Book This Match #1


King Of The Ring
So, like every other wrestling fan out there, I have my fair share of dream matches that, sadly, I will never get to see. That got me thinking about how the matches between some of my favorites would have gone had both men (or women) been in their primes (ego and all).
I want to hear your opinions on how you think WWE would book these matches and also how you would book them.

First Match: Bret Hart vs Daniel Bryan

WWE: I feel like WWE would have turned Bret Hart into his pro-Canada heel persona, garnering heat around the US and Bryan would have been booked basically exactly as he is now (except he would have a more Americana persona). They probably would have had them feud with this story for a while and have the match come to a head either at Summerslam or the Royal Rumble with Hart getting the better of Daniel Bryan constantly before their match. This of course would lead to Daniel Bryan coming out on top after a great back and forth match, making Hart to submit to the Yes Lock.

Personal: I would keep both Hart and Bryan as babyfaces, and have Daniel Bryan challenge Bret Hart for the moniker "The Excellence of Execution"... saying that he wants to be the new "Excellence of Execution" and the only way he can do that is to beat Bret Hart on the biggest stage of them all. Bret Hart would say, "You're never going to be as good as me and at Mania I'm going to prove it." This would lead to both men "having each others backs", tag-teaming and protecting each other, while toying with a Hart screwjob the whole time. The RAW before Mania, Hart and Bryan would team, and at the end of the match surprise everyone with Bryan hitting a running knee on Hart and costing him the match (not a heel turn). At Mania, Hart would tap Bryan out with the Sharpshooter (hopefully after a 5 star match), keeping his moniker of "The Excellence of Execution", and than both would shake hands at the end.

So that's me... how would you guys book Bryan vs Hart.

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