel turn
The whole time I was reading the first post all I could think is WHY?

Well, for WWE, because RAW has plenty of young stars (Miz, Swagger, Kofi, MVP, Dibiase, Rhodes) but very few veteran hands for them to play off of. They're not ready to tangle with the HBK-HHH-Orton-Cena echelon yet, but there's only so much you can do working with Big Show and Mark Henry. They need a stepping-stone to bridge the gap from tangling with each other over the US title to challenging for the World title.

JeriShow are helping to fill that gap on both shows. In the pecking order, Jericho and Show are below Cena-Orton-HHH-HBK-Batista but above the US title contenders. And so is Booker. So Booker T could help fill that gap on Raw.

I don't think that WWE is looking at him for a World title run, although as a former WHC he'd be available in an emergency for run with the belt or, more likely, as No. 1 contender. If WWE signs him, he's there help build the upper-midcard guys on Raw up to the point where they're credible challengers for the top echelon.

Why does Booker do it? Money, and he's not ready to hang it up, I assume. Why is Foley in TNA?
I think any of the brands would work. I think a good way to start is to bring him into ECW, and just hear me out..

Say Goldust has been getting attacked by a team in ECW, like Sheamus and Paul Burchill for instance. Every time he wrestles they interfere. He randomly gets attacked in the back. Eventually he gets cost the ECW title in a friendly match against Christian. Finally, he starts to get fed up and frustrated. I picture him lying in the ring a beaten, and angry man, and says something along the lines of: "I've got something for you!" Then for a couple weeks we see him making a series of comical phone calls ala Triple H trying to bring back HBK to reform DX, where the guy on the other end is skeptical or resistant. Then one PPV we finally see a handicapped match [scheduled to be a tag match, but Goldust's partner doesn't show] with Goldust against his nemeses. Half way through the match we hear: "CAN YOU DIG IT SUCKA!?" And Booker T comes storming out.

Personally, I never loved Goldust more than when he was teamed with Booker T. He was the funniest thing on RAW at the time, and they made a great team. I think that'd be a good way to get Booker T reintroduced. I think he'd probably be "punished" as Christian is supposedly being by wrestling on ECW for a while, but then he'll move up later next year.
Hell yeah, Booker and goldust. Greatest tag team ever. There comedic stints were hilarious, cant wait to see if he really comes back. And if he does i can only hope that vince can dig it.
I would not mind Booker going to Smackdown! and becoming another victim of Straight Edge. The contrast in styles could make for some great in-ring clashes while Book's checkered past would be good fodder for some more CM Punk magic on the mic.
Most of us would mark out for a Booker-Goldust reunion. It would be fun. It would be Hornswoggle for grownups. But I believe that Vince is (or should be) thinking long-term. That means, not how can Booker get a big crowd reaction or get ECW ratings up around 1.5, but how can Booker help WWE make credible main eventers in the next 12-18 months.

That means that the Bookers and Christians and Regals are working programs with the Zach Ryders and Vladimir Koslovs and the Mizanins and Swaggers and MVPs and Kofis. ECW isn't there to punish guys who went to TNA. (That's what Hornswoggle is for). It's to build stars by making them the face of a brand for a few months without risking damage to an important show.

This is why you have the rise of Punk. Morrison. Legacy. Jeff Hardy until he blew it.

WWE doesn't want to be in the position TNA is in right now where half of their stars will be gone in 6 months and they have to scramble to create guys instantly.
Man, I have never really liked Booker T and I think Abraham Washington is better on the mic. (which isnt saying much) Whatever the fuck he was trying to do in TNA (be jamaican or Arastafarian) was the worst gimmick since Duke "the Dumpster". Everytime he spoke in that accent I wanted cancel the Tyler Perry show. Anyhow, please bring him to ECW (rather than the other two brands) so that we can end this William Regal thing. Did anyone see how he fucked up the Killswitch last night on ECW? He ruins every one of Tatsu's kicks by falling sideways and spinning. WTF is that? Tommy Dreamer is a more sound wrestler all the sudden! Booker T is just the name they need to fill in for Bill Regal. BTW it wouldnt bother me if Booker went back to his King and septer gimmick, but I want to see something new. It looks like Alicia Fox has a more devestating scissor kick, so he might wanna change that, and Big Zeke is already doing the BookEnd, so something original is well overdue. I dont really see him fitting in on Smackdown or Raw. He is a top talent in ECW, but then again, Shelton should be a top guy and he continues his mediocrity as Sheamus says.
SD would be good for Booker but ECW needs him way more and a feud with Christian would be awesome i can see it now fatal four way for the ECW championship no DQ Christian vs Booker T vs William Regal vs Shamus AWESOME! Anyway you get my point ECW should be were he goes.
Hey Johnbragg..

You seem to think that Booker T is coming in to WWE to be a mid carder and a stepping stone to develop young talent (or to bridge the gap). Not sure where that would come from as he is VERY reluctant to do that with Matt Morgan in TNA. Has he changed his philosophy in the last three weeks??

Booker also left WWE as he saw certain stars allowed time off and he had to work a gruelling schedule. He didn't think he was getting a fair shake and he wanted more time at home. As a stepping stone does this help his cause??

This is not a done deal yet as I am sure Vince/Talent will have to spell things out for Booker. His best is behind him and he may choose to job, but how long does he want to do that for, and can money make that all go away? He is not going to be treated like Flair, his first tour will be a a great showpiece, then it spirals quickly downhill. I dont mark out for the 'spinarooni', kids may...

I just think that he has a big decision... does he want to put over Jack Swagger, MVP or whomever... when he has a lot of trouble doing that in the past and present.

I am sure their is market value in Booker, but the posts seem to indicate that he will bridge the gap between mid card and maineventer... I dont see Booker thinking this is how he wants to go out. This deal may not get done. I guess it depends on how much money your pride is worth...
Booker also left WWE as he saw certain stars allowed time off and he had to work a gruelling schedule. He didn't think he was getting a fair shake and he wanted more time at home. As a stepping stone does this help his cause??

This could be worked out. Less shows, less money. Booker has earned that kind of treatment. Booker works full time with, say, Miz from the Rumble through Backlash. Takes time off until right after Night of Champions (July). Works with Kofi from then until, say, Survivor Series. They chase the tag titles. Maybe they feud instead, since that's not really enough time for a tag-team to start, develop, and chase the title.

I don't know if they even have to win them. It's just an excuse for Booker-Kofi vignettes to establish (develop?) Kofi's personality.

If Booker is not okay with this, then he stays home in Houston. But maybe there's a perceived difference in flexing your big-star muscles in low-rent, free-admission, Jarrett-Russo playground TNA then in trying to do so in the WWE big leagues.
I'd actually like to see Booker T return to the WWE. If only so he can be out of TNA, where they simply don't need him or benefit from having him on the roster. I'd prefer to see Booker working in the midcard anyways, maybe he could show us some flashes of the brilliant wrestler he used to be. For some reason I'd really like to see a Booker T-Shelton Benjamin match, I don't think those two have ever faced off, atleast not to my knowledge. He'd make a good fit on ECW.

I'm not sure the WWE would even want him back though, especially not if Booker still wants them to co-promote his indy fed.

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