Booker T as a manager


Dark Match Winner
I was sitting there looking at a picture for the Teddy vs Johnny Wrestemania teams, and I saw something that just fit.

R Truth and Kofi appear to actually be a real tag team, or they could be. Their styles are similar and they could work well together. However, Kofi can't talk. R Truth can do some decent mic work. But I think they could use a manager.

Enter Booker T. Booker had a similar style in the ring as Kofi and Truth, and even has a similar hair style. They look like 3 peas in a pod, Booker is better on the mic than both of them. He could "coach" them to becoming tag champs, and tell them that the world is theirs. I think that Booker would be a great fit with these guys, and a good option for reviving managers.
I think it could work. It would probably need some kind of storyline though to make it a good pairing. Perhaps something like Kofi & R-Truth get on a losing streak, Booker T starts noticing this week after week, until he eventually decides to manage them.

I could actually see this happening in real life.
I was thinking that myself. If you remember Teddy Long managed Harlem Heat at one point. Maybe Harlem Heat version 2?
well considering neither of them are from Harlem, its a safe bet that harlem Heat version 2 will not materialise. I could see a faction though, including Booker as head spokesman/advisor featuring Henry, R Truth, Kingston, Otunga. Maybe a new Nation of Domination, give these guys an image overhaul and an attitude. Kingston as a heel would be soemthnig that might finally get him over, but I doubt it
It could work,and I think Booker would be a great manager because he's a talker,but at the same time,I find it odd for Kofi and Truth to have a manager who can still wrestle and is bigger than they are. Maybe he could be a coach/mentor,which is essentially the same thing because he'll talk to them,give them tips,accompany them to the ring,etc.

Lastly,if Booker becoming manager means that he'll be talking every week,I'll have to invest heavily in earplugs. I appreciate the fact that Booker is so lively and has a lot of emotion in his voice,but at the same time,he rambles too much and he doesn't speak,he shouts. He's like a cross between the old deaf guy and the old crazy guy you meet in senior citizen homes. It's not a good hybrid.
I appreciate the fact that Booker is so lively and has a lot of emotion in his voice,but at the same time,he rambles too much and he doesn't speak,he shouts. He's like a cross between the old deaf guy and the old crazy guy you meet in senior citizen homes. It's not a good hybrid.

And the TRUTH!... Shall set us free. :worship:
personally seeing how the diva's are under utilised i would think it better to to have Alicia fox accompany Kofi and Truth rather than Booker T.
I think that this might work. But I would like to see the true tag teams come back like demolition, the rock n roll express, the sheepherders, the heart foundation, or the road warriors. Maybe if booker can bring this two together then we can get back to some good ole tag team wrestling and not just two guys that team for the week.
That would mean having to sacrifice such pearls of wisdom as 'right in the mush', or 'that boys gonna put a hurtin on him', on commentary... Booker T is the man.

To be honest I think this would only be worth it if the tag division was going to actually mean something again and there would be high quality teams to challenge them. Primo and Epico, the Uso's and Gabriel and Kidd are all decent teams but until I see something more I can't bring myself to believe that the WWE is going to commit to making the titles valuable.

So really as it stands just now I would say that having Booker T manage a tag-team would be a bit of a waste. The vet role in an influentiao faction would be good but I can't see WWE doing anything like the Nation stable again. I personally would rather see Booker mentor R-Truth in a single career, the two would be absolute gold on the mic toether and with Bookers help Truth could maybe even finally get the championship run he deserves.
Booker T should not be a manager simply because he is gold on commentary. I think it could work, but shouldn't. hes just to old and washed up to do anything but sit behind a desk and give meaningless commentary.

out of ten i hive this thread a lousy april fools joke
i think ya all rasest just cuz there black it dnt make them 3 peas in a pod

I wasn't just talking because they were black. BTW learn how to talk.

Hair styles are the same.
Yes they are black
In Ring Styles are similar.

These guys would make a good team. I wouldn't go as far as to make a new NoD but these guys could be a good thing.
Wasn't there already a "Harlem Heat 2" back in WCW? I seem to remember that after Stevie Ray & Booker T split up, Stevie brought in a new tag team partner named "Big T". I don't think it lasted very long, but I'm pretty sure that Stevie Ray & Big T were having matches and calling themselves "Harlem Heat". I can't remember for sure, but I seem to remember that Stevie said that "Big T" was another childhood friend of theirs. I know that's a bit off-topic, but just thought I'd mention it.

I think that Booker T is doing just fine at the announce desk right now, and I doubt that the WWE is considering such a major change for him in the immediate future. Personally, I think that Kofi & Truth would do just fine without a manager. Truth is decent on the mic (at least what he says gets over with the live crowd), and both guys are skilled in the ring. I don't really think a manager for these two is necessary.

If the WWE is going to give them a manager, couldn't you see Teddy Long getting the job over Booker T? I mean, given that there's a match tonight to decide the fate of the WWE's General Manger (of both Raw & Smackdown), there's a pretty good chance that Teddy's team will lose the match. If that happens, then John Laurinaitis becomes GM of both shows. That leaves Teddy out of a job, I'd imagine. I don't think that the WWE would straight-up fire Teddy, so why not have him manage a wrestler/tag-team? I think he would be a better fit (over Booker) to manage Kofi & Truth as well. Just my two cents.
I think "Big-T" was Ahmed Johnson in WWE......Can't recall if they used a variation on Harlem Heat tho.

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