Booker T Possibly Returning To The Ring???


Simmer down and pucker up...

WWE has had discussions of Booker T coming back to wrestle in a short program on SmackDown against an undisclosed opponent.

Booker T has competed in one match since assuming the SmackDown color commentator position in February. On the June 6 episode of Raw, Booker wrestled his first singles match for the organization in four years, gaining a victory over Jack Swagger via count out.

So with this information come questions:

1)Who will Booker return to the ring to wrestle?

2)Why will Booker return to the ring to face that person?

3)When will Booker return to the ring?

4)Do you want to see Booker return to the ring?

1)I think he'll probably come back to put someone over so probably a young guy maybe Brodus Clay or Wade Barrett.

2)I think a good storyline could be a younger guy confronting Booker because they aren't in his "fave five" although they're one of the best wrestlers on the roster, I think it would be pretty entertaining.

3)I think pretty soon as I think in the end they could be leaders for teams in the second traditional SS elimination tag match, you could have Booker as the leader with his "fave five" going against the guy he's feuding with and some other guys who think they deserve to be in his "fave five".

4)I wouldn't mind seeing him return to the ring, at least it would get him of commentry for a bit (although he's growing on me), it may also help a younger guy go over so I wouldn't mind seeing him return to the ring.

So with this information come questions:

1)Who will Booker return to the ring to wrestle?

2)Why will Booker return to the ring to face that person?

3)When will Booker return to the ring?

4)Do you want to see Booker return to the ring?

1)I think he'll probably come back to put someone over so probably a young guy maybe Brodus Clay or Wade Barrett.

2)I think a good storyline could be a younger guy confronting Booker because they aren't in his "fave five" although they're one of the best wrestlers on the roster, I think it would be pretty entertaining.

3)I think pretty soon as I think in the end they could be leaders for teams in the second traditional SS elimination tag match, you could have Booker as the leader with his "fave five" going against the guy he's feuding with and some other guys who think they deserve to be in his "fave five".

4)I wouldn't mind seeing him return to the ring, at least it would get him of commentry for a bit (although he's growing on me), it may also help a younger guy go over so I wouldn't mind seeing him return to the ring.

1)I could see Booker facing the likes of Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan or possibly even Taker and Cena given the right circumstances. With Mark Henry's recent attack of JR, I'd say he's a good candidate. Or maybe Christian since he's kinda ragged on his persona.

2)Again, it all comes down to the right circumstances. If he is insulted or challenged in any way, it would make perfect sense. Using the Fave Five seems like a logical reason for a superstar to attack him. Whatever the case, I hope WWE uses an actual storyline to bring him back instead of randomly throwing him in a match without the proper explaination.

3)Usually, guys who are retired or semi retired like Booker use big PPV's to make their returns. This year, my vote would be Survivor Series. The Rock is returning and the PPV always has an exciting atmosphere to it. If not that, then perhaps the Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania next year. Both inspire some retired or semi retired guys to give it one last go. Either would certainly provide Booker a chance to be capitalized on.

4)I personally have always liked Booker and enjoy anytime he returns. He's a guy who can still go, despite not being a regular wrestler. And his returns don't embarass his history unlike the Flair's, Sting's and Hogan's. He can still be useful given the proper opportunity.
1. I think it has to be Cody Rhodes. There is a reason for everything that happens in the WWE & Cody's little assistant's handing Booker the brown paper bag every week is for a reason. I think that Cody is the most deserving talent on the smackdown roster for Booker to fued with and put over.

2. I honestly think Booker will snap on 1 of the bag boy's 1 night while on commentarty,then they will promo. Cody will probably have a reason forthe bag being givin to Booker every week. Plus Cody will probably mention the fav5.

3.Im pretty sure Booker is in good shape to go wheneverVince gives the green light. I say a little before or after survivor series

4. I would welcome Booker to the ring like how Jerry Laler does on raw. I think a good 6 week back & forth fued with some1 like Cody or Wade Barrett would benifit all the involved parties.

*********also if it is Cody that Booker goes against i would love for Golddust to get some screen time and bring in some comedy. Not to much, just a little.
Cody Rhodes seems like a natural person for Booker T to feud with and put over, given how his baggers have been handing Booker a bag seemingly every week. Plus, Booker has always been very vocal about how wrong Rhodes is with his corrupt cause and cheating with his mask. If it's done right and Booker is used to put Rhodes over in a huge match, I would definitely get behind this idea. But make it about Rhodes and not so much about Booker; we don't need another Jerry Lawler type push where he goes for the championship.
Since Edge retired Smackdown has lacked a strong personality to lead the show.

Randy Orton is over, but he has no personality.
Christian is a heel and he isn't over
Sheamus is good, thats why they turned him face
Mark Henry is a monster heel champion and this recent push proves my point.

THAT IS the Smackdown World Title picture.

Booker T needs to be injected into the scene for 2/3 PPVs and he needs to help get someone like Christian or Jack Swagger over.

Its easy to put him in the picture, have Mark Henry try to "punk" him like JR and then he fights back. Build up over a few weeks and boom PPV title shot where he take the strap off Henry.

Then being the champion would explain why he can't do commentary and the following should be a gimmick PPV like Elimination Chamber with Orton, Henry, Sheamus, Christian & Jack Swagger.
Orton is fine to lead the show. He doesn't need more of a personality than he has right now, because as you stated, he's over. That means that his current gimmick is clearly working. Putting Booker back in the ring certainly wouldn't captivate the audience more than keeping Orton where he is. Not to mention the fact that Orton is much younger and so pushing him is a lot more productive towards the future. Like I said, it would be useful for him to get in there and put someone over, but him being World Champion is a really bad idea.
1)Who will Booker return to the ring to wrestle?
I'd like to see him return to face someone like Christian actually. Chances of that are probably pretty low as it would be hard to make a connection but Booker could do something like get sick and tired of Christian's complaining and just stand-up to him. Would it be an instant hit? Probably not, however when you put Christian against anyone the in-ring competition is usually pretty solid and entertaining.

I look at it like this, whose Booker been on as of late? Cody Rhodes and the "Sin Cara" character. He would get handed a bag by one of Rhodes' bag men so that could be an instant spark right there, Cody could ask why Booker didn't help him when he was having the hell beaten out of him by Orton. You never know, hes also been alledging that the fake Sin Cara(Hunico) is just that, an imposter. Something could happen there.

There are a good few avenues you could take. Mark Henry beat down on Lawler, whose to say he won't turn on Booker T and start something there? Because although Lawler coming back to beat down on Henry is unrealistic, you could see Booker T doing it.

2)Why will Booker return to the ring to face that person?
I'm not a member of the WWE Creative Team. If I was I'd have it be over someone disrespecting Booker or just attacking him on the sly, sparking a small rivalry, bit like how Jerry Lawler does from time-to-time on Monday Night RAW. Booker T just needs someone good enough to hang with him.

3)When will Booker return to the ring?
I don't know. Once again I am not a member of WWE Staff and I have no earthly idea how anyone could make a prediction. From the top of my head, logical viewing tells me WWE probably think Booker T could draw them some money, so probably Survivor Series based off the card that is swimming around, with editions like The Rock and so-on, so forth.

4)Do you want to see Booker return to the ring?
I'm not all that fussed. He can still go which is a good thing, just depends how they explain him jumping back into the ring that worries me. I'll be happy to see him off commentary, maybe he can lend his "ghetto perspective" to those he faces in the ring, like he does for the viewers at home when he does commentary.
1)Who will Booker return to the ring to wrestle?
Who ever it is he'll wrestle circles around them. But it will probably be someone along the lines of Wade Barrett. He's really the only logical person on the Smackdown roster for him to go against. Barrett's a decently over heel and a feud with Booker T would help his career and give him a boost.

2)Why will Booker return to the ring to face that person?
I'm sure they could come up with some deep story as to why Booker T and Barrett could feud, but it could be something as simple as spilled Diet Pepsi..

3)When will Booker return to the ring?
He could work a program leading into Royal Rumble and possibly all the way up into WM28

4)Do you want to see Booker return to the ring?
He's better than most of the Roster in ring and on the Mic. Its also never officially been stated that he's retired from in ring action. The mans in great shape, and can still go like a champ.
Booker T could be a HUGE addition to the Smackdown roster, if only for a short time. I just wonder if he'll remain a commentator when he isn't wrestling.

I could see Booker T put Cody Rhodes over in a short feud. They already have some fuel to the feud with Cody's Baggers always giving one to Booker T. The feud just needs a spark (a "that's the last straw" moment)

I could also see Booker T standing up to Mark Henry for what he did to JR and Jerry Lawler. He could essentially be for Mark Henry what Jerry Lawler was for The Miz last year. Someone to keep him occupied until a more legit challenger comes along (like Sheamus). A "transitional" challenger if you will. WWE needs more of these transitional challengers. Stop-gap feuds. And it's not too unbelievable. Booker is a former world champion.

Booker T could be an instant main-eventer. A great injection of energy:

Booker T vs Cody Rhodes
Booker T vs. Mark Henry
Booker T vs. Christian
Booker T vs. Wade Barrett
Booker T vs. Heel Sin Cara

Why not? Give it a shot.
1. I think it has to be Cody Rhodes. There is a reason for everything that happens in the WWE & Cody's little assistant's handing Booker the brown paper bag every week is for a reason. I think that Cody is the most deserving talent on the smackdown roster for Booker to fued with and put over.

2. I honestly think Booker will snap on 1 of the bag boy's 1 night while on commentarty,then they will promo. Cody will probably have a reason forthe bag being givin to Booker every week. Plus Cody will probably mention the fav5.

3.Im pretty sure Booker is in good shape to go wheneverVince gives the green light. I say a little before or after survivor series

4. I would welcome Booker to the ring like how Jerry Laler does on raw. I think a good 6 week back & forth fued with some1 like Cody or Wade Barrett would benifit all the involved parties.

*********also if it is Cody that Booker goes against i would love for Golddust to get some screen time and bring in some comedy. Not to much, just a little.
i wouldn't mind seeing booker return to the ring and I would like to see him feud with rhodes since his bag boys are always giving him paper bags and Rhodes could say something like I'm the ic champ and im not in your face five
I think that Booker should face Ted Dibiase if he returns to the ring because Ted really needs help right now. A feud with a veteran like Booker would really help him out. WWE likely came to this same conclusion. Booker can still wrestle part time like Lawler does and put people over. Ted needs that type of a feud in a push, so why not? I think that it will begin after he has finished another couple of matches with Cody. Perhaps after Hell In a Cell. I would not mind a Booker return as long as he is putting people over because there's no reason for him to be chasing titles anymore.
I wouldn't waste Booker on Ted. They've tried so hard to get Ted over so many times and it hasn't worked. Plus, they're trying to get Ted over as a face now anyway, so why would you bring back a face to feud with him? A feud with Rhodes would make so much more sense given the history of the baggers and Booker.
I would probably only be interested in Booker returning to the ring if he stomps on someone while calling the match ala Black Snow.

But if he was to return to the ring, I see it both ways. On one hand, there really is no need for it. A majority of the guys on the SD show now don't need someone to hold their hand throughout their matches. It isn't like Booker was very good in the ring anyway.

But part of me acknowledges that Booker brings such an energy to what he is doing. He may sound like a redundant dumbass while calling matches, but you can really pick up that he wants people to get as excited as he is. Like if they use him more of a character than a guy who does matches, it could work. There are more than a handful of babyfaces on both rosters that don't have a 100th of the fire Booker has.
I wouldn't waste Booker on Ted. They've tried so hard to get Ted over so many times and it hasn't worked. Plus, they're trying to get Ted over as a face now anyway, so why would you bring back a face to feud with him? A feud with Rhodes would make so much more sense given the history of the baggers and Booker.

The problem with Ted is that he lacks the "it" factor. Either you have it or you don't, and he's a very boring and one dimensional character. A shame too since his father was so big back in the day. The same really goes for Michael McGuilicutty(btw the worst character name I've heard, thanks WWE "creative team"). If Booker returns, trying to put Ted over is a complete waste of time and money on WWE's part. Hard to believe a few short years ago ppl were saying Ted would break Taker's streak. Glad that never occured.

If Booker returns, it'll be to put someone deserving over. Guys like Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry or Cody Rhodes. I don't take Ted seriously as the future of WWE.
The main event scene is rather crowded on Smackdown with guys like Orton as the top guy and Henry, Sheamus and Christian more or less at the same level with the possibility of Daniel Bryan possibly moving up soon as we approach WrestleMania. It would be therefore ideal for Booker to be injected into the upper midcard scene.

I would like to see him feud with Cody Rhodes in the near future. Cody talked about making the IC championship prestigious again and Booker was a pretty regular midcard title holder in the WWE. He could start things off by saying that Cody is making the IC title look worse than ever more than anything else. Cody would benefit from a feud with Booker. Maybe Barrett would too but Cody is further up the card as compared to him and a win over Booker could be that final push that cements him. Barrett can always feud with his former Nexus pals or someone. I also think that the crowd would be more interested in a Cody/ Booker feud rather than a Barrett/ Booker feud.
1)Who will Booker return to the ring to wrestle?
My Vote Goes to cody Rhodes. Booker Has the ability to Put Rhodes over the top. I really think that this would be a good feud for both of them. It would be good for cody because cody has a lot of momentum going for him at the moment and as I said Booker Could put him over the top. And it would be good for Booker because if he has the itch like I said he can get into the ring with cody and have some great matches while still only working a select number of days.

2)Why will Booker return to the ring to face that person?

I Think I answered that one lol

3)When will Booker return to the ring?
With most of the bigger name superstars in the middle of feuds right now I would think it will be after the new year. Probably Royal Rumble.
4)Do you want to see Booker return to the ring?
I wouldnt mind it. The guy is still in amazing shape and anything to keep him off the announce team im all for lol
1)Who will Booker return to the ring to wrestle?
If I had to vote, it would probably be someone like Cody Rhodes or Wade Barrett. Booker T has now reached the legendary status where he's a face no matter what and booking him against one of these two will solidify their character.

2)Why will Booker return to the ring to face that person?
It could be a multitude of reasons. Like mentioned previously, they could play off of the paper bag thing with Cody Rhodes, or the Fav Five thing with Wade Barrett. You never know with the writing team though. Anything is possible.

3)When will Booker return to the ring?
If I had to take a guess, I would say either Survivor Series or TLC. Feuds don't really start at Royal Rumble, but only continued. SS seems like more of a nostalgic moment because the Rock is returning and it will only add to the card if he were apart of it. So probably the Smackdown! leading up to the Survivor Series event is when he makes his return.

4)Do you want to see Booker return to the ring?
Absolutely. Booker T is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time and seeing him do it again would be awesome. Don't get me wrong, I actually like him on the commentary. He's a breath of fresh air and his excitement is matched my no one.
I'm down with seeing Booker T in the ring for a while. I'm loving his commentary at the moment, but he could get someone over by either teaming with them or facing them. And that can only be a good thing. He showed at the Royal Rumble and against Jack Swagger on Raw that he could still go so that isn't a problem.

As for his opponent, I'd say give him to Cody Rhodes. Rhodes needs that one more big opponent to put him over the edge and make him look like a main eventer. Yes, I do believe that feuding with an announcer could make Rhodes look more like a main eventer. However, the thing that would stop this is the Intercontinental Championship. I really don't see Booker feuding for the title. Daniel Bryan is an interesting one. Booker keeps talking about his "fave five" and how Bryan is on top. You've got to think that something may come of it. People talk about Bryan turning heel, turning on Booker T after a tag match or something would be great and would really put Bryan over as an upper-midcard wrestler.
I would absolutely love for Booker T to return to the ring. The guy has always been one of my favorites and while his commentary is absolutely great, I'd be all for losing it for a short term program. Booker can clearly still go in the ring and if it is a short term thing it would hide any flaw that Booker may have.

As for who this program would be against, three people came to mind. Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, and my personal selection Wade Barrett. We've heard Booker rave about Barrett and how he thinks he has the potential to be a star, but he just needed to branch out on his own. We now Barrett is capable of being a main eventer, but he is lost in the shuffle at the moment and a program with Booker T may just help him get his mojo back. As for Rhodes, we know what he is capable of and a feud with Booker would be great. However I think Rhodes may venture into something with Orton and that would definitely be better for him. DB would obviously have to turn heel and we know Book loves the guy and the best matches would probably come from him. DB needs something besides this losing streak and something with Book would certainly do so.
I don't want Booker to return in the ring full-time. I just want him to be like Jerry Lawler, starting mini-feuds, returning to the ring once in a while, but his priority should still be the commentary. Booker has been there and done that, he doesn't need to steal the spot light once again. Come on, I know he can still do it but he is now an old veteran.

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