Booker & Sharmell officially released

Mad Metal

Getting Noticed By Management

WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Booker T and WWE Diva Sharmell as of October 27. We wish both Booker & Sharmell the best in all their future endeavors.

It sucks that Booker's drug issues got him suspended for a long term and he had to leave this way. He was a great performer and I enjoyed his reign as World champion and was hoping to see another reign, however I doubt I will see it again.

If this is all due to majority of the fact of Booker's 60 day suspension (of course other things as well) due to his issues, then I guess this is only for the better and he already has enough money saved to stay financially stable for life.
It's a shame that Booker had to go out the way he did, but the way I see it is that he had a long, long haul in WCW/WWE and he accomplished a lot. I hope all goes well for him with his store and wrestling school. I wouldn't be too surprised to see Booker in the HOF one day, but for now farewell Booker.
Booker was a great talent and will ne missed, but I would actually like him to go to TNA. I think he still has talent and to me he isn't a reject, but I don't see it being very likely since he said he wanted to retire @ 40 anyways. And as for Sharmell meh? she was annoying but I guess that is what a heel should be. Booker was a great talent but this may be better so he doesnt spend his days jobbing to trips & hbk.
Booker didn't wanna be with WWE anyway, he was already backing out, so it only makes sense for them to release him, and I think he will be in TNA becasue it's something fresh for him to do and mayber work with Samoa Joe or summit
Bookah hasn't been very fond of the WWE seemingly the last few years anyway. Why not end this charade of being in a happy work environment?

Booker has enough knowledge in the wrestling world to know when his time was coming to an end, and he knows how to play his cards right. I see the man's aggravation when Orton's name appeared on the list, yet nothing happened to him, but Booker gets suspended for 60 days.

Booker will be getting a call from TNA before too long i would imagine.
Anybody like to place a bet that he'll be in TNA very soon??

i hope not, enough with bringing in wwe stars... tna has a ton of talent already.

i dont mind seeing booker go, i never liked him much and i hated his king bookah gimmick so much that i changed the channel whenever he was about to speak. i dont think hes good enough to be a WWE/world champ, but hes above the IC level, so theres not much for him to do really other than feud with maybe HHH.........

oh wait they already did that at WM a few years back, and tried to start it up again at SS.....he also had a huge feud with cena on SD if i recall correctly ( a best of 7 series too), no need to rehash taht feud again either.... an orton feud? maybe, but theyre both heels.
Booker doesn't need TNA and TNA doesn't need Booker. Okay, enough of the WWE "rejects", how about grabbing superstars that were released due to drug issue/s? Luckily the WWE is waiting until November to disclose the names to the public who violated the Wellness Policy, or else knowing majority or all people would acknowledge Booker's drug problems with (according to rumors) marijuana and steroids which would make TNA look bad if everyone knew they picked up someone who was let go due to drug issue/s. I hope TNA won't turn their promotion into a bigger joke by making risky moves from desperation.

Booker has enough knowledge in the wrestling world to know when his time was coming to an end, and he knows how to play his cards right. I see the man's aggravation when Orton's name appeared on the list, yet nothing happened to him, but Booker gets suspended for 60 days.

I completely disagree with you here. It was reported that numerous names that were mentioned listed was false and at least one name already served his time which could of been Randy Orton but even IF so, Booker should not have been suspended and play the entire "just because he didnt get in trouble I shouldnt too"? That shouldn't be implied here at all which I find, in a way, ironic. Let's not point fingers to get the focus off of the main subject here which is King Booker and Sharmell.
You know how WWE usually takes the superstars right off Booker and Sharmell are still listed as superstars.
Booker T is just another example of a superstar used the wrong way by WWE...

All and all though the whole King Booker act was getting old...and thank god i never have to hear Sharmell say all hail king booker ever again...Why they ever gave her mic time, ill never know....should have kept her mouth shut and just focused on looking pretty

They should have had Booker T and Crime Tyme join up and Booker T could have been the Main Character and have CT watch his back....

Oh well i guess...good riddance to bad rubbish
"Hi,Ho,Hi,Ho its off to TNA we go" and stay out and! first of all lets get things straight its not booker T its KING BOOKAH (unfourtunantly) ohh why did WWE ever get rid of King Bookers real gimmick which was infact booker t i remember watching him as a heel and a face and he was good no matter what. actually come to think of it booker went to hell when sharmell came about and he won king of the ring which in my veiw was a stupid idea he should not have won that king of ring and should never have become KING BOOKAH. what was supposed to be a great change for king booker turned out to be a horrible end to his carrer so good bye booker we'll miss you well i wont F*** You! its not your fault its the way wwe promoted you.
To be quite honest on this subject on the release of booker and sharmell. I could see booker going a few months back as im sure most of you guys did aswell when i read about it this morning i cant say that i was too surprised about this. but dont get me wrong i was A Booker fan when he first came to Wwe and it is a real shame for him to go out like this but at the end of the day he wanted out of his contract with the WWE and thats what he got but i would just like to say good luck to him in everything that he does from now on.
As crappy as this sounds i dont' see Booker T coming back as a wrestler for anybody. I see him taking care of his wrestling school and maybe being a famous promoter or something down the line but I don't see him making a comeback for anybody. He's already said it himself that he didn't want to be wrestling passed forty years old, but who knows. But it is sad to see him go down like this, even though it wasnt his best I still like the KING BOOKA lol.
Booker doesn't need TNA and TNA doesn't need Booker. Okay, enough of the WWE "rejects", how about grabbing superstars that were released due to drug issue/s? Luckily the WWE is waiting until November to disclose the names to the public who violated the Wellness Policy, or else knowing majority or all people would acknowledge Booker's drug problems with (according to rumors) marijuana and steroids which would make TNA look bad if everyone knew they picked up someone who was let go due to drug issue/s. I hope TNA won't turn their promotion into a bigger joke by making risky moves from desperation.
I completely disagree with you here. It was reported that numerous names that were mentioned listed was false and at least one name already served his time which could of been Randy Orton but even IF so, Booker should not have been suspended and play the entire "just because he didnt get in trouble I shouldnt too"? That shouldn't be implied here at all which I find, in a way, ironic. Let's not point fingers to get the focus off of the main subject here which is King Booker and Sharmell.

Ok dude, Kurt angle was fired from the wwe because of his numerous drug issues and STILL went to TNA, because he was a big name in all of wrestling, and Booker can do that too because he is also a big name in the company. Also you were talking about Randy Orton on the list, but we found out that he wasn't suspended, and you could tell because all other big names got themselves "Injured" such as Umaga, John Morrison, and William Regal. All others were just either nobodys, or were all ready on the shelf (Gregory (Shane) Helms and Adam "Edge" Copeland). And going back to the Orton thing, instead of being injured he was given a title shot at Unforgiven, which saw Cena come out and injure the "Raw GM" William Regal and you could tell Orton was gonna be in the Cena/Orton feud for a while.
Ok dude, Kurt angle was fired from the wwe because of his numerous drug issues and STILL went to TNA, because he was a big name in all of wrestling, and Booker can do that too because he is also a big name in the company. Also you were talking about Randy Orton on the list, but we found out that he wasn't suspended, and you could tell because all other big names got themselves "Injured" such as Umaga, John Morrison, and William Regal. All others were just either nobodys, or were all ready on the shelf (Gregory (Shane) Helms and Adam "Edge" Copeland). And going back to the Orton thing, instead of being injured he was given a title shot at Unforgiven, which saw Cena come out and injure the "Raw GM" William Regal and you could tell Orton was gonna be in the Cena/Orton feud for a while.

But how can you prove that the "list" was accurate? After all, it was reported there was several names that were mentioned that was false and one name already served his time and it could of been Randy Orton. So in other words, assumptions on the entire situation if Orton indeed was involved requires a little bit more than that which it was never verified which numerous reports were made that Randy Orton served his time for ordering online drugs which his last purchase was made in 2006.

However, I do agree with you that big names like Booker and Angle can go to TNA, despite the fact no one in TNA care about why they were released, on a very ironic note.
Booker T has accomplished so much in the wrestling world. He has an impressive resume at 6 World Championships(2nd African American to win WCW title) 2006 King of the Ring, 14 World Tag Team Championships. He's been I.C champion, U.S Champion, Television Champion. The King Bookah gimmick was IMO very good for him as a heel and he did a good job with it. It's a shame his last WWE Pay Per View match had him job to Triple H. He should've won at WM 19. HOF for sure.
I 4 one am happy to see him gone. I thought the gimmick was really disney/childish and hard to beleive. He is another wrestler who is hanging on for too long. I like having the mix of the up and comers who have stayed with the wwe for some time now like orton, cena, carlito, kennedy, mvp who are becoming more and more established and have more youth on there side.
Booker was/is a really good wrestler, and pretty good at the mic too.
I wasn't that happy about the King Booker gimmick he had, at his last days in WWE, but overall, I liked him.
I guess he'll probably take care of his wrestling school from now on, and probably no more wrestling for him.
As he have said, he was planning to stop at 40 anyways, and the clock is ticking here.
I really DON'T wanna see him in TNA. The last thing they need is another WWE reject, even if Booker is good.

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