Book This Match writing Tournament-January 08

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The One and Only
Welcome to the first Book This match writing tournament! I am on a mission to crown the best match writer in Wrestlezone. Here are the rules.

1. I hardyz_23 will be the judge
2. If you want to be in, just post saying you want in
3. The first match will be a normal match and the rest will be gimmick matches
4. If you don not post a match by the deadline, you will lose
5. Have Fun!

The deadline for entrys is the 28th.There can only be 8 people. So come on get in your submitions! Winner will get rep!!

4.That Emo Kid
Enter, Sandman, i am sorry to say, that match doesn't count. The tournament hasn't started yet. The match was pretty good, so save the match and then post it when you have a opponent!

As for That Emo Kid and nomonksinmyband, you have been added.
Sorry i haven't been on! Here is the first round brackets. So here is the first round brackets!

richardishere gets a bye since he was first to sign up.

THe WHoLe FuCKiN SHoW vs Enter, Sandman

MC Damn vs nomonksinmyband

Deadline for matches is February 2nd.
Emo Kid(me) is know MC Damn Just to let you know, can take ya.
Yes. Pick any superstars. Must be a Single Match!

I have decided to make the deadline February 3rd since nobody has posted their matches and tomorrow was the deadline.
Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton WWE Championship Match

Jeff and Orton lock up in the middle of the ring. Orton pushes Jeff into a corner. Orton gets up on the second rope and delivers 10 consecutive punches to the head before the ref tells him to get off of him. Orton runs back to Jeff but Jeff slips out and Orton jumps into a hard turnbuckle. Orton gets out and runs at Jeff and Jeff flips him over the top rope. Jeff runs and jumps over the rope and lands on Orton. Orton and Jeff return punches until the ref counts to 7. Orton irish whips Jeff into the barrier, and retreats into the ring. Jeff gets back into the ring right as the ref is saying 9. Jeff gets onto a turnbuckle. Jeff precedes to cross body Orton. Orton's down and Jeff gets out of the ring and grabs a ladder. Jeff slides the ladder into the ring, and sets it up next to a turnbuckle. By the time Jeff has done this Orton is already up.

Orton clothe lines Jeff. He waits for Jeff to get up setting up an RKO. When Jeff gets up Orton runs but Jeff ducks and Orton falls to the ground. Jeff hits a Twist-Of-Fate. Jeff go's for a pin
Jeff gets up and climbs the turnbuckle and hits a ariel type rolling thunder over the ladder. Jeff gets up to go for the pinfall and sees Edge running down the isle. Jeff and Edge have a stare down, and Jeff sees Matt running down the isle. Matt walks up behind Edge and hits him in the back with a chair. When Jeff turns around he is met with a RKO. Orton hooks the leg. The ref is outside of the ring separating Edge and Matt. Orton is yelling at the ref and the ref gets back in the ring. When Orton turns around he's met with a RKO. Jeff climbs the ladder and hits a swanton bomb. Jeff hooks the leg.
Winner and new Champion: Jeff Hardy
Thank you Enter, Sandman. So far, you are going to the next round. I will grade you when and if your opponent puts his match up. I will grade you like this.

Realism- 1-10
Overall- 1-10

May not seem like much, but that is how i want it! The highest you can get is 20.
Im not againist Sandman I just want to post my match:

Start:Both men keep there eyes on each other as the bell rings.Both lock up in the ring with HBK getting the advantage with a headlock.Flair Pushes him to the ropes but Micheals comes back with a HUGE clothsline!HBK starts to wear down Flairs knees........

Middle:HBK hits an Elbow Drop!1..2..!Kickout!HBK goes to pick Flair up but Flair rakes his eyes!Flair get HBK in the corner And stars hitting him with some knife edge chops!Flair lets out a massive "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!".The crowd join in too!Flair does a chopblock on HBK and he goes for the figure four!Its locked in!Can HBK escape?Wait.....HE ROLLS IT OVER!HBK now has Slic Ric in a inverted Firgure Four!Wow!Will Flair tap?Wait......He reveres it!Now HBK Reveres it......Flair gets to the ropes.Both men fall back into there corners but still keep there eyes on each other.......

END:Flair misses a Knee Drop so that means HBK has a chance with some SWEET CHIN MUSIC!HBK drops on Flair!1..2..3!Its all over!HBK is celbrating!But wait.......FLAIRS FOOT IS ON THE ROPE!HBK goes to the corner...Hes setting up for another Sweet chin music..........Tuning up the band....HE MISSES!HBK MISSES!Flair rolls him up!1..2..3!I CANNOT BELIVE IT!


Both men shake hands as the crowd claps bow down to these wrestling gods.......
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