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Booker T and Big Show Feud?


Pre-Show Stalwart
With Big Show seemingly having nothing to do at Wrestlemania, and a lot of others because of part time talents, I'm thinking they could have started a Big Show/Booker feud for Wrestlemania with maybe a match between them two, or two teams like Team Teddy v Team Johnny last year.

They have been planting the seeds for awhile between the two with Big Show calling Booker out over things with Del Rio.

So what do you think? Do you see a Big Show/Booker feud, and if so what will the match be? Or do you think I'm overlooking things?
You know what, that would be a good idea.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying that I am dying to see a feud between these people but it would occupy them for long enough for other people to take over the relevant spots in the shows.

Big Show as a World Champion is just awful, I understand that he is on good graces with Vince because he jumped ship back then but why do we have to pay for that to this day ?

He is past his prime, which I believe was roughly a decade ago and now is dragging down other people with him.

Unlike Andre The Giant ,who was treated like an attraction, he rarely made appearances but when he did it was of importance, we have Big Show on all the time. He has matches almost every week, which due to his physical appearance are slow paced and boring.

Alberto Del Rio, someone who can work fast matches and do some proper wrestling should not have to be forced to work with Big Show for the title.

Big Show should absolutely have this feud with Booker T, it would only have upsides actually.

Booker T is still relatively fit and can somewhat go and it would give him something to do other than being incredibly annoying and it would also keep Big Show away from the Main Event. The match would not be incredible but again, none of his matches are or ever were.
It would be a good use of both guys going into Wrestlemania. Having the Smackdown GM get back into the ring gives it that "event" feel. Good Wrestlemania midcard match. Make it Booker's GM job vs. Big Show's ironclad contract for extra stakes.
I don't see the point of it. Any sort of friction between Booker and Show will fade away after Show leaves the WHC picture, and I honestly can't imagine too many people showing interest in a Show VS Booker T match at Wrestlemania.

If they want to give Show something meaningful at Wrestlemania, putting him against Ryback would be a good start. The sight of Big Show in Shell Shocked is capable of bringing a huge pop and insane reaction out of any live crowd.
If they want to give Show something meaningful at Wrestlemania, putting him against Ryback would be a good start. The sight of Big Show in Shell Shocked is capable of bringing a huge pop and insane reaction out of any live crowd.

I disagree on that part.

I believe Big Show should not even be used as a sacrifical lamb for Ryback who is already over enough without any further feats of strength. Paul Weight should be feuding with Zack Ryder if anything at all but not block a spot at the top.

I mean for heaven's sake the man has been around for long enough and has done everything and has had everything done to him that is possible with a giant .

Let him fizzle out with this Booker T feud and join the team from Finding Bigfoot for all I care.
Just because a wrestler and their GM argues a bunch of times doesn't mean they are feuding or gonna have a match at a PPV. We've seen heel wrestlers and babyface GM's argue numerous times before, they've never went on to have a match at a PPV. After the last couple of months that Big Show has had, it would be pretty disappointing to see him face a guy who really hasn't been relevant in years, at Wrestlemania. Show is on a roll as a main eventer and this would be kind of a step down for him, he deserves better than that, he deserves a huge opponent, someone like Ryback. Show vs. Booker wasn't interesting back in 2002 and it wouldn't be now.
I disagree on that part.

I believe Big Show should not even be used as a sacrifical lamb for Ryback who is already over enough without any further feats of strength. Paul Weight should be feuding with Zack Ryder if anything at all but not block a spot at the top.

I mean for heaven's sake the man has been around for long enough and has done everything and has had everything done to him that is possible with a giant .

Let him fizzle out with this Booker T feud and join the team from Finding Bigfoot for all I care.

Cena's given countless AAs to Show, and it never gets old, because it's an awe-inspiring sight. Just imagine the reaction, if Ryback hoists Show up on his shoulders, marches around the ring, slamming Show to the mat. We've seen Ryback deliver two-person Shell Shocks to forgettable jobbers before, but manhandling a giant in such a manner would be an incredible and unforgettable feat of strength.

As far as interest goes, Booker T VS Big Show wouldn't rise above piss break quality, and nobody would give it a second thought. But Ryback Shell Shocking Show at Wrestlemania? That's a different story.
Just because a wrestler and their GM argues a bunch of times doesn't mean they are feuding or gonna have a match at a PPV. We've seen heel wrestlers and babyface GM's argue numerous times before, they've never went on to have a match at a PPV. After the last couple of months that Big Show has had, it would be pretty disappointing to see him face a guy who really hasn't been relevant in years, at Wrestlemania. Show is on a roll as a main eventer and this would be kind of a step down for him, he deserves better than that, he deserves a huge opponent, someone like Ryback. Show vs. Booker wasn't interesting back in 2002 and it wouldn't be now.

I'm very sorry mate. I'm going to have to disagree with you. Most of the time whether a GM is a face or heel their feud always trails in to a PPV. At TLC it was Cena/Ziggler(vickie at that point was still with Ziggler) Last year, both GMs from Smackdown and RAW feuded with each other and assembled their teams. WM 25 involved Cena and Vickie (but back then she was caught in a "love triangle" with Show and Edge). Hell last summer when AJ was GM she had Daniel Bryan in a feud with Punk and Kane other stars, she was sort of affiliated with at that time.

It might be interesting considering Booker T and Show have a good back story. The build up has potential to make this match sound better on the card from their times in WCW to present day. This is not a demotion in anyway for Show. This is probably a way to give Booker his possible last match and moment. No doubt he'll put Show over. That way Show can continue on in the main event for the rest of the year.
As much as I'd and I think most people would rather see Show/Ryback, over four hours there is only so much a normal fan can take. A team concept Booker T vs Show makes more sense. I think there's money to be made with Ryback and Show so don't waste the opportunity at a stacked WM with a huge main event scene that is going to be your draw.

Save it for a lesser PPV and give Show the win, then at SS give Ryback and the fans the huge shell shock moment.

ShowTeam vs BookerTeam is the right call here for the same reason you don't have Austin/Punk on the same card as Rock/Cena.
Booker T vs. Big Show sounds like a dreadful WM undercard match, which means all those in favor of seeing it will probably get their wish! I really don't see where they could use Big Show at Mania this year in any useful capacity.

I wouldn't mind seeing him get wrecked by Ryback. It would give Ryback a Wrestlemania moment if he was able to give Show the Shellshocked... But that seems unlikely as Ryback has shown to have trouble using the move on the bigger guys. He failed a couple of times on Tensai, and even struggled hitting Jack Swagger with it. Not sure WWE would want to risk Ryback making a mistake like that on a big stage like Mania.

Something nobody has discussed would be the possibility of Big Show being a face going into Mania and facing Mark Henry.
I agree with GSB that a team match would be a good route to take. Booker could be on his team instead of just managing it. It gives them something good to do, and it will allow the possibility of guys who normally wouldn't make the Mania card to get a spot. Last Year we had the Team Johnny match so maybe this will become a trend for Mania. Overall I don't mind it.
Sorry if this idea has been mentioned, but I don't tend to read replies when there is multiple pages. I had the same thought about Booker T vs Big Show, and here's the storyline I thought of.

Booker is fed up with Big Show, but can't do anything about it because of the iron clad contract. Big Show absolutely hates Booker T as General Manager. The two meet at WrestleMania with the following stipulations. If Booker T wins, Big Show's iron clad contract is voided. But if Big Show wins, Booker is removed as General Manager of SmackDown. This match could go either way, but I see Teddy Long screwing Booker T over and allowing Big Show to win. Teddy can say since losing his position as GM last year at WrestleMania, he's been mistreated. First by Big Johnny, and lately by Booker who's at times talked down to him, told him his ideas were stupid, and always reminded him he was in charge. As Booker's adviser, Teddy is the natural successor as General Manager to SmackDown. Problem is I have no idea what they do with Booker after that. Maybe a short mini feud with Booker T trying to become GM again.
They planted the seed awhile ago with Show calling out Booker for his jealousy for not being able to wreslte. It could happen. Maybe they'll fight over shampoo.
Assuming that Show will lose against Del Rio tomorrow night, he'll no doubt continue to vent his frustration by further bullying the roster - what's made Del Rio's face turn so appealing is the way he's stood up to Show. But while Del Rio will continue in the world title scene someone else will no doubt have to step up to stop Big Show's tantrums and rampages.

Booker T, as much as I love the old fella, doesn't seem like much of a threat to the Big Show so I couldn't exactly buy into to him toppling the giant. And since Big Show is playing the lone wolf right now, I can't see him assembling a team to take to Wrestlemania either.

Big Show vs. Ryback seems like a safe bet for the Wrestlemania card, for the reasons other right honourable posters have discussed. I wouldn't have a problem with Booker T being in Ryback's corner, though.

Nonetheless, Booker T does have one of my all-time favourite entrances, and I'd love to see the towering flames on a massive stage once more...

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