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Book Your Own Adventure: GM Edition

Spidey Revivey

Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.

You Are In Control

Be loved or be hated. Make your choice and see how it pans out.


Week One: 3 Weeks Left Until The Royal Rumble

~On behalf of myself and my family, thank you for filling in as Raw's General Manager for the time being. I know this role is considered cursed to some, but that's only because your predecessors didn't have the balls to make the tough decisions. I trust you to do as I would. Don't let me down. And please, don't forget that you have the last word when it comes to telling the superstars what to do. Last thing I like is a pushover. Again, thank you for stepping up to the plate. I'm counting on you.~

Vince McMahon ended his call to you the moment you walk into your new office. It's a small office space but it has a leather couch, a mahogany desk, previous PPV posters adorning the walls, and photos of your family already set. As you step in, you notice that your chair is facing you with it's back turned. Suspicion kicks in as you feel you're not alone in the room. When they speak up, their voice is all too familiar.

Randy Orton: So you're the new General Manager...

"The Viper" swivels around to face you. He sports his newest shirt, which according to sales is the hottest merchandise to come out of the company for this month. Judging by how he addresses you and the fact that he's in your fucking chair, an educated guess tells you he's here to negotiate with you, so you ask him what he wants.

Randy Orton: Simple stuff, really. All I want is to be booked in a match against Brock Lesnar tonight. And of course his WWE World Heavyweight Championship would be on the line. I'm your bread and butter right now, and if you help me I will help you. You're a new guy and may not be very experienced with dealing with the other guys in the back. If you give me the match, I can offer sage advice and protection from those looking to bully you. What do you say?

On one hand, he is the biggest moneymaker you have right now. Offering him that match tonight could draw in huge ratings AND you'll have him in your back pocket. But on the other hand he is using you in a way Mr. McMahon would not approve. That and he's in your chair. A chair you've worked hard for and haven't even sat in yet. Which option will it be?

If you want to tell him to fuck off, Choose A

If you want to accept his conditions, Choose B

Option A
You: I don't take orders from you. Kindly get out of my chair and I'll consider your proposal in the future.

If looks could kill, "The Apex Predator" would have already buried you. Sneering, he leans over the desk and calmly addresses you.

Randy Orton: I think it would be in your best interest to reconsider. Everybody knows your position here won't last long if you don't play it safe. Nobody lasts long here. I offer you friendship and more money. Are you really going to be stupid and tell me no?

To reconsider, go back and choose Option B.

To be firmer in your resolve, choose Option C down below.

Option C

You: You heard me the first time. Get out of my office before I call Security.

Enraged, Orton knocks over your chair and stomps out of the room. He turns around and points a solemn finger right in your face.

Randy Orton: You shouldn't have done that. I could have given you the world. Money, women...but now you have a target on your back almost as big as Lesnar's! Watch yourself. You'll never know when this snake will strike...

He leaves you to ponder his last words. Finally you take your seat after picking it up from the ground. You don't get a moment's peace when there's a knock at your door. You tell them to enter and in comes America's sweetheart and lover of children and small animals, John Cena. His face is all shiny and shit as he smiles at you and you ask him what he wants.

John Cena: "The Champ Is Here", or at least, he could very well be when the Royal Rumble comes. I heard in the locker room you already said no to Randall, which was the wisest business decision I've seen in this place since Edge took a steel chair to a laptop. I respect that. But you know he's gunning for you now, son. It just so happens I have your back. There's two guys I'd love to see hash it out with "The Beast Incarnate" tonight, and either way I'll keep Orton at bay if you make it happen, captain.

First guy is me. I've been something of a gold standard in the company since before you took the reigns. Speaking of, the other guy I had in mind is Roman Reigns. Long as he leaves the mic alone, the ratings will go up, people will be happy, and you've got a friend in me. If you go with me, I really want it to be an "I Quit" Match, non-title of course. But Roman does deserve a title shot tonight.

Not two suggestions for Lesnar's opponent tonight, but three. You've already told Orton to take a hike, so which one do you prefer? John Cena can burn the house down with his bitter rival Brock, but an "I Quit" Match can put either one of your top stars on the shelf, and it's only a few weeks away until the Pay Per View! Then again, Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar may not lift the ratings by an incredible margin. A safer route to go still, and it would be for the championship. With only a few hours to go before the show is live, someone needs to be in your Main Event. What do you tell John?

If you want John Cena to face Brock Lesnar in an "I Quit" Match, take Option D

If you want Roman Reigns to face Brock Lesnar for the title, take Option E

Option D
You: I want him to face you, Mr. Cena. It'll get people interested for sure. That and I'm not sure a title match would be the best idea when we're only weeks away from our Pay Per View. Leave that to the WWE Network buyers, eh?

He chuckles, and nods.

John Cena: Alright, boss. I appreciate you having faith in me to make this a night the fans will remember. Reigns is a young guy, too. He'll get his chance I'm sure in the future.

Cena gives you that weird Marine salute he likes doing and leaves. Finally you are left alone to your devices. You realize there's a red flashing light coming from the old office phone lying on your desk. Before Randy Orton left, he must have touched it in his fit of anger - throwing the chair down like he did. Curiosity gets the best of you and you click the button next to it and the flickering stops. An audio plays from the time Randy Orton threatened you to the moment John Cena left your office.

A devil on your shoulder tells you there is a way you can keep both John Cena and Brock Lesnar in perfect fighting condition for the Royal Rumble. Several times, "The Champ" said the phrase "I Quit". If you ran this machine over to Technical Support, your position as GM could no longer be in jeopardy from Orton's menacing glare. He of all people would appreciate a double cross if it's Cena who gets trolled. But then again John Cena will want retaliation. Decisions, decisions.

If screwing over Cena is the strategy to take, choose Option F

If deleting the audio file is a wiser move, choose Option G

Option F
You go ahead and take the machine over to Technical Support. You'll be damned if one of your bread winners gets fucked up before your first night on the job ends.

The Main Event is about to start, and everything is in place. You decide to sit in the skybox to watch your master plan come together nicely. Minutes tick by as John Cena keeps Brock Lesnar down on the ground. Your Technical staff keeps their eyes on you, waiting for you to give the signal to play Cena's recorded voice. When it appears Lesnar gains momentum, Randy Orton breaks down the door.

Randy Orton: I SAID I'D BE BACK!!!

Without Cena as a shield, he jerks you up from your chair and pins you to the wall.


Quick! Either explain to him what is going on or give your staff the signal.

To tell him how you're screwing John Cena over, pick Option H

To get your staff to play the recording, pick Option I

Option H
You: Y-you don't understand! I'm screwing over-

"The Viper" lashes out with a right hand straight into your gut, rendering you speechless. Your knees buckles underneath you and you clutch your stomach in writhing agony. Suddenly Randy Orton leaves and you feel a slight since of relieve and you try standing back up. This is all in vain as Orton Punts your head straight the hell in. Now you are unconscious. EMTs are on their way to carry you out of the skybox and out of the WWE.

You Are Incapacitated.

Least you can say he didn't kill you, right? Could always be much worse. You tried the daring approach to managing superstars, but in the end Orton caught up with you and took you out. Coulda been worse. Coulda been an RKO. At least Mr. McMahon won't have your balls for being a pushover. You came to play the game. This wasn't the right decision, though.

Thanks for playing!

Option I
You wave frantically, and they saw you.

John Cena: I QUIT!!!

As if by magic, Randy Orton let you go and turned his attention down below at where Cena was. Lesnar had him in a headlock of sorts and shoved him away as the bell rang. John Cena looked around, confused as all hell.

Randy Orton: He quit? He never quits...wait...

"The Legend Killer" looks back at you as you pick yourself off of the ground. A mischievous smile spread over his face. Almost serpent-like.

Randy Orton: You recorded him saying that? I think I might have misjudged you. You wanted to make an impact and screw over the face of the company. I like that. Here I was thinking you had a death wish. Instead you are a power player. Well done. Of course, now he'll want to kill you, but better him than me, right?

At that moment, John Cena looked up at the skybox at you. His face gave it all away - he was furious and he will be coming after you.

You Are A Heel GM

It's not the most original thing to be, granted, and you now have possibly the most influential wrestler of the modern era wanting your impending demise, but you're alive and have Orton on your side. That, and you kept your top athletes in perfect shape for the Royal Rumble. You'll also be commended by Mr. McMahon for not being a pussy. So, not a bad way to end your first day on the job....right?

You have chosen 1/2 of the right paths to take. The next installment will either place you in your current position here, or in the other. Thank you for playing!
Option G
You don't want to make any more enemies here than you already have. Casually, you delete the recording and focus on more pressing matters - counting your cold hard cash for working with Vincent Kennedy McMahon! After successfully flipping through your stack of Benjamins, your phone rings. It's the Head Honcho himself. You answer politely.

Vince McMahon: Happen to be watching the show?

Flustered, you respond no.

Vince McMahon: I see. So you didn't catch our WWE World Champion breaking his arm or anything, did you?

You stutter in your excuses about trying to garner ratings.

Vince McMahon: Uh-huh. And when you decided to put on this match, were you thinking about how the ratings would look for Royal Rumble WITHOUT THE GODDAMN CHAMPION NUMBNUTS???!?

You apologize profusely, but he ain't having it.

Vince McMahon: Enough of this horseshit! You're Fired! Get out of that office and find somewhere else to screw up!! Jesus.

You Are Unemployed.

Daring, very daring. You may go down as the shortest reigning GM Raw ever had though. I mean, Mike Adamle lasted longer than you. Wow. And you messed up the Royal Rumble for everybody. But at least Randy Orton didn't kill you. And you succeeded in bringing up the ratings for one whole night. The future doesn't look too bright though. You walk away with your dignity at least. There's that.

Thanks for playing!

Option E
You: Can't risk you or Brock getting injured this close to the Rumble. Surely you can understand. I want Roman Reigns to face him.

John Cena: I understand, bro. Hey no hard feelings. In your shoes I'd probably do the same.

Cena gives you a little salute from that one movie he bombed in and left. So now you know the Main Event will be Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar for the title. You thought before that it wouldn't bolster ticket sales, but now that you think about it a match between those two isn't really that bad an idea. And John Cena will keep Orton off your ass. You pat yourself on the back for keeping your top talent in a safe environment. Hell, you feel like celebrating. You call up a pizza delivery order and ask for a dozen specialty ones and have them delivered to your skybox.

When the Main Event arrives, so does the pizza. The delivery boy sheepishly hands over the 12 or so boxes of deliciousness and you make the money transaction. You give him a tip since you're in a generous mood. He gives you one back. A straight up RKO paid and delivered. It's Randy Orton doing his best Chuck Testa impression on your spazzing corpse.

You Are Dying.

B-but Cena had your back? He had all of our backs. But sometimes life isn't fair. Just when you think you have it all figured out WHAM. RKO. Out of nowhere. You kept the ratings in a pretty average spot. Weren't a pushover and you kept your talent in great shape for the Rumble. But that wily Randy Orton. Boy, he puts a damper on things.

Thanks for playing!
Option B

You: I suppose we can work something out, Mr. Orton. It would be "Best for Business" if we aided one another. You have your match.

Relieved, Orton gets up from your chair and offers his hand to you. You shake it.

Randy Orton: Please, call me Randy. And I will call you boss. You're making the right decision. I'll go prepare for my match. You should go prepare for the bitches that will be coming your way.

"The Viper" smirks at you and strikes a pose very similar to this one right here:


Glad that you have a powerful friend in your corner, you kick back in your chair (or should we say throne?) as you take it all in like a boss. You start dozing off a little and dream about all of the green coming your way. We're talking trains full of cash. Do people still use trains? If not then they will. If only to carry around your fat stacks.

You're jerked awake by the sound of your office door slamming shut. By it is Seth Rollins, "Mr. Money In The Bank". He looks apprehensive at you but shrugs. Showing very little respect, he plops himself on your leather couch with his boots still on.

Seth Rollins: Hiya, new guy.

You of course ask him what he wants. He sits up and eyes you closely, trying to figure you out.

Seth Rollins: Depends. How big of an impact are you willing to make? Randall Keith is running his mouth in the back that he has you in the palm of his hands and he's walking out as the company's champion tonight. That doesn't really sit well with the rest of the guys.

You explain to him that Orton is the highest commodity this month. It would draw ratings. Again he shrugs at you.

Seth Rollins: Being the top seller for one month isn't that big a deal here. And I know what would break the glass ceiling on the damn ratings. I'm the Money In The Bank holder, and I plan to cash-in tonight. Why tell you this? Because I'm a team player. Look at what I did with The Shield.

An awkward silence falls on you and him for a moment, knowing very well how much a team player he really was in the end.

Seth Rollins: I'm willing to turn over a new leaf, okay? Give me a chance. When I hand over my briefcase, I want my victory to be insured. You and I both know Brock Lesnar losing the title won't mean much compared to Orton losing it. Lesnar is a hired gun - he goes with the money. But Orton, ah! Now that would be just perfect. The whole damn roster is about to lynch him and you for his boasting. But if you came to my aid and took the spotlight away from him....the fans would eat it up, and everyone in the locker room would be your friend. We both get a second chance. What do you think?

Brock Lesnar's contract is about to be up. You stay in McMahon's good graces if you keep Lesnar protected for the future. The rest of WWE would thank you for wiping the smile from Orton's face and the fans would eat it all up! But at a cost. Randy Orton already made it known he isn't one to trifle with. He'd come after you the moment you stabbed him in the back. And Rollins has a history of backstabbing. Can you trust "The Architect"?

If you want to play hardball and screw Orton, select Option C

If you're in this with Orton, tell Seth to suck your Option D

If you want to be Switzerland, go the Neutral route with Option E

Option C
You: He's been running his mouth, you say? Well then. I suppose we should give him something else to talk about.

In the back of your mind, the theme song to Game of Thrones plays. You shake Seth Rollins's hand and walk out of the GM office with him. Superstars heel or face watch you in curiosity. The Main Event is starting up in a few minutes. You tell Seth Rollins to wait on your signal and then he'll cash-in. A GM theme is in order for you. Something from the 80s. Which one best fits your personality?

"Sunglasses At Night" by Corey Hart?

"The Boys of Summer" by Don Henley?

"That's All" by Genesis?

"Sunglasses At Night"

You walk out nodding your head to the beat. It was only appropriate that you wore shades for this occasion. You get in the zone and dance down the runway as if you were Shawn Michaels. But you're not. You're creeping everybody out. They're booing you louder than they did Randy Orton. Hell, even he's booing you. Bunch of haters.

You at least made Cole and JBL go quiet when you sat beside them. But is that really a good thing? Randy Orton defeats Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Championship! Out comes Seth Rollins to a resounding cheer and pins him to take the gold away. You get up from the table and step into the ring. Seth awkwardly gets out before you talk to him. Your music is used to clear the arena for closing time.

You Are Scaring The Children.

It's a good song! Why the hell is everyone such dicks? Who knew music could make or break a guy in this business....

Thanks for playing!

"The Boys of Summer"

You come to the ring with resounding cheers. Who knew kids these days liked Don Henley? You're greeted by JBL and Cole and sit in the guest's spot. Jesus, even with the match between 2 of the company's biggest talents the fans are chanting the chorus to your damn song:

I can see you-
Your brown skin shinin' in the sun
You got that hair slicked back and those Wayfarers on, baby
I can tell you my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone

This gives Randy Orton the confidence to pin Brock Lesnar!!! You leap up from the announce table to distract Randy Orton as you and the fans see Seth Rollins coming through the crowd. With his back turned, Rollins nails him in the head with the case! The fans cheer so loudly the overhead tron shatters down and glass rains down on you, Rollins, Orton, and the referee! Everything goes all epic as "The Architect" pins "The Apex Predator" for the 3!!!

You Are A Face GM

Kinda hard to tell who got the better fan reaction- you or Seth? Either way, you brought the house down (literally) on your first day on the job. Seth Rollins is your champion, the roster won't kill you for your alliance with Orton, and the ratings are at an all time high. Way to go.

You chose 1/2 of the Right Path to take. There is one other way to win the Book Your Own Adventure Game if you have not found it. If you have, then congrats and I hope you have enjoyed this game. The next one will take some time, so please share with your friends and thank you for playing!

"That's All"

As you come down the runway, you notice nobody is rocking out to your jam. It's almost disheartening that kids these days aren't grooving to Genesis. Genesis was the shit. Instead, they all look bored as hell and there are several that are leaving.

Dismayed, you quietly take a spot by the announcers at ringside. When they should be calling the match, they drone on about how bad/good Phil Collins is. Brock Lesnar retains the gold and Seth Rollins doesn't come out in fear of being associated with you. They mention much better songs by Genesis than the one you picked. Oh and they didn't even acknowledge Lesnar won. What else would you expect from Cole and JBL?

You Are Not Popular.

Who knew a General Manager needed to get over? It's complete bullshit, but it happens. Ratings didn't set the world on fire like you hoped and no one wants to talk about this episode of Raw, but you got to rock out to your song and that's what matters.

Thanks for playing!

Option D
You: I don't know what you're trying to pull here with me, but I don't trust you. I won't be stupid and turn on my meal ticket here. See yourself out.

Seth Rollins spits on your floor and heads out of the office. Shaking your head, you get some disinfectant from the closet and spray that shit. While you are on your knees rubbing it out, you start to hear a mob. Yes, a mob. And they're coming your way. Breaking down the door, a crying Big Show, crazy Usos, and well just about everybody floods the office, and they're all bitching and moaning. Who knew a bunch of actors would be prima donnas?

You Are Overthrown.

They staged a coup. The same damn people who get screwed by other GMs think you giving Randy Orton a title shot is a bad thing. Hypocrites. You can't work with these people. Maybe you'd be happier over on NXT or Smackdown. It takes a damn miracle to run Raw.

Thanks for playing!

Option E
You: You do whatever you want with that briefcase. Just leave me out of it. If you want to cash-in on Lesnar or Orton, it makes no difference to me.

Seth Rollins: Alrighty. We both could have benefited from this conversation, but if you wanna play it safe, that's your business. Hope I see ya here next week.

And with that he steps out of your office. You prepare yourself for the Main Event by reserving your spot in the skybox. You hang up the phone and there's another knock on your door. As you ponder what it would be like to have a beaded doorway hippies seem to have, in walks the man of the hour, Brock Lesnar. With him is the insufferable Paul Heyman.

Paul Heyman: My name is Paul Heyman, and I'm the manager of this monster of a man here with me-

He gestures at the silent Brock.

Paul Heyman: -who, unfortunately, is not keen on your management skills thus far. Neither am I. We don't want my client fighting tonight. He isn't like the other superstars in the back. It is best for everyone here if you cancel the Main Event match tonight against Randy Orton. We have already spoken to "The Apex Predator" and even though he doesn't like it all that much, we've come to an agreement. At the Royal Rumble Randy Orton will face Brock Lesnar in any match Orton wishes. That sounds like it will put asses in seats.

You think it over, and ask him who would be in the Main Event if not Lesnar.

Paul Heyman: Good question. I think Randy Orton should face Seth Rollins. And it should be for the Money In The Bank briefcase!! Eh? Eh? Sounds like a great idea, don't you think?

If you change your mind, Randy Orton should still be your bestie, right? After all, he will be in the Rumble Main Event with any stipulation he wishes. That, and he can take the briefcase tonight. "The Viper" gets more than what he could ever bargain for. Lesnar & Heyman will be on good terms with you, and the ratings should be pretty damn good. Seems almost too good to be true. Is it?

If you think it's a very bad idea, go with Option F

If you think it's the best way to make everyone happy, go with Option G

Option F
You: Yeah...I don't like the sound of this at all. People want to see the WWE World Champion. You have an obligation as a performer. I'm sure you can handle "The Viper".

"The Next Best Thing" steps away from his manager and into your face.

Paul Heyman: I think you might have had a moment where your brain turned itself off. We will give you a moment to reboot before we remind you who exactly you're saying no to, and how expandable you truly are.

If you want to go ahead and change your mind, Option G is still down there for you.

Ready to grow a set? Option H is the way to proceed.

Option H
You: Fuck off. We're done here.

Brock Lesnar grabs you and throws you against a wall. You go straight through it!

Paul Heyman: Oh you should definitely watch your mouth. We're PG and all and need to set an example...

Your leg breaks cleanly in half and Lesnar beats you with it.

Paul Heyman: OOoo telling my client no seems to have been a grave mistake. I did warn you that you were expendable, right? You won't be missed.

Blood gushes all over you and then Lesnar because you lifts you up and places you over his shoulders.

You: Oh...oh no...

Too late. He F-5s you through that mahogany desk. Mahogany. That shit is mad solid. Are you even breathing anymore at this point?

You Are Barely Alive.

Yeowch. You took a stand for your dignity, but it's Brock Effing Lesnar. He probably has a collection of corpses in his bedroom. Not his attic. Not his basement. Bedroom. Oh man. Brutal.

Thanks for playing!

Option G
You: Now that you mention it, it's a great idea. We all get what we want that way.

Paul Heyman: So glad we've reached a compromise. You're a smart person. You seem to have it all together for someone who hasn't even been here 24 hours.

Lesnar and Paul exit your office and you dust off the leather couch that Rollins had dirtied with those damn dominatrix boots. You think to yourself at least he will get his when Randy takes that piece of luggage off of his hands. Just then your phone goes off. You answer it diligently and it's Vince McMahon! You happily ask him how he's doing.

Vince McMahon: Doing great, thanks for asking. How is everything going over there? What is the Main Event looking like here shortly?

You tell him it will be Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins for the MITB briefcase.

Vince McMahon: Hey that doesn't sound too bad. How did you arrive to such a match?

You mention Randy Orton and Paul Heyman's plan to take the case off of Rollins and then face off at the Rumble in anything Orton wanted.

Vince McMahon: Mmhm. So they came to your office demanding you change things up for them, did they? And you just let them walk all over you.

You try and explain how it's your first day, and thought they had a good point.

Vince McMahon: Shut up. I didn't hire you to entertain them. I hired you to entertain the fans. You sound like a goddamn pushover and I don't deal with pushovers. You hear me? Damn disappointment. I need someone who has some balls. This field of work isn't cut out for you, son. Take your leave. Gotta call my daughter now...

You Are Not Ready.

You tried being a people pleaser. It was a good approach, but it doesn't pay off in the WWE. You didn't have any wrestler coming for your ass though, so that's a plus. Walking out with your life is pretty good in zombie games and all. But this one? Meh.

Thanks for playing!
Sorry for the delay. Part Two should be up by this Monday. While I'm here, I'd like to ask the readers if they're also interested in a Book Your Own Adventure: Wrestler Edition as well.
You got the characters down perfectly. Maybe a Golden or Attitude Era version somewhere down the line?
Man, keep 'm coming. Once they are interesting like the first one was, I couldn't care less if I had to book Bruno Sammartino or Fandango... :lol:

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